航空 发表于 2010-10-20 21:37:46

西锐22 SR22 FIKI Anti-Ice System Compression Fittings

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航空 发表于 2010-10-20 21:38:05

C I R R U S SR22<BR>Service Alert<BR>SA 09-16<BR>Page 1 SR22 Serial Numbers 3003, 3310, 3326, 3403 and subsequent<BR>with FIKI System<BR>EFFECTIVITY:<BR>Number: SA 09-16<BR>1. EFFECTIVITY<BR>SR22 Serial Numbers 3003, 3310, 3326, 3403 and subsequent with FIKI System<BR>2. DESCRIPTION<BR>During a recent quality assurance inspection at the Duluth manufacturing plant, a condition was discovered<BR>where the compression fittings on some anti-ice fluid distribution lines may not have been properly<BR>installed. Incorrect installation of compression fittings could result in distribution line separation and FIKI<BR>Anti-Ice System malfunction.<BR>To our knowledge, this condition has not been reported in any field aircraft. Cirrus is developing a Service<BR>Bulletin that will require the inspection and reassembly of affected compression fittings and expects that<BR>the FAA will issue an Airworthiness Directive to require compliance.<BR>Until the Service Bulletin is complied with, Cirrus advises operators; Flight Into Known Icing Conditions is<BR>Prohibited. If the airplane encounters icing conditions immediately exit conditions by changing altitude,<BR>turning back, or if clear air is known to be immediately ahead, continue on course.<BR>Additionally, operators are requested to install a placard to the instrument panel (similar to below) limiting<BR>Flight Into Known Icing.<BR>In the case of an Inadvertent Icing Encounter, the Ice Protection System may be used to escape the conditions,<BR>however, closely monitor system function and annunciation for signs of possible distribution line separation:<BR>• If ice begins to accumulate on protected areas, or<BR>• the aircraft experiences an unexpected loss of fluid pressure, indicated by a Low Pressure Caution,<BR>• or, the aircraft experiences unexpected loss of TKS fluid flow, indicated by a Low Flow Rate Warning,<BR>once clear of the icing conditions, turn the Ice Protection System OFF and land as soon as practical. Contact<BR>maintenance personnel to inspect the system for distribution line separation prior to further flight.<BR>ANTI ICE PSI<BR>ANTI ICE FLO<BR>SUBJECT: FIKI Anti-Ice System Compression Fittings<BR>Issued: November 3, 2009<BR>FLIGHT INTO KNOWN ICING IS PROHIBITED

f214216709 发表于 2010-10-26 08:13:25

看看的哦 谢谢 哈

wwwronin 发表于 2011-11-13 15:30:59


Tsmoon 发表于 2012-2-19 01:50:18


tonyblairer 发表于 2022-1-13 17:52:36

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