航空 发表于 2010-9-7 11:08:03


 飞机进出港紧急情况用语<BR>  1,1号发动机(飞机)火警,发动机紧急停车。<BR>  Shut down NO. 1 engine immediately and the engine (the plane )on fire <BR>  2,拖车故障,紧急刹车。<BR>  Set brake immediately ,and tractor inoperative.<BR>  3,此区域不准开大车,只准开慢车。<BR>  <BR>  4,飞机未停在正确位置,客桥无法靠机,请松开刹车,飞机必须向前(向后)移动。<BR>  The aircraft is not into position, and can’t attach the pier . please releases brake ,and move forward (backward )a little .<BR>  5,后面有飞机滑行,何时准备推机,听口令。<BR>  There is a airplane on your way, please wait for departure. <BR>  6,地面须清洁,何时推机,听口令。<BR>  Ground need to be cleaned, please wait for departure.<BR>  <BR>  飞机维护常用英语<BR>  一,询问航班到达时间<BR>  1, 请告诉我A981航班预计达到时间?<BR>  Could you please tell me the ETA of flight CA918?<BR>   当地时间19:30<BR>   Nineteen thirty local time.<BR>  2,航班因天气/机械故障原因延误了。<BR>   The flight is delayed due to the weather /mechanical fault .<BR>  二,飞机到达停机位。<BR>  1, 请确认飞机停留区域清洁,无障碍物。<BR>  Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction.<BR>  2,请与驾驶舱进行通话联系。<BR>  Contact the cockpit with interphone. <BR>  3,请将停留刹车杀住/松开。 <BR>  Set /release parking brake.<BR>  停留刹车已刹上/松开。<BR>  Parking /brake is set/released<BR>  4,请档上/挪开轮档。<BR>   Position/remove wheel chocks please.<BR>  5,请插上/取下起落架安全销。<BR>   Insert/remove landing gear safety pin.<BR>  起落架安全销已插上/取下。<BR>  Landing gear safety pins are insert/released.<BR>  6请关车。<BR>  Shut down engines.<BR>  三,对飞机情况进行了解<BR>  1, 飞机有故障吗?<BR>  Is there any trouble with the aircraft?<BR>  2, 一切正常<BR>  Everything is ok !<BR>  3, 有,请看飞行记录本/客舱记录本<BR>  Yes, please look at light log book/cabin log book.<BR>  4, 请往飞行记录本上签字<BR>  Shut down engines.<BR>  四,维护工作。<BR>  1, 请打开前/中/主起落架舱门检查系统管路/导线/部件有无损坏/松动/渗漏。<BR>  Open nose /central/main landing gear door and check the system line /wire/component for damage /loose/leakage.<BR>  2, 减震支柱内筒伸出正常且洁净。<BR>  Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness.<BR>  3, 请检查中起落架减震支柱指示。<BR>  Check the indication of pressure gauge on central landing dear strut.<BR>  压力指示正常。<BR>  The indication is normal.<BR>  4, 请检查轮胎的损坏和磨损情况。<BR>  Please check tyre for damage and wear.<BR>  5, 请检查轮胎压力/外表。<BR>  Please check tyre pressure/condition.<BR>  6, 请拿一个冷气(氮气)瓶给轮胎充气。<BR>  Please get me a compressed air (Nitrogen) cylinder to charge the tyre.<BR>  7, 起落架组件结构,连接及上锁组件无损伤和渗漏现象。<BR>  No damage and leakage for gear assembly structure attachment and up-assembly.<BR>  检查轮缘有损伤。<BR>  Check the wheel rim damaged.<BR>  8, 检查轮子有间断的/脱落的固定螺杆。<BR>  check the wheel sheared /missing tie bolts.<BR>  9, 检查刹车组件无渗漏/过热现象。<BR>  Check no leakage/overheat for brake unit.<BR>  10, 我们要更换中轮,请帮助找两个轮轴千斤顶。<BR>  We are going to have the central wheel assembly replaced . please get me tow axle jacks.<BR>  11, 请检查刹车的磨损情况。<BR>  Please heck for brake assembly wear.<BR>  五,发动机检查<BR>  1, 擦掉发动机吊舱和起落架上多余的油。<BR>  Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears. <BR>  2, 发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。<BR>  No damage and fluid fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling doors. <BR>  3, 请打开发动机包皮检查渗漏/过热/导线/插头。<BR>  Please open the engine cowling and check for leakage /overheat /wires //electrical connectors .<BR>  4, 检查风扇叶片和涡轮叶片无损坏迹象。<BR>  Check no damage for fan blades and turbine blades .<BR>  5, 检查发动机尾喷管无金属颗粒和损坏。<BR>  Check the engine tail pipe on metal particles and visible damage .<BR>  6请检发动机滑油加油口盖盖紧。<BR>  Please taken the engine oil tank filler caps <BR>  7,发动机IDG滑油需要补加。 <BR>  Engine IDG oil needs adding .<BR>  六,货舱检查<BR>  1,检查货舱内部无损坏,结构及栏网完好。<BR>  Check no damage for interior of cargo compartment, compartment of structure and nets.<BR>  2,目视检查货舱及厂门框,没有因化学制品,海鲜,家禽等货物而造成液体溢出或腐蚀现象。<BR>   Visually inspect cargo compartment and door jambs, make sure that no liquid flows out or corrosion due to chemical produce, sea food and poultry etc.<BR>  3,主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。<BR>  Main cargo door cant’s be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.<BR>  4,检查货舱壁完好且干净。<BR>  Check cargo compartment lining for condition and cleaning.<BR>  5,请将货舱门关。<BR>  Please close cargo compartment doors .<BR>  6,请将客梯安置稳妥。<BR>  Set the passenger loading stand proper, don’t damage the aircraft.<BR>  7,驾驶XX服务车要慢点,注意小心碰坏飞机<BR>  Drive the galley service truck slowly and mind the aircraft 。<BR>  8,小心装货,不要碰坏货舱里的氧气系统/水乡/隔板。<BR>  Would please handle with care and don’t damage the oxygen system/water tank /partition of cargo compartment .<BR>  七,勤务<BR>  1, 请检查机组和旅客氧气系统的压力。<BR>  Please clean crew and passenger oxygen system pressure <BR>  2请将客舱打扫干净<BR>  Please clean the cabin compartment .<BR>  3,请将水/次所系统的水全部放掉,否则会结冰。<BR>  Please drain off potable water /toiler water or it be frozen. <BR>  4,请给前/后厠所加水 <BR>  Please refill water for front /rear toilet <BR>  5,请安排一辆加水车/放污车/空调车/除冰车/工作梯。<BR>  Please arrange water servicing unit /a toilet servicing unit /an air conditioning unit /a deicing unit /a ladder for us.<BR>  6,APU失效,请马上来一辆电源车和两辆气源车。<BR>  APU is fully inoperative, please call a ground power unit and tow air start units immediately.<BR>  7,情节上地面电源/气源。<BR>  Please connect the ground power unit /the air start unit .<BR>  八,一般事情。<BR>  (一),请给我们以供一个密封圈(活动扳手,圆挫,三角挫,万用扳手,刻丝钳,橡胶锤,一些开口销,一些保险丝,鹿皮布,一块抹布,油桶,垫片,螺丝刀,夹子,钳子,手电筒)。<BR>  Could you please provide us a sealing ring (a adjustable wrench, a round file, a triangle ,a wrench, a socket wrench ,a cutting pliers, a plastic hammer, some split cotters, some safety wire ,chamois leather, a piece of rag ,a bucket ,a washer, screwdriver, clamps ,pliers , flashlight)? <BR>  二,加油,放油。<BR>  1, 飞机需要加液压油/滑油。<BR>  The aircraft needs to be refilled with hydraulic fluid /oil .<BR>  2, 请给1,2号发动机加二夸脱MOBIL JET 2#滑油,3,4号发动机加3夸脱滑油。<BR>  Please replenish tow quarters for engine NO. 1 and NO. 2 , three quarters for engine NO. 3 and NO.4.<BR>  3, 这种牌号的发动机滑油我们飞机不能用。<BR>  It is not allowed to use this brand of oil in our aircraft.<BR>  4, 飞机需要加燃油,请叫一辆加油车。<BR>  The aircraft needs refueling .Please call a refueling tender. <BR>  5, 请问这是什么牌号的燃油?<BR>  Please advise the grade of fuel. <BR>  6, 我要看一下油样!<BR>  I want to check the fuel samples. <BR>  7, 加油前请放好灭火瓶。<BR>  Please put fire extinguisher in position before refuelling. <BR>  8, 请问加多少油,3000加仑?你实际给飞机加了多少油?总共60000公升燃油。<BR>  How much fuel do you want ?Three thousand gallons .How much fuel have you filled in actually ?we have put 60000 littler in total .<BR>  <BR>  9, 请从2号油箱放沉淀.<BR>  Please drain some deposit and water FORM No. 2 tank .<BR>  10,飞机需要抽油,请安排一辆抽油车。<BR>   The aircraft need defuelling .Would you please arrange a defuelling-cart ?<BR>  抽多少油?哪个油箱?<BR>  How many gallons and FORM which tank shall we defuel .<BR>  清在两边各抽4000加仑。 <BR>  Please defuel 4000 gallons FORM caeh side .<BR>  (三)拖车<BR>  1,请叫一辆拖车来<BR>   Please calla tractor. <BR>  2, 请引导我们到停机位。<BR>  Please guid us to parking place .<BR>  3, 请挂上/摘下拖把。<BR>  Please connect /disconnect the tow-bar. <BR>  4, 请起动APU。<BR>  Please start APU .<BR>  5, 请接通四号辅助液压动力系统。<BR>  Please turn on No. 4 auxiliary hydraulic system .<BR>  6, 请示意拖车司机拖/到飞机。<BR>  Please signal tractor drive to commence towing /pushback.<BR>  7, 请求拖/倒飞机。没有进入位置,请再往前一点(向前移一点)。<BR>  Clear for towing /pushback ,it is not into position ,a little more forward please .<BR>  8, 请注意,拖飞机速度不要超过10公里/小时。<BR>  Please make sure that the towing speed is not 10KM/hour.<BR>  9, 地面结冰,转弯时请减小车速。