**** Hidden Message ***** 加快中国通用航空发展的<BR>路径选择<BR>庄文武<BR>中国民用航空局政策法规司<BR>二零零九年五月中国民航发展论坛2009<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 2<BR>􀂾通用航空的新进展􀂾通用航空的新认知􀂾通用航空的新际遇中国通用航空发展面临的新形势<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 3<BR>2008年,中国通用航空的大背景:<BR>􀂾年初:南方冰冻雨雪灾害。<BR>􀂾5月:汶川严重地震灾害。<BR>􀂾7~9月:奥运会、残奥会保障。<BR>􀂾下半年开始:国际金融危机。<BR>通用航空 的新进展<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 4<BR>通用航空 的新进展<BR>中国通用航空行业仍保持了快速增长,截至2008年底:􀂾全年作业飞行量达到122670小时,比2007年增长12%。0100002000030000400005000060000700008000090000100000110000120000130000年度飞行量<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 5<BR>通用航空的新进展<BR>􀂾通用航空器在册总数为898架(飞机741架,直升机141架,飞艇6架,热气球10具),比2007年净增加91架。0100200300400500600700800900100020012002200320042005200620072008飞 机 架 数<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 6<BR>􀂾从事通用航空经营活动的企业为88 家,其中2008年新成立企业20家,已批准筹建的45家。<BR>􀂾有飞行、机务、签派等专业技术人员3201人。<BR>􀂾通用航空机场70个,通用航空临时机场(起降点)329个。<BR>通用航空的新进展<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 7<BR>􀂾2008年年初的冰冻雨雪灾害凸显通用航空的重要作用。􀂾汶川特大地震灾害中,通用航空为抗震救灾做出了重要贡献:民航12家通用航空单位共出动直升机35架、固定翼飞机3架,累计作业飞行514小时,1006架次;运送物资设备835吨,人员3270人。在唐家山堰塞湖抢险等重点任务中,通用航空发挥了不可替代的关键作用。<BR>通用航空的新认知<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 8<BR>社会各界对通用航空有了更多、更高层次的认识和了解。加快发展通用航空已开始成为有关方面的广泛共识。<BR>􀂾2009年全国人大和全国政协共提出涉及通用航空发展的提案建议17件,创历史新高。<BR>􀂾在Google上关于“发展通用航空”的索引迅速增长至33万多条。<BR>通用航空的新认知<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 9<BR>尽管中国经济受到了全球金融危机的严重影响,经济增速放缓,需求下滑,但通用航空市场依然表现出了较强的需求愿望。在作业数量、项目范围、技术要求等方面都提出了新的,更高的要求,通用航空的发展已大大滞后于经济社会发展的需要。<BR>通用航空的新际遇<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 10<BR>通用航空的新际遇<BR>(一)经常性作业项目缺口巨大有关部门测算的2008年通用航空服务飞机缺口共计166架以上:港口引航10航空摄影20石油管道巡线 10人工降水、气象探测54海事监察17航空护林25电力作业30<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 11<BR>通用航空的新际遇<BR>(二)企业和私人对通用航空的消费需求不断增长。发展配套航空消费产业对通用航空的消费需求不断增长企业、个人自行购置航空器修建自用机场<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 12<BR>通用航空的新际遇<BR>预计通用航空飞机所需架数(不包括供培训及私人飞机)0200400600800100012001400160018002000201020112012201320142015年度飞机架数高估 年均复合增长率为19% 中估 年均复合增长率为16%低估 年均复合增长率为13%预计通用航空营运收入增长情况0200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,0001,200,0001,400,0001,600,000201020112012201320142015年度收入,RMB单位千高估 年均复合增长率为14.5%中估 年均复合增长率为12.5%低估 年均复合增长率为%数据来源:ACP报告<BR>情景预测<BR>通用航空飞机架数(2015)<BR>高估<BR>1820<BR>中估<BR>1414<BR>低估<BR>1110<BR>情景预测<BR>通用航空运营收入(2015)<BR>高估<BR>14亿<BR>中估<BR>10.6亿<BR>低估<BR>8亿<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 13<BR>为应对国际金融危机,中国政府做出了“保增长、扩内需、调结构、重民生”的战略决策。为通用航空的发展提供了重要的发展机遇。<BR>通用航空的新际遇<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 14<BR>通用航空的新际遇 ————保增长<BR>􀂾通用航空产业属于高前向、高后向及高侧向关联的行业,包括3条核心产业链条和3个关联产业集群。发展通用航空可拉动诸多产业发展。<BR>􀂾国务院拟选择若干具有长期发展前景的成长型、带动型产业,扶持发展。民航局正配合国务院研究室等部门就将通用航空纳入其中的问题进行研究。<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 15<BR>核通用航空器制造、维修<BR>通用航空运营运营综合保障<BR>(空管、机场、油料)<BR>关联产业金融保险等配套服务产业集群电子信息、新型能源等高新技术产业集群服装、橡胶等传统制造产业集群心产业<BR>通用航空产业<BR>通用航空的新际遇 ————保增长<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 16<BR>􀂾通用航空机场是重要的基础设施,应作为公共服务项目或公益事业来建设、管理和使用,纳入国家基础设施建设投入范围。􀂾新颁布的《民用机场管理条例》明确定义机场为公共基础设施。<BR>通用航空的新际遇 ————扩内需<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 17<BR>􀂾中国民航局已把加快通用航空发展,促进行业和谐列为深入学习实践科学发展观活动重点解决的八个问题之一。<BR>􀂾为应对国际金融危机、促进民航行业平稳较快发展,民航局出台了十项具体措施,通用航空位列其中。<BR>􀂾通用航空作业价格标准调整、低空空域管理体制改革试点等政策措施取得重要进展。<BR>􀂾目前,中国民航局正就出台加快通用航空发展的行业政策征求有关各方意见,有望年内出台。<BR>􀂾在拟议的“十二五”民航发展规划中,促进通用航空发展仍为重要内容。<BR>通用航空的新际遇 ————调结构<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 18<BR>通用航空可促进国家惠民政策均等化,提升老少边穷地区人们的生存质量。<BR>􀂾推动将通用航空作为惠民、惠农政策纳入国家投资项目。<BR>􀂾作为政府履行社会管理职能的重要手段,把通用航空作为纳入国家应急救援体系。<BR>通用航空的新际遇 ————重民生<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 19<BR>加快通用航空科学发展是一项系统工程,要以行业为主力,以地方和国家有关部门为协力,以市场需求为引力,以境外投资为助力,共同形成合力,推动通用航空的发展。<BR>通用航空发展路径选择<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 20<BR>通用航空发展路径选择政策引导企业先行社会参与多元发展<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 21<BR>􀂾政策环境偏紧是制约通用航空发展的重要原因。通用航空涉及的各方面政策很多,需要有关方面共同为其松绑,放活发展空间。􀂾当前主抓工作:一是规范标准方面二是监管体制方面三是扶持政策方面<BR>政策引导<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 22<BR>􀂾建立与航空运输相区别的规范标准体系。<BR>•调整通用航空器适航审定、飞行运行等相关标准。