Single European Sky and its Impacts on CO2-Emissions
**** Hidden Message ***** e-zine edition 41 1<BR>ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH<BR>Single European Sky<BR>and its Impacts<BR>on CO2-Emissions<BR>Aviation has been subject to comprehensive changes<BR>over the last decades. Passenger numbers and freight<BR>volumes have boomed and are expected to increase<BR>further in the next few years. Adverse impacts are<BR>correlated to growth rates, and will increase further in a business-as-usual scenario for<BR>the airline industry. One of the themes in the debate on external effects is the discussion<BR>on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This discussion is very critical to the aviation industry,<BR>due to the high impact of CO2-emissions in the lower troposphere, and due to the high<BR>growth rates in the air transport sector. Promoted by the airline industry, the implementation<BR>of a Single European Sky (SES) is one step in reducing CO2-emissions in aviation.<BR>This paper examines the potential of a SES for in-flight emission reductions. Actual routes<BR>have been compared using the geodesic distance on selected corridors within Europe.<BR>Introduction<BR>In recent decades, the aviation industry has seen comprehensive<BR>changes, influenced by political decisions (liberalization, deregulation<BR>and privatization of the industry), economic growth<BR>and lower production costs (lower costs per seat-km). These<BR>megatrends are expected to continue within the nearby future<BR>and can be outlined by:<BR> strongly growing demand in air passenger and freight transport<BR>(growth of around 5 per cent per year (IATA, 2007));<BR> changes in business models of airlines (e.g. low-cost carriers,<BR>reorganization of former flag carriers, pure cargo airlines,<BR>etc.);<BR> tremendous enhancement in airport capacity, especially in<BR>Asia (e.g. United Arab Emirates, India, China);<BR> expansion of regional airports and the efforts of regions to<BR>convert former military airports into civil airports (e.g. Black<BR>Forest airport);<BR> development in airplane design (e.g. introduction of the<BR>A380 and Boeing Dreamliner, which promise to reduce costs<BR>significantly);<BR> increase in airline cooperation (e.g. Star Alliance, oneworld);<BR> increase in capacity constraints at major European airports<BR>(e.g. London Heathrow, Frankfurt).<BR>Growing demand and increasing capacity constraints have<BR>caused considerable and constant increases in the delays in air<BR>transport. This has led to consequences for users and for the<BR>environment, as well as to a considerable financial impact on<BR>the airlines. Many of these delays are caused by the clogging<BR>of the air traffic management (ATM) system, which has apparently<BR>been less and less able to cope with the growing number<BR>of flights (EC, 2007a).<BR>Forecasts for the future show further increases in the supply of<BR>air transportation (about 3.1 percent p.a. until 2030 according<BR>to EC, 2008a) and in the flexibility for passengers to ease air<BR>travel. This will lead to more flights within the European air<BR>network. Adverse effects will emerge, and will be strengthened.<BR>The results can directly affect the industry, e.g. congestions at<BR>airports in the short run, or indirectly in case of external impacts.<BR>One of the main topics in the debate on external effects<BR>concerning air transportation is noise, CO2 and NOx emissions.<BR>Total external effects per 1,000 passenger-kilometers are approximately<BR>52.5 EUR for air transport, according to scientific<BR>studies, which is very high compared to rail transportation (22.9<BR>EUR) (UIC, 2004). The challenging task for the future will be<BR>to decouple emissions from traffic and economic growth.<BR>The EU has defined a comprehensive approach based on three<BR>pillars, namely (1) support research and development for<BR>“greener” technologies, (2) implement market-based measures<BR>and (3) modernize ATM systems (EC, 2008b). Part of the SES<BR>approach is the SESAR initiative, which is responsible for<BR>by: Aaron Scholz, Patrick Jochem, Dr. Anselm Ott<BR>and Paolo Beria<BR>the technological component of SES. Its main objective is to<BR>achieve 10 per cent fuel savings per flight, thereby enabling a<BR>10 per cent reduction of CO2-emissions per flight (EC, 2008b).<BR>The SESAR Master Plan outlines that the optimization of horizontal<BR>and vertical flight profiles have the potential to reduce inflight<BR>emissions by around 4 million tons p.a. (SESAR, 2008).