航空 发表于 2010-11-9 11:55:33

Steep Descending Turns Pre Flight 大坡度下降转弯飞行前

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航空 发表于 2010-11-9 11:55:55

Steep Descending Turns<BR>Pre Flight<BR>Objective<BR>• To understand the principles and<BR>considerations involved in descending an<BR>aircraft at a 45° ± 5&ordm; AoB, maintaining<BR>balance and airspeed.<BR>Application<BR>• Control coordination exercise<BR>• Height loss manoeuvre within a confined<BR>space<BR>Revision<BR>• Forces in a Steep Turn<BR>Revision<BR>• Forces in a glide<BR>θ <BR>L<BR>W<BR>D<BR>Revision<BR>• Overbanking/underbanking tendency<BR>• Load factor<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Smooth but positive aircraft handling<BR>• Correct Handover/Takeover procedure<BR>• Awareness of spiral dive symptoms and<BR>prompt recovery if necessary<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Pre-Entry<BR>• Trim for glide attitude<BR>• Select a reference point<BR>• Lookout<BR>Entry<BR>• Roll into steep descending turns, as you<BR>would into a steep turn (B B B) except<BR>that, you lower the nose for 70kts and<BR>apply a little back pressure.<BR>Air Exercise<BR>During<BR>• ALAP<BR>• If done correctly, descend 500ft every<BR>360<BR>Exit<BR>• Same as steep turn resuming glide<BR>attitude.

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:09:46

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