航空 发表于 2010-9-17 00:02:21

RMIT飞行训练课件-Flapless Landings Pre Flight 无襟翼着陆飞行前

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航空 发表于 2010-9-17 00:02:37

Flapless Landings Pre Flight<BR>Objective<BR>• To apply the principles and considerations<BR>of a flapless landing in order to conduct a<BR>safe approach without using flaps<BR>Application<BR>• Flapless landings<BR>• When there is a flap system failure<BR>• In very gusty conditions<BR>• To land at high speed<BR>Revision<BR>• What nose attitude would be have in:<BR>– Landing with full flap<BR>– Landing without flap<BR>– Landing without flap with power<BR>• Would we have a higher approach speed<BR>in a flapless landing or normal landing?<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Thorough Checks<BR>• Avoid high-nose attitude on touchdown<BR>because of possible tail strike<BR>• Will require longer hold-off<BR>• If in doubt – go around<BR>• Correct handover/takeover procedure<BR>Air Exercise<BR>The circuit is conducted as normal, except for the speed!<BR>Glide Approach Normal Approach Flapless Approach<BR>1200 rpm<BR>75 kt<BR>70 kt<BR> Expect more<BR>float<BR> Avoid excess<BR>hold-off<BR>65 kt<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Nose attitudes

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:17:40


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:45:36

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