航空 发表于 2010-9-16 22:18:31


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航空 发表于 2010-9-16 22:18:52

MINIST&Eacute;RIO DA AERON&Aacute;UTICA<BR>DEPARTAMENTO DE PESQUISAS E DESENVOLVIMENTO<BR>CENTRO T&Eacute;CNICO AEROESPACIAL<BR>TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET N&ordm; EA-8002-01<BR>Type Certificate Holder:<BR>AIRBUS INDUSTRIE<BR>1, Rond-point Maurice Bellonte<BR>31707 Blagnac<BR>FRANCE<BR>EA-8002-01<BR>Sheet 01<BR>AIRBUS<BR>A300B2-203, A300B4-203;<BR>A310-203, -204, -221, -222,<BR>A310-304, -308, -322, -324, -325<BR>March 1999<BR>This data sheet, which is part of Type Certificate No. 8002, prescribes conditions and limitations under which the<BR>product, for which the Type Certificate was issued, meets the airworthiness requirements of the Brazilian<BR>Aeronautical Regulations.<BR>I - Model A300B2-203 (Transport Category), approved 13 August 1982.<BR>ENGINE Two General Electric model CF6-50C2 turbofan engines.<BR>MAXIMUM WEIGHT (kg)<BR>VARIANT<BR>Basic<BR>Model<BR>001 with<BR>SB 34.025 embodied<BR>(mod. 1569)<BR>Max. Ramp Weight 142 900 137 900<BR>Max. Take-off Weight 142 000 137 000<BR>Max. Landing Weight 130 000 130 000<BR>Max. Zero Fuel Weight 120 500 120 500<BR>CG RANGE Forward Aft<BR>Takeoff 18% MAC 33% MAC<BR>Landing 15% below 120 500 kg<BR>18% above 125 500 kg<BR>35%<BR>Linear variation between 120 500 kg and 125 500 kg.<BR>FUEL QUANTITY (0.782kg/l) Usable Fuel<BR>Tanks Unusable<BR>Fuel<BR>Normal preselected<BR>refueling<BR>Refueling with<BR>high level shut off<BR>(kg) (kg) (kg) (liters)<BR>Outer 12 7 000 7 218 9 230<BR>Inner 40 27 000 27 190 34 770<BR>Total 52 34 000 34 408 44 000<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 2<BR>II - Model A300B4-203 (Transport Category), approved 16 June 1980.<BR>ENGINE Two General Electric model CF6-50C2. turbojet engines.<BR>MAXIMUM WEIGHT (kg) Max. Ramp 165 900<BR>Max. Take-off 165 000<BR>Max. Landing 134 000<BR>Max. Zero Fuel 124 000<BR>CG RANGE Forward Aft<BR>Takeoff 18% MAC 33% MAC<BR>Landing 15% below 124 000 kg<BR>18% above 130 000 kg<BR>35%<BR>Linear variation between 124 000 kg and 130 000 kg.<BR>FUEL QUANTITY (0.782kg/l)<BR>Usable Fuel<BR>Unusable<BR>Without SB N° 28.021<BR>(Mod. 1664)<BR>With SB N° 28.021<BR>(Mod. 1664)<BR>Tanks fuel Normal<BR>preselected<BR>refueling<BR>Refueling with<BR>high level<BR>shut off<BR>Normal<BR>preselected<BR>refueling<BR>Refueling with<BR>high level<BR>shut off<BR>(kg) (kg) (kg) (liters) (kg) (kg) (liters)<BR>Outer 12 7 000 7 202 9 210 7 000 7 241 9 260<BR>Inner 130 27 000 27 026 34 560 27 000 27 480 35 140<BR>Center 48 11 000 11 206 14 330 13 500 13 763 17 600<BR>Total 190 45 000 45 434 58 100 47 500 48 484 62 000<BR>III - DATA PERTINENT TO ALL A300 SERIES<BR>FUEL See General Electric Specification D50 TF2. This specification<BR>is also applicable to the APU.<BR>Additives:<BR>- anti-icing: PHILLIPS PFA-55MB to MIL I 27686<BR>specification, 0,15% by volume maximum concentration<BR>- biocide: SOHI0 BIOBOR JF at 270 PPM maximum<BR>concentration;<BR>- anti-static: SHELL ASA-3 at 1 PPM maximum concentration.<BR>For operating conditions specific to each fuel, refer to<BR>corresponding Flight Manual.<BR>ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)<BR>Static thrust at sea level:<BR>Take-off (5min.)* (Up to 30°C)<BR>Maximum continuous (Up to 30&ordm;C)<BR>23 050 daN (51 800 lb)<BR>20 600 daN (46 300 lb)<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 3<BR>ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)<BR>(Cont.) Maximum engine speed:<BR>N1 rpm (%)<BR>N2 rpm (%)<BR>4 068 (118.5%)<BR>10 761 (109.5%)<BR>Maximum gas temperature:<BR>Take-off (5min.)