航空 发表于 2010-9-2 09:28:06

The Next Generation Air Transportation System Overview

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航空 发表于 2010-9-2 09:28:27

The Next Generation Air<BR>Transportation System<BR>Overview<BR>Jay Merkle<BR>Chief Architect<BR>JPDO<BR>2<BR>Background<BR>&#1048627;President’s Commission on<BR>Future of Aerospace Industry<BR>&#1048627;National Academy of Science<BR>&#1048627;2003 FAA Reauthorization “Vision 100”<BR>&#1048627;Senior Interagency Policy Committee<BR>&#1048627;Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO)<BR>&#1048627;National Civil Aviation Review Commission<BR>3<BR>National Air Space Demand Quickly<BR>Overwhelms Near-Term Capacity<BR>4<BR>Real Progress<BR>&#1048627;Five Agencies working together with Private Sector<BR>&#1048627; NGATS concept defined<BR>&#1048627; Roadmap being finalized<BR>&#1048627; System change begins in FY07<BR>Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast<BR>5<BR>NGATS Annual Cycle<BR>JPDO Develops Plan<BR>With Agencies and Industry<BR>Agency<BR>Plans Investments<BR>Research Guidance<BR>Implementation Guidance<BR>Agency<BR>Executes Investments<BR>Government Budget<BR>Process<BR>JPDO Manages<BR>Outcomes against Plan<BR>Portfolio Management<BR>Adjust Plan<BR>6<BR>Airport Landing,<BR>Weather, Lighting<BR>Radar<BR>Radar<BR>Air/Ground<BR>Communications<BR>NAVAIDs<BR>Airport<BR>Traffic<BR>Control<BR>Tower<BR>(ATCT)<BR>Systems<BR>Today’s Air Transportation<BR>System<BR>7<BR>8<BR>Key Capabilities - Network Enabled Access<BR> Network Enabled Operations (NEO)<BR> Network Enabled Infrastructure (NEI)<BR> Network Enabled Weather (NEW)<BR>9<BR>Key Capabilities – Performance-Based Operations and<BR>Services<BR> Weather Impacted Ops.  Dynamic Resource &amp; Aerospace Management<BR> Modernized Surface Ops.  Trajectory-based Separation Management<BR> Collaborative ATM  Trajectory-based Ops.<BR>10<BR>Key Capabilities - Weather Assimilated into Decision-<BR>Making<BR> Net-centric weather information is made available and understandable to all approved users.<BR> A reliable virtual, common weather picture is foundational for optimal air transportation<BR>decision-making.<BR> Presentation of weather data is tailored to user operational needs.<BR> Widespread use of integrated probabilistic weather-related decision support systems<BR> Automatic updates to users based on operational need<BR> An adaptive observing system integrating ground, airborne, and<BR>spaced based sensors<BR>11<BR>Key Capabilities – Layered Adaptive Security<BR> Adaptive Security for People, Cargo, Airports and Aircraft<BR> Risk Assessment-Driven Evaluation and Response<BR> Positive Identification for People and Cargo<BR> Preventive Threat Detection and Mitigation<BR>12<BR>Key Capabilities – Position, Navigation and Timing Services<BR>(PNT)<BR> Air routes are independent of the location of ground-based navigation aids.<BR> RNAV is used everywhere; RNP is used where required to achieve system objectives, which<BR>reduces controller workload and increases efficient use of NAS resources (airspace and<BR>runways).<BR> System performance meets operational needs to service the demand.<BR> Increased availability of guided approaches at smaller airports (mostly) for<BR>general aviation with lower minimums<BR>13<BR>Key Capabilities - Aircraft Trajectory-Based Operations<BR>Services and Operations based on precise trajectory execution<BR> Self-Separation Services<BR> Flow Corridors<BR> Super Density Arrival/Departure Airspace<BR>14<BR>Key Capabilities - Super Density Operations<BR> Use of RNP operations and procedures that eliminate requirements for visual operations<BR> Mitigation of wake vortex constraints through detection and real-time adaptation of separations<BR> Improved runway incursion prevention algorithms to increase efficiency and safety<BR> Automatic distribution of runway braking action reports<BR> Distribution of taxi instructions before landing that can be automatically executed without waiting<BR>for a separate clearance<BR> Use of aircraft sensors to more quickly identify the need for de-icing<BR>operations, increasing efficiency of surface movements.<BR>15<BR>ATM – Goals and Objectives<BR> Meet both a diverse operational objectives and aircraft<BR>capabilities and characteristics<BR> Meet users needs for access, efficiency, and predictability.<BR> Provide safe, secure, of sufficient capacity,<BR>environmental acceptable and affordable for all users<BR>ATM is the dynamic, integrated<BR>management of air traffic and<BR>airspace—safely, economically,<BR>and efficiently—through the costeffective<BR>provision of facilities and<BR>seamless services in collaboration<BR>with all parties.<BR>16<BR>Airports – Goals and Objectives<BR>Airports are the nexus for many NextGen<BR>transformational elements:<BR> Operational services support integrated management of<BR>aircraft and ground support equipment on the ramp<BR>during all weather operations<BR> Technology enables improved access and efficient<BR>utilization of common use airport infrastructure<BR> Mission support services enable preservation of critical<BR>airports, efficient development of airport and regional<BR>systems, and NextGen enabled design standards<BR>17<BR>Net-Centric Infrastructure Services – Goals and Objectives<BR>The concept of net-centricity ensures a<BR>robust, globally interconnected<BR>network in which information is shared<BR>in a timely and consistent way among<BR>users, applications, and platforms<BR>during all phases of aviation<BR>transportation efforts.