<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> "Approved"<BR>Deputy Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee<BR>O. K. Ermolov<BR>2007<BR>INTERSTATE AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>FINAL REPORT<BR>ON THE RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION<BR>OF THE ACCIDENT<BR>Type of aircraft A-310-324<BR>State of Registry France<BR>Registration F-OGYP<BR>Owner Wilminton Trust Company acting as the<BR>holder of fiduciary rights<BR>Lessor Airbus leasing II.Inc<BR>Operator ОАО Aviakompania Sibir<BR>Date and time of accident 8 July 2006, 10:44 pm UTC (07.09.06,<BR>7:44 am local time)<BR>Place of accident At a distance of 2140 m and on a<BR>magnetic azimuth of 296° from Irkutsk<BR>ARP<BR>In accordance with the standards and recommendations of the Intergovernmental Civil<BR>Aviation Organization, this report was issued with the sole purpose of preventing accidents.<BR>The investigation conducted for this report does not presume to establish the share of any<BR>party's guilt or liability.<BR>Any criminal aspects of this accident are treated in separate criminal proceedings.<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>2<BR>Table of Contents<BR>Glossary.................................................................................................................... 3<BR>Background Information........................................................................................ 8<BR>1. Factual Information ....................................................................................... 10<BR>1.1. History of Flight ......................................................................................................10<BR>1.2. Injuries to Persons ..................................................................................................11<BR>1.3. Damage to Airplane ................................................................................................11<BR>1.4. Other Damage .........................................................................................................11<BR>1.5. Personnel information ............................................................................................11<BR>1.5.1. Flight Crew .......................................................................................................11<BR>1.5.2. Cabin Crew .......................................................................................................20<BR>1.6. Aircraft Information...............................................................................................26<BR>1.7. Meteorological Information...................................................................................32<BR>1.8. Air Traffic Control .................................................................................................36<BR>1.9. Aids to Navigation...................................................................................................39<BR>1.10. Aerodrome Information.....................................................................................39<BR>1.11. Flight Recorders..................................................................................................44<BR>1.12. Wreckage and Impact Information...................................................................44<BR>1.13. Medical and Pathological Information .............................................................47<BR>1.13.1. Medical information .........................................................................................47<BR>1.13.2. Results of pathological and anatomical examinations......................................49<BR>1.14. Survival Aspects..................................................................................................49<BR>1.15. Fire .......................................................................................................................50<BR>1.16. Tests and Research .............................................................................................54<BR>1.16.1. Full-scale experiment........................................................................................54<BR>1.16.2. Mathematical simulation...................................................................................54<BR>1.16.3. Analysis of materials from previous research work to determine the friction<BR>coefficient of a runway with various surface conditions ..................................................57<BR>1.16.4. Assessment of forces needed to move the throttle control lever ......................57<BR>1.16.5. Results of investigations made on engine control computers (FADEC)..........59<BR>1.16.6. Results of examining the engine control console .............................................59<BR>1.17. Information on Organizations and Management ............................................60<BR>1.18. Additional information.......................................................................................62<BR>1.18.1. Characteristics of the operation of A-310 airplane by Sibir .............................62<BR>1.18.2. Flight assessment based on the