<BR>  There are icing on the ground, please slow down when turning .<BR>  10, 地面侧风太大,不能拖飞机。<BR>  The cross wind on the ground is so strong that the aircraft can not be towed.<BR>  (四)试车<BR>  1,燃油调节器已装好,现在需试车检查。<BR>  The fuel control unit has been installed .Now we’ll test the engines.<BR>  2, 风速太大,拖车时请将鸡头对着风向以便试车。<BR>  The velocity of wind is too high. Please tow the aircraft and make its facing the wind direction so that we can test the engine .<BR>  3, <BR>  <BR>  表格 1<BR>  评价服务项目 service items assessment:<BR>  一、您在机场乘机时对机场的哪些服务不满意(将不满意项目划“√”)<BR>    What are the following items that you are not satisfied with at the airport ? <BR>    (make a “√” on the dissatisfied items)<BR>   机场巴士Shuttle bus         出租车Taxi          停车场Car parking      <BR>   航班信息Flight information      机场购物Shopping       广播Public address  <BR>   办理乘机手续Check-in         安全检查Security check    中转服务Transit service  <BR>   候机楼环境Terminal environment   候机娱乐Entertainment     通讯设施Telecommunication  <BR>   饮水设施Drinking facility      餐厅Restaurant        行李手推车Trolley  <BR>   医疗服务Medical service       卫生间Toilet         机场问询Information desk <BR>   引导标志Guide sign          行李提取Baggage Reclaim <BR>  <BR>   <BR>  二、您在办理乘机手续时对哪些服务不满意(将不满意项目划“√”)<BR>    What are the following items that you are not satisfied with when you check-in? (make a “√” on the <BR>    dissatisfied items)<BR>   办票时间Check-in time     柜台秩序Check-in order    文明用语Politeness    <BR>   服务态度Service attitude    办理速度Check-in speed    排 队时间Time of line up  <BR>   行 李交运Baggage check-in   座位选择Seat choice     晚到服务Late arrival service  <BR>   航班延误Flight delay <BR>  <BR>   <BR>  三、根据您的实际体验,您认为本机场的服务质量如何。<BR>    How do you think about the service quality at Nanjing Airport according to your experience? <BR>   <BR>  1、总体服务质量 General Service Quality <BR>  很低(very low)---------------------------------------很高(very high )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  2、办理乘机手续服务质量Check-in Service Quality <BR>  很低(very low)---------------------------------------很高(very high )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>  3、安全检查服务质量 Security Check Service <BR>  很低(very low)---------------------------------------很高(very high )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>  4、其它服务质量 Other Services<BR>  很低(very low)---------------------------------------很高(very high )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>  5、候机环境 Terminal Environment <BR>  很低(very low)---------------------------------------很高(very high )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>   <BR>  四、根据您的实际体验,您对本机场的满意程度。<BR>    Are you satisfied with Nanjing Airport according to your experience? <BR>  1、与您期望中的服务质量相比较。Compared with the service that you expected.<BR>  很不满意(Not satisfied at all)-----------------------------很满意( very satisfied )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>  2、与您心目中最好的机场相比较。Compared with the best airport in your mind.<BR>  很不满意(Not satisfied at all)-----------------------------很满意( very satisfied )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>  3、与其它机场的平均水平相比较。Compared with the average level of other airports.<BR>  很不满意(Not satisfied at all)-----------------------------很满意( very satisfied )<BR>    1分   2分   3 分   4分   5分   6分   7分   8分   9分   10分 <BR>  <BR>   <BR>  五、您对本机场的服务是否有过抱怨、投诉。 Have you ever complained of or appealed to our airport?<BR>  <BR>  若干词汇<BR>  T junctionT字路<BR>  tab washer鎖片<BR>  tabular freeboard表列乾舷<BR>  tacho-generator轉速錶傳感器<BR>  tachometer轉速計<BR>  tack縱帆的下前角索;航向<BR>  tackle滑車組<BR>  tactile floor marking凹凸紋的地面標記<BR>  tactile guide path 引導徑〔地下鐵路〕<BR>  tactile strip有凹凸紋的膠條<BR>  tactile yellow line加上突起物的黃線<BR>  taffrail船尾欄杆<BR>  Tai Lam Tunnel大欖隧道<BR>  Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road Ordinance 《大欖隧道及元朗引道條例》〔第474章〕<BR>  Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road Toll Stability Fund大欖隧道及元朗引道穩定使用費基金<BR>  Tai Lam Tunnel Section 大欖隧道段〔西鐵(第一期)〕<BR>  tail尾翼;尾部<BR>  tail board車尾板;後欄板<BR>  tail boom尾樑<BR>  tail cone尾部整流錐<BR>  tail dock尾部檢修台<BR>  tail fin垂直尾翼<BR>  tail jack尾部千斤頂<BR>  tail lift車尾升降台<BR>  tail light尾部航行燈<BR>  tail number 機尾數字<BR>  tail rotor尾槳<BR>  tail rotor blade尾槳槳葉<BR>  tail rotor drive尾槳傳動裝置<BR>  tail rotor gearbox尾槳減速器<BR>  tail rotor head尾槳轉子轂<BR>  tail rotor pedal尾槳腳蹬<BR>  tail rotor pitch-change servo actuator尾槳變距助力器<BR>  tail rotor shaft尾槳軸<BR>  tail skid尾部保護座;尾橇<BR>  tail wheel尾輪<BR>  tail wind順風<BR>  tailgate後檔板<BR>  tailgating尾隨車輛太接近前車<BR>  tail-heavy尾重<BR>  tailpipe尾噴管<BR>  tailplane水平尾翼<BR>  tail-shaft船尾軸<BR>  take sounding度水<BR>  take-off起飛<BR>  take-off alternate起飛備降機場<BR>  take-off clearance起飛許可<BR>  take-off climb performance以起飛形態上升的性能<BR>  take-off configuration起飛形態<BR>  take-off distance起飛距離<BR>  take-off distance available 可用起飛距離<BR>  take-off flap起飛位置襟翼<BR>  take-off leg第一邊〔起落航線〕;起飛邊<BR>  take-off light起飛燈<BR>  take-off minimum起飛最低氣象條件<BR>  take-off noise起飛時發出的噪音<BR>  take-off point離地點〔起飛〕<BR>  take-off power起飛功率<BR>  take-off ramp起飛坪<BR>  take-off roll起飛滑跑<BR>  take-off run起飛滑跑<BR>  take-off run available 可用起飛滑跑距離<BR>  tally理貨;點貨<BR>  tallyclerk船貨點算員<BR>  tamper with motor vehicle干預汽車<BR>  tamper with taximeter干擾的士計程錶<BR>  tamping machine壓路機;搗固機<BR>  tandem前後直排<BR>  tangential road切線路;切入路<BR>  Tang's Taxi Companies Association Limited新界港九合眾的士聯誼會有限公司<BR>  tank液艙;艙<BR>  tank deck area液艙甲板面積<BR>  tank pressurization valve油箱增壓活門<BR>  tank selection油箱選擇<BR>  tank top plating艙面板<BR>  tanker油輪;油船;缸車<BR>  tanker vehicle油糟車<BR>  taper楔形路段;逐漸收窄的路段<BR>  tapered bolt錐形螺栓<BR>  tare weight皮重<BR>  tariff運價<BR>  tarmac柏油場地<BR>  tarpaulin防水布;艙蓋布<BR>  Task Force on Bus Safety巴士安全工作小組<BR>  Tate's Cairn Tunnel大老山隧道<BR>  Tate's Cairn Tunnel Company Limited大老山隧道有限公司<BR>  Tathong Channel藍塘海峽<BR>  Tathong Point藍塘尾<BR>  Tathong Point Doppler very high frequency omnidirectional radio range藍塘尾多普勒甚高頻全向無線電信標<BR>  taxi的士;計程車;滑行〔飛機〕<BR>  taxi association的士同業聯會;的士商會<BR>  Taxi Associations Federation的士商會聯盟<BR>  taxi availability的士服務的供應情況<BR>  taxi bay的士候客位<BR>  taxi collision 滑行相撞〔飛機〕<BR>  taxi company的士車行<BR>  Taxi Complaint Form投訴的士表格<BR>  taxi console的士台<BR>  Taxi Correspondence《的士通訊》<BR>  Taxi Dealers and Owners Association Limited的士車行車主協會有限公司<BR>  Taxi Driver Award Scheme的士司機獎勵計劃<BR>  Taxi Driver Identity Plate的士司機證<BR>  Taxi Drivers and Operators Association Limited的士司機從業員總會有限公司<BR>  taxi drivers' co-operatives的士司機合作社<BR>  taxi driving licence的士駕駛執照<BR>  taxi drop-off point的士落客處<BR>  taxi fare的士收費<BR>  taxi fare receipt的士車費收據<BR>  taxi feeder service的士接駁服務<BR>  taxi fleet的士車隊<BR>  taxi franchise的士專營權<BR>  taxi holding point滑行等待地點<BR>  Taxi Inspection Manual《的士驗車手冊》<BR>  taxi licence的士牌照<BR>  taxi licence premium的士牌價<BR>  taxi licensing system的士發牌制度<BR>  taxi malpractice的士司機違例行為<BR>  taxi meter offence與的士計程錶有關的罪行<BR>  taxi meter running fast計程錶跳動太快<BR>  taxi offence的士罪行<BR>  taxi operation的士業<BR>  taxi operator的士營運商;的士從業人士<BR>  Taxi Operators Association Limited的士同業聯會有限公司<BR>  taxi owner的士車主<BR>  taxi patronage的士乘客量<BR>  taxi pick-up area的士上客處<BR>  Taxi Policy Review《的士政策檢討報告書》<BR>  taxi queue lane的士輪候車道<BR>  taxi radio service centre的士電召服務中心<BR>  taxi rank的士站;的士候客處<BR>  taxi release signal的士行車燈信號<BR>  taxi rental的士租金<BR>  Taxi Service Guide《的士服務指南》<BR>  taxi staging area的士停候區<BR>  taxi stand的士站;的士候客處<BR>  taxi tender的士投標<BR>  taxi