航空 发表于 2010-9-19 11:07:28


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航空 发表于 2010-9-19 11:08:02

-1-<BR>CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY<BR>CIVIL AVIATION<BR>ADVISORY PUBLICATION<BR>Date: July 1992 No: 92-1(1)<BR>SUBJECT: GUIDELINES FOR AEROPLANE LANDING AREAS<BR>IMPORTANT<BR>The information in this publication is<BR>advisory only. There is no legal<BR>requirement to observe the details set<BR>out in this publication. The Civil Aviation<BR>Regulations set out the legal<BR>requirements that must be complied with<BR>in relation to the subject matter of this<BR>publication. There may be a number of<BR>ways of ensuring that the requirements<BR>of the Civil Aviation Regulations are met.<BR>This publication sets out methods that<BR>may be used and which experience has<BR>shown should, in the majority of cases,<BR>ensure compliance with the Regulations.<BR>However, before using the information in<BR>this publication the user should always<BR>read the Civil Aviation Regulations listed<BR>in the reference section below to ensure<BR>that he or she complies with the legal<BR>obligations of the Regulations.<BR>PURPOSE<BR>Civil Aviation Regulation 92 (1) states<BR>that: “An aircraft shall not land at, or<BR>take-off from, any place unless: ...(d) the<BR>place....is suitable for use as an<BR>aerodrome for the purposes of the<BR>landing and taking-off of aircraft; and,<BR>having regard to all the circumstances of<BR>the proposed landing or take-off<BR>(including the prevailing weather<BR>conditions), the aircraft can land at, or<BR>take-off from, the place in safety.”<BR>Regulation 92 (1) does not specify the<BR>method of determining which<BR>“circumstances”, other than the<BR>prevailing weather conditions, should be<BR>considered in any particular case. These<BR>matters are the responsibility of the pilot<BR>in command and, in some<BR>circumstances, are shared with the<BR>aircraft operator.<BR>These guidelines set out factors that<BR>may be used to determine the suitability<BR>of a place for the landing and taking-off<BR>of aeroplanes. Experience has shown<BR>that, in most cases, application of these<BR>guidelines will enable a take-off or<BR>landing to be completed safely, provided<BR>that the pilot in command:<BR>(a) has sound piloting skills; and<BR>(b) displays sound airmanship.<BR>CANCELLATION<BR>This is the second issue of CAAP 92-1,<BR>and supersedes CAAP 92-1(0).<BR>REFERENCES<BR>This publication should be read in<BR>conjunction with: Civil Aviation<BR>Regulations 92 (1), 93, 233 and 235;<BR>Civil Aviation Orders; and the<BR>Aeronautical Information Publication.<BR>HOW TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THIS<BR>PUBLICATION<BR>Copies of this publication may be<BR>obtained from:<BR>Civil Aviation Authority Publications<BR>Centre<BR>607 Swanston Street<BR>Carlton<BR>Victoria 3053<BR>Telephone (008) 331676<BR>(008) 334191<BR>(03) 342 2000<BR>CONTENTS<BR>1 Definitions p 2<BR>CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas<BR>-2-<BR>2 Conversion table p 2<BR>3 Which aircraft may use a<BR>landing area? p 2<BR>4 Which types of operations may<BR>be conducted from a landing<BR>area? p 2<BR>5 Recommended minimum<BR>physical characteristics of<BR>landing areas and water<BR>alighting areas p 3<BR>6 Marking of landing areas p 4<BR>7 Lighting for night operations p 4<BR>8 Other factors that should be<BR>considered prior to using a<BR>landing area p 4<BR>9 Surface testing of a landing<BR>area p 5<BR>1 - DEFINITIONS<BR>1. In these guidelines, unless the<BR>contrary is stated:<BR>“clearway” means an area in which<BR>there are no obstacles penetrating a<BR>slope of 2.5% rising from the end of the<BR>runway over a width of 45m;<BR>“float plane” means any aeroplane<BR>designed for landing or taking-off from<BR>water;<BR>“fly-over