RMIT飞行训练课件-Constant Speed Unit
**** Hidden Message ***** Constant Speed Unit<BR>Aim<BR>• To gain an understanding behind the<BR>operation and use of a variable-pitch<BR>propeller (CSU)<BR>Application<BR>• When flying a CSU aircraft<BR>• C182 or PA44<BR>Overview<BR>• Revision<BR>• Definitions<BR>• Principles<BR>• Considerations<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Airmanship<BR>Revision<BR>• Fixed-Pitch Propeller<BR>– Same rotational velocity (RPM), different<BR>forward speed<BR>Low Speed<BR>Higher AoA<BR>High<BR>Speed<BR>Lower AoA<BR>Revision<BR>• Fixed-Pitch Propeller<BR>– Same forward speed, different rotational<BR>velocity (RPM)<BR>High rotational velocity<BR>Higher AoA<BR>Low rotational velocity<BR>Lower AoA<BR>Revision<BR>• With a fixed pitch propeller<BR>– If the aircraft is put into a climb, what will<BR>happen to the RPM with a fixed power setting?<BR>– If the aircraft is put into a descent, what will<BR>happen to the RPM with a fixed power setting?<BR>Definitions<BR>• CSU<BR>– Constant Speed (propeller) Unit, is a type of<BR>propeller that has a variable blade angle<BR>– It is called constant speed unit because the<BR>propeller can be set to a certain RPM and<BR>stay there with an increase or decrease of<BR>power.<BR>• Governor<BR>– A mechanical device that keeps the propeller<BR>at a set RPM, by means of springs and<BR>flywheels<BR>Definitions<BR>• Propeller Governor Cut-away<BR>Definitions<BR>• Fine pitch<BR>– Small blade angles, used at<BR>low airspeeds<BR>• Coarse Pitch<BR>– Large blade angles, used at<BR>high airspeeds<BR>• Feather<BR>– When the blade chordline is<BR>parallel with the aircraft’s<BR>relative airflow<BR>• Pitch Stops<BR>– Variable pitch propellers are<BR>typically limited to angles<BR>between 15 and 25.<BR>Between these stops<BR>(fine/coarse pitch stops) the<BR>propeller acts as a CSU. At<BR>the stops it becomes a fixedpitch<BR>propeller.Governor<BR>Blade<BR>Angle<BR>Definitions<BR>• CTM<BR>– Centrifugal twisting moment is the force acting on the blade,<BR>trying to turn the blade towards a fine pitch<BR>• ATM<BR>– Aerodynamic twisting moment is the force acting on the blade,<BR>trying to turn the blade towards a course pitch<BR>Definitions<BR>• Manifold Pressure (MAP)<BR>– Is an indication of engine power, measured in<BR>inches of Mercury (“Hg)<BR>Principles<BR>• Efficiency<BR>– Fixed pitch propellers have only one blade angle, which equates<BR>to efficient operation at only a certain airspeed.<BR>– Variable pitch propellers can change the blade angle, so that the<BR>blade angle can be the most efficient through all stages of flight<BR>Principles<BR>• Varying airspeed<BR>– At Low airspeeds the blade angle is small, therefore<BR>fine pitch<BR>– At hight airspeed the blade angle is large, therefore<BR>coarse pitch<BR>Principles<BR>• Change of Power<BR>– Pitch lever controls the blade angle<BR>Principles<BR>• Pitch Adjustment<BR>– Pitch lever is attached to a speeder spring<BR>– This adjusts spring tension which sets RPM<BR>• Various systems:<BR>– Non-Feathering Systems (Single Engine Aircraft)<BR>• McCauley Non-Feathering System (C182)<BR>• Hartzell Non-Feathering System (PA28R)<BR>– Feathering System (Multi-Engine Aircraft)<BR>Principles<BR>• Hartzell System<BR>Principles<BR>• McCauley system<BR>Principles<BR>• Once a certain RPM is selected, the CSU senses a<BR>deviation from the set RPM and adjusts the blade angle:<BR>– Straight and level flight, open throttle, propeller will coarsen<BR>– Raise the nose, IAS will decrease, propeller pitch will be finer to<BR>stop RPM reducing<BR>– Descent or dive, IAS will increase, propeller pitch will coarsen to<BR>maintain RPM<BR>Considerations<BR>• Pre-Flight<BR>– Check for leaks and secure blades.<BR>• Ground Operations<BR>– Important to do propeller check to get warm oil into<BR>hub to ensure serviceable system.<BR>• Failures<BR>– In Single engine, speeder spring fails, flyweights will<BR>fly out, making propeller go to coarse pitch stop.<BR>– Oil pressure failure, propeller will go to fine pitch stop.<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Changing Power<BR>– As a rule of thumb, keep MAP below RPM!<BR>– Use power settings (MAP and RPM) as<BR>shown in POH (5-21 to 5-30)<BR>– Stay within limits as per POH<BR>• Increasing Power<BR>– Pitch up, Power up.<BR>• Reducing Power<BR>– Power down, Pitch down.<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Taxiing<BR>– Aircraft is at the fine pitch stop, so it will act as a fixed<BR>pitch propeller<BR>• Take-off (POH 4-15)<BR>– Propeller is at the fine pitch stop, so the propeller will<BR>act as a fixed pitch propeller – immediate power<BR>available<BR>• On Final Approach (POH 4-17)<BR>– Pitch full fine<BR>– Undercarriage down and locked<BR>– Flaps<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Airmanship<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Pre-flight inspection<BR>– Check for oil leakage<BR>• Power changes correct<BR>• Smooth coordinated power usage<BR>• Thorough checks 感谢楼主万分感谢感谢万分 谢谢楼主,我正准备去RMIT读书