track滑行道<BR>  taxi trip distance的士載客車程<BR>  Taxi Voucher Scheme的士代用券計劃<BR>  Taxicom Vehicle Owners Association Limited港聯的士車主聯會有限公司<BR>  taxiing guidance system滑行操縱系統<BR>  taxiing light滑行燈<BR>  taxiing speed滑行速度<BR>  taximeter的士計程錶;的士“咪錶”<BR>  taximeter cable計程錶鏈<BR>  taximeter drive的士計程錶傳動裝置<BR>  taximeter recalibration重新調校的士計程錶<BR>  taximeter with a broken seal破封的士計程錶<BR>  taxiway滑行道<BR>  taxiway bridge滑行道橋樑<BR>  taxiway clearance zone滑行道安全區<BR>  taxiway turn滑行道拐彎<BR>  T.C. Taxi United Association Limited交通城的士聯會有限公司<BR>  technical administration技術行政<BR>  Technical Advisory Board on Lantau Link青嶼幹線技術諮詢委員會<BR>  Technical and Planning Division 技術及策劃部〔民航處〕<BR>  technical log技術記事簿<BR>  technical services agreement技術服務協議<BR>  Technical Services Branch 技術服務科〔運輸署〕<BR>  technical standard order標準技術規範<BR>  technical stop技術停降;技術性經停<BR>  technical supplies技術補給品<BR>  technical talks between Guangdong and Hong Kong on cross border vehicles粵港過境汽車技術問題會談<BR>  teflon四氟乙烯<BR>  Telecommunications Unit 航空通訊組〔民航處〕<BR>  telegraph傳令鐘;車鐘;電報<BR>  telemetry bay無線電遙測設備艙<BR>  telephone booking surcharge電召預約附加費<BR>  telescopic duct伸縮套管<BR>  telescopic sleeve伸縮套筒<BR>  television and radar navigation電視雷達導航系統<BR>  telltale light指示燈<BR>  temperature and speed limiting system溫度及轉速限制系統<BR>  temperature control sensor溫度調節傳感器<BR>  temperature control valve溫度控制活門<BR>  temperature sensor溫度傳感器<BR>  temperature-height diagram溫度高度圖<BR>  temporary bus turning facility巴士臨時掉頭處<BR>  temporary car park臨時停車場<BR>  temporary decking臨時路面<BR>  temporary driving licence臨時駕駛執照<BR>  temporary parking place臨時停車處<BR>  temporary permit臨時通行證<BR>  temporary restricted zone臨時限制區<BR>  temporary road bridge臨時道路橋樑<BR>  temporary sign臨時標誌<BR>  temporary speed restriction臨時車速限制<BR>  temporary traffic arrangements臨時交通措施<BR>  tenant restricted area租戶專用禁區<BR>  tenant restricted area security programme租戶專用禁區保安計劃<BR>  tender premium of a taxi licence的士牌價標金<BR>  tender route package投標路線組合<BR>  tensile test specimen抗拉試驗樣本<BR>  tensiometer張力計<BR>  tension anchor拉力地錨<BR>  tension regulator張力調節器<BR>  tensioner繫緊貨物設施<BR>  terminal總站;終點碼頭<BR>  terminal airspace終端空域<BR>  terminal apron接近機場大廈的停機坪<BR>  terminal building charge客運大樓費<BR>  terminal building frontal parking stand沿客運廊而設的停機位<BR>  terminal building remote parking stand遠離客運大樓的停機位<BR>  terminal concourse 客運廊〔機場〕<BR>  terminal control area終端管制區<BR>  terminal control area radar終端管制區雷達<BR>  Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station機場多普勒天氣雷達站<BR>  Terminal Doppler Weather Radar System 機場多普勒天氣雷達系統<BR>  terminal gate charge碼頭閘口費<BR>  terminal lay-over總站停候時間<BR>  terminal operator終點碼頭經營人<BR>  terminal pass碼頭禁區通行證<BR>  terminal representative碼頭代表<BR>  terminal station終點車站;終點站<BR>  terminal surveillance radar終端二次監視雷達<BR>  terminal value終值<BR>  terminal very high frequency omnidirectional radio range終端甚高頻全向無線電信標<BR>  terminus總站;終站<BR>  terrace design梯台設計<BR>  terraced platform梯狀平台<BR>  terrain地形<BR>  terrestrial magnetism地磁<BR>  Territorial Development Strategy 全港發展策略<BR>  territory領土<BR>  Territory Transport Planning Division 整體運輸策劃部〔運輸署〕<BR>  tertiary rural road郊區分路<BR>  test button測試按鈕<BR>  test data試驗數據<BR>  test flight試航;試飛<BR>  test form考試表格;“路票”<BR>  test pilot試飛員<BR>  test rig試驗台<BR>  test run試行;試車<BR>  test, stamp and seal 測試、蓋印和加封〔的士計程錶〕<BR>  test switch試驗電門<BR>  test track測試路軌<BR>  test vehicle考試所用車輛<BR>  textured, no-slip yellow surface黃色防滑的粗地台<BR>  theory of flight飛行原理<BR>  thermal anti-icing加溫防冰<BR>  thermal switch溫度開關<BR>  thermionic valve熱陰極電子管<BR>  thermistor熱敏電阻<BR>  thermocouple熱電偶<BR>  thermoplastic road marking paint熱塑路標漆<BR>  thermostatic valve恆溫活門<BR>  thimble索眼心環<BR>  Third Comprehensive Transport Study Consultation Paper《第三次整體運輸研究諮詢文件》<BR>  third engineer二管輪<BR>  third generation containership第三代貨櫃船<BR>  third harbour rail crossing第三條過海鐵路<BR>  third party insurance第三者保險<BR>  Third Review of Port Development Strategy第三次港口發展策略檢討<BR>  thoroughfare大道;大街<BR>  thread-type filter螺紋式油濾<BR>  three-axis accelerometer三軸加速度錶<BR>  three-axle bus三軸巴士<BR>  three-car electric multiple unit三節車廂的電氣化列車<BR>  three-engine flight三發動機飛行<BR>  three-leg intersection三線道路交匯點;三臂交叉;三叉路口<BR>  three-letter designator三字代碼<BR>  three-point seat belt三點安全帶<BR>  three-point turn“三手”掉頭<BR>  threshold跑道入口<BR>  threshold light跑道入口燈<BR>  threshold limit value臨界值<BR>  threshold speed進跑道上空速度<BR>  throttle back收油門<BR>  throttle control油門桿;推力調節<BR>  throttle lever油門桿<BR>  throttle switch油門桿終點電門<BR>  throttle valve節流活門;油門開關<BR>  through airline operation聯程航班<BR>  through flight直達航班<BR>  through passenger train直通客運列車<BR>  through ticket for Kowloon-Canton Railway and Mass Transit Railway九廣鐵路及地下鐵路兩用車票<BR>  through traffic直通交通<BR>  through train直通車<BR>  throughput吞吐量;乘客流量;行車量<BR>  throughput charge吞吐量收費<BR>  throughput fee吞吐量費用<BR>  thrust推力<BR>  thrust alignment推力方向調準<BR>  thrust bearing推力軸承<BR>  thrust lever推力操縱桿<BR>  thrust lever angle推力操縱桿角度<BR>  thrust reversal推力反向<BR>  thrust reverser反推力裝置<BR>  thrust reverser cowling反推力裝置整流罩<BR>  thrust reverser directional valve反推力換向活門<BR>  thrust specific fuel consumption單位推力燃料消耗量<BR>  thumb switch撥動式電門<BR>  thumbwheel拇指控輪<BR>  thunderstorm light雷暴中飛行座艙照明燈<BR>  thwartship端壁<BR>  ticket barrier票閘<BR>  ticket booth售票處<BR>  ticket machine售票機<BR>  ticket office票務處<BR>  ticket punch剪票鋏<BR>  ticket selling facility售票設施<BR>  ticket vending machine自動售票機<BR>  tidal flow潮水式行車<BR>  tidal flow measure潮水式行車措施<BR>  tidal movement of passengers潮水式人流措施<BR>  tidal traffic潮水式交通<BR>  tidal waters感潮水域<BR>  tide gauge潮高杆標<BR>  tide pole潮高杆標<BR>  tie bolt繫緊螺栓<BR>  tie down fitting繫緊裝置<BR>  tie rod連杆<BR>  tight turn急彎<BR>  tiller操縱桿<BR>  tilting test 傾斜試驗〔雙層巴士〕<BR>  tilting test platform傾斜試驗台<BR>  timber deck cargo木材艙面貨物<BR>  timber load line木材載重線<BR>  timber sleeper鐵軌枕木<BR>  time between overhaul翻修時限<BR>  time clock時間計<BR>  time headway兩車相距時差<BR>  time interval間距<BR>  time since overhaul翻修後工作時間<BR>  Tin Hau天后號<BR>  Tin Shui Wai Extension 天水圍支線〔輕鐵〕<BR>  Tin Shui Wai Extension loop天水圍支線的迴線<BR>  Tin Shui Wai Reserve Area天水圍預留區<BR>  Ting Kau Bridge汀九橋<BR>  Ting Kau span汀九橋跨<BR>  tipper起卸斗貨車<BR>  tip-shrouded blade帶冠葉片<BR>  To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter土瓜灣避風塘<BR>  To Kwa Wan Vehicle Examination Centre土瓜灣驗車中心<BR>  toe-board趾板<BR>  toe-in內向偏斜安裝<BR>  toggle繫索扣栓<BR>  toggle switch扳鈕開關<BR>  tolerance公差<BR>  tolerated space for container vehicle暫准的貨櫃車停車位<BR>  toll隧道費;使用費<BR>  toll area收費區<BR>  toll area control officer收費區管理人員<BR>  toll bar繳費路障桿<BR>  toll booth收費亭<BR>  toll collection system車輛繳費系統<BR>  toll collector隧道費收費員<BR>  toll gate隧道費繳費處<BR>  toll house隧道費繳費室<BR>  toll lane輪候繳費行車線<BR>  toll plaza繳費廣場;隧道費收費場<BR>  toll regime收費結構<BR>  toll structure隧道費構築物<BR>  toll ticket隧道費代用券;使用費代用券<BR>  toll variation notice隧道費修訂公告<BR>  toll zone收費區<BR>  toll-free route不設收費的路線<BR>  tolling study收費研究<BR>  tollway收費道路<BR>  Tolo Channel赤門海峽<BR>  Tolo Harbour Anchorage吐露港碇泊處<BR>  tonnage噸位<BR>  tonnage certificate噸位證明書<BR>  tonnage deck量噸甲板<BR>  tonnage length量噸長度<BR>  tonnage mark噸位標記<BR>  tonnage regulations噸位規例<BR>  toothed belt齒輪帶<BR>  top of climb上升最高點<BR>  top of descent下降起點<BR>  top overhaul拆缸檢修<BR>  topcoat表面覆蓋<BR>  topping lift吊杆頂索<BR>  topping lift purchase頂索絞轆<BR>  topside舷側;頂邊<BR>  torpedo boat魚雷艇<BR>  torque扭矩<BR>  torque