Pitch trim system
**** Hidden Message ***** 19. Pitch trim sys tem<BR>Overview<BR>Your Europa uses an all flying tailplane with an anti-servo/trim tab on the trailing edge.<BR>The tab, as its name suggests, has two functions:-<BR>* 1. To stabilize the tailplane and provide the correct stick force to the pilot.<BR>* 2. Longitudinal trim.<BR>Trim control is by means of an electric trim motor mounted onto the rear bulkhead along with a small<BR>bellcrank assembly. The bellcrank assembly reduces further the motor gearing, has stops in case the<BR>motor should either run away or become detached, and a damper system that would stop the tabs<BR>from oscillating. A steel tube ‘tee’ bar, connected to the bellcrank, drives the tabs through slots in the<BR>fuselage sides. Figure 1 shows the general arrangement of the various components of the trim<BR>system.<BR>Europa Build Man ual Issue 1 Page 19 - 1<BR>Fig 1. General arrangement of pitch trim system.<BR>Bellcrank as sem bly and mount ing<BR>Page 19 - 2 Issue 1 Europa Build Man ual<BR>Fig. 2. Trim damper and bellcrank as sem bly<BR>Step 1<BR>Bond an FL9 plain bearing into the bellcrank TS03 using Loctite 638 Bearing Retainer then<BR>temporarily connect the fork-end AN486-2P to it with an AN4 type bolt. Radius the edge of the large<BR>hole in the bellcrank to ensure that the BC4W10 bellcrank bearing fits snugly up against the face of<BR>the bellcrank. Locally file the flange of the BC4W10 to allow it to fit in place when the fork is<BR>parallel to the bellcrank’s long arm then, noting from figure 3 which side the bearing is fitted, rivet it<BR>in place using six AN470AD4-7 solid or TLPD435BS pop rivets. See figure 3.<BR>Assemble the brackets TS01 and TS02 with the bellcrank TS03 using FL14 spacers and<BR>AN960-416L washers at either side of the bearing to space the brackets apart. See figure 4.<BR>Europa Build Man ual Issue 2 Page 19 - 3<BR>Fig 3. Bellcrank riv eted to bear ing.<BR>Fig 4. Bellcrank as sem bled with brack ets.<BR>Step 2<BR>Study all the drawings in this chapter then make the template TST, found in Annex A, from plywood<BR>or alloy.<BR>The template will be used to set the critical distance from the tailplane torque tube TP4 to the pivot of<BR>the bellcrank TS03. This distance gives the correct gearing ratio of tab to tailplane movement.<BR>Push the hole in the template onto the end of the bolt that the bellcrank bearing pivots on.<BR>Step 3<BR>Referring to figure 5 set the bellcrank assembly in place on the rear bulkhead, using the template to<BR>set its height above the torque tube and, making sure that the bellcrank is on the aircraft centre line,<BR>drill through the bulkhead with a 4.8 mm drill using the holes in the brackets as guides.<BR>Step 4<BR>Referring to figure 6, cut the shaft TS04A to be 28 mm (1.1") long, measuring from under the head,<BR>then build up and assemble the damper unit onto TS03 and TS01. Now the brackets may be bolted<BR>onto the front of the bulkhead using AN3-5A bolts with wide area AN970-3 washers under the<BR>MS21042-3 nuts.<BR>Page 19 - 4 Issue 1 Europa Build Man ual<BR>Fig 5. Tem plate TST po sitioning trim bellcrank as sembly.<BR>Fig 6. Sec tional view of trim damper.<BR>Trim servo<BR>Step 5<BR>Unpack the MAC electric trim servo and study all the instructions.<BR>Cut off a 32 mm (11<BR>4“) piece of the threaded rod and screw on the two plastic fork-ends until they are<BR>butted together.<BR>Solder the extension wires to the servo wires, insulating them from each other then, using a 9 volt<BR>battery, run the servo to its full in position and then connect it to the bellcrank’s small hole with the<BR>1<BR>8“ clevis pin, using the two plastic fork-ends as a link. With the servo against the bulkhead slide it up<BR>until the damper unit has been pulled up to the top of its slot, then push the servo down so the<BR>damper’s bolt is just clear of the end of the slot. Mount the servo to the bulkhead in this position,<BR>drilling through both the servo’s flange and the bulkhead with a 4.2 mm (11/64") drill and fastening it<BR>using four MS27039-0808 bolts, AN960-8 washers and MS21042-08 nuts. See figure 7.<BR>Run the servo motor both ways making sure that it comes to its own internal limit stop switches<BR>before the damper reaches the end of the slot in the mounting bracket.<BR>Now set the servo in its central position and confirm that the indicator needle is in the middle of the<BR>scale. Adjust it if necessary.<BR>Europa Build Man ual Issue 1 Page 19 - 5<BR>Fig 7. Servo's position on rear bulkhead.<BR>Tab link-rod<BR>Step 6<BR>The ‘tee’ end of TS05 will protrude through the sides of the fuselage when installed to drive the trim<BR>tabs. Cut out the slots in the fuselage bottom moulding which have been pre-marked at the aft end of<BR>the tailplane fairings but start by making these cutouts 1<BR>4“ smaller than the scribe marks then enlarge<BR>them as necessary on the final system check.<BR>If you haven’t already done so, cut a small hole in the rear bulkhead, as shown on the rear bulkhead<BR>template so that TS05 can pass through it.