area” means a portion of<BR>ground adjacent to the runway strip<BR>which is free of tree stumps, large rocks<BR>or stones, fencing, wire and any other<BR>obstacles above ground but may include<BR>ditches or drains below ground level;<BR>“landing area” (LA) means an area of<BR>ground suitable for the conduct of takeoff<BR>and landing and associated<BR>aeroplane operations under specific<BR>conditions;<BR>“lateral transitional slope” means a<BR>desirable area around all LA's which<BR>provides greater lateral clearance in the<BR>take-off and landing area and may<BR>reduce wind-shear when the runway is<BR>situated near tall objects such as trees<BR>and buildings. The dimensions of a<BR>suitable lateral transitional slope are<BR>shown in the following diagram;<BR>Figure 1 - Transitional Slope<BR>“obstacle free area” means there<BR>should be no wires or any other form of<BR>obstacles above the approach and takeoff<BR>areas, runways, runway strips, flyover<BR>areas or water channels;<BR>“runway” means that portion of the<BR>landing area which is intended to be<BR>used for the landing or take-off of<BR>aeroplanes;<BR>“runway strip” means a portion of<BR>ground between the runway and fly-over<BR>area which is in a condition that ensures<BR>minimal damage to an aeroplane which<BR>may run off a runway during take-off or<BR>landing;<BR>“water alighting area” means a suitable<BR>stretch of water for the landing or takingoff<BR>of a float plane under specific<BR>conditions.<BR>2 - CONVERSION TABLE<BR>2. Landing area gradients and splays<BR>expressed as a percentage, in<BR>accordance with ICAO practice, may be<BR>converted into ratios or angles using the<BR>following table:<BR>Percentage Ratios Degrees &amp;<BR>Minutes<BR>1 1:100 0 34’<BR>2 1:50 1 09’<BR>2.5 1:40 1 26’<BR>2.86 1:35 1 38’<BR>3 1:33.3 1 43’<BR>3.33 1:30 1 55’<BR>5 1:20 2 52’<BR>12.5 1:8 7 08’<BR>20 1:5 11 18’<BR>Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas CAAP 92-1(1)<BR>-3-<BR>3 - WHICH AIRCRAFT MAY USE A<BR>LANDING AREA?<BR>3. Use of landing areas other than<BR>aerodromes is not recommended for<BR>aircraft with a MTOW greater than 5700<BR>kg.<BR>4 - WHICH TYPES OF OPERATIONS<BR>MAY BE CONDUCTED FROM A<BR>LANDING AREA?<BR>4. Aeroplanes engaged in the following<BR>operations may use a landing area:<BR>(a) private;<BR>(b) aerial work—excluding student<BR>solo flying and student dual<BR>flying prior to successful<BR>completion of the General<BR>Flying Progress Test; and<BR>(c) charter.<BR>5 - RECOMMENDED MINIMUM<BR>PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF<BR>LANDING AREAS AND WATER<BR>ALIGHTING AREAS<BR>5.1 Runway Width. For other than<BR>agricultural operations, a minimum width<BR>of 15 metres is recommended although<BR>aeroplanes with a MTOW below 2000kg<BR>can be operated safely on runways as<BR>narrow as 10 metres provided there is<BR>no or only light cross-wind. For<BR>agricultural operations, a 10 metre wide<BR>runway is the recommended minimum.<BR>5.2 Runway Length. For other than<BR>agricultural operations by day, a runway<BR>length equal to or greater than that<BR>specified in the aeroplane's flight manual<BR>or approved performance charts or<BR>certificate of airworthiness, for the<BR>prevailing conditions is required<BR>(increasing the length by an additional<BR>15% is recommended when unfactored<BR>data is used). For agricultural day<BR>operations, the minimum runway length<BR>is the greater of 75% of the take-off<BR>distance specified in the aeroplane's<BR>flight manual or approved performance<BR>chart for the prevailing conditions with<BR>the balance as clearway or the landing<BR>distance so specified.