航空 发表于 2010-9-19 11:09:18


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航空 发表于 2010-9-19 11:09:28

GYROSCOPES<BR>Aim<BR>• To understand the principles of<BR>gyroscopes and the considerations<BR>involved in their operation<BR>Application<BR>• Used when relying on the gyroscopic<BR>instruments<BR>• AH, DG and T&amp;B<BR>Overview<BR>• Definitions<BR>• Principles<BR>• Considerations<BR>– Gyroscope Errors / Limitations<BR>• Airmanship<BR>• Review<BR>Revision<BR>Definitions<BR>Gyroscope<BR>• A rotating mass, mounted so that its axis<BR>is free to move in one or more directions.<BR>Shows characteristics of rigidity and<BR>precession<BR>Definitions<BR>Rigidity<BR>• ability of a gyroscope to maintain their alignment<BR>in space despite what occurs around them<BR>Definitions<BR>Precession<BR>• the tendency for a force to be displaced 90 further on in<BR>the direction of rotation, from where it was applied<BR>Principles<BR>Rigidity<BR>• degree of rigidity depends upon mass of<BR>rotor, the rotational speed, and the radius<BR>at which the mass is concentrated. So, a<BR>large mass concentrated near the rim<BR>and rotating at high speeds provides<BR>the greatest rigidity.<BR>Principles<BR>• Driving the Gyro<BR>– Electrical<BR>– Vacuum<BR>Principles<BR>Types of Gyroscopes<BR>• Tied Gyro<BR>– is tied to a desired position by an external force.<BR>• Earth Gyro<BR>– is free to move in two planes. Controlled by gravity<BR>and is referenced to the centre of the Earth.<BR>• Rate Gyro<BR>– measures a rate of change.<BR>Principles<BR>Power Sources<BR>• Air Driven<BR>– air directed on buckets to drive rotor. System<BR>is unserviceable when vacuum pump fails,<BR>which is indicated on the suction gauge.<BR>• Electrically Driven<BR>– rotates gyro at higher speed (greater rigidity).<BR>Unserviceable with electrical failure, indicated<BR>by annunciation.<BR>Principles<BR>• Artificial Horizon<BR>Principles<BR>• Directional Gyro<BR>Principles<BR>• Turn Co-ordinator<BR>Considerations<BR>Apparent Wander<BR>• due to Earth’s rotation. As aircraft moves over<BR>ground, the line in space from the aircraft to<BR>North will steadily change. Predicted using 15s<BR>in Latitude<BR>Real Wander<BR>• due to gyroscopic imperfections (lack of rigidity).<BR>Can not be predicted.<BR>Failures<BR>• vacuum failure = AH and DG unserviceable<BR>• electrical failure = T&amp;B unserviceable<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Align gyroscopes prior to use<BR>• Know suction limitations<BR>• Taxi checks<BR>• Be aware of failures<BR>Review

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:17:12


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:45:55

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