*<BR>Maximum continuous<BR>Maximum acceleration (2 min)<BR>Starting<BR>945oC<BR>910oC<BR>960oC<BR>900/750oC<BR>Maximum oil temperature<BR>(supply pump inlet):<BR>Take-off, stabilized<BR>Transient (15 mn max.)<BR>160oC<BR>175oC<BR>Approved oils See Specification GE D50TF1<BR>called for in SB GE N° 79-1<BR>* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure<BR>(at take-off or during go-around).<BR>** Up to 40 sec/above 40 sec.<BR>AUXILIARY POWER UNIT Airesearch TS CP 700-5 (Specification SC 6203).<BR>Operating limitations:<BR>- Maximum power rating at sea level: 105.8 kW (142 hp)<BR>- Maximum operating speed - N1: 30 910 rpm (110%)<BR>- N2: 38 845 rpm (110%)<BR>- Maximum gas temperature at turbine: 585oC<BR>Approved oils: see AIRESEARCH maintenance manual TSCP<BR>700 49.20.00 table 303.<BR>AIRSPEED LIMITS Maximum Operating Mach (MMO)<BR>(IAS, unless otherwise stated) At and over 12 700 m (28 000 ft) : 0.86/0.82 (see Note 5)<BR>Maximum Operating Speed (VMO)<BR>Up to 12 882 m (28 400 ft) : 345 kt:<BR>Maneuvering Speed (VA): see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight<BR>Manual.<BR>Extended Flaps/Slats Speed (VFE): see table below:<BR>Slats/Flaps (°) VFE (kt)<BR>Take-off 16/0 250<BR>Take-off 16/8 215<BR>Approach 16/15 205<BR>Landing 25/25 180<BR>Enroute 16/0 210 (M=0.47)<BR>Minimum Control Speed: - In flight (VMCA): 112 kt<BR>- Takeoff/Landing (VMCG): 107 kt<BR>Landing gear: (VLE) - Extended: 270 kt/ Mach 0.59<BR>(VLO) - Extension 270 kt<BR>(VLO) - Retraction 240 kt<BR>Tyres Limit Speed (Ground Speed): 195.5 kcas<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 4<BR>DATUM Station 0 - 6.38 m (251.26 in) forward of the fuselage nose.<BR>MEAN AERODYNAMIC<BR>CHORD<BR>6.6080 m (250.15 in); leading edge of MAC: Sta. 1116.<BR>LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin rails.<BR>MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW 2 pilots and 1 flight engineer.<BR>2 pilots for aircraft identified FF (See Note 6).<BR>MAXIMUM PASSENGERS 345 in compliance with the requirements of FAR 25 Amdt. 32,<BR>covering emergency exits. Emergency evacuation demonstration<BR>in compliance with FAR 25 para. 25.803 (c) was conducted with<BR>330 passengers. For the number of passengers authorized for<BR>each aircraft, see the corresponding interior arrangement<BR>drawing approved by the DGAC.<BR>MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo compartment maximum load:<BR>Forward: 16 620 kg<BR>Mid: 10 280 kg<BR>Aft (bulk): 2 500 kg<BR>For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each<BR>position (references of containers, pallets and associated<BR>weights) see Approved Flight Manual (chapter 6 - Annex 02).<BR>The aircraft must be loaded according to instructions included in<BR>the Weight and Balance Manual<BR>HYDRAULIC FLUIDS Specification NSA 30-7110.<BR>TYRES See SB A300-32-002.<BR>MAX. OPERATING ALTITUDE 12 200 m (40 000 ft)<BR>TEMPERATURE OPERATING See DGAC approved Brazilian AFM.<BR>LIMITS<BR>CONTROL SURFACE<BR>MOVEMENTS<BR>The movement of the various control surfaces must be carefully<BR>controlled by proper rigging of the flight control systems. The<BR>airplane must therefore be rigged in accordance with the<BR>following DGAC-approved information and data:<BR>Control surface movement inspection: Airbus Industrie Reports<BR>A300B 8.27.010, .011, .012, .013, .014 and .015.<BR>Rigging procedure: Airbus Industrie Reports A007-10.063,<BR>-10.094, -10.095, -10.100, -10.102, -10.103, -10.105 and -<BR>10.123.<BR>SERIAL NUMBERS ELIGIBLE A Certificate of Airworthiness for Export endorsed as Noted<BR>under "Import Requirements" must be submitted for each<BR>individual aircraft for which application for a Brazilian<BR>Certificate of Airworthiness is made.