<BR>5.3 Longitudinal Slope. The<BR>longitudinal slope between the runway<BR>ends should not exceed 2%, except that<BR>2.86% is acceptable on part of the<BR>runway so long as the change of slope is<BR>gradual. For agricultural operations, the<BR>slope should not exceed 12.5% for day<BR>and 2% for night operations: where the<BR>overall slope exceeds 2% the runway<BR>should only be used for one-way<BR>operations — downhill for take-off and<BR>uphill for landing.<BR>5.4 Transverse Slope. The transverse<BR>slope between the extreme edges of the<BR>runway strip should not exceed 2.5% or<BR>12.5% upward slope over the fly-over<BR>area. For agricultural day operations,<BR>the transverse slope should not be more<BR>than 3% over the runway and 5% over<BR>the runway strip.<BR>5.5 Other Physical Characteristics.<BR>Both ends of a runway, not intended<BR>solely for agricultural operations, should<BR>have approach and take-off areas clear<BR>of objects above a 5% slope for day and<BR>a 3.3% slope for night operations. Other<BR>recommended landing area physical<BR>characteristics are shown on the<BR>following diagrams:<BR>Figure 2A - Single engined and Centre-Line<BR>Thrust Aeroplanes not exceeding 2000 kg<BR>MTOW (day operations)<BR>Figure 2B - Other Aeroplanes (day<BR>operations)<BR>CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas<BR>-4-<BR>Figure 3 - Dimensions (night operations)<BR>Figure 4 - Dimensions - agricultural day<BR>operations<BR>Figure 5 - Dimensions - agriculture night<BR>operations<BR>5.6 Float plane alighting areas. For<BR>water operations, a minimum width water<BR>channel of 60 metres for day operations<BR>and 90 metres for night operations is<BR>recommended. The depth of water over<BR>the whole water channel should not be<BR>less than 0.3 metres below the hull or<BR>floats when the aeroplane is stationary<BR>and loaded to maximum take-off weight.<BR>An additional area, as shown in the<BR>following diagrams, provides a protective<BR>buffer for the water channel but need<BR>not consist of water. Where the<BR>additional area consists of water then it<BR>should be clear of moving objects or<BR>vessels under way. The centre line of a<BR>water channel may be curved, provided<BR>that the approach and take-off areas are<BR>calculated from the anticipated point of<BR>touchdown or lift-off.<BR>Figure 6 - Float planes<BR>6 - MARKING OF LANDING AREAS<BR>6.1 Where extended operations are<BR>expected to be conducted at a landing<BR>area, the owner/operator is encouraged<BR>to provide markings similar to those<BR>found at government and licensed<BR>aerodromes. If markings are provided,<BR>they should follow the colours and<BR>specifications set out in AIP AGA. A<BR>suitable layout is shown at Figure 7.<BR>6.2 Where runway markers are provided<BR>which are not flush with the surface, they<BR>should be constructed of a material that<BR>is not likely to damage an aircraft.<BR>Figure 7 - Typical ALA layout and marking<BR>7 - LIGHTING FOR NIGHT<BR>OPERATIONS<BR>7.1 The recommended minimum lighting<BR>and layout is as follows:<BR>Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas CAAP 92-1(1)<BR>-5-<BR>Figure 8 - Lighting for Night Operations<BR>7.2 The lights should, under the weather<BR>conditions prevailing at the time of the<BR>flight, be visible from a distance of no<BR>less than 3000 metres.<BR>7.3 Substitution of runway lights with<BR>reflectorised markers is permitted but not<BR>recommended by the Authority.<BR>7.4 The different types of reflectorised<BR>markers vary in efficiency. Their<BR>luminosity can be affected by a number<BR>of factors, including equipment<BR>cleanliness/layout, the position/strength<BR>of the aircraft landing light(s) and<BR>meteorological conditions -— especially<BR>cross winds on final.<BR>7.5 The following lights should not be<BR>substituted by reflectorised markers:<BR>(a) runway end/threshold corner<BR>lights;<BR>(b) lights 90m from each runway<BR>end/threshold; and<BR>(c) lights nearest to the<BR>illuminated runway mid-length<BR>point.