<BR>The airline industry defines the creation of a Single European<BR>Sky (SES) as a milestone in reducing environmental emissions.<BR>SES is seen as the largest single climate change project of the<BR>EU, and CO2-reductions of up to 15 per cent are characterized<BR>as feasible by the industry (Lufthansa, 2006a, Lufthansa,<BR>2006b, Lufthansa, 2007, and TuiFly, 2007). Reductions should<BR>come from shortening holdings (aircrafts flying in a fixed pattern<BR>awaiting permission to land), improving flight corridors<BR>and more efficient routings. In the following paragraphs, we<BR>will concentrate on in-flight reduction potentials.<BR>European Air Traffic Management Policy<BR>The European air traffic management network has slowly been<BR>developed over time. Each sovereign nation uses its own mechanisms<BR>and has set up its own agency for traffic management. In<BR>1919, the International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN)<BR>was created to develop “general rules for air traffic”, which<BR>were applied in most countries where aircrafts operated (Arndt,<BR>2004). Despite further attempts to unify the network, especially<BR>during the 1960s, more than 25 civil ATM agencies still existed<BR>in Europe, including 58 management centers using 22 different<BR>operating systems (Lufthansa, 2006a). Figure 1 displays the<BR>current situation in the European ATM network.<BR>The complexity of the European system can easily be observed<BR>when the American management system is compared<BR>with its European counterpart. Europe only has half as many<BR>flights than the US, yet 22 different systems exist in Europe<BR>(compared to just one in the US). Same goes for air space, but<BR>more providers operate in the market. These are the reasons<BR>why costs per flight for air transport management are twice as<BR>much in Europe as in the US. The highly fragmented European<BR>air transport management system is characterized as half as efficient<BR>as the US system (EC, 2007b). Table 1 summarizes key<BR>factors for both regions.<BR>To overcome the current heterogeneous situation in Europe, the<BR>idea of a single sky emerged in the 1960s, when Eurocontrol,<BR>the European organization for the safety of air navigation, was<BR>founded. Its strategic objective is the creation of a single upper<BR>sky, which enables the efficient use of airspace. Air traffic<BR>boundaries are still strongly related to national borders, which<BR>results in detours, holding patterns and additional kerosene consumption<BR>(see Figure 1). Therefore, the European Parliament<BR>laid down the framework regulation for the creation of the SES<BR>in 2004 (EC, 2004). Its objectives are:<BR> to restructure the European airspace as a function of air traffic<BR>flows rather than according to national borders;<BR> to create additional capacity by optimizing flight routes;<BR> to increase the overall efficiency of the European air traffic<BR>management system;<BR> to enhance safety standards;<BR> to minimize delays.<BR>The European Commission has set 2020 as the target date for<BR>SES to be completed (EC, 2007b).<BR>Potential CO2-Emission Reductions Through Pptimization<BR>of Flight Routes<BR>Potential effective reductions depend on various factors, such<BR>as wind, capacity constraints in the network or no-fly zones.<BR>Therefore, a calculation method has been developed that compares<BR>distances of the current flight route with an optimal flight<BR>route. The optimal route means plotting the geodesic path between<BR>origin and destination. The approach can be interpreted<BR>as an optimistic approach that shows the potential maximum<BR>reduction through optimizing routes. Even with an SES, there<BR>will still be factors that directly influence and constrain the optimal<BR>route choice, such as no-fly zones, congestion and weather.<BR>The approach reverts to some assumptions, which are explained<BR>in the following.<BR>Constant kerosene consumption per flight-km: The approach assumes<BR>constant kerosene consumption per flight-km. This is a<BR>reliable assumption for flights on the same altitude. Only for<BR>take-off and climb flight are much higher consumptions needed<BR>(more than ten times above average consumption). Thus, it is<BR>assumed that aircrafts fly on the same altitude, but they fly different<BR>routes.i The methodology applies a subtractive approach<BR>where the distance of the optimized flight routes is subtracted<BR>from the current flight route distance.