航空 发表于 2010-10-20 22:11:08

Garmin GNC 250XL GPS Navigator w/ VHF COM

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航空 发表于 2010-10-20 22:11:28

P/N 11934-S05 1 of 6<BR>Cirrus Design Section 9<BR>SR20 Supplements<BR>Pilot’s Operating Handbook and<BR>FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual<BR>Supplement<BR>for<BR>Garmin GNC 250XL GPS Navigator<BR>w/ VHF COM<BR>When a Garmin GNC 250XL GPS Navigator with VHF COM is<BR>installed in the Cirrus Design SR20, this Supplement is applicable and<BR>must be inserted in the Supplements Section (Section 9) of the Cirrus<BR>Design SR20 Pilot’s Operating Handbook. This document must be<BR>carried in the airplane at all times. Information in this supplement<BR>either adds to, supersedes, or deletes information in the basic SR20<BR>Pilot’s Operating Handbook.<BR>Original: 3-31-99<BR>2 of 6 P/N 11934-S05<BR>Section 9 Cirrus Design<BR>Supplements SR20<BR>Figure - 1<BR>Section 1 - General<BR>The airplane is equipped with a Garmin GNC 250XL GPS Navigator<BR>with VHF COM, herein referred to as the “Navigator.” The GNC 250XL<BR>utilizes the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network to derive<BR>the airplane’s position (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and the<BR>altitude digitizer to enhance the altitude calculation. The VHF COM<BR>transceiver facilitates communication with Air Traffic Control.<BR>Provided the GPS Navigator is receiving adequate usable signals, it<BR>has been demonstrated capable of and has been shown to meet the<BR>accuracy specifications of AC 20-138 for VFR flight. Navigation is<BR>accomplished using the WGS-84 (NAD-83) coordinate reference<BR>datum. Navigation data is based upon use of only the Global<BR>Positioning System (GPS) operated by the United States of America.<BR>SR20_FM09_1110<BR>Garmin GNC 250XL Front Panel<BR>Original: 3-31-99<BR>P/N 11934-S05 3 of 6<BR>Cirrus Design Section 9<BR>SR20 Supplements<BR>Section 2 - Limitations<BR>1. The Garmin GNC 250XL Pilot's Guide and Reference, P/N 190-<BR>00067-60, Revision A dated March 1997 (or later appropriate<BR>revision) must be immediately available to the flight crew<BR>whenever navigation is predicated on the use of the GPS<BR>Navigator.<BR>2. The Navigator must utilize software version 2.X (where X is a digit,<BR>0-9).<BR>3. The GNC 250XL is limited to VFR navigation only.<BR>Section 3 - Emergency Procedures<BR>1. If GPS Navigator information is not available or is invalid, utilize<BR>remaining operational navigation equipment as required.<BR>2. If the “RAIM POSITION WARNING” message is displayed,<BR>immediately revert to an alternate means of navigation<BR>appropriate to the route and phase of flight.<BR>3. If the “RAIM NOT AVAILABLE…” message is displayed, continue<BR>to navigate using the GPS equipment or revert to an alternate<BR>means of navigation appropriate to the route and phase of flight.<BR>When continuing to use GPS navigation, position must be verified<BR>every 15 minutes using another IFR approved navigation system.<BR>4. In an in-flight emergency, depressing and holding the COM<BR>transfer button for two (2) seconds selects the emergency<BR>frequency, 121.500 MHz, into the active frequency window.<BR>Original: 3-31-99<BR>4 of 6 P/N 11934-S05<BR>Section 9 Cirrus Design<BR>Supplements SR20<BR>Section 4 - Normal Procedures<BR>Normal operating procedures are outlined in the Garmin GNC 250XL<BR>Pilot's Guide and Reference, P/N 190-00067-60, Revision A dated<BR>March 1997 (or later appropriate revision).<BR>Activate GPS<BR>1. Battery Master Switch ............................................................... ON<BR>2. Avionics Power Switch .............................................................. ON<BR>3. Navigator COM/ Power Switch..................................... Rotate ‘ON’<BR>The Navigator will display a welcome page while the self-test is in<BR>progress. When the self test is successfully completed, the<BR>Navigator asks for NavData database confirmation, displays the<BR>satellite status page while it acquires position, and then displays<BR>the acquired position on the Navigator’s display.