RMIT飞行训练课件-Shortfield Take-off & Landing 段跑道起飞和着陆
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> Shortfield Take-off & Landing<BR>Aim<BR>• To operate safely and efficiently into and out of a<BR>field of marginal length, using as little runway as<BR>possible.<BR>Application<BR>• short/rough strips<BR>• ALA’s<BR>• obstacle clearance<BR>Review<BR>• Takeoff<BR>– Flap<BR>– Power vs Brakes<BR>– Climb Performance<BR>Review<BR>• Approach & Landing<BR>– Flap<BR>– Power<BR>– Approach Profile<BR>– Landing<BR>Review<BR>Considerations<BR>• Off Profile<BR>• Gusty Conditions<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Smooth coordinated use of controls<BR>• Restrict power on gravel surfaces<BR>• Higher speeds in gusty conditions may be<BR>necessary<BR>• If in doubt, go around<BR>• Correct handover/takeover procedure<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Take off POH Ref 4-15<BR>Lower nose<BR>FLAP 0o<BR>79 kt (BROC)<BR>57kts until 200ft and Clear<BR>of Obstacles then Retract<BR>Flap<BR>“40 kt”<BR>“51 kt ROTATE”<BR>FLAP 10o<BR>Power Vs Brakes<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Landing POH Ref 4-16<BR>Apply maximum braking<BR>without skidding<BR>Maintain full back<BR>pressure<BR>Target Threshold Speed 55<BR>ktMinimal hold-off and flare<BR>Initiate touchdown with idle<BR>power<BR>Increase power as<BR>required to maintain<BR>speed<BR>Normal approach until<BR>300ft.<BR>Raise nose for 62 kt<BR>APPROACH<BR>PROFILE<BR>DOES NOT<BR>CHANGE<BR>“300ft” 感谢楼主万分感谢感谢万分 谢谢楼主,我正准备去RMIT读书