<BR>2<BR>Figure 1: Air traffic management zones in Europe. Source: own composition<BR>based on Lufthansa 2006.<BR>European<BR>Continent USA<BR>Air space (million square km) 10.5 9.8<BR>Air navigation service<BR>providers (civil and military) 47 1<BR>Management centers 58 21<BR>Operating systems 22 1<BR>Programming languages 30 1<BR>Flights (in millions) 9 18<BR>Cost of traffic management per<BR>flight (in euro) 742 386<BR>Table 1: Comparison between selected air traffic management information<BR>in Europe and the US (Source: Lufthansa, 2006a and Eurocontrol,<BR>2004).<BR>No-fly zones: There<BR>are territories over<BR>which aircraft are<BR>not permitted to<BR>fly. These areas are<BR>mainly military territories<BR>(e.g. Royal<BR>Air Force barracks), buildings of executive authorities (e.g.<BR>Buckingham Palace) or sites of special cultural interest. The<BR>total size of the no-fly zones is small compared to the total size<BR>of Europe. Route choice decisions, especially in the upper sky<BR>(aim of the SES initiative), are only slightly influenced by nofly<BR>zones, and have therefore been neglected in the developed<BR>approach.<BR>No holdings: Holdings are mainly caused by congestion around<BR>airports, which are bottlenecks for the industry. Holdings are<BR>considered in the actual flight data, but are not considered<BR>in the reduction potential analysis because of<BR>multifaceted parameters (e.g. weather, congestion,<BR>emergency flights). Furthermore, the comprehension<BR>of holdings in current routes emphasizes the optimistic<BR>approach, which has been chosen for the analysis<BR>at hand (subtrahend increases while the minuend<BR>keeps constant).<BR>In the following, we highlight six exemplary European<BR>flight routes, which are mapped in figures 2 to<BR>4. The flight routes have been chosen because of their<BR>importance (flight frequency) in the European air network,<BR>and according to the number of possible ATM<BR>crossings to become a gauge for the potential efficiency<BR>gains. The actual database has been provided by<BR>Eurocontrol, and it consists of around 6,200 flights of<BR>August 2007.<BR>Flights from<BR>August 2007<BR>have been<BR>chosen for<BR>two reasons:<BR>First, August<BR>is traditionally<BR>a holiday<BR>month in Europe<BR>with a lot<BR>of air traffic<BR>and congested<BR>routes. Based on the developed subtractive approach, congested<BR>routes generally lead to increasing flight distances (detours),<BR>which are considered in the minuend. As the ideal flight route<BR>keeps unchanged (subtrahend), flight data from the summer holiday<BR>month August support the objective of calculating potential<BR>maximum reduction. Second, data for only one month could be<BR>provided by Eurocontrol. The authors decided in favor of data<BR>from August 2007 for the abovementioned reason.<BR>The Eurocontrol database included route length and data on<BR>latitude and longitude for key points on the route for each of the<BR>6,200 flights. Information on route length has been used for calculating<BR>potential reductions, whereas geographic information<BR>has only been used for mapping the routes (Figures 2 to 4).<BR>The most frequently flown intra-European route is Madrid-<BR>Barcelona (Eurostat, 2007). Even though it is a short distance<BR>in a single country, the origin and destination<BR>are located in different ATM<BR>zones. It is not surprising that the actual<BR>routes appear to be very straight when<BR>compared to other relations, such as<BR>Barcelona-Amsterdam, in which about<BR>five different ATC zones are flown over,<BR>and in which in particular the outbound<BR>flights are far off the geodesic path (see<BR>Figure 2).<BR>Looking at an East-West relation – here<BR>the Paris-Warsaw link – flights seem<BR>to be more straight, even though they<BR>3<BR>Figure 2: Flight routes Amsterdam-Barcelona and Madrid-Barcelona<BR>Source: own mapping based on data from Eurocontrol – August 2007.<BR>Figure 3: Flight routes Paris-Warsaw and Frankfurt-Berlin<BR>(Source: own mapping based on data from Eurocontrol<BR>– August 2007)<BR>cross about five different ATM zones (see Figure 3). Considering<BR>the most frequent intra-German route (from Frankfurt to<BR>Berlin), the routes are far from direct connections.<BR>On diagonal European routes, flights are nearly on geodesic<BR>paths, even though they cross between four to six different<BR>ATM zones. Considering the corridor London-Rome and Munich-<BR>Helsinki, flights are relatively straight, but a large number<BR>of different routes is chosen (see Figure 4).