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 5<BR>IMPORT ELIGIBILITY A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the<BR>basis of on a DGAC Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a<BR>third country Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of<BR>used aircraft imported from such country), including the<BR>following statement:<BR>“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected,<BR>tested and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian<BR>approved type design as defined by the Brazilian Type<BR>Certificate no. 8002 and in condition of safe operation”.<BR>The CTA Report H.10-015-01, dated 19 May 80 or further<BR>revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance<BR>of these airplanes. (See Note 4)<BR>CERTIFICATION BASIS RBHA 25 (corresponding to Franco/German requirements of<BR>FAR Part 25 including Amdts. 1 thru 19).<BR>FAR 25 Amdt. 23 for the following paragraphs : 25.145,<BR>25.1305, 25.1321, 23.1331, and 25.1333.<BR>FAR 25 Amdt. 24 for paragraph 25.1303.<BR>FAR 25 Amdt. 32 for paragraphs 25.785, 25.787, 25.789,<BR>25.791, 25.809, 25.811, 25.812, 25.853, 25.855, 25.857,<BR>25.1557, and Appendix F.<BR>Franco/German “Conditions Techniques Complémentaires” as<BR>listed in DGAC documents 4080 DTA/M dated 6 August 1970,<BR>and 2060 DTA/M dated 30 March 1973.<BR>Operation at take-off thrust extended to 10 minutes in case of<BR>engine failure, as per SGAC letter 16233 DTA/SDT/M of<BR>7 March 1974.<BR>Endurance flight campaign called for as per paragraph 6.4 of<BR>SGAC/LBA document on the organization of the A300 B<BR>Certification, dated 6 October 1970.<BR>For the Automatic Flight Control System, the applicable<BR>technical requirements are complemented by:<BR>- AC.25 1329-1A for category 1 cruise and approach;<BR>- Circulars DTA/M 3938 and AC 20-57A for category II<BR>approach and automatic landing;<BR>- AC 120-28 A for category III a precision approach;<BR>The requirements are established in SGAC letter 3904 DTA/M;<BR>dated 20 July 1972.<BR>Use of flexible take-off thrust as per SGAC letter 1694, dated<BR>12 March 1974.<BR>Noise Standard: ICAO Annex 16.<BR>REQUIRED EQUIPMENT The basic required equipment, as prescribed in the applicable<BR>airworthiness regulations (see Certification Basis) must be<BR>installed in the airplane.<BR>Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following<BR>Certification Standard Equipment List:<BR>- A300B2-203: AI/V-C N° 149/ 80; and<BR>- A300B4-203: AI/V-C N° 13/79.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 6<BR>REQUIRED EQUIPMENT<BR>(Cont.)<BR>Cabin furnishings equipment shall be in conformance to the<BR>following frame specifications:<BR>- For Galleys: TL 25/1109/74; and<BR>- For Passenger Seats: TL 25/1110/74.<BR>NOTES<BR>NOTE 1: Weight and Balance. Current weight balance report, including list of equipment<BR>included in certificate empty weight and loading instructions when necessary, must be<BR>in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in<BR>the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system). The<BR>certificate empty weight and the corresponding center of gravity location must include<BR>unusable fuel, engine oil, hydraulic fluid in tanks and in the systems. The certificate<BR>empty weight does not include the lifting jack carried on board, the entrance steps, the<BR>tools kit, the life jackets and the fluid to be injected into the engine.<BR>NOTE 2: Markings and Placards. All markings and placards for passenger information under<BR>normal or emergency conditions must be in English and Portuguese. All markings and<BR>placards for flight attendants information under emergency conditions must be in<BR>English and Portuguese. External markings for emergency operation of doors and<BR>normal ground operations of cargo doors must be in English and Portuguese.