航空 发表于 2010-9-29 21:04:19


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航空 发表于 2010-9-29 21:04:32

<P>NIGHT CIRCUITS<BR>Aim<BR>• To take-off safely, complete a circuit and<BR>land correctly at night.<BR>Application<BR>• Taking off and Landing at Night<BR>Overview<BR>• Review<BR>• Definitions<BR>– Instrument Scan<BR>• Principles<BR>– Aerodrome / Aircraft Lighting<BR>• Considerations<BR>– Go Around<BR>– Lighting Failure<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Airmanship<BR>• Review<BR>Revision<BR>• Instrument Scan – Selective Radial<BR>Scan / T Scan<BR>15 20 25<BR>10<BR>5<BR>RPM<BR>0 1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>ALT<BR>5<BR>6<BR>7<BR>8<BR>9<BR>UP<BR>DN<BR>VSI20<BR>20<BR>5 15<BR>10<BR>10 15<BR>5<BR>40<BR>60<BR>80<BR>120 100<BR>140<BR>160<BR>T&amp;B<BR>L R<BR>Definitions<BR>Last Light<BR>• is the End of Daylight (EoD) and is found<BR>in the AIP’s. Without a night rating, must<BR>be on ground 10min beforehand.<BR>Definitions<BR>Definitions<BR>Principles<BR>Aerodrome Lighting<BR>• Taxiway lighting is either green centreline or<BR>blue sideline lights.<BR>• Holding point is amber lighting.<BR>• Obstacles have red flashing light at top.<BR>Principles<BR>• Aerodrome Lighting<BR>– Approach End Green<BR>– Departure End Red<BR>– Edge Lighting White<BR>Principles<BR>• Aircraft Lighting<BR>• CAO 20.18 Appendix V<BR>Considerations<BR>Go-around<BR>• as per day, except 100% instruments.<BR>• be aware of somatagravic illusion.<BR>Consderations<BR>Lighting Failures<BR>• landing light failures will be practised<BR>• carry portable electric torch for cockpit<BR>lighting failures.<BR>Considerations<BR>• Profile<BR>• Wide / Narrow runways</P>
<P><BR>Air Exercise<BR>Pre-Flight<BR>• Pay Particular attention to lighting<BR>• Otherwise as normal<BR>• May be dark<BR>Start Up<BR>• as per day<BR>• Use Landing lights to signal intent<BR>Taxi<BR>• Speed Judgement<BR>• Watch out for unlit aircraft / animals<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Take-Off<BR>• conducted 100% visual, as per day<BR>• lift-off, climb out on 100% instruments<BR>• check +ve RoC, safe IAS, maintaining RWY<BR>X-Wind<BR>• conducted 75% instruments, 25% visual<BR>Downwind<BR>• 50% instruments, 50% visual<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Base<BR>• 75% visual, 25% instruments<BR>Final<BR>• 100% visual<BR>• use RWY lighting for approach guidance<BR>Landing<BR>• RWY lights at shoulder level, power to IDLE<BR>• watch end lights to judge FLARE and HOLDOFF<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Remember instrument scans<BR>• Trust instruments and be aware of<BR>illusions<BR>• Correct handover/takeover procedure<BR>• Be familiar with aerodrome lighting<BR>Review<BR>• Review<BR>• Definitions<BR>– Instrument Scan<BR>• Principles<BR>– Aerodrome / Aircraft Lighting<BR>• Considerations<BR>– Go Around<BR>– Lighting Failure<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Airmanship<BR>• Review</P>

Tana 发表于 2011-6-16 04:48:44


猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 18:50:39

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