<BR>•调整、完善通用航空事故的分类和统计方式。<BR>•制定与通用航空发展水平相适应的机场、空管等收费标准。<BR>•调整通用航空机场规划、建设标准,促进通用航空机场、运营基地和航空油料保障设施的投资与建设。<BR>规范标准方面<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 23<BR>在本次政府“三定”中,要进一步明确组织管理方式,建立机构明确、定位清晰、职责统一的通用航空管理体系。<BR>􀂾理顺和细化民航局、民航地区管理局及其监管局的通用航空行业管理职能。<BR>􀂾按照持续安全理念树立统筹安全观,建立适应通用航空自身特点的安全监管体系。<BR>监管体制方面<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 24<BR>监管体制方面<BR>􀂾创新管理模式,规范经济管理的审批程序,完善通用航空市场监管体系。<BR>•简化通用航空飞机引进管理程序。<BR>•研究将民航机场建设、空管建设与保障通用航空运营相挂钩的投资模式。<BR>•研究建立专业技术人员的有序流动机制。<BR>􀂾建立灵活、宽松的通用航空运行体系。<BR>•探索在通用航空固定作业区域内由作业组织单位实行低空空域管制、保障服务的新模式。<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 25<BR>􀂾协调国家相关部门,研究建立民航通用航空专项发展资金,用于通用航空企业运力购置、基础设施建设、公益性作业项目等的补贴。<BR>􀂾研究购租国外通用航空器减免进口环节税赋的政策和措施,切实减轻企业负担。<BR>􀂾全力推进民航东北地区的通用航空政策试点工作,尽早取得实质性的示范成果。<BR>扶持措施方面<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 26<BR>􀂾在国家财政预算体系中加大对农林航空作业等社会公共服务项目的资金投入力度。<BR>􀂾争取将农业航空器购置、油料保障纳入农机补贴、综合生产资料直补范围。<BR>扶持措施方面<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 27<BR>􀂾支持通用航空企业在同类经营的基础上实施联合、兼并、重组。<BR>􀂾通过资本证券市场实现资源优化配置和制度创新。<BR>􀂾鼓励通用航空企业创新经营理念和管理模式,学习、引进先进生产作业技术,提升作业服务水平。<BR>􀂾协调通用航空服务对象及其行业主管部门,拓展市场空间,大力发展高技术含量、高附加值的通用航空作业项目。<BR>􀂾支持有条件的通用航空企业参与国际市场竞争与合作。<BR>企业先行<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 28<BR>􀂾扶持具备较强农林航空作业、应急救援能力的骨干通用航空企业扩大规模。<BR>􀂾加快发展西部、偏远地区的紧急医疗飞行服务。积极推进内蒙、新疆等地的通勤航空试点工作。<BR>企业先行<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 29<BR>􀂾吸引社会人士广泛参与通用航空的活动,普及知识、扩大影响。•鼓励通用航空单位面向社会开展体验、娱乐、竞技、技能培训等飞行活动,逐步形成形式多样、内容丰富、影响广泛的通用航空活动项目。•积极推广通用航空文化建设。<BR>社会参与<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 30<BR>•简化私用、自用航空器的引进及适航管理程序,简化非经营性通用航空登记程序,营造“买得起、用得起、飞得起”的宽松运行环境。<BR>社会参与<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 31<BR>􀂾调动地方的积极性,推动通用航空产业基地建设。•支持地方政府、关联产业部门以财政补贴、贷款担保及贴息等政策手段支持建设通用航空产业基地(园、区)。•继续推进陕西通用航空产业园区试点工作、江苏等地的通用航空应急救援试点工作。•坚持政府主导与市场运作相结合,积极发展通用航空博览业。<BR>多元发展<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 32<BR>􀂾加强行业协会建设。<BR>•支持建立具有广泛代表性和影响力的全国性、区域性通用航空专业协会组织。<BR>•支持行业协会组织创新管理方式,积极利用一个网站、一本杂志、一次论坛、一篇年度报告“四个一工程”扩大影响,充分发挥自身作用。<BR>􀂾积极吸引境外投资,引进国外发展通用航空的新理念、新模式、新技术、新手段。<BR>•鼓励境外资本按照市场运作方式从事专业技术人员培训、通用航空维修、保障服务代理以及设立固定运营基地等。<BR>•鼓励境外资本进入通用航空的公共服务领域。<BR>多元发展<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 33<BR>中国通用航空的发展振兴之路面临着诸多挑战,曲折坎坷,但我们要知难而进,独辟蹊径。目标决定路径,路径服从目标。只要各界共同努力,一定能闯出一条中国通用航空快速平稳的发展之路。谢谢大家!<BR>中国民航发展论坛 20092009<BR>Routes to Fasten the Development of China General Aviation<BR>ZhuangWenwu<BR>Civil Aviation Administration of China<BR>Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations<BR>May, 2009China Civil Aviation Development Forum2009<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 2<BR>􀂾Latest development of general aviation<BR>􀂾New perceptions of general aviation<BR>􀂾Opportunities of general aviation<BR>Latest Situations China General Aviation is Facing<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 3<BR>Grand background of China General Aviation Industry in 2008:<BR>􀂾At the beginning of the year: Icing and snowing disaster in south China.<BR>􀂾May: Severe earthquake in Wenchuancity.<BR>􀂾July to September: Supportive work for Beijing Olympics and Paralympics<BR>􀂾Second half of the year: International financial crisis.<BR>Latest Development of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 4<BR>Latest Development of General Aviation<BR>China General Aviation Industry keeps growing rapidly. By the end of 2008, the total flying-hour in 2008 is 122,670, which is 12% more compared to 2007. 0100002000030000400005000060000700008000090000100000110000120000130000年度飞行量<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 5<BR>Latest Development of General Aviation<BR>􀂾The total number of registered general aviation aircraft is 898, (741 airplanes, 141 helicopters, 6 airboats and 10 fire balloons) 91 more compared to 2007. 0100200300400500600700800900100020012002200320042005200620072008aircraft number<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 6<BR>􀂾88 companies operate business of general aviation. Among them, 20 are newly founded in 2008 and another 45 have received the approval of preparation.