**** Hidden Message ***** PITOT / STATIC SYSTEMS<BR>Aim<BR>To understand the principles of operation behind a<BR>pitot / static system, considering the possible<BR>errors and limitations involved.<BR>Application<BR>• Used when relying on the pressure instruments.<BR>• ASI, ALT and VSI.<BR>Overview<BR>Revision<BR>Static Pressure<BR>• pressure due to weight of air molecules<BR>pushing down. Reduces with increased<BR>altitude.<BR>Revision<BR>Dynamic Pressure<BR>• pressure due to relative movement.<BR>Depends on density and velocity.<BR>Total Pressure<BR>• PT =<BR>Definitions<BR>• Static Vent<BR>Definitions<BR>• Pitot Tube<BR>Definitions<BR>• Alternate Static Source<BR>Principles<BR>Principles<BR>• Airspeed Indicator<BR>Principles<BR>Principles<BR>• Altimeter<BR>Principles<BR>Principles<BR>• Vertical Speed Indicator<BR>Principles<BR>• VSI<BR>Considerations<BR>Instrument Errors<BR>• due to imperfections in the design and<BR>installation.<BR>Instrument Lag<BR>• response time of pressure instruments can be<BR>slow due to long lines or rapid pressure<BR>changes.<BR>Position Error<BR>• poor design and placement of vents may not be<BR>representative of the free atmospheric pressure.<BR>Considerations - Review<BR>• Blockages<BR>Descent<BR>Static Climb<BR>Blockage<BR>Descent - -<BR>Pitot Climb - -<BR>Blockage<BR>ASI ALT VSI<BR>Over read<BR>Under read<BR>Under read<BR>Over read Over read<BR>Under read Zero<BR>Zero<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Know where the alternate static source is<BR>located<BR>• Always check pitot and static vents during<BR>pre-flight<BR>Review 感谢楼主万分感谢感谢万分 谢谢楼主,我正准备去RMIT读书