航空 发表于 2010-9-24 19:00:04

RMIT飞行训练课件-Instrument Flight 仪表飞行

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航空 发表于 2010-9-24 19:00:22

Instrument Flight<BR>Aim<BR> To learn to correctly fly an aircraft<BR>accurately, solely by reference to the<BR>aircraft instruments.<BR>Application<BR> Precision control and coordination<BR> Practise towards a NVFR or CIR<BR> Used to exit cloud upon accidental entry<BR> Assist in flying an aircraft in reduced visibility<BR>Overview<BR> Revision<BR> Definitions<BR> Principles<BR> Considerations<BR> Air Exercise<BR> Airmanship<BR>Revision<BR> Aircraft instruments<BR>15 20 25<BR>10<BR>5<BR>RPM<BR>0 1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>ALT<BR>6 5<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>VSI<BR>20<BR>20<BR>5 15<BR>10<BR>10 15<BR>5<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>120 100<BR>140<BR>160<BR>T&amp;B<BR>L R<BR>Definitions<BR> Rate one turn<BR> A turn that takes 2 min to alter heading 360<BR> Calculated by:<BR> Instrument Scan<BR> A method used to view and cross reference<BR>the instruments in order to check and<BR>maintain performance.<BR>AoB 儹10%IAS儁 7刟<BR>Principles<BR> Instrument interpretation<BR> Power + attitude = Performance<BR>Tacho  Gives power information<BR>Pitch  AH, ALT, ASI, VSI<BR>Bank  AH, T&amp;B, DG<BR>Yaw  Only the balance ball<BR>15 20 25<BR>10<BR>5<BR>RPM<BR>0 1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>ALT<BR>6 5<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>VSI<BR>20<BR>20<BR>5 15<BR>10<BR>10 15<BR>5<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>120 100<BR>140<BR>160<BR>T&amp;B<BR>L R<BR>Principles<BR> Aircraft Control<BR> Maintain smooth coordination of power and flight<BR>controls<BR> AH and Tacho used to set up initial configuration, then<BR>other instruments used to cross-reference and confirm<BR>performance is being achieved.<BR>To change configuration:<BR>Change  adopt required power and attitude<BR>Check  check performance<BR>Hold  if correct; or<BR>Adjust  if required<BR>Trim  as required<BR>Principles<BR> Instrument Scan<BR>15 20 25<BR>10<BR>5<BR>RPM<BR>0 1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>ALT<BR>6 5<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>VSI<BR>20<BR>20<BR>5 15<BR>10<BR>10 15<BR>5<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>120 100<BR>140<BR>160<BR>T&amp;B<BR>L R<BR>Considerations<BR> Sensory Illusions<BR> Vestibular organs<BR> 3 semi-circular organs in the inner ear which detect<BR>accelerations by moving tiny hair follicles<BR> Constant velocity or gradual changes in velocity is<BR>not detected<BR> Somatogravic Illusion<BR> Acceleration / Deceleration causes sensations of<BR>up / down pitch. Worst at night during a go-around<BR>or climb.<BR>Considerations<BR> Sensory Illusions<BR> Spatial Disorientation<BR> Disagreement of senses<BR> Slow roll to left not detected by senses. Correct with right<BR>bank. Senses detect the right bank and instruments show<BR>S&amp;L!<BR> Causes vertigo/leans.<BR> Partial Panel Failure<BR> Detect failed instruments by cross-checking other<BR>instruments. Use inverted V scan<BR> DG fails, supplement with magnetic compass. Remember<BR>ONUS and SAND<BR>0 1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>ALT<BR>6 5<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>VSI<BR>20<BR>20<BR>15<BR>5<BR>10<BR>10 15<BR>5<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>120 100<BR>140<BR>160<BR>T&amp;B<BR>L R<BR>Air Exercise<BR> Cruise (ASPT)<BR>Attitude  Change the AH to the correct attitude and<BR>hold. Scan DG, ALT and T&amp;B<BR>Speed  Scan ASI for acceleration to cruise speed<BR>Power  Reduce RPM to cruise power<BR>Trim  Trim to the attitude on the AH<BR>Primary instruments of interest:<BR>AH, ALT, DG<BR>Secondary instruments of interest:<BR>ASI, T&amp;B and VSI<BR>Air Exercise<BR> Climb (PAST)<BR>Power  Increase the power to climb settings referring<BR>to TACHO and AH<BR>Attitude  Adopt climb attitude with reference to AH,<BR>then monitor DG and T&amp;B for direction and balance<BR>Speed  Scan AH, DG and ASI<BR>Trim  Trim to maintain attitude on the AH<BR>Primary instruments of interest:<BR>AH, ASI and DG<BR>Secondary instruments of interest:<BR>ALT, VSI and T&amp;B<BR>Air Exercise<BR> Descent (PAST)<BR>Power  Reduce power TACHO and AH<BR>Attitude  Adopt attitude with AH, then scan<BR>DG and T&amp;B for direction and balance<BR>Speed  Scan AH, DG, ASI and VSI<BR>Trim  Trim if required<BR>Primary instruments of interest<BR>AH, ASI and DG<BR>Secondary instruments of interest<BR>ALT, VSI and T&amp;B<BR>Air Exercise<BR> Turns (BBB)<BR>Bank  Roll to rate one, referring to the AH<BR>Balance  Refer to T&amp;B and balance with<BR>rudder<BR>Back Pressure  Set attitude referring to AH,<BR>ALT and VSI<BR>Primary Instruments of interest:<BR>AH, ALT, VSI<BR>Secondary Instruments of interest:<BR>T&amp;B and DG<BR>Air Exercise<BR> Climbing / Descending Turns (BBB)<BR>Bank  Roll to rate one, referring to the AH<BR>Balance  Refer to T&amp;B and balance with<BR>rudder<BR>Back Pressure  Set attitude referring to AH,<BR>ALT and VSI<BR>Primary Instruments of interest:<BR>AH, ALT, VSI<BR>Secondary Instruments of interest:<BR>T&amp;B and DG<BR>Airmanship<BR> Avoid flying into cloud  if you do, conduct<BR>a 180o rate one turn to exit.<BR> Smooth and positive control inputs.<BR> Use correct scan techniques.<BR> Do not chase performance instruments<BR>SET ATTITUDE!<BR> Instrument taxi checks.<BR> Correct handover/takeover procedure.

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:14:39


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:51:07

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