航空 发表于 2010-10-27 00:43:48

RMIT飞行训练课件-Steep Turns Mass Brief 大坡度转弯

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航空 发表于 2010-10-27 00:44:03

Steep Turns Mass Brief<BR>Aim<BR>• To learn the principles and considerations<BR>involved in conducting a steep (level) turn<BR>that is coordinated and in balance.<BR>Application<BR>• A coordination exercise<BR>• An evasive manoeuvre<BR>Overview<BR>• Revision<BR>• Definitions<BR>• Principles<BR>– Steep turn<BR>• Considerations<BR>– Power<BR>– Load factor<BR>– Spiral dive<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Airmanship<BR>Revision<BR>• Forces in a Medium Level Turn<BR>30°<BR>Definitions<BR>Steep Turn<BR>• A turn where the angle of bank is equal to<BR>or in excess of 45°<BR>45°<BR>Principles<BR>• Forces in a Steep Turn<BR>Weight<BR>Load Factor  Lift<BR>60°<BR>Considerations<BR>• Load Factor – “G Force” – “G Loading”<BR>Weight<BR>Load Factor  Lift<BR>cosAngle of Bank<BR>Load Factor  1<BR>V V LF New StallSpeed S  <BR>Considerations<BR>Load Factor<BR>• 60 degree angle of bank CosAoB<BR>LF  1<BR>Cos60 <BR>LF  1<BR>2<BR>0.5<BR>LF  1 <BR>V V LF New StallSpeed S  <BR>V 44 2 New Stall Speed  <BR>V 44 1.41 New StallSpeed  <BR>V 62.23 KIAS New Stall Speed <BR>Considerations<BR>Power Setting<BR>• Angle of Attack increased<BR>• Induced drag increased<BR>• Drag balanced by adding more thrust to<BR>maintain speed<BR>Considerations<BR>Aircraft Limitations<BR>• Maximum speed limitations<BR>• Manoeuvre speed<BR>• Maximum Loading<BR>Vne 163 KIAS<BR>Vno 129 KIAS<BR>Va 99 KIAS<BR>+3.8g<BR>Considerations<BR>• Overbanking tendency<BR>L<BR>R<BR>• Coordinating the turn<BR>BALANCED SLIPPING SKIDDING<BR>Considerations<BR>Spiral Dive<BR>• Due to disorientation or loss of altitude<BR>during high Angle of Bank manoeuvres.<BR>Symptoms:<BR>1. High and increasing IAS<BR>2. Low and lowering nose attitude, high ROD<BR>3. High and increasing Angle of Bank<BR>4. High and increasing noise level<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Pre-Entry<BR>– Trim for Straight and Level<BR>– Select a reference point<BR>– Lookout<BR>– Check minimum entry speed (&gt;95kt)<BR>• Entry<BR>– B<BR>– B<BR>– B<BR>ank passing 30° AoB increase power<BR>alance<BR>ack Pressure large increase in backpressure<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• During<BR>– A<BR>– L<BR>– A<BR>– P<BR>ttitude<BR>ookout<BR>ttitude<BR>erformance<BR>• Exit<BR>– B<BR>– B<BR>– B<BR>ank passing 30° AoB reduce power<BR>alance<BR>ack Pressure release back pressure<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Attitudes<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Spiral dive recovery<BR>1. Reduce power to idle<BR>2. Ease wings to level<BR>3. Ease out of dive, to the climb attitude<BR>4. At 90 KIAS, increase power BROC<BR>5. Climb away<BR>Do not attempt to ease out of a dive<BR>UNTIL the wings are level<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Smooth but positive aircraft handling<BR>• Correct handover/takeover procedure<BR>• Operate within maximum aircraft<BR>limitations<BR>• Awareness of spiral dive symptoms and<BR>prompt recovery if necessary<BR>Review

EsiC 发表于 2010-10-30 20:46:49



猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:09:20


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:57:27

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