航空 发表于 2011-2-4 11:57:34

General Information: Airbus A340-200 / 300/500 / 600

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航空 发表于 2011-2-4 11:57:45

General Information:<BR>Airbus A340-200 / 300<BR>5 00 / 600<BR>A340-200 A340-300 A340-500 A340-600<BR>Dimensions:<BR>Length 194'10" 208'11" 219' 2" 243'11"<BR>Wing Span 197' 9" 197' 9" 208 7" 208' 7"<BR>Height 55' 0" 55' 0" 55' 0" 55' 0"<BR>Weights (lbs):<BR>Empty 265,102 272,758 344,031 373,640<BR>Fuel 275,590 248,920 371,602 346,700<BR>Payload 102,047 113,117<BR>MTOW 566,685 566,685 784,980 784,980 Maximum Take-off Weight<BR>MLW 401,310 407,925 550,000 550,000 Maximum Landing Weight<BR>Engines A340-200/300<BR>• 4 * 154kN CFM International CFM56-5C4 Turbofans (34,650 lb.) Thrust<BR>A340-500/600<BR>• 4 * 235kN Rolls-Royce Trent 500 turbofans (52,875 lb.) thrust<BR>• 4 * 250kN Rolls-Royce Trent 500 turbofans (56,250 lb.) thrust<BR>Operating Performance A340-200/300/500/600<BR>• Mno 0.82 Mach Normal Operating Speed<BR>• Mmo 0.86 Mach Max. Operating Speed<BR>• Mne 0.90 Mach Never Exceed Speed<BR>• Vno 330 knots Normal Operating Speed IAS<BR>• Vmo 360 knots Max. Operating Speed IAS<BR>• Vne 450 knots Never Exceed Speed IAS<BR>• Vat 134-145 knots Landing @ Runway Threshold Speed @ MLW full flap/Gear down<BR>* DO NOT Exceed 250kts @ or Below 10,000ft Altitude.*<BR>Take-off speed @ MTOW:<BR>• V1 140kts @ flap2/3 (V1 is the go or no-go decision speed)<BR>• VR 145-150kts (VR is the rotation speed ie lift-off speed)<BR>• V2 150 - 160kts (V2 is the safe climb-out speed)<BR>ILS &amp; Approach speed @ MLW:<BR>• 180 kts Flap2 (Kyb 2) to full flap/gear down @ Vat 136 - 145 kts<BR>• Vat = 1.30 Vso (Vso is stall speed @ full flap/gear down)<BR>Cruise Speed<BR>• Max Cruise Speed 494kts Cruise Altitude 30,000 - 35,000ft depending on weight.<BR>• Typical Cruise Speed is 0.78 - 0.82 Mach @ FL300 - FL350 (30,000-35,000ft)<BR>• Long Range Cruise is 465kts @ 35,000ft<BR>When flying long routes (over 5hrs) with MTOW, climb to FL300 &amp; hold Alt with cruise speed 0.78 - 0.80 Mach , then fly<BR>that level for 30-45 min. then climb to FL310 - 320 @500 fpm and so on until you reach FL350 @ 0.80 - 0.82 Mach.<BR>Try not exceed 91% N1 during cruise in order to have available thrust for emergencies &amp; be more efficient with fuel burn.<BR>The reason I mentioned the above procedure with X-Plane is to avoid too much nose pitch up attitude which put the<BR>aircraft wing @ higher angle of attack causing speed bleed leading to a clean stall if you are not careful.<BR>The time taken between cruise climb is important because the aircraft will burn fuel (losing weight), your speed will<BR>gradually increase @ the same N1 setting , your aircraft pitch up will decrease helping you for the next cruise climb. Rate<BR>of climb at these alts should be between 300-500 fpm in order not to lose speed rapidly. The more you climb to FL350 the<BR>more the air density is less the better the engine fuel consumption (more range)&amp; the less is thrust.<BR>I usually output data for N1 on the screen &amp; switch the EICAS (Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System) to fuel<BR>management to observe aircraft status on fuel burn &amp; range.<BR>You should carry fuel enough for the flight + 40mins for diversions &amp; emergencies i.e. if your trip is 5hrs long, you load<BR>fuel for the required 5hrs flight plus fuel for an extra 40 min. You should know your aircraft's average fuel consumption<BR>for the type of engines fitted with in order to determine the fuel weight required for the flight. Remember that weight is<BR>drag, drag is more fuel burn which costs money (for virtual pilots flying for virtual airlines), so do not carry fuel more than<BR>you need. You have a destination to go to &amp; MLW limit. You do not want to arrive to your destination with total weight<BR>above MLW!.<BR>FAR Field Lengths<BR>Take-off 9,150 ft to 10,500 ft<BR>Landing 6,100 ft to 6,870 ft<BR>Take-off Check List<BR>• Allowable Take-off Weight (MTOW or lower) Checked<BR>• Flaps Set<BR>• Trim Set<BR>• Autopilot Controls Off<BR>Final Landing Check List<BR>• Gear Down/Green<BR>• Flaps/Slats Set/ 3 or 4<BR>• Speed Brakes Armed (shift-8)<BR>• ILS freq Tuned<BR>During Descent Check<BR>• Check Allowable Landing Weight (MLW or lower)<BR>• Review your ILS approach &amp; Runway heading<BR>ROC Rate Of Climb<BR>Below 10,000ft<BR>• max. 4,000 fpm @ 250kts (fpm is Feet per minute)<BR>* DO NOT Exceed 250kts @ or Below 10,000ft Altitude.*<BR>Climb Speed above 10,000ft to Cruise Flight Level FL<BR>• 2000 - 2500fpm from 10,000 - 20,000ft @ 260 - 350kts<BR>• 2000 - 1500fpm from 20,000 - 26,000ft<BR>• 1500 - 300fpm from 26,000 - 35,000 ft depending on weight.<BR>ROD Rate Of Descent<BR>• From Cruise FL to 10,000ft hold 0.78 Mach until 290 kts, reduce thrust for 2500 fpm<BR>• Below 10,000ft rate of descent varies with ATC requirements, but is between 800 - 3000fpm<BR>• In normal conditions 250kts idle descent , then slow &amp; configure speed so as to not add power until on Glide<BR>Slope.<BR>• Glide Slope descend is between 1500 - 500fpm depending on your situation<BR>• At Runway Threshold descend between 400 - 200fpm for a smooth touchdown landing ( A Greaser Landing).<BR>Thanks to Mohammed Gazzawi, Designer/Test Pilot MGXP

f214216709 发表于 2011-3-1 08:30:38


leiyak 发表于 2011-4-29 08:55:38


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:53:28

General Information: Airbus A340-200 / 300/500 / 600
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