<BR>This research compares the actual distance with its geodesic<BR>path. The real distances are taken from the Eurocontrol database<BR>for August 2007. The data from the geographic information<BR>system for each flight is available, which allows the reconstruction<BR>of the actual flight corridor. The shortest distances<BR>between origin and destination, the geodesic path, are gained<BR>from GIS software.<BR>Table 2 summarizes the findings and displays the average savings<BR>for each direction. General savings are achieved for each<BR>single relation. The level of saving heavily depends on the relation<BR>itself, the total distance and the number of ATM zones<BR>that is crossed.<BR>Conclusion<BR>Looking at the increasing CO2-emissions in aviation, the introduction<BR>of the Single European Sky (SES) can really reduce trip<BR>length within Europe, and thus reduce CO2-emissions in aviation.<BR>In short, by harmonizing the European ATM, in-flight savings<BR>of fuel consumption can be achieved for many inner European<BR>flights. Furthermore, holdings are expected to be reduced<BR>because of optimized collaborations between ATM, airports and<BR>airlines. Both effects, in-flight savings and reduced holdings,<BR>are economically very valuable to airlines. Production costs per<BR>seat-kilometer can be decreased, and reliability increased. Together<BR>with optimized technology, aviation might mitigate 0.6<BR>megatons of CO2, in Germany alone (BDI, 2007).<BR>In a market environment with a high degree of competition,<BR>lower production costs will be (at least partly) forwarded to the<BR>customer. Furthermore, a more efficient ATM may also lead<BR>to lower costs of air traffic management per flight. Both effects<BR>will lower air fares, which create additional demand that<BR>will be served by the industry. Finally, optimized flight routes,<BR>resulting in reduced flight times, allow for a more efficient use<BR>of the airplanes (more flights). Scenarios are conceivable in<BR>which emission reductions based on fuel savings per flight are<BR>overcompensated by induced emissions caused by lower production<BR>costs.<BR>Estimations made by the airline industry show fuel savings of<BR>up to 15 per cent per flight due to the implementation of the<BR>SES. The authors ascertain a similar magnitude for the emission<BR>savings per flight. From an economic point of view, the<BR>introduction of the SES should be supported to overcome the<BR>inefficient situation in Europe.<BR>4<BR>Figure 4: Flight routes London-Rome and Munich-Helsinki Source:<BR>own mapping based on data from Eurocontrol – August 2007<BR>Origin Destination Savings<BR>(%)<BR>Frankfurt (FRA) Berlin-Tegel (TXL) 14<BR>Berlin-Tegel (TXL) Frankfurt (FRA) 12<BR>Munich (MUC) Helsinki (HEL) 5<BR>Helsinki (HEL) Munich (MUC) 8<BR>London-Heathrow (LHR) Rome-Fiumicino<BR>(FCO) 9<BR>Rome-Fiumicino (FCO) London-Heathrow<BR>(LHR) 6<BR>Amsterdam (AMS) Barcelona (BCN) 8<BR>Barcelona (BCN) Amsterdam (AMS) 9<BR>Warsaw (WAW) Paris-Charles de<BR>Gaulle (CDG) 5<BR>Paris-Charles de Gaulle<BR>(CDG) Warsaw (WAW) 9<BR>Barcelona (BCN) Madrid (MAD) 7<BR>Madrid (MAD) Barcelona (BCN) 13<BR>Lisbon (LIS) Bucharest (BBU) 4<BR>Bucharest (BBU) Lisbon (LIS) 5<BR>Table 2: Savings in distance on selected flight connections within<BR>Europe due to the implementation of a Single European Sky<BR>e-zine edition 41 5<BR>In the long run, adverse impacts of the SES on the environment<BR>are multilayered and are thus complex to estimate. Cost reductions<BR>per flight may result in additional demand due to production<BR>cost savings per flight. Therefore, further policy measures<BR>are necessary to reduce overall CO2-emissions in Europe. An<BR>emission trading system (ETS) with a European or even global<BR>coverage is seen, by the authors, as a comprehensive supplement<BR>to the SES. Unlike the SES, ETS allows emission caps to<BR>limit total emissions. And, a sophisticated ETS does not only<BR>include the airline industry, it covers the total economy and<BR>leads to a better allocation of resources. On November 13 2007,<BR>the European Parliament agreed on a directive launched by the<BR>European Commission to incorporate the air transportation industry<BR>in the ETS by 2011. The directive plans to include intracontinental<BR>and intercontinental flights in the trading system.<BR>The proposal will now be discussed by the European Council of<BR>Ministers, which has the last voice in this decision.