results of studies conducted during the<BR>investigation.....................................................................................................................67<BR>1.18.3. Information about previous incidents ...............................................................72<BR>1.18.4. Expert conclusion reached by clinical psychologists based on records of the<BR>psychological examinations of the airplane captain of the A-310 F-OGYP that was<BR>involved in the accident on July 9, 2006 at Irkutsk airport...............................................77<BR>1.18.5. Expert conclusion reached by aviation doctors based on records of the medical<BR>examinations of the airplane captain of the A-310 F-OGYP that was involved in the<BR>accident on July 9, 2006 at Irkutsk airport........................................................................80<BR>2. Analysis............................................................................................................ 87<BR>3. Findings and Conclusion ............................................................................. 109<BR>4 Shortcomings Identified in the Course of the Investigation..................... 116<BR>5 Safety Recommendations............................................................................. 119<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>3<BR>Glossary<BR>ACAFA - Aktyubinsk Civil Aviation Flight Academy<BR>ACT - airport control tower<BR>AeMS - aeronautical meteorological station (civilian)<BR>AMS - aviation meteorological station<BR>ANO - autonomous noncommercial organization<BR>A & AE - aviation and avionics equipment<BR>AS - airport service<BR>CRT - crash and rescue team<BR>CRTr - crash and rescue training<BR>CRW - crash and rescue work<BR>CRS - crash and rescue station<BR>AMC - aviation maintenance center<BR>АMB - aircraft maintenance base<BR>AS - air squadron<BR>FS - flight safety<BR>MM - middle marker<BR>SSN - spring-summer navigation<BR>SSP - spring-summer period<BR>PEB - physical evaluation board<BR>AQC - advanced qualifications commission<BR>DFB - departmental fire brigade<BR>ASCC - auxiliary start control center<BR>APU - auxiliary power unit<BR>AT - air transport<BR>CA - civil aviation<BR>HV - horizontal visibility<BR>PAS - public address system<BR>SSRICA - State Scientific and Research Institute of Civil Aviation<BR>GPT - glide-path transmitter<BR>ArCC - area control center<BR>AppCC - approach control center<BR>TCC - taxi control center<BR>OM - outer marker<BR>US - unified system<BR>ZAO - closed joint-stock company<BR>ASDC - air squadron deputy commander<BR>AES - aviation engineering service<BR>ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization<BR>ILS - instrument landing system<BR>MP - maintenance personnel<BR>ASC - air squadron commander<BR>ATC - air traffic control<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>4<BR>PIC - pilot in command<BR>SW - short waves<BR>KCAFA - Kirovograd Civil Aviation Flight Academy<BR>ADD - aircraft division director<BR>PRC - People's Republic of China<BR>LB - localizer beacon<BR>ARP - airport reference point<BR>FRI - flight research institute<BR>FS - flight section<BR>IAC - Interstate Aviation Committee<BR>MH - magnetic heading<BR>МLH - magnetic landing heading<BR>MT - main taxiway<BR>PA - parking area<BR>MU - medical unit<BR>MES - Ministry for Emergency Situations<BR>AAERC IAC - Air Accident Engineering and Research Commission of the<BR>International Aviation Committee<BR>AOS - Airport Operating Standards<BR>AAS - Aircraft Airworthiness Standards<BR>CAMM - civil aviation meteorological manual<BR>NOTAM - notes to airmen (changes in aeronautical information)<BR>CAFOM - civil aviation flight operations manual<BR>CAMRM - 93 - Civilian Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Manual – 1993<BR>NSM - navigation service manual<BR>ОАО - open joint-stock company<BR>UAE - United Arab Emirates<BR>TOC - departure control<BR>ATS - air traffic service<BR>HIL - high-intensity lights<BR>VHF - very high frequency<BR>ООО - limited-liability company<BR>MOP - main observation point<BR>SLB - separate locator beacon<BR>ATM - air traffic management<BR>LSE - landing system equipment<BR>OCS - operations control service<BR>ACS - approach controller station<BR>CRP - compulsory reporting point<BR>FPTC - flight personnel training course<BR>RIAAI-98 - 1998 Rules for Investigating Air Accidents and Incidents<BR>PM - periodic maintenance<BR>TORA - takeoff run available<BR>ASDA - accelerate-stop distance available<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>5<BR>RF - radar facility<BR>FM - flight manual<BR>FOM - flight organization manual<BR>FOO - flight operations officer<BR>AFOD - airport flight operations director<BR>CAFSRM - civil aviation flight search and rescue manual<BR>LDA - landing distance available<BR>FOM - flight operations manual<BR>RSRB - regional search-and-rescue base<BR>PMP - periodic maintenance procedure<BR>AMG - airplane maintenance guide<BR>TCL - throttle control lever<BR>RTL - reverse thrust lever<BR>RF - Russian Federation<BR>RC - regional center<BR>RF CAOG - RF Civilian Airport Operations