航空 发表于 2010-9-5 17:53:12


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航空 发表于 2010-9-5 17:53:23

GBAS and GLS<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>Agenda<BR>• GLS Data Flow<BR>– How GBAS is used in the airplane<BR>• Benefits to GBAS<BR>– Operational improvements<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>2<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS, GLS Data Flow<BR>MMR GPS Antenna<BR>Cockpit<BR>Displays<BR>Aircraft<BR>Aircraft<BR>Surfaces<BR>DATALINK – VHF Data Broadcast (VDB)<BR>Pilot<BR>Interface<BR>Autopilot<BR>Antenna Differential Corrections,<BR>Integrity Status and<BR>Approach Coordinates<BR>Data Broadcast<BR>Monitor<BR>Local Ground Facility<BR>DGPS<BR>Computes Differential<BR>Corrections<BR>Provides Integrity<BR>Ch k<BR>Transmitter<BR>E d D d<BR>Receiver<BR>GPS<BR>Check<BR>Provides Approach<BR>Coordinates<BR>Encoder Decoder<BR>Broadcast Information<BR>DGPS – Differential Honeywell Proprietary<BR>3<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>GPS<BR>MMR – Multi-Mode Receiver (GPS, VDB, ILS, etc)<BR>VDB – VHF Data Broadcast (Link to aircraft)<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>Emerging • Emerging Approach Operations<BR>Approach Operations<BR>– RNP RNAV SAAAR<BR>– LPV (SBAS, WAAS, EGNOS)<BR>Now<BR>Now<BR>– GLS (GBAS)<BR>– GLS TAP (GBAS)<BR>Now<BR>In Trial<BR>• Airbus &amp; Boeing are committed to RNP RNAV 0.1 (or less) and GLS<BR>– FMS changes complete or planned for most models<BR>– LPV not in current plans at Boeing or Airbus<BR>• Embraer and Honeywell are developing similar strategic roadmaps<BR>– RNP 0.1 in development for Epic platforms<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>4<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>RNP Defined – Approach Design Criteria<BR>2x<BR>ILS or LPV Straight In Approach<BR>x<BR>Trapezoidal buffer for obstacle clearance<BR>x<BR>2x<BR>2x<BR>RNP Approach<BR>x<BR>Secondary buffer for obstacle clearance<BR>2x<BR>x<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>5<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS Multiple Glideslopes<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>6<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS Displaced Thresholds<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>7<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS Offset Approaches<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>8<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>ILS Clear Zones<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>9<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS Requires No Clear Zones<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>10<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>GBAS Benefits<BR>• For Airports:<BR>– Lower Installation and Maintenance Cost Than ILS<BR>- One GBAS enables Cat I Capability at all Runway Ends<BR>– Supports Noise Abatement<BR>- By enabling precision departure and offering multiple departure paths<BR>– Unlocks Airport Real Estate<BR>- Eliminates hold-short zones for greater tarmac capacity<BR>• For CAAC/ATMB:<BR>– Improves Or Preserves Airspace And Airport Capacity<BR>- Enables multiple new operations<BR>• For Airlines:<BR>– Critical Enabler for Fully Automated Landing<BR>– Improves Operational Assurance<BR>- Guaranteed Landing In Adverse Weather Saves Cost of Diversion<BR>– Reduces Fuel Burn And Emissions<BR>• For All:<BR>Improves Honeywell Proprietary<BR>11<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>– Safety<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>Agenda<BR>• GLS Data Flow<BR>– How GBAS is used in the airplane<BR>• Benefits of GBAS<BR>– Operational improvements<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>12<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>13<BR>CAAC New Technology Seminar – GBAS 29-30 October 2009

ganxing 发表于 2010-9-15 00:42:41



Jiasheng.Hao 发表于 2010-9-16 10:35:20

let me learn someting

xiuhuwang 发表于 2010-10-11 22:19:55

thanks for sharing

huihuixy 发表于 2010-11-3 22:06:22

谢谢 学习。。。

conan100786 发表于 2010-11-5 20:12:28


lht520yy 发表于 2010-12-21 19:58:00


gcjcdn-007 发表于 2012-2-9 10:22:56


liu5031 发表于 2012-3-10 09:40:01

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