<BR>NOTE 3: Continuing Airworthiness. Life limitations are provided in the Chapter 05 of the A300<BR>Maintenance Manual, approved by DGAC.<BR>NOTE 4: The differences of the Brazilian airplanes in relation to the basic DGAC type design are<BR>summarized below:<BR>1. The DGAC approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual;<BR>2. Markings and placards in Portuguese language: see Note 2;<BR>3. ADF1 powered by the emergency bus bars;<BR>4. APU fire extinguisher handle “pull and turn” inscription; and<BR>5. Autothrottle control panel identification.<BR>NOTE 5 For model B4-203, the MMO warning selector of modification no. 1688 allows an MMO<BR>switching. MMO is 0.86 for takeoff weights up to 153 000 kg (337 302 lb) and 0.82 for<BR>takeoff weight greater than 153 000 kg (337 302 lb) provided the airplane is operated<BR>in accordance with the corresponding DGAC approved Airplane Flight Manual page<BR>2.03.00 page 1.<BR>NOTE 6 Aircraft identified by the letters FF added to the designation of the model have forward<BR>facing crew cockpit and digital autopilot with associated subsystems.<BR>The definition of FF aircraft is detailed in AI/V-C document 1045/81.<BR>FF aircraft are to be used with a Flight Manual incorporating the FF revision approved<BR>by DGAC.<BR>NOTE 7 If modifications 0904, 1022 and 1023 are embodied, the aircraft has Category IIIa<BR>precision approach capability.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 7<BR>IV -Model A310-203 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-204 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-221 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-222 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>ENGINE Model A310-203: Two General Electric model CF6-80A3<BR>Model A310-204: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A2<BR>Model A310-221: Two Pratt &amp; Whitney model JT9D-7R4D1<BR>Model A310-222: Two Pratt &amp; Whitney model JT9D-7R4E1<BR>MAXIMUM WEIGHT (kg)<BR>A310-203/-221 A310-203/-221/-222 A310-203<BR>VARIANT<BR>Basic<BR>Model<BR>Variant 03<BR>with<BR>mod. 4008<BR>Variant 01<BR>with mod.<BR>3703 *<BR>Variant 04<BR>with mod.<BR>5124 **<BR>Variant 06<BR>with<BR>mod. 6395<BR>Variant 08<BR>with<BR>mod. 7415<BR>Max. Ramp 132 900 125 900 139 500 142 900 135 900 139 500<BR>Max. Take-off 132 000 125 000 138 600 142 000 135 000 138 600<BR>Max. Landing 118 500 118 500 121 500 121 500 118 500 122 000<BR>Max. Zero Fuel 108 500 108 500 111 500 111 500 111 500 112 000<BR>* SB 00-2003<BR>** SB 00-2002<BR>A310-221 A310-204/-222 A310-204 A310-222<BR>VARIANT<BR>Variant 07<BR>with mod.<BR>6764 *<BR>Variant 101<BR>with<BR>mod. 6527<BR>Variant 104<BR>with<BR>mod. 6528<BR>Variant 107<BR>with<BR>mod. 7290<BR>Variant 11<BR>with mod.<BR>10685<BR>Max. Ramp 132 900 139 500 142 900 134 900 144 900<BR>Max. Take-off 132 000 138 600 142 000 134 000 144 000<BR>Max. Landing 119 500 122 000 122 000 122 000 121 500<BR>Max. Zero Fuel 111 500 112 000 112 000 112 000 111 500<BR>* SB 00-2006<BR>FUEL QUANTITY (0.8kg/l) Unusable Usable Fuel (kg)<BR>Tanks Fuel (kg) Variant XX Variant 1XX<BR>Outer 41 5 992 5 920<BR>Inner 40 22 360 22 320<BR>Central 14 15 728 15 728<BR>Total 95 44 080 43 968<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 8<BR>V - Model A310-304 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-308 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-322 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998<BR>Model A310-324 (Transport Category), approved 24 October 1997<BR>Model A310-325 (Transport Category), approved 24 October 1997<BR>ENGINE Model A310-304: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A2<BR>Model A310-308: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A8<BR>or CF6-80C2A2 (See Note 8)<BR>Model A310-322: Two Pratt &amp; Whitney model JT9D-7R4E1<BR>Model A310-324: Two Pratt &amp; Whitney model PW 4152<BR>Model A310-325: Two Pratt &amp; Whitney model PW 4156A<BR>MAXIMUM WEIGHT (kg)<BR>A310-304/-322/-324 A310-304/-308/-324<BR>VARIANT<BR>Basic<BR>Model<BR>Variant 01<BR>with mod.