<BR>􀂾3201 professional and technical people are engaged in flying, maintenance and dispatching.<BR>􀂾There are 70 general aviation airports and 329 temporary airdromes.<BR>Latest Development of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 7<BR>􀂾The importance of general aviation was shown in the icing and snowing disaster in 2008.􀂾General Aviation industry has made a great contribution in the rescuing work during WenChuanearthquake:35 helicopters and 3 fixed wing airplanes from 12 civil aviation general aviation organizations were put into operation. With total 514 flying hours and 1006 landings, 835 tons of supplies, equipment and 3270 people were transported. General aviation industry has played an irreplaceable role during Tangjiashanavalanche lake rescuing work.<BR>New Perception of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 8<BR>Our society has more and deeper understanding about general aviation industry. Fasten the development of general aviation has become a common acknowledgement. 。<BR>􀂾In 2009, 17 general aviation proposals which set the record were proposed by China National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political consultative Committee.<BR>􀂾The index of “developing general aviation industry”on Google has reached to 330,000.<BR>New Perception of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 9<BR>In spite of the slow down of Chinese economy which is greatly influenced by the global financial crisis, the demand of general aviation market is still quite strong. Higher and newer requirements are raised regarding operation amounts, project range and technology. The development of general aviation industry has greatly lagged behind the social and economic development.<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 10<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation<BR>(1)Great day to day operation gap166 extra general aviation airplanes would be needed in 2008. harbourpilotage10areophotography 20oil pipelinepatrol 10artificialprecipitation,meteorologicalsounding 54maritimeinspection 17aerial forrestprotection25electricaloperation30<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 11<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation<BR>(2)Demand of general aviation from companies and individuals is continuously growing. Develop relative aviation consuming industryConsuming demand of general aviation is growingAircraft purchase from company and individualBuild self-operated airport<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 12<BR>Opportunities of General Aviationestimated demand of general aviationairplane numbers(exclude training plane and priviteplane)0200400600800100012001400160018002000201020112012201320142015年度airplanr numberover estimatedannual growthrate 19% med-levelestimated annualgrowth rate 16%under estimatedannual growthrate 13%general aviation operational revenue forecast0200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,0001,200,0001,400,0001,600,000201020112012201320142015年度revenue RMBnuit thousandover estimatedannual growthrate 14.5%mid-levelestimated annual grwothData source: ACP report<BR>Sale forecast<BR>General aviation airplane number (2015)<BR>Over estimated<BR>1820<BR>Mid-level estimated<BR>1414<BR>Under estimated<BR>1110<BR>Scenario forecast<BR>General aviation operational revenue(2015)<BR>Over estimated<BR>1.4 billion<BR>Mid-level estimated<BR>1.06 billion<BR>Under estimated<BR>0.8 billion<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 13<BR>In order to deal with the global financial crisis, Chinese government set the strategy of “keeping the growth, expanding domestic demand, adjusting structure and paying attention to people’s livelihood .”This strategy has provided an important opportunity for the development of general aviation industry.<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 14<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation—Keeping Growth<BR>􀂾General aviation is a industry which connects to many other industries. It includes 3 core industry chains and 3 related industry groups. Developing general aviation can drive the development of many other industries.