box抗扭翼盒<BR>  torque indicator扭矩指示器<BR>  torque limiter扭矩限制器<BR>  torque link抗扭連桿<BR>  torque load扭矩載荷<BR>  torque motor扭矩電動機<BR>  torque shaft扭力軸<BR>  torque tube扭力管<BR>  torquemeter扭矩錶;測扭計<BR>  Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels《漁船安全托曼慕連洛斯國際公約》<BR>  torsion扭轉<BR>  torsion bar扭桿<BR>  torsion load扭轉載荷<BR>  torso restraint system飛行員身體繫緊系統<BR>  total air temperature indicator大氣全溫指示器<BR>  total estimated lapse time預計經過總時間<BR>  total kilometrage總車程〔公里〕<BR>  total mileage總車程〔哩〕<BR>  total notional handling capacity理論上可處理的總通車量<BR>  totalizer加法器<BR>  touch-and-go landing陸後連續起飛<BR>  touchdown接地<BR>  touchdown zone接地區域<BR>  tour coach pick-up area旅遊車上客處<BR>  tour coach staging area旅遊車停候區<BR>  tour service遊覽服務<BR>  tourer開篷車<BR>  tourist ticket遊客紀念票<BR>  tout“兜客”<BR>  tow拖曳<BR>  tow ahead向前拖<BR>  tow angle indicator牽引角度指示器<BR>  tow astern向後拖<BR>  tow rope拖纜<BR>  tow to port拖向左舷<BR>  tow to starboard拖向右舷<BR>  tow-bar拖把;牽引杆<BR>  towboat拖船<BR>  towed off cushion在無氣墊時被拖曳<BR>  tower base橋塔底座<BR>  tower leg橋塔柱<BR>  towing牽引;拖航;拖曳<BR>  towing chain拖車鏈<BR>  towing compound拖車房<BR>  towing fee拖車收費<BR>  towing fitting牽引接頭<BR>  towing fixture拖曳裝置<BR>  towing implement拖曳機具<BR>  towing lug牽引環<BR>  towing pendant拖曳纜索<BR>  towing signal拖曳信號<BR>  towing vehicle拖拉車;拖車<BR>  towing voyage拖帶航程<BR>  tow-line拖纜<BR>  town traffic市區交通<BR>  trace detection system痕探測系統<BR>  track軌道;路軌;航<BR>  track bed軌道路基<BR>  track circuit軌道電路<BR>  track laying vehicle履帶式車輛<BR>  track possession佔用路軌<BR>  track replacement programme路軌更換計劃<BR>  track rod橫杆;“橫尺”<BR>  track segregation軌道分隔<BR>  track slab路軌底板;路軌地台<BR>  track welding路軌焊接<BR>  track-bed路軌枕<BR>  track-circuited colour light signalling system電路顏色信號系統<BR>  tracked vehicle履帶式車輛<BR>  trackform鐵路道盤<BR>  trackform bearings路軌承座<BR>  tracking and guidance跟蹤和制導<BR>  trackside auxiliary軌道旁附屬建築物<BR>  traction substation變壓站<BR>  tractive unit拖曳車輛<BR>  tractor牽引車;“拖頭”;拖拉車<BR>  tractor aircraft牽引式飛機<BR>  trade licence試車牌照<BR>  trade permit試車許可證<BR>  trade plate試車字牌<BR>  trading boat營業艇<BR>  traffic accident交通意外<BR>  traffic accident black spot交通意外黑點<BR>  traffic accident casualty交通意外傷亡者<BR>  traffic accident database system交通意外數據庫系統<BR>  traffic accident report交通意外報告<BR>  Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund交通意外傷亡者援助基金<BR>  Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme交通意外傷亡者援助計劃<BR>  traffic aid交通輔助設施<BR>  Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System交通警報及避免碰撞系統<BR>  Traffic and Transport Committee 交通及運輸委員會〔區議會〕<BR>  Traffic and Transport Survey Division 交通及運輸調查部〔運輸署〕<BR>  traffic architecture交通建築學<BR>  traffic assignment交通分配<BR>  traffic black spot交通黑點<BR>  traffic bollard安全島標柱;安全島護柱<BR>  traffic capacity交通容量<BR>  traffic census交通統計<BR>  traffic circulation交通流通情況;交通運行情況<BR>  traffic circulation system交通流量計劃<BR>  traffic concentration交通集中密度<BR>  traffic condition交通情況<BR>  traffic condition indicator交通情況顯示牌<BR>  traffic cone交通圓錐筒;“雪糕筒”<BR>  traffic congestion交通擠塞<BR>  traffic congestion and route information system交通擠塞及路線資料系統<BR>  traffic consultant 交通事務顧問〔九廣鐵路〕<BR>  traffic contravention交通違例事項<BR>  traffic control交通控制;交通管制<BR>  traffic control ahead前面交通管制<BR>  traffic control and direction study交通管制及路線研究<BR>  traffic control and surveillance system交通管制及監察系統<BR>  traffic control centre交通控制中心<BR>  traffic control device交通控制設備<BR>  traffic control equipment交通控制儀器<BR>  traffic control items交通管制裝置<BR>  traffic control scheme交通管制計劃<BR>  Traffic Controller, Mass Transit Railway Corporation地下鐵路公司行車控制主任<BR>  traffic conviction record交通事項判罪記錄<BR>  traffic corridor交通走廊<BR>  traffic count交通量點算工作<BR>  traffic cylinder交通圓柱筒<BR>  traffic delay交通阻延<BR>  traffic detector交通探測器<BR>  traffic direction交通流向;交通流動方向<BR>  traffic diversion交通改道<BR>  traffic engineer交通工程師<BR>  traffic engineering交通工程<BR>  Traffic Engineering Division 交通工程部〔運輸署〕<BR>  traffic flow交通流量<BR>  traffic flow density交通流量密度;交通密度<BR>  traffic flow diagram交通流量圖<BR>  traffic forecast modelling行車量預測模式<BR>  traffic generation交通的產生<BR>  traffic generation factor交通產生因素<BR>  traffic impact assessment交通影響評估<BR>  Traffic Impact Assessment Study《交通影響評估研究》<BR>  traffic impact study交通影響研究<BR>  traffic improvement and management scheme交通改善管理計劃<BR>  traffic incident indicator sign交通事故顯示標誌<BR>  traffic information交通情報<BR>  traffic interchange交通交匯處<BR>  traffic island交通島;安全島<BR>  traffic jam交通擠塞<BR>  traffic lane航行分道;行車線;車道<BR>  traffic light交通燈<BR>  traffic light signal交通燈號<BR>  traffic line交通導行線<BR>  traffic management交通管理<BR>  traffic management measure交通管理措施<BR>  traffic management scheme交通管理計劃<BR>  traffic management system 交通管理系統〔智能交通運輸系統〕<BR>  traffic marking路面交通標誌;道路交通標誌<BR>  traffic message display交通資料顯示設施<BR>  traffic mix交通組合;車輛組合<BR>  traffic mobility交通流量<BR>  traffic movement交通流動情況<BR>  traffic offence交通違例事項<BR>  traffic offence fine交通違例罰款<BR>  traffic permit交通許可證<BR>  traffic policeman交通警察<BR>  traffic re-routed...交通改為……<BR>  traffic revenue multiplier交通收益增殖率<BR>  traffic right運輸業務權<BR>  traffic segregation交通分隔<BR>  traffic separation scheme分道航行制;交通分隔計劃<BR>  Traffic Services Employees Association交通事業從業員協會<BR>  traffic sign交通標誌<BR>  traffic sign post交通標誌牌柱<BR>  traffic signal交通燈號<BR>  traffic signal control system交通燈號控制系統<BR>  traffic signal light交通燈號<BR>  traffic speed交通流動速度<BR>  traffic stream車流;交通行列<BR>  traffic surveillance and information system交通監察及資料系統<BR>  traffic surveillance camera交通監察攝影機<BR>  traffic survey交通調查<BR>  traffic throughput交通吞吐量<BR>  traffic volume交通流量;行車量<BR>  traffic warden交通督導員<BR>  traffic zone交通區<BR>  traffic-actuated signal車輛觸發交通燈<BR>  traffic-adjusted signal車輛調節交通燈<BR>  trailer拖架;拖斗;拖車<BR>  trailer bogie拖卡轉向架<BR>  trailer car電車廂拖卡<BR>  trailer coupling拖車聯結器<BR>  trailer suction dredger自航耙吸式挖泥船<BR>  trailer towing拖車控制<BR>  trailing-edge flap後緣襟翼<BR>  trailing-edge flap position indicator後緣襟翼位置指示器<BR>  train列車;火車<BR>  train control列車控制<BR>  train control system列車控制系統<BR>  train crew鐵路員工<BR>  train door control system列車車門控制系統<BR>  train marshalling火車編組<BR>  train operator 列車司機〔地下鐵路〕<BR>  train protection system列車保護系統<BR>  train separation accident列車脫卡事件<BR>  train stabling depot供停放列車的車廠<BR>  training flight訓練飛行<BR>  trajectory deviation軌偏差<BR>  tram電車<BR>  tram corridor電車通路<BR>  tram island電車站安全島;電車月台<BR>  tram lane電車路<BR>  tram loop電車迴旋處<BR>  tram platform電車月台<BR>  tram shelter電車候車亭<BR>  tram stop電車站<BR>  tram track電車軌<BR>  tram track reserve電車軌預留地<BR>  tram-activated demand dependent facility按電車需要而調節的燈號設施<BR>  tramcar纜車車廂<BR>  tram-only lane電車專線<BR>  tramp不定期船<BR>  tramway纜車軌道;纜車<BR>  Tramway Ordinance 《電車條例》〔第107章〕<BR>  Tramway Ordinance (Alteration of Fares) Notice 《電車條例(修訂車費)公告》〔第107章〕<BR>  Tramway Regulations 《電車規例》〔第107章〕<BR>  Tramway Working Rules電車路行車規則<BR>  transceiver無線電收發機<BR>  transducer傳感器<BR>  transfer area轉機處<BR>  transfer desk轉機櫃檯<BR>  transfer facility轉機設備<BR>  transfer of ownership of vehicle車輛過戶<BR>  transfer passenger轉機旅客;轉機乘客<BR>  transfer pumping station 轉運泵油站〔飛機燃料接收設施〕<BR>  transfer valve轉輸活門<BR>  transfer-of-control point管制移交點<BR>  transformer cable變壓器電纜<BR>  transformer rectifier unit變壓整流器<BR>  transhipment traffic轉運交通<BR>  transient decay瞬態衰退<BR>  transient load瞬變載荷<BR>  transit過境;過境短停<BR>  transit beacon疊標<BR>  transit check過境檢查<BR>  transit passenger過境旅客<BR>  transit service