<BR>Biographies:<BR>Aaron B. Scholz is a research fellow at the Institute for Economic<BR>Policy Research of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) since 2005. At the<BR>Institute Aaron works as a transport analyst and project manager. He<BR>studied business engineering at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) with a<BR>main focus on micro and macro scale transportation issues. Aaron holds<BR>a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science (major in Transport and<BR>Logistics) of the Lincoln University (Christchurch, New Zealand). His<BR>fields of interest are air transport especially air cargo and the assessment<BR>of transport infrastructure projects.<BR>To contact Aaron Schloz:<BR>Patrick Jochem is a PhD-scholarship student of the German Federal<BR>Environmental Foundation (DBU) and a research fellow at the Institute<BR>for Economic Policy Research of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). He<BR>studied economics (Dipl.) at the universities of Bayreuth, Heidelberg<BR>and Mannheim. Before 2006 he was working as a research assistant at<BR>ZEW (Centre for European Economic Research), Mannheim, and as a<BR>research fellow at BSR-Sustainability, Karlsruhe. His research interests<BR>are in the field of transport policy, transport modeling, econometrics,<BR>CO2 emission trading, and sustainability.<BR>Paolo Beria is carrying research and professional activity at Milan<BR>Politecnico University, TRT Research Centre and Milan Transport<BR>Authority (AMA). The fields of interest are economy, regulation and<BR>assessment of transport projects, and in particular, issues concerning<BR>transport megaprojects. Paolo is a lecturer in Transport Systems at<BR>Milan Politecnico and in Transport Economics at IULM University in<BR>Milan. He is co-author of two books in Italian and published numerous<BR>international papers in journals and in international conferences.<BR>Acknowledgements<BR>The authors would like to thank Patrick Tasker from Eurocontrol for<BR>his support.<BR>References<BR>Arndt, A. (2004), Die Liberalisierung der des grenzüberschreitenden<BR>Luftverkehrs in der EU - Eine quantitative Analyse der Wohlfahrtswirkungen<BR>und des Anbieterverhaltens, P. Lange Verlagsgruppe,<BR>Frankfurt.<BR>BDI (Federation of German Industries) (2007), Kosten und Potentiale<BR>der Vermeidung von Treibhausgasen in Deutschland, McKinsey Report,<BR>Berlin.<BR>Eurocontrol (2004), Flickenteppich europäischer Luftraum – der Vergleich<BR>zeigt: es geht auch anders!, Eurocontrol, Brussels.<BR>EC (European Commission) (2004), Regulation No 549/2004, Brussels.<BR>EC (European Commission) (2007a), Information Note on the European<BR>Single Sky, Brussels. Download at:<BR><BR>history/info_note_en.pdf (last visit Mai 7, 2008).<BR>EC (European Commission) (2007b), Report of the High Level group<BR>for the future European Aviation Regulatory Framework: A framework<BR>for driving performance improvement, Brussels.<BR>EC (European Commission) (2007c), Communication from the Commission<BR>to the Council and the European Parliament – Building the<BR>Single European Sky through functional airspace blocks: A mid-term<BR>status report, Brussels.<BR>EC (European Commission) (2008b), Is civil aviation a major CO2<BR>problem?, Brussels. Download at:<BR>portal/traffic_management/environment/index_en.htm (last visit Mai<BR>2, 2008).<BR>EC (European Commission) (2008a), European Energy and Transport<BR>Trends to 2030 – update 2007, Brussels.<BR>Eurostat (2007), Luftverkehr in Europa im Jahr 2005 – Statistik kurz<BR>gefasst, Luxembourg.<BR>IATA (2007), IATA Economic Briefing: Passenger and Freight Forecast<BR>2007 to 2011 (October 2007), Download at:<BR>NR/rdonlyres/E0EEDB73-EA00-494E-9408-2B83AFF33A7D/0/traffic_<BR>forecast_2007_2011.pdf (last visit November 15, 2007).<BR>Lufthansa (2006a), Policy Brief – December 2006: Single European<BR>Sky more effective than Emissions Trading, Frankfurt.<BR>Lufthansa (2006b), Annual Report 2006, Frankfurt.<BR>Lufthansa (2007), Interview of W. Mayrhuber, CEO, with the German<BR>newspaper “Bild”, December 2007, Hamburg.<BR>SESAR (2008), SESAR Master Plan (D5), SESAR consortium, Brussels.<BR>TuiFly (2007), Climate Change and air transportation, On-board magazine<BR>of TuiFly 03/2007, Langenhagen.<BR>UIC (2004), External costs of transport – update study, International<BR>Union of Railways, Paris.<BR>i In the calculation the authors abstract from wind directions for inter<BR>European flight routes, which could reduce fuel consumption considerably<BR>for intercontinental flights. 谢谢分享。