<BR>􀂾China State Council tends to choose and assist several growing and driver industries which have long-term prospects. Civil Aviation Administration of China is working in with China State Council to study and make general aviation as one of those long-term prospects industries.<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 15<BR>核心产业general aviation aircraft manufacture and maintenancegeneral aviation operationoperation support (air traffic control, airport, fuel)related industryservice industry groupssuch as finance ,insurancenew and high technologyindustry groups such as IT, new type of energyTraditional manufacture industry groupssuch as garment, rubbercore industrygeneral aviation industry<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation—Keeping Growth<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 16<BR>􀂾General aviation airports are an important infrastructure and shall be constructed, managed and used as public services or public welfare undertakings, and taken into the scope of national infrastructureconstruction inputs.<BR>􀂾The newly promulgated<BR>"Regulations on the<BR>Management of Civil<BR>Airports" defines airport<BR>as the public infrastructure.<BR>Opportunities of General AviationOpportunities Aviation——Promoting Domestic DemandPromoting Demand<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 17<BR>􀂾CAAC has taken speeding up the development of general aviation and promoting harmony in the industry as one of the eight focused issues to be solved in its in-depth study and practice of Scientific Outlook on Development.<BR>􀂾CAAC has issued 10 specific measures to cope with the international financial crisis and promote stable and fairly rapid developmentof civil aviation industry, including general aviation.<BR>􀂾Significant progress has been made on adjusting price standards for general aviation operations, piloting reform of low-altitude airspace management system and other policies and measures.<BR>􀂾At present, CAAC is seeking views for issuing policies to speedup the development of general aviation industry, which is to be issued this year.<BR>􀂾Promoting the development of general aviation is still an important part in the proposed “12th Five-Year”Civil Aviation Development Plan.<BR>Opportunities of General AviationOpportunities Aviation——Making Structural AdjustmentMaking Adjustment<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 18<BR>General aviation may promote the equalization of the national policies to benefit people and enhance people's quality of life in old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas.<BR>􀂾Promote the bringing of general aviation into the orbit of national investment projects as a policy to benefit people and benefit farmers.<BR>􀂾As an important means to<BR>fulfill the government’s social<BR>management functions, bring<BR>general aviation into the orbit<BR>of the national emergency<BR>rescue system.<BR>Opportunities of General Aviation Aviation—Focusing on People People’s Livelihood<BR>s<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 19<BR>It is a systematic project to speed up the scientific development of general aviation. We should take the industry as the main force with the coordination of related departments at local and state level, market demand-oriented and assistance from overseas investment to work together and promote the development of general aviation.<BR>Choosing the Path for General Aviation Development<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 20<BR>Choosing the Path for General Aviation DevelopmentChoosing DevelopmentPolicy GuidancePolicy GuidanceEnterprise FirstEnterprise FirstPublic ParticipationPublic ParticipationDiversified DevelopmentDiversified Development<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 21<BR>􀂾Tight policy environment is an important constraint for development of general aviation. As general aviation involves policies in many aspects, it is necessary that the related parties jointly lighten restrictions and adopt flexible policies toward its development. 