<BR> Supports air navigation service, airport, and flight<BR>operations<BR> Enables shared situational awareness<BR> Supports compliance and regulation oversight<BR> Supports security, safety, environmental, and<BR>performance management services<BR>18<BR>Shared Situational Awareness – Goals and Objectives<BR>Airborne Information Web<BR>AAeerroossppaaccee VVeehhiicclleess<BR>International<BR>Aviation<BR>IInntteell CCoommmmuunniittyy<BR>Homeland Security<BR>Homeland Defense<BR>Need to get a higher<BR>resolution image from SSA<BR>Access can be accomplished in an<BR>automated and virtual fashion where<BR>a standing request for information by<BR>subscribers is produced, using<BR>established protocols and standards.<BR> Shared Situation Awareness<BR>- Real-time free-flow of info from private,<BR>commercial, &amp; government sources, integrated<BR>internationally<BR>- Push/pull processes, secured according to<BR>needs and priorities<BR>- Common awareness of day-to-day ops, events,<BR>crises<BR> Aircraft are integral “nodes” in network<BR> Integrated surveillance system across<BR>agencies and borders<BR>19<BR>Layered Adaptive Security Services – Goals and Objectives<BR>To maintain effective security management<BR>across major stakeholders, a collaborative<BR>framework is composed of the following<BR>key functions and processes:<BR> National Aviation Security<BR>Policy<BR> Aviation Security Stakeholder<BR>Involvement<BR> Aviation Integrate Risk<BR>Management (IRM)<BR> Aviation Security Implementation<BR> Aviation Security Assurance<BR>20<BR>Safety – Goals and Objectives<BR>The key to success is the<BR>implementation of safety management<BR>systems integrated at the national level.<BR>The integrated safety management<BR>approach being developed includes:<BR> a national aviation safety strategy,<BR> a safety improvement culture,<BR> a prognostic safety risk management (SRM)<BR>capability,<BR> a robust and protected safety information sharing<BR>and analysis procedure, and<BR> an enhanced safety assurance function.<BR>21<BR>Environment – Goals and Objectives<BR>NextGen Environmental<BR>objectives include providing<BR>a framework to enable<BR>environmental protection<BR>that allows for sustained<BR>aviation growth:<BR> Reduce significant noise and aircraft engine emissions in<BR>absolute terms<BR> Proactively address emerging environmental issues (e.g.<BR>water quality, energy intensity, and global climate change)<BR> Enable Environmental Management Systems (EMS)<BR>capabilities system wide<BR>22<BR>Global Harmonization – Goals and Objectives<BR>A key step toward gaining global<BR>endorsement of the NGATS is to be sure<BR>every technology, policy, and procedural<BR>option or “element” is compatible with<BR>existing global requirements:<BR> Harmonized systems, procedures for “borderless”<BR>interoperability<BR> Partnerships to promote common solutions for<BR>common problems<BR> Early, continuing participation in developing global<BR>standards, procedures to ensure satisfaction of US<BR>requirements<BR> Promote US position and preferred standards<BR>globally<BR>23<BR>Upcoming JPDO Additions – Aircraft/Avionics – Goals and<BR>Objectives<BR>NextGen Aircraft objectives<BR>would likely include developing<BR>a framework to integrate<BR>transformational technologies<BR>and capabilities for airframes,<BR>engines, and equipage:<BR> Airframe Technologies<BR> Engine Performance<BR> Equipage Improvements<BR>24<BR>Building NextGen Capabilities<BR>• Emphasize later stages of R&amp;D to support mid-term capabilities (e.g. field trials)<BR>• Field trials minimize risk for achieving integration of multiple NextGen capabilities<BR>• Develop &amp; implement core technologies (DataCom, SWIM, Net-Enabled Weather)<BR>• Develop performance-based standards; avionics standards and development<BR>• Complete infrastruture and systems engineering (TBO, CATM, etc.)<BR>• Develop NextGen systems integration plan for mid-term transition to NextGen<BR>• Implement expanded RNAV/RNP procedures across NAS domains<BR>• Continued implementation of known solutions/infrastructure (ADS-B)<BR>• Complete airspace redesign (OEP airports)<BR>• Design and develop controller training/tools required for mid-term transition to NextGen.<BR>Core Technologies, Capabilities &amp; Systems Engineering<BR>• Aircraft equipped for the mid-term<BR>• Initial delivery of NextGen services and capabilities become available across domains<BR>(enroute, terminal automation, surface ops)<BR>• Trajectories exchanged via data link<BR>• Implement initial TBO and flexible airspace management<BR>• Implement integration of flow management with ATC<BR>• Improved collaboration and decision-making across domains<BR>• Implement enhanced airborne flow programs to reduce impact of weather<BR>• Complete transfer of services and systems integration for air transportation systemwide<BR>NextGen solutions delivery and operations<BR>• Trajectory-Based Operations<BR>• Increase Arrivals/Departures at High-Density Airports<BR>• Flexible Terminals &amp; Airports<BR>• Collaborative Air Traffic Management<BR>• Reduced Weather Impact<BR>• Safety, Security &amp; Environmental Performance<BR>• Transformed Facilities<BR>NextGen Solutions Integrated &amp; Operating Across NAS<BR>Develop: FY06-11 Implement: FY10-15<BR>Develop: FY18-21 Implement: FY20-25<BR>Mid-Term Transition to NextGen<BR>Develop: FY12-17 Implement: FY14-19<BR>25<BR>Discussion

thcx 发表于 2010-10-8 09:51:11


icekylinwin 发表于 2011-1-20 19:50:08


skycloud1011 发表于 2011-2-14 09:44:02


hellosharp 发表于 2011-2-18 18:34:20

<DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_70472>Good!Thanks!</DIV>
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