Guideline<BR>ICC - integrated control center<BR>FME - forensic medical examination<BR>TTSN - total time since new<BR>TMS - transport management service<BR>FSRS - flight search and rescue service<BR>USA - United States of America<BR>CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance<BR>M&R - maintenance and repair<BR>ATC - air traffic control<BR>USW - ultra short waves<BR>FIA - flight inspection authority<BR>RFPL - required fire protection level<BR>TC - training center<BR>FAR - federal aviation rules<BR>FCAMCR - federal civil aviation medical certification regulations<BR>FSUE - federal state unitary enterprise<BR>FTOA - Federal Transportation Oversight Authority<BR>CPEB - Central Physical Evaluation Board<BR>CIL - central indicator light<BR>EIF - electrical illumination for flights<BR>A/C - aircraft<BR>AFS - automatic flight system<BR>ATIS - automatic terminal information system<BR>BEA - Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses (French accident<BR>investigation authority)<BR>BFU - Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung (German accident<BR>investigation authority)<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>6<BR>CBT - computer-based training<BR>CRM - crew resources management<BR>CVR - cockpit voice recorder<BR>DFDR - digital flight data recorder<BR>DGAC - Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (French civil<BR>aviation authority)<BR>EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency<BR>ECAM - electronic centralized aircraft monitoring<BR>EGT - exhaust gas temperature<BR>EPR - engine pressure ratio (determines thrust)<BR>FADEC - full authority digital electronics control<BR>FC - flight cycles<BR>FCOM - flight crew operating manual<BR>FCU<BR>- flight control unit<BR>FDR - flight data recorder<BR>FFS - full flight simulator<BR>FH - flight hours<BR>Flare - (caption on flight mode annunciator)<BR>FMA - flight mode annunciator (on primary flight display)<BR>FWC - flight warning computer<BR>GE - General Electric<BR>GLB - ground log book<BR>IATA - International Air Transport Association<BR>Reverse Idle - reverse idle mode<BR>ILS - instrument landing system<BR>IOSA - IATA operational safety audit<BR>LOW - automatic braking mode<BR>Max Rev - maximum reverse thrust<BR>MEL - minimum equipment list<BR>MMEL - master minimum equipment list<BR>N1 - low rotor rotation speed<BR>N2 - high rotor rotation speed<BR>NOTAM - notices to airmen<BR>NTSB - US National Transportation Safety Board<BR>PFD<BR>- primary flight display<BR>P&W - Pratt & Whitney<BR>Retard - engine shift to idle (caption on flight mode annunciator)<BR>Rollout - (caption on flight mode annunciator)<BR>SIGMET - significant meteorological information<BR>SOP - standard operating procedure<BR>STC - supplement type certificate<BR>TLB - technical log book<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>7<BR>UTC - coordinated universal time<BR>VOR-DME<BR>- VHF omni-directional radio range/distance-measuring<BR>equipment<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>8<BR>Background Information<BR>On July 8, 2006 at 22:44 UTC1 (7:44 local time on July 9, 2006), as it was<BR>landing at Irkutsk airport, an А-310 airplane, registration F-OGYP, operated by<BR>ОАО Aviakompania Sibir , ran down the runway, overran the<BR>runway threshold and, at a distance of 2140 m and on a magnetic azimuth of<BR>296° from the aerodrome reference point, collided with barriers, broke apart and<BR>burst into flames. As a result of the accident 125 individuals died, including both<BR>pilots and 3 of the cabin crew; 60 passengers and 3 cabin crew suffered physical<BR>injuries of varying degrees of severity.<BR>The investigation of the accident was conducted by a commission<BR>appointed by Order no. 13/379-R dated July 8, 2006 of the Deputy Chairman of<BR>the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), as amended by Order no. 33 dated July<BR>18, 2006 of the IAC Chairman:<BR>Commission chairman A.N. Morozov, Chairman of the Accident<BR>Investigation Commission of the Interstate<BR>Aviation Committee<BR>Deputies of the commission<BR>chairman:<BR>V.V. Chernyaev, Deputy Chairman of the<BR>Accident Investigation Commission of the<BR>Interstate Aviation Committee<BR>Yu.V. Zhuravlyov, Director of the East<BR>Siberian Administration of Gosavianadzor<BR>(Federal Transport Oversight Authority) of the<BR>Ministry of Transportation of Russia<BR>Commission members: V.A. Trusov, Chairman of the Commission for<BR>the Scientific and Technical Support of Air<BR>Accident Investigation of the IAC;<BR>S.A. Maryshev, branch consultant of the<BR>Inspection board for flight safety and the<BR>investigation of accidents of the Federal<BR>Transport Oversight Authority<BR>(Rostransnadzor);<BR>V.I. Volobuyev, director of the Department of<BR>Aerodromes and Airports of the Airport<BR>Operations Administration of the Federal Air<BR>Transportation Agency (Rosaviatsia);<BR>1 Hereinafter, unless otherwise specified, UTC is used. Sunrise at Irkutsk was at 20:50 UTC.