􀂾Our Current Focus:1. Area of normative standards 2. Area of regulatory system3. Area of supportive policies<BR>Policy GuidancePolicy Guidance<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 22<BR>􀂾Establish a normative standard system that differs from air transport.<BR>􀁺Adjust related standards such as the airworthiness certificationand flight operations for general aircraft.<BR>􀁺Adjust and improve the methods of classification and statistics for general aviation accidents.<BR>􀁺Formulate charging standards for airport, air traffic control and other charges which adapt to the development level of general aviation.<BR>􀁺Adjust the planning and construction standards for general aviation airports, and promote the investment and construction of general aviation airports, operational bases and air fuel support facilities.<BR>Area of Normative Standards<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 23<BR>In this Government to "Sanding”(Determining the Functions, the Organizations, Posts and the Staff Size), it is necessary to further clarify the organizational management methods, establish a general aviation management system with clarified structure, clear positioning and unified duties.<BR>􀂾Rationalize and specify the management functions of CAAC, CAAC regional administrations and their regulatory bureaus for general aviation industry.<BR>􀂾Establish the overall safety concept according to the sustainable safety concept, and establish the safety regulatory system that adapts to the characteristics of general aviation.<BR>Area of Regulatory System<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 24<BR>Area of Regulatory System<BR>􀂾Innovate management models, standardize the approval procedures for economic management, and improve the market supervision system for general aviation.<BR>•Simplify the management procedures for introduction of general aviation aircraft.<BR>•Study the investment model linking the civil airport construction, air traffic control construction and the support of general aviation operations.<BR>•Study the establishment of the mechanism for the orderly flow ofprofessional technical personnel.<BR>􀂾Establishment a flexible and liberal system of general aviation operations.<BR>•Explore the new model that the operation organizational unit conducts the low altitude airspace control and supporting services withinthe fixed operational area of general aviation.<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 25<BR>􀂾Coordinate with the relevant state departments, study to establish special funds for the development of civil aviation general aviation on the subsidies such as purchase of capacities infrastructure construction and public welfare operation projects by general aviation enterprises.<BR>􀂾Study policies and measures to reduce import tax for purchasing and renting overseas general aviation aircraft to actually relieve the burden on enterprises.<BR>􀂾Promote the piloting of the general aviation policies in CAAC Northeast region to achieve substantial modeling results as soonas possible.<BR>Area of Supportive PoliciesArea Policies<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 26<BR>􀂾In the state budget system, increase funding for social public services such as air operations for agriculture and forestry. 􀂾Make efforts to include the purchase of agricultural aircraft and fuel support in the scope of the direct subsidy of agricultural machine and comprehensive means of production.<BR>Area of Supportive PoliciesArea Policies<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 27<BR>􀂾Support general aviation companies to conduct association, merger and reorganization on the basis of the same businesses.<BR>􀂾Realize optimization of the resources allocation and system innovation through capital securities market.<BR>􀂾Encourage general aviation businesses to innovate business concepts and management styles, learn and introduce advanced production technologies and upgrade operating service levels.