<BR>5616 *<BR>Variant 03<BR>with mod.<BR>8144<BR>Variant 05<BR>with<BR>mod. 7088<BR>Max. Ramp 150 900 153 900 153 900 157 900<BR>Max. Take-off 150 000 153 000 153 000 157 000<BR>Max. Landing 123 000 123 000 124 000 124 000<BR>Max. Zero Fuel 113 000 113 000 114 000 114 000<BR>* SB A310-00-2007<BR>A310-304 A310-308/-325 A310-308 A310-324<BR>VARIANT<BR>Variant 06<BR>with<BR>mod. 7614<BR>Variant 07<BR>with<BR>mod. 7659<BR>Variant 08<BR>with<BR>mod. 8130<BR>Variant 09<BR>with mod.<BR>8469 *<BR>Variant 12<BR>with mod.<BR>11103 **<BR>Max. Ramp 139 500 134 900 164 900 161 900 160 900<BR>Max. Take-off 138 600 134 000 164 000 161 000 160 000<BR>Max. Landing 123 000 124 000 124 000 124 000 124 000<BR>Max. Zero Fuel 113 000 114 000 114 000 114 000 114 000<BR>* SB A310-00-2018<BR>** SB A310-00-2029 (See Note 9)<BR>FUEL QUANTITY (0.8kg/l) Unusable Usable Fuel (kg)<BR>Tanks Fuel (kg) Variant XX Variant 1XX<BR>Outer 41 5 992 5 920<BR>Inner 40 22 360 22 320<BR>Central 14.4 15 728 15 712<BR>Trim 32 15 728 4 920<BR>Total 127.4 44 080 48 872<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 9<BR>VI - DATA PERTINENT TO ALL A310 SERIES<BR>FUEL See General Electric Specification D50 TF2 or Pratt &amp; Whitney<BR>Specification TM522 given in P&amp;W S.B. No. 2016.<BR>Additives:<BR>- anti-icing: PHILLIPS PFA-55MB to MIL-I-27686<BR>specification, 0,15 % by volume maximum concentration<BR>- biocide: SOHI0 BIOBOR JF at 270 PPM maximum<BR>concentration;<BR>- anti-static: SHELL ASA-3 at 1 PPM maximum concentration.<BR>For operating conditions specific to each fuel, refer to<BR>corresponding Flight Manual.<BR>ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)<BR>ENGINE CF6-80A3 CF6-50C2A2 CF6-50C2A8<BR>Static thrust at sea level, up to<BR>30°C (lb):<BR>Take-off (5min.)*<BR>Maximum continuous<BR>48 970 lb<BR>45 800 lb<BR>52 460 lb<BR>48 080 lb<BR>46 300 lb<BR>51 800 lb<BR>Maximum engine speed:<BR>N1 rpm (%)<BR>N2 rpm (%)<BR>4 016 (117)<BR>10 859 (110.5)<BR>3 854 (117.5)<BR>11 055 (112.5)<BR>4.068 (118.5)<BR>10.761 (109.5)<BR>Maximum gas temperature (oC):<BR>Take-off (5min.)*<BR>Maximum continuous<BR>Starting:<BR>940<BR>895<BR>870/750**<BR>960<BR>910<BR>870/750 **<BR>945<BR>910<BR>900/750**<BR>Maximum oil temperature (oC):<BR>(supply pump inlet):<BR>Take-off, stabilized<BR>Transient (15 mn max.)<BR>160<BR>175<BR>160<BR>175<BR>160<BR>175<BR>Approved oils See Specification GE D50TF1 called in SB GE N° 79-1<BR>* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or<BR>during go-around) (see letter SGAC N° 1623 DTA/SDT/M of 7 March 1974 for<BR>General Electric engines)<BR>** Up to 40 s/above 40 s.<BR>ENGINE JT9D-7R4D1 JT9D-7R4E1 PW 4152 PW 4156A<BR>Static thrust at sea level, up to<BR>30°C (lb):<BR>Take-off (5min.)*<BR>Maximum continuous<BR>48 000 lb<BR>45 800 lb<BR>50 000 lb<BR>47 500 lb<BR>52 000 lb<BR>49 200 lb<BR>56 000 lb<BR>49 200 lb<BR>Maximum engine speed:<BR>N1 rpm (%)<BR>N2 rpm (%)<BR>3 810 (105.8)<BR>8 000 (102.5)<BR>3 810 (105.8)<BR>8 000 (102.5)<BR>4 012 (111.4)<BR>10 300 (104.0)<BR>4 012 (111.4)<BR>10 450 (105.5)<BR>Maximum gas temperature (oC):<BR>Take-off (5 min.)*<BR>Acceleration (2 min)<BR>Maximum continuous<BR>Starting<BR>625<BR>625<BR>600<BR>535<BR>635<BR>635<BR>610<BR>535<BR>625<BR>625<BR>600<BR>510<BR>650<BR>650<BR>625<BR>535<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 10<BR>ENGINE LIMITS (Cont.)