area輕便鐵路服務區<BR>  transition altitude過渡高度<BR>  transition level過渡高度層<BR>  transitional lift過渡升力<BR>  transitional ship過渡期船舶<BR>  translational acceleration移動加速度<BR>  translational flight前飛<BR>  transmission傳動<BR>  transmission brake傳動軸上的制動器<BR>  transmission shaft傳動軸<BR>  transmissometer能見度測量儀;視距測量儀<BR>  transom船尾板<BR>  transonic跨音速<BR>  transonic effect跨音速效應<BR>  transponder應答機<BR>  transport administration交通管理<BR>  Transport Advisory Committee 交通諮詢委員會〔交諮會〕<BR>  Transport Advisory Committee Working Group on Taxi Policy Review Consultative Paper on Taxi Licensing System《交通諮詢委員會的士政策檢討工作小組的士發牌制度──諮詢文件》<BR>  Transport and Miscellaneous Services Section 運輸及雜項服務業統計組〔政府統計處〕<BR>  Transport Bureau運輸局<BR>  Transport Bureau Public Relations Group Meeting運輸局局長與執行部門首長會議<BR>  transport capacity運輸量<BR>  Transport Category (Cargo)運輸(貨物)類<BR>  Transport Category (Passenger)運輸(乘客)類<BR>  Transport Complaint Form交通投訴表格<BR>  Transport Complaints Unit 交通投訴組〔運輸局〕<BR>  Transport Complaints Unit Annual Report 19XX/XX《交通投訴組一九XX年至一九XX年年報》<BR>  Transport Complaints Unit Quarterly《交通投訴組季報》<BR>  Transport Complaints Unit sub-committee交通投訴組小組委員會<BR>  transport complex交通綜合運輸大樓<BR>  transport concessions for the disabled弱能人士運輸寬減措施<BR>  transport control system交通控制系統<BR>  transport corridor運輸走廊<BR>  transport demand運輸需求<BR>  Transport Department運輸署<BR>  Transport Emergency Card 運輸緊急卡<BR>  transport equipment運輸器材<BR>  transport establishment運輸機構<BR>  transport information system 交通運輸資訊系統〔智能交通運輸系統〕<BR>  transport infrastructure基本運輸建設;運輸基礎設施<BR>  Transport Inspector運輸督察<BR>  transport interchange運輸交匯處<BR>  Transport Liaison Officer System運輸聯絡主任制度<BR>  transport link運輸連接道路<BR>  transport management交通管理<BR>  transport model運輸數據模型<BR>  transport model test運輸模式測試<BR>  transport modelling procedure運輸模擬程序<BR>  transport modelling technique運輸模擬方法<BR>  transport need交通需求<BR>  transport network運輸網<BR>  Transport Officer運輸主任<BR>  Transport Operations Division運輸管理部<BR>  transport planning運輸策劃<BR>  Transport Planning and Design Manual 《運輸策劃及設計手冊》<BR>  transport planning input運輸策劃資料<BR>  transport policy運輸政策<BR>  Transport Policy Co-ordinating Committee運輸政策統籌委員會<BR>  transport project運輸工程計劃<BR>  transport sector運輸業<BR>  Transport Services Division 運輸服務部〔運輸局〕<BR>  transport strategy運輸策略<BR>  Transport Study for the New Airport 《新機場運輸研究》<BR>  transport system交通運輸系統<BR>  transport terminus交通運輸總站<BR>  transport trade association運輸業商會<BR>  Transport Tribunal交通審裁處<BR>  transportable moisture limit可運輸水分限量<BR>  transportation planning model運輸規劃模式<BR>  transverse beam橫樑<BR>  transverse yellow stripe marking橫向黃間線<BR>  TransVision《運訊》<BR>  trapped deck winching停船吊運<BR>  travel agent pick-up area旅行社車輛上客處<BR>  travel characteristics survey行程特點調查<BR>  travel demand assessment交通需求評估<BR>  travel limiter行程限制器<BR>  travel pattern交通模式<BR>  travel time旅程時間<BR>  travel without a ticket無票乘車<BR>  travelator自動人行道;行人輸送帶<BR>  travelling expenses交通費;舟車費<BR>  travelling volume載客量<BR>  trawler拖網漁船<BR>  Trawler Master拖網漁船船長<BR>  trawling拖網<BR>  trawling engineer拖網漁船輪機員<BR>  tray托貨盤<BR>  tread depth胎紋深度<BR>  tread pattern胎紋<BR>  tread width胎面寬度;踏板闊度〔自動梯〕<BR>  Trend Base (Scenario B)發展導向為本(方案B)<BR>  trestle支架<BR>  trial flight試驗飛行;試飛<BR>  trial run試車;試行;試路<BR>  trichurator飛機廢料處理系統<BR>  tricycle三輪車<BR>  Trident aircraft三叉戟式飛機<BR>  trim傾斜;配平<BR>  trim actuator配平致動器<BR>  trim air加熱氣<BR>  trim air valve加熱氣活門<BR>  trim motor配平發動機<BR>  trim operation system配平操縱系統<BR>  trim tab配平調整片<BR>  trim tank重心調整油箱<BR>  trimaran三體船<BR>  trimmable horizontal stabilizer可配平水平安定面<BR>  trip行程<BR>  trip assignment選用的路線<BR>  trip destination行程終點<BR>  trip generation行程的產生;行程的產生量<BR>  trip length行程長度<BR>  trip pattern行程模式<BR>  triple light三連燈<BR>  triple-decked ferry三層渡輪<BR>  triple-slotted三開縫<BR>  triple-spool三轉子<BR>  triplex window三層玻璃窗<BR>  tripod三腳架<BR>  trolley手推車<BR>  trolley bus無軌電車<BR>  trolley recirculation system行李手推車循環系統<BR>  trolley train行李列車<BR>  trolley wire電車架空電線<BR>  troop seat空降人員座椅<BR>  tropical cyclone warning signal熱帶氣旋警告信號<BR>  troubleshooting故障判斷與排除<BR>  Trucking Industry Study Report《貨車運輸業研究報告》<BR>  trucking service company貨運公司<BR>  true airspeed真空速<BR>  true bearing真方位<BR>  true north真北<BR>  trumpet junction喇叭路口<BR>  truncate 縮短〔路線〕<BR>  trunk hatchway圍壁艙口間<BR>  trunk road主幹路;幹道<BR>  trunk road for through traffic直通主幹路<BR>  trunk road network主幹路網絡<BR>  trunk route幹線<BR>  trunnion耳軸;軸頸<BR>  trunnion bearing耳軸承<BR>  truss桁架;構架<BR>  Tseung Kwan O Tunnel將軍澳隧道<BR>  Tsim Sha Tsui Extension 尖沙嘴支線〔九廣鐵路〕<BR>  Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Concourse尖沙嘴渡輪碼頭<BR>  Tsing Lung Bridge青龍大橋<BR>  Tsing Ma Bridge青馬大橋<BR>  Tsing Ma Control Area 青馬管制區<BR>  Tsing Ma Control Area (General) Regulation 《青馬管制區(一般)規例》〔第498章〕<BR>  Tsing Ma Control Area Government Monitoring Team (Highways)青馬管制區政府監察小組(路政)<BR>  Tsing Ma Control Area Ordinance 《青馬管制區條例》〔第498章〕<BR>  Tsing Ma Control Area (Tolls, Fees and Charges) Regulation 《青馬管制區(使用費、費用及收費)規例》〔第498章〕<BR>  Tsing Ma Division 青馬部〔運輸署〕<BR>  Tsing Ma Management Limited青馬管理有限公司<BR>  Tsing Tsuen and Tsing Yi Bridges Area青荃橋及青衣大橋區域<BR>  Tsing Tsuen Bridge青荃橋<BR>  Tsing Yi Anchorage青衣錨碇<BR>  Tsing Yi Bridge Improvement Project青衣大橋改善工程<BR>  Tsing Yi Duplicate South Bridge第二條青衣南橋<BR>  Tsing Yi North Bridge青衣北橋<BR>  Tsing Yi Road West Improvement青衣西路改善工程<BR>  Tsing Yi shipyard青衣船廠<BR>  Tsing Yi South Bridge青衣南橋<BR>  Tsing Yi span青衣橋跨<BR>  Tsing Yi tower青衣橋塔<BR>  Tsuen Wan Complex Car Park荃灣運輸大樓多層停車場<BR>  Tsuen Wan Connection荃灣引道<BR>  Tsuen Wan Dangerous Goods Anchorage荃灣危險品船隻碇泊區<BR>  Tsuen Wan Line 荃灣線〔地下鐵路〕<BR>  Tsuen Wan PLB Commercial Association Limited荃灣公共小型巴士商會有限公司<BR>  T-tailT形尾翼<BR>  tube to tube weld管與管接焊<BR>  tubing管道<BR>  tuck-under自動俯衝趨勢<BR>  Tuen Mun PLB Association屯門公共小型巴士商會<BR>  Tuen Mun Port Development Study屯門港口發展計劃研究<BR>  Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter屯門避風塘<BR>  tug拖船<BR>  tug operator拖船經營人<BR>  tug-master拖船船長<BR>  tuned circuit調諧電路<BR>  Tung Chau Street Extension and Dualling通州街延建及擴建工程<BR>  Tung Chung Ferry Pier東涌渡輪碼頭<BR>  Tung Chung Line 東涌線〔地下鐵路〕<BR>  Tung Chung New Town東涌新市鎮<BR>  Tung Yee Shipbuilding and Repairing Merchants General Association東義造船業總商會有限公司<BR>  tungsten inert gas welding鎢極惰性氣體保護焊<BR>  tuning調諧<BR>  tunnel隧道<BR>  tunnel approach road通往隧道入口道路<BR>  tunnel area隧道區;隧道區域<BR>  tunnel boundary隧道界限<BR>  tunnel box隧道管<BR>  tunnel breakthrough ceremony隧道貫通典禮<BR>  tunnel capacity隧道通車量<BR>  tunnel centre sump隧道中央集污槽<BR>  tunnel cooling plant隧道冷卻設備<BR>  tunnel escape road隧道太平路<BR>  tunnel facility隧道設施<BR>  tunnel lining隧道襯砌<BR>  tunnel link隧道及連接道路<BR>  tunnel luminaries隧道照明設備<BR>  Tunnel Manager, Cross-Harbour Tunnel Company Limited香港隧道有限公司隧道經理<BR>  tunnel officer隧道人員<BR>  tunnel operator隧道營辦商<BR>  tunnel pavement隧道的路面鋪設工程<BR>  tunnel portal隧道入口<BR>  tunnel portal area隧道入口範圍<BR>  tunnel structure隧道構築物<BR>  tunnel ticket隧道券<BR>  tunnel toll隧道費<BR>  tunnel traffic隧道交通<BR>  tunnel trip使用隧道車次<BR>  tunnel unit隧道組件<BR>  tunnel ventilation and monitoring and control systems隧道通風與中央監察及管制系統<BR>  tunnel ventilation shaft隧道通風井<BR>  tunnel washer洗牆車<BR>  Tunnels and Parking Division 隧道及泊車事務部〔運輸署〕<BR>  turbine渦輪<BR>  turbine blade渦輪葉片<BR>  turbine disc渦輪盤<BR>  turbine engine渦輪發動機<BR>  turbine gas temperature渦輪燃氣溫度<BR>  turbine inlet temperature渦輪進口溫度<BR>  