<BR>8 - OTHER FACTORS THAT SHOULD<BR>BE CONSIDERED PRIOR TO USING A<BR>LANDING AREA<BR>8.1 A pilot should not use a landing area<BR>or have an aeroplane engine running<BR>unless the aeroplane is clear of all<BR>persons, animals, vehicles or other<BR>obstructions.<BR>8.2 A pilot should not use a landing area<BR>without taking all reasonable steps to<BR>ensure the physical characteristics and<BR>dimensions are satisfactory. For aerial<BR>work and charter operations the operator<BR>should provide evidence to the pilot on<BR>the suitability of a landing area prior to<BR>its use.<BR>8.3 Runway lengths calculated for takeoffs<BR>and landings should be increased<BR>by 50% for agricultural operations on<BR>one-way runways at night.<BR>8.4 Geographic Location. A landing<BR>area should not be located:<BR>(a) within the area or in such<BR>close proximity as to create a<BR>hazard to aircraft conducting a<BR>published instrument<BR>approach, excluding the<BR>holding pattern; or<BR>(b) within any area where the<BR>density of aircraft movements<BR>makes it undesirable; or<BR>(c) where take-off or landing<BR>involving flight over a<BR>populated area creates an<BR>unnecessary hazard.<BR>8.5 Except in an emergency, the<BR>consent of the owner/occupier is<BR>required before a landing area may be<BR>used.<BR>8.6 If the proposed landing area is<BR>located near a city, town or populous<BR>area or any other area where noise or<BR>other environmental considerations<BR>make aeroplane operations undesirable,<BR>the use of such a landing area may be<BR>affected by the provisions of the<BR>Commonwealth Environment Protection<BR>(Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 and<BR>parallel State legislation as well as other<BR>legislation. It is the responsibility of the<BR>pilot and/or operator to conform with<BR>these requirements.<BR>8.7 A method of determining the surface<BR>wind at a landing area is desirable. A<BR>wind sock is the preferred method.<BR>8.8 The surface of a landing area should<BR>be assessed to determine its effect on<BR>aeroplane control and performance. For<BR>example, soft surfaces or the presence<BR>of long grass (over 150mm) will increase<BR>take-off distances while moisture, loose<BR>gravel or any material that reduces<BR>braking effectiveness will increase<BR>landing distance.<BR>9 - SURFACE TESTING OF A LANDING<BR>AREA<BR>9.1 Rough Surfaces. The presence of<BR>holes, cracks and ruts will degrade<BR>aeroplane performance and handling<BR>and increase the possibility of structural<BR>damage. The smoothness of a runway<BR>CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas<BR>-6-<BR>can be tested by driving a stiffly sprung<BR>vehicle along the runway at a speed of<BR>at least 75 kph. If this is accomplished<BR>without discomfort to the occupants, the<BR>surface can be considered satisfactory.<BR>9.2 Soft, Wet Surfaces. A test vehicle<BR>as indicated in the table below should be<BR>driven in a zig-zag pattern at a speed<BR>not exceeding 15 kph along the full<BR>length and width of the runway.<BR>Particular attention should be paid to<BR>suspect areas with possibly three<BR>passes over these areas. If tyre imprints<BR>exceed a depth of 25mm the surface is<BR>not suitable for aircraft operations<BR>represented by the test vehicle.<BR>Experience may prove that for a certain<BR>type of aircraft (eg, an aircraft with small<BR>wheels or high tyre pressure) operations<BR>are unsafe with a lesser imprint. Testing<BR>with a crowbar should also be done in<BR>several places along the runway to<BR>ensure that a dry surface crust does not<BR>conceal a wet base.

tonyblairer 发表于 2010-12-8 20:31:26



bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:39:29


sheikhcn 发表于 2011-8-15 15:18:35

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