<BR>ENGINE JT9D-7R4D1 JT9D-7R4E1 PW 4152 PW 4156A<BR>Maximum oil temperature(oC):<BR>(supply pump inlet):<BR>Take-off, stabilized<BR>Transient (15 min max.)<BR>135<BR>163<BR>135<BR>163<BR>163<BR>177<BR>163<BR>177<BR>Approved oils See Specification P&amp;W 521C called for in SB PWA N° 238<BR>* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or during<BR>go-around).<BR>AUXILIARY POWER UNIT AIRESEARCH GTCP 331-250(F) for models A310-200.<BR>AIRESEARCH GTCP 331-250(H) for models A310-200<BR>Variant 100 and A310-300.<BR>Operating imitations:<BR>Maximum power rating at sea level: 98.5 kW<BR>Maximum operating speed: 43 562 rpm<BR>Maximum gas temperature at turbine: 585oC<BR>Approved oils: see AIRESEARCH maintenance manual GTCP<BR>331-250 Chapter 49-21-00 table 2.<BR>AIRSPEED LIMITS Maximum Operating Mach (MMO): 0.84<BR>(IAS, unless otherwise stated) Maximum Operating Speed (VMO): 360/340 kt *<BR>Maneuvering Speed (VA): see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight<BR>Manual.<BR>Extended Flaps/Slats Speed (VFE): see table below:<BR>Slats/Flaps<BR>(°)<BR>VFE (kt)<BR>Take-off 15/0 245<BR>Take-off and approach 15/15 210<BR>Take-off, approach and landing 20/20 195<BR>Landing 30/40 180<BR>Holding and En-route 15/0 245<BR>(M=0.54)<BR>Minimum Control Speed: see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight<BR>Manual.<BR>Landing gear: (VLE) - 270 kt/ Mach 0.65<BR>(VLO) - 270 kt/ Mach 0.59<BR>Tyres Limit Speed (Ground Speed): 195.5 kcas<BR>* 360 kt: - Basic model and variants 04, 06 and 07.<BR>340 kt : - Variants 01, 03, 05, 08 and 09; and<BR>- All models with less than 2 t in one of the outer<BR>tanks.<BR>CENTER OF GRAVITY RANGE See CTA Airplane Flight Manual<BR>DATUM Station 0 - 6.38 m (251.26 in) forward of the fuselage nose.<BR>MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD 5.8280 m (229.45); leading edge of MAC: Sta. 992.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 11<BR>LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.<BR>MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW 2 pilots<BR>MAXIMUM PASSENGERS 265, as limited by passenger emergency exit requirements.<BR>(See Note 11).<BR>MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo compartment maximum load:<BR>Forward: 12 700 kg<BR>Aft: 9 525 kg (11 110 kg with mod. 3656).<BR>Bulk: 2 770 kg (1 442 kg with mod. 3656).<BR>For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each<BR>position (references of containers, pallets and associated<BR>weights) see Weight and Balance Manual Chapter 1.10.05.<BR>HYDRAULIC FLUIDS Specification NSA 30-7110.<BR>TYRES See SB A310-32-2006<BR>MAXIMUM OPERATING<BR>ALTITUDE<BR>12 530 m (41 100 ft)<BR>TEMPERATURE OPERATING See DGAC approved Brazilian AFM.<BR>LIMITS<BR>CONTROL SURFACE<BR>MOVEMENTS<BR>The movement of the various control surfaces must be carefully<BR>controlled by proper rigging of the flight control systems. The<BR>airplane must therefore be rigged in accordance with the<BR>following DGAC-approved information and data:<BR>Control surface movement inspection: Airbus Industrie Reports<BR>A300B 8.27.010, .011, .012, .013, .014 and .015.<BR>Rigging procedure: Airbus Industrie Reports A007-10.063,<BR>-10.094, -10.095, -10.100, -10.102, -10.103, -10.105 and -10.123.<BR>S/N’S ELIGIBLE A Certificate of Airworthiness for Export endorsed as Noted<BR>under "Import Requirements" must be submitted for each<BR>individual aircraft for which application for a Brazilian<BR>Certificate of Airworthiness is made.