<BR>Deactivate GPS<BR>1. Navigator COM/ Power Switch..........................Rotate CCW ‘OFF’<BR>Section 5 - Performance<BR>No Change<BR>Section 6 - Weight &amp; Balance<BR>No Change<BR>Section 7 - Systems Description<BR>• Note •<BR>This supplement provides a general description of the Garmin<BR>GNC 250XL, its operation, and SR20 interface. For a detailed<BR>description of the GNC 250XL and full operation instructions<BR>refer to the Garmin GNC 250XL Pilot's Guide and Reference,<BR>P/N 190-00067-60, Revision A dated March 1997 (or later<BR>appropriate revision).<BR>Original: 3-31-99<BR>P/N 11934-S05 5 of 6<BR>Cirrus Design Section 9<BR>SR20 Supplements<BR>GNC 250XL Integrated GPS/NAV/COM System<BR>This airplane is equipped with a GNC 250XL integrated GPS navigator<BR>and COM receiver. The GPS navigator consists of a GPS receiver and<BR>a Jeppesen NavData database all contained in the GNC 250XL<BR>control unit mounted in the center console. The GPS is designated<BR>‘GPS 2.’ Also integrated into the GNC 250XL control unit is a VHF<BR>communications receiver, designated COM 2. All tuning and display<BR>controls for the GPS and COM are located in the GNC 250XL control/<BR>display in the center console. The following paragraphs describe the<BR>GPS and COM functions of this unit. For a complete description, as<BR>well as full operating instructions, refer to the Garmin GNC 250XL<BR>Pilot’s Guide and Reference.<BR>GPS Navigator<BR>The Garmin GNC 250XL GPS navigator provides backup for the GNS<BR>430 Navigator and is approved for VFR use only. The system utilizes<BR>the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network to derive the<BR>airplane’s position (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and the altitude<BR>digitizer to enhance the altitude calculation. The GPS antenna is<BR>located on the underside of the glareshield behind the MFD. All GPS<BR>navigator controls and functions are accessible through the GNC<BR>250XL front control panel located in the center console. The panel<BR>includes function keys, power switches, MSG and Nav status<BR>annunciators, LCD display, two concentric selector knobs, and a<BR>Jeppesen NavData card slot in each panel. The GNC 250XL navigator<BR>is powered by 28 VDC through the 7.5-amp COM2 circuit breaker on<BR>the Avionics Non-Essential Bus.<BR>The Jeppesen Navigation Database provides access to data on<BR>Airports, Approaches, Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs),<BR>Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs), VORs, NDBs, Intersections,<BR>Minimum Safe Altitudes, Controlled Airspace Advisories and<BR>Frequencies. North American and International databases are<BR>available. Database information is provided on a card that can be<BR>inserted into the card slot on the GPS unit. Subscription information is<BR>provided in a subscription packet provided with each system.<BR>Original: 3-31-99<BR>6 of 6 P/N 11934-S05<BR>Section 9 Cirrus Design<BR>Supplements SR20<BR>Communication (COM) Transceiver<BR>The GNC 250XL includes a digitally-tuned integrated VHF<BR>communications (COM) transceiver. The transceiver and integrated<BR>controls are mounted in the Garmin GNC 250XL unit and are<BR>designated COM2. The transceiver receives all narrow- and wideband<BR>VHF communication transmissions transmitted within a<BR>frequency range of 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz in 25.0 kHz steps<BR>(720 channels). The tuning controls are collocated with the NAV at the<BR>right side of the GNC 250XL front panel. Frequency tuning is<BR>accomplished by rotating the large and small concentric knobs to<BR>select a standby frequency and then transferring the frequency to the<BR>active window. The active frequency is always displayed at the upper<BR>left corner of the GNC 250XL display. The standby frequency is<BR>displayed below the active frequency in the map mode and to the right<BR>of the active frequency in all other modes. Auto-tuning can be<BR>accomplished by entering a frequency from a menu. The COM 2<BR>antenna is located below the cabin on the airplane centerline. 28 VDC<BR>for transceiver operating is controlled through the Avionics Master<BR>Switch and supplied through the 7.5-amp COM2 circuit breaker on the<BR>Avionics Non-Essential Bus.<BR>Original: 3-31-99

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