turbine rotor渦輪轉子<BR>  turbine speed control渦輪轉速調節<BR>  turbine stage渦輪級<BR>  turbine-engined aeroplane渦輪發動機飛機<BR>  turbine-engined airship渦輪發動機飛船<BR>  turbine-engined rotorcraft渦輪發動機旋翼機<BR>  turbo fuel渦輪機燃油<BR>  turbocharge渦輪增壓<BR>  turbocharger渦輪增壓器<BR>  turbofan engine渦輪風扇發動機<BR>  turbojet engine渦輪噴氣發動機<BR>  turboprop engine渦輪螺旋槳發動機<BR>  turbulence湍流<BR>  turbulence damping湍流阻尼<BR>  turbulent flow湍流<BR>  turn轉彎<BR>  turn co-ordination轉彎協調<BR>  turn indicator轉彎儀<BR>  turnabout迴轉;掉頭<BR>  turnabout exercise練習窄路掉頭<BR>  turn-and-bank indicator轉彎傾斜儀<BR>  turn-and-slip indicator轉彎傾滑儀<BR>  turnaround迴車場<BR>  turnaround facility掉頭設施<BR>  turnaround maintenance回程起飛前維護<BR>  turnaround period準備續航期間<BR>  turnaround time港口裝卸時間<BR>  turnback loop掉頭路軌<BR>  turn-buckle緊線器<BR>  turning轉彎處<BR>  turning circle 船舶掉頭區〔飛機燃料接收設施〕<BR>  turning circle迴車處;迴車場;迴車圓環<BR>  turning gear迴轉齒輪<BR>  turning lane迴車道<BR>  turning point轉彎點<BR>  turning radius迴轉半徑<BR>  turning traffic轉向交通<BR>  turnkey design and construction basis全包合約承辦設計及建築工程的方式<BR>  turnkey project全包工程<BR>  turn-off light滑出口標誌燈<BR>  turnout rate 出車數目〔巴士〕<BR>  turnover rate流動率;車輛轉換率<BR>  turn-round of ship船隻裝卸貨物<BR>  turnstile旋轉柵閘<BR>  turntable轉車台<BR>  tweendeck甲板間;中間甲板<BR>  twenty-foot equivalent unit 標準貨櫃單位<BR>  twenty-four-hour restricted zone二十四小時限制區<BR>  twenty-four-hour urban clearway二十四小時禁止上落客貨區<BR>  twin berths 雙泊位〔飛機燃料接收設施〕<BR>  twin bored tunnel雙鑽孔隧道<BR>  twin pipelines 雙管道輸油管〔飛機燃料接收設施〕<BR>  twin rotors雙旋翼<BR>  twin spool雙轉子<BR>  twin-engined aircraft雙發動機飛機<BR>  twin-screw雙螺旋槳<BR>  twin-track railway雙軌鐵路<BR>  twin-tube tunnel雙管隧道<BR>  two-axle bus兩軸巴士<BR>  two-engine flight雙發動機飛行<BR>  two-hour meter兩小時收費錶<BR>  two-lane road and bridge雙程道路橋<BR>  two-level fork junction雙層叉形路口<BR>  two-level station兩層車站<BR>  "two-second" rule“兩秒距程”準則<BR>  two-span railway bridge兩孔鐵路橋<BR>  two-way communication雙向通信<BR>  two-way radio link雙向無線電通信聯繫<BR>  two-way section fare雙程分段收費<BR>  two-way toll collection雙向收取使用費<BR>  two-way traffic雙程行車<BR>  type 2 cargo tank第2型貨油艙<BR>  type approval型號批准證書;類型測檢<BR>  Type Certificate型號合格證<BR>  Type Certificate Data Sheet型號合格證數據單<BR>  type certification型號合格審定<BR>  type design型號設計<BR>  type of aircraft機型<BR>  type of body車身類型<BR>  type of engine引擎類型<BR>  type of road道路種類<BR>  type rating執照機型;型別<BR>  Type Rating Certificate類型級別證書<BR>  type record型號記錄<BR>  type validation型號認可<BR>  Type Validation Certificate型號認可證書<BR>  typhoon buoy防風浮標;防風浮泡<BR>  typhoon shelter避風塘<BR>  typhoon surcharge颱風附加費<BR>  tyre車胎;輪胎<BR>  tyre creep輪胎滑動<BR>  tyre cut輪胎割痕<BR>  tyre guard barrier輪胎防護圍欄<BR>  tyre having a break or cut in the fabric輪胎纖維破裂或有切口<BR>  tyre having a lump or bulge輪胎面起硬塊或凸起<BR>  tyre incorrectly inflated輪胎充氣不合規格<BR>  tyre pressure輪胎氣壓<BR>  tyre pressure gauge輪胎壓力錶<BR>  tyre retaining ring輪胎鎖環<BR>  tyre retaining ring butting輪胎鎖環末端接觸<BR>  tyre size輪胎尺碼<BR>  tyre skidding拖胎<BR>  tyre tread胎面<BR>  城市规划组:<BR>  T junction<BR>  T字形路口交匯處;T字路口<BR>  Table of Recent Amendment<BR>  近期修訂記錄表<BR>  table tennis parlour<BR>  乒乓球室<BR>  tabular form<BR>  表式<BR>  Tai Kok Tsui Urban Renewal Study<BR>  大角咀市區重建計劃研究<BR>  tail fan<BR>  扇形鐵路支線網<BR>  tangential road<BR>  切線路;切入線<BR>  tannery<BR>  皮革廠<BR>  target population<BR>  目標人口<BR>  Task Force on Land Supply and Property Prices<BR>  土地供應及物業價格專責小組<BR>  taxi rank<BR>  的士站;的士候客處<BR>  taxi stand<BR>  的士站;的士候客處<BR>  technical institute<BR>  工業學院<BR>  Technical Services Division <BR>  專業事務部〔規劃署〕<BR>  Technical Services Section <BR>  專業事務組〔規劃署〕<BR>  telecommunication electronic microwave repeater<BR>  電訊微波轉發站<BR>  telecommunication installation<BR>  電訊裝置<BR>  telecommunication services centre<BR>  電訊服務中心<BR>  telephone booth<BR>  電話亭<BR>  telephone exchange<BR>  電話機樓<BR>  television/radio transmitter<BR>  電視/廣播電台發射塔<BR>  temple<BR>  廟宇;寺院<BR>  temporal pattern<BR>  時間模式<BR>  temporary building<BR>  臨時屋宇;臨時建築物<BR>  temporary car park<BR>  臨時停車場<BR>  Temporary Control of Density of Building Development (Kowloon and New Kowloon) Ordinance <BR>  《建築物發展密度(九龍及新九龍)暫時管制條例》〔第404章〕〔已失時效〕<BR>  temporary housing<BR>  臨時房屋〔臨屋〕<BR>  Temporary Housing Area <BR>  臨時房屋區〔臨屋區〕<BR>  Temporary Industrial Area<BR>  臨時工業區<BR>  temporary structure<BR>  臨時構築物<BR>  temporary use<BR>  暫時用途<BR>  tenancy<BR>  租用權;租住權;租賃;租約<BR>  Tenancy Tribunal<BR>  租務審裁處<BR>  tenant<BR>  租戶;租客;承租人<BR>  tender<BR>  招標<BR>  tenement<BR>  樓宇;物業;物業單位<BR>  tenement building<BR>  唐樓<BR>  tent camping ground<BR>  帳幕營地<BR>  tenure<BR>  年期;租用權;批租期<BR>  Ten-year Housing Programme<BR>  十年建屋計劃<BR>  terminal facility<BR>  終站設施;總站設施<BR>  terminus<BR>  終站;總站<BR>  terrace<BR>  台階;平台;露台;梯田<BR>  terraced house<BR>  排列連接式屋宇<BR>  Territorial and Sub-regional Planning Branch <BR>  全港及次區域規劃處〔規劃署〕<BR>  Territorial and Sub-regional Planning Division <BR>  全港及次區域規劃部〔規劃署〕<BR>  Territorial Development Strategy <BR>  全港發展策略<BR>  Territorial Development Strategy Review <BR>  全港發展策略檢討<BR>  Territorial Development Strategy Review Steering Group<BR>  全港發展策略檢討督導小組<BR>  Territorial Development Strategy Review--Development Options<BR>  全港發展策略檢討──可供選擇的發展方案<BR>  tertiary education<BR>  高等教育<BR>  tertiary industry<BR>  第三產業<BR>  tertiary institution<BR>  高等教育院校<BR>  tertiary planning unit<BR>  小規劃統計區<BR>  tertiary rural road<BR>  郊區分路<BR>  tertiary sector<BR>  第三產業<BR>  theatre<BR>  劇院;戲院;劇場<BR>  theme park<BR>  專題公園<BR>  threshold<BR>  規範;界限<BR>  threshold analysis<BR>  規範分析;界限分析<BR>  through traffic<BR>  直達交通;過境交通<BR>  throughput<BR>  吞吐量;生產量;處理量<BR>  tidal flow measure<BR>  潮水式行車措施<BR>  timber yard<BR>  貯木場<BR>  time cycle<BR>  周期<BR>  time series<BR>  時間數列<BR>  title survey<BR>  業權調查;地籍測量<BR>  toe wall<BR>  矮牆;壩趾牆<BR>  tolerated squatter<BR>  暫准寮屋;暫准寮屋的居民<BR>  tolerated structure<BR>  暫准構築物<BR>  toll booth<BR>  收費亭;繳費處<BR>  toll plaza<BR>  繳費廣場<BR>  "tong"<BR>  堂<BR>  topographic survey<BR>  地形測量<BR>  topography<BR>  地形<BR>  total development area<BR>  發展總面積<BR>  total planning scheme area<BR>  規劃區總面積<BR>  total plot ratio<BR>  總地積比率<BR>  tower<BR>  塔<BR>  tower block<BR>  高層大廈<BR>  town<BR>  城市;市鎮<BR>  town centre<BR>  市中心<BR>  town hall<BR>  會堂<BR>  town park<BR>  市鎮公園<BR>  town plan<BR>  規劃圖則<BR>  town planner<BR>  城市規劃師<BR>  Town Planning Appeal Board <BR>  城市規劃上訴委員會<BR>  Town Planning (Appeals) Regulations <BR>  《城市規劃(上訴)規例》〔第131章〕<BR>  Town Planning Board <BR>  城市規劃委員會〔城規會〕<BR>  Town Planning Board Section <BR>  城市規劃委員會組〔規劃署〕<BR>  Town Planning in Hong Kong: A Quick Reference<BR>  《香港的城市規劃便覽》<BR>  Town Planning Information System <BR>  城市規劃資訊系統<BR>  town planning layout<BR>  城市規劃詳細藍圖<BR>  Town Planning Ordinance <BR>  《城市規劃條例》〔第131章〕<BR>  Town Planning Regulations <BR>  《城市規劃規例》〔第131章〕<BR>  Town Planning (Taking Possession and Disposal of Property) Regulation <BR>  《城市規劃(財產的接管及處置)規例》〔第131章〕<BR>  town square<BR>  市鎮廣場<BR>  town traffic<BR>  市區交通<BR>  townscape<BR>  市景;市容<BR>  tracing<BR>  摹繪圖;描摹圖<BR>  trade effluent<BR>  工商業污水<BR>  trade mart<BR>  工業展覽館<BR>  trade-off<BR>  權衡;作出取捨<BR>  traffic<BR>  交通<BR>  traffic aid<BR>  輔助交通設備<BR>  traffic architecture<BR>  交通建築學<BR>  traffic assignment<BR>  交通分配<BR>  traffic capacity<BR>  交通容量<BR>  traffic census<BR>  交通統計<BR>  traffic corridor<BR>  交通走廊<BR>  traffic delay<BR>  交通阻延<BR>  traffic detector<BR>  交通探測器<BR>  traffic direction<BR>  交通流向;交通流動方向<BR>  traffic direction flow<BR>  