<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>9<BR>A.P. Dovzhik, chief maintenance engineer of<BR>the aviation maintenance center ОАО<BR>"Aeroflot - Rossiskiye avialinii";<BR>R.A. Teimurazov, IAC technical director for<BR>safety issues;<BR>A.G. Kruglov, advisor to the Chairman of the<BR>IAC;<BR>V.V. Biriukov, class 1 test pilot of the federal<BR>state unitary enterprise "М.М. Gromov Flight<BR>Research Institute"<BR>Specialists from FTOA, Rosaviatsia, Rosaeronavigatsia, Irkutsk airport,<BR>the airlines Aeroflot - Rossiskiye avialinii and Sibir, as well as the accredited<BR>representative of BEA, who represented the State (France) of the airplane<BR>Design, Manufacture and Registry, and of NTSB, which represented the State<BR>(USA) of the engine developer and manufacturer, as well as their advisors from<BR>Airbus and P&W, participated in the investigation.<BR>During the course of the investigation the Commission requested<BR>information about the cabin reconfiguration carried out by Lufthansa Technik<BR>(Germany). In accordance with Annex 13 to the ICAO Convention, this<BR>information was provided via BFU, which also appointed an accredited<BR>representative.<BR>Start of investigation - July 9, 2006<BR>End - 2007<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>10<BR>1. Factual Information<BR>1.1. History of Flight<BR>On July 8, 2006 an А-310 airplane with state registration number FOGYP<BR>(France), leased by ОАО Aviakompania Sibir, and with a flight crew<BR>consisting of the Captain and the co-pilot, was flying scheduled passenger flight<BR>С7 778 from Domodedovo to Irkutsk.<BR>Apart from the two cockpit personnel, there were 6 flight attendants and<BR>195 passengers on board (of these, 2 worked for the company), which included<BR>181 nationals of Russia, 3 of Germany, 3 of the PRC, 2 of Poland, 3 of Belarus,<BR>2 of Moldova and 1 of Azerbaijan.<BR>The airplane's payload according to the flight manifest was 19,800 kg<BR>(which included about 80 kg of hazardous freight - perfume), its take-off weight<BR>140414 kg (maximum permissible – 150,000 kg), and center-of-gravity position<BR>25.5% (the range of permissible center-of-gravity positions for take-off is 18% -<BR>32%).<BR>Upon completion of the pre-flight preparation, the crew took off from<BR>Domodedovo airport at 17:17 (17:15 – as per schedule) and after climbing set a<BR>course for its destination airport of Irkutsk (alternate airport Bratsk). The flight<BR>proceeded without incident and at 22:17 the crew initiated descent for an<BR>approach and landing at Irkutsk airport. At 22:43:40 the airplane landed without<BR>misalignment on runway 30 at Irkutsk airport.<BR>Note: Before the flight, in accordance with Sibir’s MEL, the maintenance<BR>personnel deactivated the thrust reverser on the airplane's left engine after<BR>hearing the crew's observation about this thrust reverser's malfunction during a<BR>previous flight.<BR>After touchdown all spoiler sections prepared ("armed") by the crew for<BR>utilization were deployed and the autobrake in Low mode, previously selected<BR>by the crew, was activated. The pilot moved the right engine (no. 2) thrust<BR>reverser forward. However, simultaneously with the subsequent reduction of the<BR>reverse mode of engine no. 2, engine no. 1 started to speed up (forward thrust),<BR>which led to an increase in airplane speed and the onset of torque that pulled the<BR>airplane to the right.<BR>The crew failed to perceive the cause of what was happening. In spite of<BR>intense wheel-braking efforts, the airplane used up the entire length of the<BR>runway and overshot its end at a speed of about 180 kph. The airplane then<BR>continued to travel on wet soil. At a distance of about 300 m from the departure<BR>threshold of the runway, the airplane collided with a concrete barrier of the<BR>aerodrome and then with some garages located directly behind the barrier, after<BR>which the airplane, now seriously damaged, stopped. As a result of the<BR>Final Report<BR>INTERGOVERNMENTAL AVIATION COMMITTEE<BR>11<BR>destruction of the fuel tanks the fuel ignited and fire penetrated the airplane's<BR>interior.<BR>As a result of the accident, 125 individuals died, including the two pilots<BR>and three of the flight attendants. The airplane was practically completely<BR>destroyed by the fire.<BR>1.2. Injuries to Persons<BR>fatal serious minor n/a<BR>passengers 120 38 22 15<BR>crew 2/3 0/3 - -<BR>1.3. Damage to Airplane<BR>As the airplane was overshooting the runway, it collided with a concrete<BR>barrier of the aerodrome and with some garages behind it. As a result of the<BR>break-up of the airplane's structure and the subsequent fire, the airplane was<BR>practically completely destroyed.<BR>1.4. Other Damage<BR>As the airplane was overshooting the runway, its left engine cowling and<BR>air intake damaged six first-row elements and one second-row element of the<BR>localizer antenna array. The shock struts of the landing gear then broke the<BR>aerodrome's concrete barrier, after which the airplane collided with the garage<BR>structures behind the barrier, resulting in the destruction of 20 garages. FINAL REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ACCIDENT A310-324 F-OGYP 看看的 谢谢 thank you very much