<BR>IMPORT ELEGIBILITY A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the<BR>basis of on a DGAC Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a<BR>third country Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of<BR>used aircraft imported from such country), including the<BR>following statement:<BR>“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected,<BR>tested and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian<BR>approved type design as defined by the Brazilian Type<BR>Certificate No. 8002 and in condition of safe operation”.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 12<BR>IMPORT ELEGIBILITY (Cont.) The CTA Report H.10-0153-02, dated 22 Mar. 1999 or further<BR>revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance<BR>of these airplanes. (See Note 4)<BR>CERTIFICATION BASIS RBHA 25 .<BR>RBHA 36 , plus any<BR>addition or deletion established in paragraphs 6, 8 and 9 of this<BR>report and including the following special requirements listed in<BR>DGAC certification basis and endorsed by CTA:<BR>01. French-German technical complementary conditions:<BR>- CB2-Minimum Stalling Speed<BR>- CB7-1-Flight in Rough Air<BR>- CC4-1-“En Route” Design Conditions with High Lift<BR>Devices Extended<BR>- CC5-1-Design Manoeuvre Conditions<BR>- CC6-1-Design Gust Conditions (except for A310-300<BR>variant 08)<BR>- CC6-3-Design Gust Conditions (for A310-300 variant 08<BR>only)<BR>- CC8-1-Bird Impact<BR>- CC9-1-Asymmetric Load on the Horizontal Stabilizers<BR>- CC10-1-Ground Loads<BR>- CC11-Jacking Loads<BR>- CC12-1-Crash Design Conditions<BR>- CD1-1-General Design of Systems<BR>- CD8-1-Operation of Landing Gear<BR>- CD9-2-Protection of Equipment installed on LG and LG<BR>Wheel Wells<BR>- CE0-Engine Installation - Application JAR E<BR>- CE2-1-Windmilling without Oil<BR>- CE4-1-Engine Vibration Levels<BR>- CE10-1-Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and its installation on<BR>the Aircraft<BR>- CF3-1-Functioning of the Systems under Negative<BR>Acceleration<BR>- CF7-1-Electrics<BR>--Endurance demonstration<BR>02. Special condition applicable to A310-300 Series related to<BR>Center of Gravity Control Systems.<BR>03. Discrete gust requirements for A310-308 variants 08 and 09<BR>approved in accordance with JAR NPA 25C-205.<BR>04. Extended Range Twin Engine Airplane Operations approval<BR>in accordance with AC 120-42.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 13<BR>CERTIFICATION BASIS<BR>(Cont.)<BR>05. Precision Approach and Landing requirements<BR>complemented by CTC 25-2 for category II and category I<BR>approach, JAR AWO Section III NPA no 25G-142 (June<BR>83) for category III precision approach with and without<BR>decision height (fail operational system); the Automatic<BR>Flight Control System complies with AC 25.1329-1A for<BR>cruise and AC 20-57A for automatic landing.<BR>06. Special conditions related to the use of FADEC on the Pratt<BR>&amp; Whitney engines for A310-324 and A310-325:<BR>- S12-FADEC Lightning Protection<BR>- S13-FADEC Engine Isolation<BR>- S14-Thrust Reverser Deletion of Mechanical Interlock<BR>- S15-FADEC<BR>- S16-FADEC - Effect of External Radiation<BR>REQUIRED EQUIPMENT The basic required equipment, as prescribed in the applicable<BR>airworthiness regulations (see Certification Basis) must be<BR>installed in the airplane.<BR>Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following<BR>Certification Standard Equipment List:<BR>- A310-200: AI/V-C N° 5/83;<BR>- A310-200 Variant 100: AI/EA-A N° 251/86; and<BR>- A310-300: AI/EA N° 1901/85;<BR>Cabin furnishings equipment shall be in conformance to the<BR>following frame specifications:<BR>- Galleys : TL 25/1109/74<BR>- Passenger Seats: TL 25/1110/74<BR>NOTES<BR>NOTE 1: Weight and Balance. Current weight balance report, including list of equipment<BR>included in certificate empty weight and loading instructions when necessary, must be<BR>in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in<BR>the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system). The<BR>certificate empty weight and the corresponding center of gravity location must include<BR>unusable fuel, engine oil, hydraulic fluid in tanks and in the systems. The certificate<BR>empty weight does not include the lifting jack carried on board, the entrance steps, the<BR>tools kit, the life jackets and the fluid to be injected into the engine.