航空 发表于 2010-10-4 07:27:38


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航空 发表于 2010-10-4 07:28:06

Dear Madam, Sir,<BR>The "Air-TN" project is funded by EC within the ERA-NET scheme and is meant to step up the cooperation<BR>and co-ordination of research activities in aeronautics carried out at national level<BR>through the networking of research activities at EU level.<BR>One of the goal of the Air-TN project is to organise thematic fora on relevant themes bringing<BR>together specialists participating in existing projects (EU or other) with people from organisations<BR>and countries not involved in these projects to foster cooperation and dissemination throughout<BR>the EU member states.<BR>Three Fora are going to be organised by Air-TN:<BR>o The Single European Sky – ATM Research,<BR>o The Green Air Transport System,<BR>o The role of UAV and General Aviation in the future air transport system.<BR>The rationale driving the choice is the following: such items are of major interest; there is an<BR>urgent need to focus national developments and initiate cooperation on these themes in order to<BR>ensure the delivery of the needed results to support European transport policies; the integration of<BR>NMS and their research capabilities will be an important consideration throughout the three Fora.<BR>Air-TN management team in cooperation with EUROCONTROL has organised the forum entitled<BR>“The Single European Sky – ATM Research” that will take place at EUROCONTROL Experimental<BR>Center, in Bretigny (near Paris), France on January 31st 2007.<BR>The main content of this Forum is the following:<BR>o How the concept addresses Single European Sky policy.<BR>o Provide a detailed view of the operational concept targeted for the 2020 time horizon.<BR>o The research work programme to deliver the concept.<BR>o Beyond SESAR the next Steps towards the HLTCs.<BR>You will find hereafter the agenda of the workshop, the registration form and a short description of<BR>Air-TN and Single European Sky.<BR>In order to help to organise the event, please send the registration form not later than<BR>19 January 2007 to EUROCONTROL.<BR>SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY – ATM Research<BR>“1st Air-TN FORUM”<BR>January 31st, 2007<BR>EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,<BR>Bretigny (near Paris),<BR>France<BR>January 31st, 2007<BR>EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,<BR>Bretigny (near Paris), France<BR>AGENDA<BR>SPEAKERS<BR>** partially to be confirmed **<BR>09:00 Welcome by Director EEC, the EUROCONTROL<BR>Experimental Centre<BR>Jan van Doorn,<BR>EUROCONTROL<BR>09:10 Welcome by AirTN Project Leader &amp; Presentation Walter Riha, DLR<BR>09:30 Single European Sky Luc Tytgat, DG TREN<BR>09:50 SESAR – Introduction Patrick Ky, DG TREN<BR>10:10 SESAR – what the “Definition Phase” will deliver Air Traffic Alliance<BR>10:30 Coffee Break<BR>11:00 SESAR – the operational view SESAR Consortium<BR>11:45 A EUROCONTROL view on the research needs, the<BR>Network of Centres of Excellence<BR>Pierre Andribet,<BR>EUROCONTROL<BR>12:30 Lunch<BR>14:00 SESAR – Development phase Patrick Ky, DG TREN<BR>14:20 Long term Research perspectives<BR>Dave Young,<BR>EUROCONTROL<BR>14:40 Coffee Break<BR>15:00 New Member States – Involvement in SESAR DG-TREN<BR>15.20 Impacts on further AirTN work Walter Riha, DLR<BR>15:30 Discussion<BR>Moderated by<BR>EUROCONTROL<BR>16:15 End of the Forum<BR>ABOUT THE LOCATION and LOGISTICS<BR>For reaching EUROCONTROL and for Hotel suggestions please visit:<BR>http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/public/standard_page/visit_us.html<BR>A shuttle bus will be available<BR> from Place d'Italie to the EEC, and<BR> from the EEC back to Paris Cité Universitaire<BR>From Paris Cité Universitaire there is the Métro acces to Paris and in particular Gare du<BR>Nord and Charles de Gaulle airport<BR>The suggestions is to stay close to Place d'Italie which is also easily reachable by Métro.<BR>For further info please contact Béatrice Bettignies-Thiebaux at the following e-mail<BR>address: airtnforum1@eurocontrol.int<BR>REGISTRATION FORM<BR>January 31st, 2007<BR>EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,<BR>Bretigny (near Paris), France<BR>Register by filling in the following form in capital letters and E-mail it by<BR>19/01/2007 to:<BR>E-mail: airtnforum1@eurocontrol.int<BR>Name:<BR>Company:<BR>Job Title:<BR>Tel:<BR>Fax:<BR>E-mail:<BR>I made a<BR>reservation<BR>at the<BR>following<BR>Hotel<BR>ABOUT THE ORGANISERS<BR>Air-TN (Aeronautics ERA-Net) objectives are twofold: (1) to step up the co-operation and coordination<BR>of research activities in aeronautics carried out at national level through the networking<BR>of research activities at EU level. This first objective includes the implementation of joint<BR>aeronautical research activities (in GARTEUR Action Groups); (2) to expand the European<BR>dimension with an aeronautical network in order to improve the coherence and co-ordination of<BR>aeronautics and in order to strengthen the underpinning of the European Aeronautics programme.<BR>These two objectives will be achieved by bringing together key actors (public bodies and other<BR>national bodies that finance or manage aeronautical research activities) from a large number of<BR>European nations (sixteen Member States plus Romania and Switzerland) with a common strategic<BR>interest in Aeronautics. These key actors will form AirTN and will carry out the proposed AirTN<BR>work programme consisting of seven work packages.<BR>To foster increased co-operation that can lead to co-ordination of national research activities<BR>between the participants involved in AirTN the project will move along the 4 steps identified in the<BR>Specific Programme "Integrating and strengthening the foundations of the European Research<BR>Area". The four-step approach to durable co-operation consists of<BR> Systematic exchange of information and good practices<BR> Analysis of common strategic issues in civil aeronautics<BR> Development of joint activities in civil aeronautics<BR> Transnational research activities in civil aeronautics<BR>The AirTN activities will lay the foundation for expanding the scope of durable co-operation in<BR>Aeronautics between the partners involved.<BR>EUROCONTROL is the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. This civil and<BR>military Organisation which currently numbers 37 Member States, has as its primary objective<BR>the development of a seamless, pan-European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. The<BR>achievement of this objective is a key element to the present and future challenges facing the<BR>aviation community, which are to cope with the forecast growth in air traffic, while<BR>maintaining a high level of safety, reducing costs, and respecting the environment.<BR>EUROCONTROL develops, coordinates and plans for implementation of short-, medium- and<BR>long-term pan-European air traffic management strategies and their associated action plans in<BR>a collective effort involving national authorities, air navigation service providers, civil and<BR>military airspace users, airports, industry, professional organisations and relevant European<BR>institutions.<BR>EUROCONTROL's core activities span the entire range of gate-to-gate air navigation service<BR>operations - from strategic and tactical flow management to controller training; from regional<BR>control of airspace to development of leading-edge, safety-proofed technologies and<BR>procedures, and the collection of air navigation charges.<BR>For further informationn see: http://www.eurocontrol.int/

brightjm 发表于 2011-1-23 21:26:08

<P>thank you.</P>

skycloud1011 发表于 2011-2-14 09:40:25


日光浴的鱼 发表于 2011-3-4 13:27:55


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