交通流動方向<BR>  traffic diversion<BR>  交通改道<BR>  traffic engineering<BR>  交通工程<BR>  traffic flow<BR>  交通流量<BR>  traffic flow diagram<BR>  交通流量圖<BR>  traffic generation<BR>  交通的產生<BR>  traffic generation factor<BR>  交通產生因素<BR>  Traffic Impact Assessment<BR>  交通影響評估<BR>  traffic load<BR>  交通負荷量<BR>  traffic management<BR>  交通管理<BR>  traffic noise<BR>  交通噪音<BR>  traffic pattern<BR>  交通模式;交通形式<BR>  traffic segregation<BR>  交通分隔<BR>  traffic sign<BR>  交通標誌<BR>  traffic volume<BR>  行車量;交通量<BR>  traffic zone<BR>  交通區<BR>  trail<BR>  小徑<BR>  tram track<BR>  電車軌<BR>  tram track reserve<BR>  電車軌預留地<BR>  transformer station<BR>  變壓站<BR>  transient population<BR>  流動人口;暫住人口<BR>  transit centre<BR>  臨時收容中心;臨時安置所<BR>  transit network<BR>  運輸網<BR>  transit shed<BR>  臨時安置所<BR>  transmission line<BR>  輸電線;輸電纜<BR>  transmission network<BR>  輸送系統<BR>  transmitter<BR>  發射塔<BR>  Transport Advisory Committee <BR>  交通諮詢委員會〔交諮會〕<BR>  transport industry<BR>  運輸業<BR>  transport interchange<BR>  交通交匯處<BR>  transport mode<BR>  運輸工具種類;交通工具種類<BR>  transport network<BR>  運輸網<BR>  transport node<BR>  運輸樞紐<BR>  transport plan<BR>  運輸計劃<BR>  transport planning<BR>  運輸規劃<BR>  Transport Policy Co-ordinating Committee<BR>  運輸政策統籌委員會<BR>  Transport Studies and Central Data Section <BR>  運輸研究及中央資料組〔規劃署〕<BR>  transport system<BR>  交通運輸系統<BR>  transport terminus<BR>  運輸終站<BR>  transportation study<BR>  運輸研究<BR>  transshipment<BR>  轉運<BR>  transshipment traffic<BR>  轉載船運<BR>  travel pattern<BR>  交通模式<BR>  travel time<BR>  行程時間<BR>  tree nursery<BR>  苗圃<BR>  tree plantation<BR>  造林區<BR>  tree planting reserve<BR>  植樹保留地;植樹預留地<BR>  tree preservation area<BR>  樹木保護區<BR>  trees to be preserved<BR>  計劃保留的樹木<BR>  tribunal<BR>  審裁處<BR>  tributary<BR>  支流<BR>  trident block<BR>  Y型大廈<BR>  trigonometrical station<BR>  三角網測站<BR>  trip<BR>  行程<BR>  trip attraction<BR>  行程引入量<BR>  trip destination<BR>  行程終點<BR>  trip distribution<BR>  行程分布<BR>  trip end<BR>  行程終點<BR>  trip generation<BR>  行程產生量<BR>  trip origin<BR>  行程起點<BR>  tripartite growth<BR>  三方面發展;三方面增長<BR>  trunk road<BR>  主幹道<BR>  trunk sewer<BR>  污水幹渠<BR>  "tso tong"<BR>  祖堂<BR>  Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po District Planning Office <BR>  荃灣、葵青及深水規劃處〔規劃署〕<BR>  Tsuen Wan/Kwai Tsing Development Statement Study<BR>  荃灣/葵青發展綱領研究<BR>  "tsz tong"<BR>  祠堂<BR>  tube<BR>  管道<BR>  Tuen Mun and Yuen Long District Planning Office <BR>  屯門及元朗規劃處〔規劃署〕<BR>  Tung Chung Town Centre Study<BR>  東涌市中心研究<BR>  tunnel<BR>  隧道<BR>  tunnel landing<BR>  隧道進出口<BR>  turfed area<BR>  草坪;草地<BR>  turning radius<BR>  轉彎範圍<BR>  turnout<BR>  生產量;避車道<BR>  turnover rate<BR>  流動率<BR>  twenty-foot-equivalent-unit <BR>  標準貨櫃單位〔相等於一個二十呎長的標準貨櫃〕<BR>  twin tower block<BR>  雙塔式大廈<BR>  twin-H block<BR>  雙工字型大廈<BR>  two-tier plot ratio system<BR>  地積比率兩級制<BR>  two-way traffic<BR>  雙程行車<BR>  typhoon anchorage<BR>  防風碇泊區;避風碇泊區<BR>  typhoon barrier<BR>  避風堤<BR>  typhoon shelter<BR>  避風塘<BR>  <BR>  航线工作常用词汇续<BR>  <BR>  4.10 地勤人员和飞行机组之间的用语 <BR>  <BR>  4.10 地勤人员和飞行机组之间的用语 <BR>  4.10.1 开车程序(地勤或驾驶舱) <BR> 〔你〕准备好开车了吗 <BR>   READY TO START UP <BR> *启动第(数字)发动机 <BR>  *STARTING NUMBER (engine number(s)) <BR>  4.10.2 推出程序 <BR> 你准备好推出了吗 <BR>  ARE YOU READY FOR PUSHBACK <BR>  注:地勤人员和航空器驾驶员的通话。 <BR> *推出准备好 <BR>  *READY FOR PUSHBACK <BR> 证实刹车已解除 <BR>  CONFIRM BRAKES RELEASED <BR> *刹车已解除 <BR>  *BRAKES RELEASED <BR> 现在开始推出 <BR>  COMMENCING PUSHBACK <BR> 推出结束 <BR>  PUSHBACK COMPLETED <BR> *停止推出 <BR>  *STOP PUSHBACK <BR> 证实已刹车 <BR>  CONFIRM BRAKES SET <BR> *已刹车 <BR>  BRAKES SET <BR> *断开 <BR>  DISCONNECT <BR> 断开稍等,注意左(或右)边的目视信号 <BR>  DISCONNECTING STAND BY FOR VISUAL AT YOUR LEFT (or RIGHT) <BR>  注:使用此用语后应通过目视信号表明所有障碍物完全清除,可开始滑行。 <BR>  A.1 航空器及其系统 <BR>  <BR>  A.1 航空器及其系统(aircraft and its system) <BR>  A.1.1 航空器框架(aircraft structure) <BR>  airframe <BR>  机身 <BR>  <BR>  flight deck <BR>  驾驶舱 <BR>  <BR>  wheel well <BR>  轮舱 <BR>  <BR>  front (fore) part <BR>  前部 <BR>  <BR>  rear (aft) part <BR>  后部 <BR>  <BR>  port <BR>  左舷(舵) <BR>  <BR>  starboard <BR>  右舷(舵) <BR>  <BR>  inboard engine or inboards <BR>  内侧发动机 <BR>  <BR>  outboard engine or outboards <BR>  外侧发动机 <BR>  <BR>  nose <BR>  机头 <BR>  <BR>  belly <BR>  机腹 <BR>  <BR>  skin <BR>  蒙皮 <BR>  <BR>  outer shell <BR>  外壳 <BR>  <BR>  rib <BR>  翼肋 <BR>  <BR>  spar <BR>  翼梁 <BR>  <BR>  stringer <BR>  桁条 <BR>  <BR>  windscreen or windshield <BR>  风挡 <BR>  <BR>  wing <BR>  机翼 <BR>  <BR>  trailing edge <BR>  机翼后缘 <BR>  <BR>  leading edge <BR>  机翼前缘 <BR>  <BR>  wing tip <BR>  翼尖 <BR>  <BR>  control surface <BR>  操纵面 <BR>  <BR>  ailerons <BR>  副翼 <BR>  <BR>  flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps) <BR>  襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘襟翼) <BR>  <BR>  spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler) (spoiler down\up) <BR>  阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) <BR>  <BR>  airbrakes <BR>  减速板(阻流板) <BR>  <BR>  slats <BR>  缝翼 <BR>  <BR>  elevators (elevator control tab) <BR>  升降舵(升降舵操纵片) <BR>  <BR>  rudder (rudder control tab) <BR>  方向舵(方向舵操纵片) <BR>  <BR>  flap angle <BR>  襟翼角 <BR>  <BR>  flap setting <BR>  襟翼设定 <BR>  <BR>  full flap position <BR>  全襟翼位置 <BR>  <BR>  flapless landing <BR>  无襟翼着陆 <BR>  <BR>  landing gear <BR>  起落架 <BR>  <BR>  stabilizer <BR>  安定面 <BR>  <BR>  nose wheel <BR>  起落架前轮 <BR>  <BR>  gear locked <BR>  起落架锁定 <BR>  <BR>  wheel well <BR>  起落架舱 <BR>  <BR>  wheel door <BR>  起落架舱门 <BR>  <BR>  tyre <BR>  轮胎 <BR>  <BR>  burst <BR>  爆破 <BR>  <BR>  deflated tyre <BR>  瘪胎 <BR>  <BR>  flat tyre <BR>  漏胎 <BR>  <BR>  puncture <BR>  轮胎被扎破 <BR>  <BR>  extend the flaps (retract the flaps) <BR>  放下襟翼(收上襟翼) <BR>  <BR>  extend the gear (retract the gear) <BR>  放下起落架(收上起落架) <BR>  <BR>  gear extension (gear retraction) <BR>  放轮(收轮) <BR>  <BR>  the gear is jammed <BR>  起落架被卡阻 <BR>  <BR>  the flaps are jammed <BR>  襟翼被卡阻 <BR>  <BR>  emergency extension system <BR>  应急放下系统 <BR>  <BR>  crank the gear down <BR>  摇动放下起落架 <BR>  <BR>  brakes <BR>  刹车 <BR>  <BR>  disc brakes <BR>  盘式制动器 <BR>  <BR>  an anti-skid device <BR>  防滞装置 <BR>  <BR>  an arresting gear <BR>  拦阻装置 <BR>  <BR>  thrust reverser <BR>  反推装置 <BR>  <BR>  tail parachute <BR>  尾伞 <BR>  <BR>  the brakes are unreliable <BR>  刹车不可靠 <BR>  <BR>  braking action is poor <BR>  刹车状况不好 <BR>  <BR>  brake wear <BR>  刹车磨损 <BR>  <BR>  overheat <BR>  超温(过热) <BR>  <BR>  slow down <BR>  减慢(速度) <BR>  <BR>  bring the plane to a stop <BR>  使飞机停下 <BR>  <BR>  passenger cabin <BR>  客舱 <BR>  <BR>  floor <BR>  地板 <BR>  <BR>  ceiling <BR>  顶棚(板) <BR>  <BR>  galley <BR>  机上厨房 <BR>  <BR>  toilet <BR>  厕所 <BR>  <BR>  lounge <BR>  休息室 <BR>  <BR>  partition <BR>  隔墙 <BR>  <BR>  interior fittings <BR>  机上用具 <BR>  <BR>  oxygen mask <BR>  氧气面罩 <BR>  <BR>  cargo-hold <BR>  货舱 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.2动力系统(powerplant system) <BR>  nacelle (cowl) <BR>  引擎短舱 <BR>  <BR>  spinnner <BR>  螺旋桨整流罩 <BR>  <BR>  pod <BR>  发动机吊舱 <BR>  <BR>  air inlet or intake <BR>  进气道 <BR>  <BR>  bird, water ingestion <BR>  发动机吸进了鸟、水 <BR>  <BR>  foreign object damage <BR>  外来物损伤 <BR>  <BR>  fan <BR>  风扇 <BR>  <BR>  windmill <BR>  风车 <BR>  <BR>  rotor <BR>  转子 <BR>  <BR>  fan blades <BR>  风扇叶片 <BR>  <BR>  propeller <BR>  螺旋桨 <BR>  <BR>  propeller blade <BR>  桨叶 <BR>  <BR>  propulsor <BR>  推进器 <BR>  <BR>  reduction gearbox <BR>  减速器 <BR>  <BR>  