<BR>NOTE 2: Markings and Placards. All placards specified in the approved Brazilian Airplane<BR>Flight Manual must be displayed in the airplane in the appropriate locations. In<BR>addition, all markings and placards for passenger information, external markings for<BR>emergency, load limits in cargo/baggage compartments must be presented in<BR>Portuguese or bilingual (Portuguese/English). The translations acceptable to CTAm<BR>are listed in the CTA Report H.10-0153-02, dated 22 Mar. 1999 or further revisions.<BR>NOTE 3: Continuing Airworthiness. Life limitations are provided in the Chapter 05 of the A310<BR>Maintenance Manual, approved by DGAC.<BR>Structures and Systems Certification Maintenance Requirements are listed in Airbus<BR>Industrie document AI/ST 5/849/85.<BR>AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 14<BR>NOTE 4: The differences of the Brazilian airplanes in relation to the basic DGAC type design are<BR>summarized below:<BR>1. The DGAC approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual;<BR>2. Markings and placards in Portuguese language or bilingual (see Note 2);<BR>3. Operational requirements - the following modifications must be installed:<BR>- cabin ozone filter: Mod. 6159;<BR>- cargo/baggage compartment fire protection: Mods. 8265 and 10452;<BR>- DFDR: Mod. 8500 and 8705;<BR>- ELT: TSO C91a;<BR>- Floor emergency escape path marking: Mod. 6515 (MBB System, 6934 (Bruce<BR>System) or 6812 (LSI System);GPWS: Mod. 8960;<BR>- TCAS, if required: Mods. 8616 and 10928 (Bendix System) or Mods. 10664 and<BR>11049 (Honeywell System);<BR>- Windshear detection and guidance system: Mod. 7187; and<BR>- Second ADF: Mod. 4536.<BR>4. MMEL categorized.<BR>NOTE 5: If the modification 4941 is embodied, the aircraft is approved for CAT III Precision<BR>Approach.<BR>NOTE 6: The definition of the aircraft for extended twin engine airplane operations is precised in<BR>the document AI/EA 3000 - “Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Standards<BR>According to AC 120-42A”, Ref. CMP DGAC.<BR>NOTE 7: Modifications 6920 and 7468 provide for installation in aft cargo compartment of<BR>respectively 1 and 2 Auxiliary Center Tanks with the following characteristics:<BR>Tanks Unusable Fuel Usable Fuel<BR>ACT 1 27 kg (34 l) 5 760 kg (7 200 l)<BR>ACT 2 27 kg (34 l) 5 760 kg (7 200 l)<BR>NOTE 8: On A310-308 model, the engine General Electric CF6-80C2A2 may be used after<BR>embodiment of Service Bulletin A310-71-2003 and with the corresponding revision of<BR>the AFM supplement 11.<BR>NOTE 9: Weight variant 12 to A310-324 model only applies to individual MSN 442, 453, 456<BR>and 467.<BR>NOTE 10: If the modification 11469 (for GE engines) or 11468 (for P&amp;W engines) is installed,<BR>the aircraft is approved in accordance with AC 91-RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation<BR>Minimum operation.<BR>NOTE 11: High density configuration up to 275 passengers can be appreciated by CTA, upon<BR>request and justification provided by Airbus.<BR>LUIZ ALBERTO C. MUNARETTO – Ten.-Cel.-Av. Maj.-Brig.-do-Ar REGINALDO DOS SANTOS<BR>Chefe da Divis&atilde;o de Homologa&ccedil;&atilde;o Aeronáutica Diretor do Centro Técnico Aeroespacial<BR>(Chief, Divis&atilde;o de Homologa&ccedil;&atilde;o Aeronáutica) (Director, Centro Técnico Aeroespacial)
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