航空 发表于 2010-10-2 08:42:05

RMIT飞行训练课件-Night Circuits Pre-Flight Brief 夜航起落航线飞行前讲解

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航空 发表于 2010-10-2 08:42:24

Night Circuits<BR>Pre-Flight Brief<BR>Objective<BR>• To take-off safely, complete a circuit and<BR>land correctly at night.<BR>Application<BR>• To be able to safely takeoff and land at<BR>night<BR>• Can arrive at an aerodrome after EoD<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout (extremely important to broadcast<BR>your sequence number on the base call)<BR>• Use appropriate instrument scans to<BR>maintain performance<BR>• Trust instruments and be aware of<BR>illusions<BR>• Correct handover/takeover procedure<BR>• Be familiar with aerodrome lighting<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Pre-Flight<BR>– Conducted normally, paying particular<BR>attention to lighting.<BR>• Start Up<BR>– As per day, except turn on Beacon and<BR>navigation lights prior to start. Clear prop with<BR>3 flashes of landing light<BR>• Taxiing<BR>– Harder to judge aircraft speed, need to look<BR>out side windows.<BR>– Taxi with taxi light on<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Take-Off<BR>– Turn on Landing light on take-off (turn off taxi light)<BR>– Leave Landing light on for circuits<BR>– Use DG for headings in the circuit<BR>– Whilst on the ground 100% visual, as per day<BR>– After Lift-off, climb out on 100% instruments<BR>– Check +ve RoC, safe IAS, maintaining RWY HDG<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• X-Wind<BR>– Conducted 75% instruments, 25% visual<BR>– Keep landing light on during circuits<BR>• Downwind<BR>– 50% instruments, 50% visual<BR>– Pre landing checks, turn on landing light, check windsock<BR>– Align compass to DG<BR>• Base<BR>– 75% visual, 25% instruments<BR>• Final<BR>– 100% visual<BR>– Use RWY lighting for approach guidance<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Landing<BR>– RWY lights at shoulder level, power to IDLE<BR>– Watch end lights and use peripheral vision to<BR>judge FLARE and HOLDOFF<BR>ON PROFILE BELOW PROFILE ABOVE PROFILE<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Circuits<BR>– Normal Circuits<BR>– Flapless circuits<BR>• Aircraft Lighting Failures<BR>– Landing light failure<BR>– Instrument panel lighting failure<BR>– Full aircraft electrical failure<BR>• Airport Lighting Failures<BR>– Attempt to activate PAL, continue transmitting three<BR>second pulses<BR>– Check PAL Frequency<BR>– Land at another aerodrome with lighting<BR>– Need ERSA, VTC and VNC

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 18:52:25

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