LP and HP compressors <BR>  低压和高压压缩机 <BR>  <BR>  annular combustor <BR>  环行燃烧室 <BR>  <BR>  multiple-can combustor <BR>  管型燃烧室 <BR>  <BR>  can-annular combustor <BR>  管环燃烧室 <BR>  <BR>  reverse-flow annular combustor <BR>  回流式环行燃烧室 <BR>  <BR>  turbocharger <BR>  涡轮增压器 <BR>  <BR>  turbine wheel <BR>  涡轮导向器 <BR>  <BR>  supercharger <BR>  增压器 <BR>  <BR>  compressor blades <BR>  压缩机叶片 <BR>  <BR>  nozzles <BR>  尾喷管(嘴),排气管 <BR>  <BR>  cylinder <BR>  气缸 <BR>  <BR>  crankshaft <BR>  曲轴 <BR>  <BR>  exhaust section <BR>  排气部分 <BR>  <BR>  engine setting <BR>  发动机设置 <BR>  <BR>  RPM (revolution per minute) <BR>  转速(转每分) <BR>  <BR>  set the engine to idle <BR>  慢车位 <BR>  <BR>  give full throttle (or power) to the engine <BR>  全油门(功率) <BR>  <BR>  throttle up the engine <BR>  加油门 <BR>  <BR>  throttle down (or back) the engine <BR>  收油门 <BR>  <BR>  engineering trouble <BR>  机械故障 <BR>  <BR>  engine failure <BR>  发动机失效 <BR>  <BR>  the engine runs rough <BR>  发动机工作不稳定 <BR>  <BR>  the engine runs smoothly <BR>  发动机工作稳定 <BR>  <BR>  vibration <BR>  抖动 <BR>  <BR>  the engine is low on power <BR>  马力小 <BR>  <BR>  low rumble <BR>  发动机发出低沉的响声 <BR>  <BR>  loud bangs <BR>  发动机放炮 <BR>  <BR>  engine surge <BR>  发动机喘振 <BR>  <BR>  engine shutdown <BR>  停车 <BR>  <BR>  engine flame out <BR>  发动机熄火 <BR>  <BR>  exhaust duct and tail cone <BR>  排气道和尾锥 <BR>  <BR>  engine feathered <BR>  顺桨 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.3航空器系统(aircraft system) <BR>  A.1.3.1燃油系统(fuel system) <BR>  fuel system <BR>  燃油系统 <BR>  <BR>  fuel tanks <BR>  燃油箱 <BR>  <BR>  vent <BR>  通气孔 <BR>  <BR>  fuel hydrant <BR>  加油栓 <BR>  <BR>  fuel lines <BR>  燃油管路 <BR>  <BR>  fuel pump <BR>  燃油泵 <BR>  <BR>  fuelfilter <BR>  油滤 <BR>  <BR>  joints <BR>  接头 <BR>  <BR>  dump valves <BR>  放油阀 <BR>  <BR>  fuel shut-off levers <BR>  燃油油路切断操纵杆 <BR>  <BR>  fuel flow indicators <BR>  燃油流量表 <BR>  <BR>  low fuel pressure warning lights <BR>  燃油油压过低警告灯 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.3.2滑油系统(oil system) <BR>  lubricant <BR>  润滑剂 <BR>  <BR>  lubrication <BR>  润滑 <BR>  <BR>  oil lines <BR>  滑油管路 <BR>  <BR>  oil pressure indicators <BR>  滑油压力表 <BR>  <BR>  oil temperature indicator <BR>  滑油温度表 <BR>  <BR>  oil cooler <BR>  滑油散热器 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.3.3液压系统(hydraulic system) <BR>  hydraulic lines <BR>  液压管路 <BR>  <BR>  hydraulic actuator <BR>  液压作动筒 <BR>  <BR>  hydraulic pump <BR>  液压泵 <BR>  <BR>  pressure control valves <BR>  压力控制阀 <BR>  <BR>  pressure sensors <BR>  压力传感器 <BR>  <BR>  relief valves <BR>  释压阀 <BR>  <BR>  flow control valves <BR>  流量控制阀 <BR>  <BR>  (actuating) jacks <BR>  千斤顶 <BR>  <BR>  seals <BR>  密封圈 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.3.4 电器系统(electrical system) <BR>  DC generator <BR>  直流发电机 <BR>  <BR>  an AC generator <BR>  交流发电机 <BR>  <BR>  APU(auxiliary power unit) <BR>  辅助动力装置 <BR>  <BR>  inverter <BR>  变换器 <BR>  <BR>  solid state transformer <BR>  固态变压器 <BR>  <BR>  rectifier <BR>  整流器 <BR>  <BR>  fuse <BR>  保险丝 <BR>  <BR>  wire <BR>  电线 <BR>  <BR>  circuit <BR>  电路 <BR>  <BR>  lead <BR>  连线/引线 <BR>  <BR>  circuit breaker <BR>  跳开关 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.3.5 空调系统(air-conditioning system) <BR>  pressure control <BR>  压力控制 <BR>  <BR>  environmental control system <BR>  环境控制系统 <BR>  <BR>  cooling <BR>  冷却 <BR>  <BR>  electronic cooling system <BR>  冷凝系统 <BR>  <BR>  heating <BR>  加热 <BR>  <BR>  humidifier <BR>  增湿器 <BR>  <BR>  heat exchanger <BR>  热交换器 <BR>  <BR>  fans <BR>  风扇 <BR>  <BR>  pressurization <BR>  增压 <BR>  <BR>  air ducts <BR>  空气导管 <BR>  <BR>  pneumatic system <BR>  汽源系统 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.4 驾驶舱(cockpit) <BR>  A.1.4.1操纵系统(control system) <BR>  flight control system <BR>  飞行操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  flight management computer system <BR>  飞行管理计算机系统 <BR>  <BR>  boosted controls <BR>  助力操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  manual controls <BR>  人工操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  levers/stick/column <BR>  杆 <BR>  <BR>  control column <BR>  操纵杆 <BR>  <BR>  control panel <BR>  控制板 <BR>  <BR>  captain’s panel <BR>  机长仪表板 <BR>  <BR>  glare shield panel <BR>  防眩板 <BR>  <BR>  center console <BR>  中央操纵台 <BR>  <BR>  handles <BR>  操纵手柄 <BR>  <BR>  knobs <BR>  按钮或旋钮 <BR>  <BR>  switchers <BR>  开关 <BR>  <BR>  thrust levers <BR>  油门 <BR>  <BR>  cranks <BR>  曲柄(摇把) <BR>  <BR>  control stand <BR>  操纵台 <BR>  <BR>  rudder bar <BR>  方向舵连杆 <BR>  <BR>  elevator controls <BR>  升降舵操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  flap controls <BR>  襟翼操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  autopilot controls <BR>  自动驾驶操纵系统 <BR>  <BR>  autothrottle system <BR>  自动油门系统 <BR>  <BR>  instrument landing system <BR>  仪表着陆系统 <BR>  <BR>  microwave landing system <BR>  微波着陆系统 <BR>  <BR>  hand-operated control <BR>  人工驾驶 <BR>  <BR>  brake control unit <BR>  制动控制单元 <BR>  <BR>  steering wheel <BR>  方向盘(前轮) <BR>  <BR>  A.1.4.2航空器仪表(aircraft instrument) <BR>  gauge <BR>  仪表 <BR>  <BR>  primary display system <BR>  主显示系统 <BR>  <BR>  electronic instrument system <BR>  电子仪表系统 <BR>  <BR>  systems monitoring instruments <BR>  系统监控仪表 <BR>  <BR>  indicator <BR>  指示器(仪表) <BR>  <BR>  flight director <BR>  飞行指引仪 <BR>  <BR>  engine indicator <BR>  发动机仪表 <BR>  <BR>  accelerometer <BR>  加速度计 <BR>  <BR>  aneroid barometer <BR>  膜盒气压计 <BR>  <BR>  metre(dial) <BR>  表盘(刻度盘) <BR>  <BR>  instrument panel <BR>  仪表板 <BR>  <BR>  audio control panel <BR>  音频控制面板 <BR>  <BR>  overhead panel <BR>  顶部仪表板 <BR>  <BR>  flight engineer’s panel <BR>  随机工程师仪表板 <BR>  <BR>  radio management panel <BR>  无线电管理面板 <BR>  <BR>  flight navigation control panel <BR>  导航控制面板 <BR>  <BR>  flight data interface unit <BR>  飞行数据接口 <BR>  <BR>  digital flight data recording system <BR>  数字式飞行数据记录系统 <BR>  <BR>  engine vibration monitoring unit <BR>  发动机振动监控系统 <BR>  <BR>  weight and balance system <BR>  装载与配平系统 <BR>  <BR>  altimeter <BR>  高度表 <BR>  <BR>  radio altimeter <BR>  无线电高度表 <BR>  <BR>  airspeed indicator <BR>  空速表 <BR>  <BR>  automatic direction finder <BR>  自动定向仪 <BR>  <BR>  turn and bank indicator <BR>  转弯侧滑仪 <BR>  <BR>  attitude director indicator <BR>  姿态指示仪 <BR>  <BR>  horizontal situation indicator <BR>  水平位置指示器 <BR>  <BR>  set the altimeter <BR>  高度表拨正 <BR>  <BR>  vertical speed indicator <BR>  升降速度表 <BR>  <BR>  (gyro) horizon <BR>  陀螺地平仪 <BR>  <BR>  directional gyro <BR>  陀螺方向仪 <BR>  <BR>  A.1.5 航空器动作(aircraft maneouvre) <BR>  pitch <BR>  俯仰 <BR>  <BR>  roll <BR>  横滚 <BR>  <BR>  yaw <BR>  偏转 <BR>  <BR>  bank the aircraft <BR>  压坡度 <BR>  <BR>  lift off <BR>  抬(提)起 <BR>  <BR>  pitch up the aircraft (to nose up) <BR>  抬机头 <BR>  <BR>  pitch down the aircraft (to nose down) <BR>  推机头 <BR>  <BR>  down <BR>  向下 <BR>  <BR>  dive <BR>  俯冲 <BR>  <BR>  climb steeply <BR>  大角度爬升 <BR>  <BR>  corrective action <BR>  修正动作 <BR>  <BR>  level off <BR>  改平 <BR>  <BR>  stall <BR>  失速 <BR>  <BR>  recover from stall <BR>  从失速中改出 <BR>  <BR>  cut back decrease <BR>  收油门 <BR>  <BR>  spin <BR>  螺旋 <BR>  <BR>  sharp turn <BR>  急转弯 <BR>  <BR>  wide turn <BR>  小坡度转弯

guomai127 发表于 2010-9-18 09:19:19

:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:

牛牛的奶牛 发表于 2010-9-28 09:33:37


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