<BR>􀂾Coordinate with general aviation services and their industrial authorities, expand the market, and develop high-tech and high value-added general aviation projects.<BR>􀂾Support capable general aviation enterprises to participate in the international market competition and cooperation.<BR>Enterprise FirstEnterprise First<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 28<BR>􀂾Support backbone general aviation enterprises with fairly strong capabilities in agriculture and forestry air operations and emergency rescue to expand.<BR>􀂾Accelerate the development of emergency medical flight services in Western Region and remote areas. Actively promote the commuter aviation piloting in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places.<BR>Enterprise FirstEnterprise First<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 29<BR>􀂾Attract the public to extensively participate in general aviation activities, disseminate the knowledge and expand the influence. 􀁺Encourage general aviation organizations to develop flight activities such as experiencing, entertainment, sports and skill training to the public, and gradually form a wide range and great impact of general aviation activities.􀁺Active promote the construction of general aviation culture.<BR>Public ParticipationPublic Participation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 30<BR>􀁺Simplify the management procedures for the introduction and airworthiness of private and self-used aircraft, simplify the registration procedures for non-operational general aviation,<BR>and create a loose<BR>operational environment<BR>that are "affordable to buy,<BR>use and fly”.<BR>Public ParticipationPublic Participation<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 31<BR>􀂾Mobilize the local initiative to promote the base construction of general aviation industry. 􀁺Support the local governments and related industries to support the construction of general aviation industrial bases (parks or districts) by financial subsidies, loan guarantees and interest subsidies and other policy instruments.􀁺Further promote piloting of the general aviation industrial parkin Shaanxi and general aviation emergency rescue in Jiangsu and other places. •Adhere to the government-led combined with market operations, and actively develop general aviation Expo industry.<BR>Diversified DevelopmentDiversified Development<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 32<BR>􀂾Strengthen the construction of industrial associations.<BR>􀁺Support the establishment of national and regional general aviation professional associations and organizations of extensive representativeness and influence.<BR>􀁺Support the Industrial association to innovate the management methods, actively take advantage of the “Four in One Project" (a website, a magazine, a forum and an annual report) to expand the influence and bring into full play of its role.<BR>􀂾Actively attract foreign investment, introduce new concepts, new models, new technologies and new means from foreign general aviation.<BR>􀁺Encourage foreign capital to engage in businesses such as the professional technical personnel training, general aviation maintenance, support services agency and the establishment of fixed operation bases in accordance with markets operation.<BR>􀁺Encourage foreign capital to enter the public services area of general aviation.<BR>Diversified DevelopmentDiversified Development<BR>中国民航发展论坛2009 33<BR>China's general aviation faces many challenges, twists and turns in its road to the developmentand revitalization, but we shall press forward despite difficulties and develop a new style of our own.The goal decides the path, and the path serves the goal. As long as all parties make efforts together, a road of rapid and stable development will be paved for China’s general aviation. Thank you!<BR>China Civil Aviation Development Forum 2009 <DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_70472>Good!Thanks!</DIV> thank you very much