RMIT飞行训练课件-Spinning Pre-Flight
**** Hidden Message ***** Spinning Pre-Flight<BR>Objective<BR>• Know how spins develop, and how to recover from<BR>a fully developed spin.<BR>Revision<BR>• Spin – what is it, how do we get into one?<BR>• What are the symptoms before a stall?<BR>• What are the symptoms of a stall?<BR>• What are the two types of spin?<BR>• What makes up autorotation?<BR>– Auto-roll<BR>– Auto-yaw<BR>• What is the difference between a spin and<BR>a spiral dive?<BR>• How do we recover from a spin?<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Pre-manoeuvre checks<BR>• Do not use aileron to pick up wing drop<BR>• Speed and manoeuvre limitations not to be<BR>exceeded<BR>• Smooth coordinated use of controls<BR>• Correct handover/ takeover procedure<BR>• UNINTENTIONAL STALL OR SPIN SHOULD<BR>NEVER OCCUR!<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Pre Entry<BR>– Lookout<BR>– Pick reference point<BR>– Manoeuvre checks:<BR>– H<BR>– H<BR>– E<BR>– L<BR>– L<BR>– L<BR>eight sufficient to recover by 3000ft AGL!<BR>atches/Harnesses secure<BR>ngine Temperature & Pressures<BR>ocation – not above a populated area<BR>oose articles secure<BR>ookout (360 degree turn)<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Entry<BR>– Reduce power to idle, keep straight with rudder,<BR>maintain height with backpressure<BR>– When stall occurs, apply full rudder in desired<BR>direction and aft control column.<BR>• During<BR>– Count three rotations<BR>• Recovery<BR>– Apply full opposite rudder to stop rotation<BR>– Ease control column forward to unstall the wings<BR>– Level wings and ease out of dive<BR>– As nose passes horizon, climb away.<BR>Air Exercise 感谢楼主万分感谢感谢万分