<BR>The link-rod TS05 should already be the correct length, but may need to be shortened slightly so<BR>don’t rivet the end fitting in without first checking.<BR>Before installing the bushes TS06 in the cross-tube of the link-rod, slide the tailplanes onto the<BR>torque-tube and measure the distance between the plates of the tab drive pins on the anti-servo tabs.<BR>The cross-tube should be 5 mm (0.2") shorter than your measured dimension to allow for the bush<BR>flanges. Bond the bushes into the cross-tube of the link-rod using rapid epoxy. Screw the fork<BR>AN486-2P onto the insert AN490HT8P leaving 9 mm (3/8") of thread showing. Refer to figure 8.<BR>With the link-rod through the hole in the rear bulkhead, engage the tab pins into the bushes and,<BR>checking that the servo is still in the neutral position, hold the tailplanes in the neutral position<BR>(aligned with the fairings) and the tabs also neutral. Bring the fork-end of the link-rod up to the<BR>bellcrank TS03 and measure the misalignment between the centres of the holes through the fork and<BR>the bellcrank. If the link-rod is more than 5 mm too long shorten the tube by the measured amount<BR>then rivet the insert AN490HT8P into the end using two AN470AD4-10 rivets as shown in figure 9.<BR>Connect the fork to the bellcrank TS03 with<BR>an AN4-6A bolt and MS21042-4 nut with an<BR>AN960-416L washer under the nut.<BR>Page 19 - 6 Issue 1 Europa Build Man ual<BR>Fig. 8 Trim tab link-rod as sembly.<BR>Fig. 9. Rivet pat tern for in sert.<BR>Finally enlarge the slots in the fuselage sides. Remember that the slots must be made wide enough<BR>for the link-rod with the trim set at both extremes of travel and should long enough so that the<BR>link-rod will not make contact even if it overshoots due to the inertia of the tailplane.<BR>Sys tem check<BR>To check the trim system for correct function you will need an inclinometer (clino), a simple device<BR>for measuring angles. You can either borrow one or make one from a protractor. See figure 10. Of<BR>course a digital level could also be used if you don’t mind the expense.<BR>The pitch control stops will be installed later when you have completed the fuselage but for now you<BR>can check for correct movement and enlarge the slots in the rear fuselage to allow the required<BR>clearance around the tab link-rod TS05.<BR>Step 7<BR>With the tailplanes in the zero position the tabs should be aligned with them. If they’re not, adjust the<BR>length of TS05 by screwing the fork either in or out. Don’t forget to tighten the lock nut afterwards.<BR>Keeping the tailplanes and tabs set at zero, place your clino on the flat trailing edge portion of the<BR>aerofoil outboard of the trim tab and orientated fore and aft and make a note of the clino reading.<BR>The tailplane trailing edge needs to rotate upwards 12o and downwards 4o to cover the full range.<BR>You will notice (I hope) that as the trailing edge of the tailplane is raised the trailing edge of the tab<BR>raises even further, the ratio being approximately 1.3 to 1. Therefore, when you have raised the<BR>trailing edge of the tailplane by 12°, the tab should have raised 15.6° relative to the tailplane or 27.6°<BR>from the zero start position.<BR>A maximum total movement of 18° and a minimum of 14.4° relative to the tailplane is acceptable.<BR>Europa Build Man ual Issue 1 Page 19 - 7<BR>Fig 10. Home made in cli nom e ter.<BR>Similarly, moving the tailplane trailing edge down 4o from the zero reference point the tab should<BR>move down 5.2° relative to the tailplane, or 9.2° relative to the zero reference position.<BR>A maximum total movement of 6° and a minimum of 4.8° of tab movement relative to the tailplane is<BR>acceptable.<BR>Step 8<BR>Once you have checked that the tabs move as they should, put the tailplanes back to the zero setting<BR>and run the trim motor in both directions noting that the tab moves up or down relative to the<BR>tailplane.<BR>Check that you have a trim range of 6° each way.<BR>Caution: Make sure that the slots in the fuselage sides can accommodate the forward and aft<BR>movement of the TS05 link-rod before running the motor to its full extremes.<BR>Once you have the necessary clearance repeat the trim movement with the tailplane set 12o trailing<BR>edge up and 4o trailing edge down. Check that no binding occurs between the fuselage slots and the<BR>link-rod as the tailplane sweeps through its full range with the tabs at both extremes of travel.<BR>Allow approximately 3 mm (1<BR>8“) of clearance.<BR>To seal the exposed foam in the cutout slots dig out 2 or 3 mm and pot in some wet flox, covering it<BR>with peel ply or sanding it flush when fully cured.<BR>Step 9<BR>To aid rigging and derigging the tailplanes a means of preventing the TS05 link rod from moving too<BR>far sideways should be fitted. There are various ways of achieving this; possibly the simplest method<BR>is to bond a length of 3 mm plywood vertically each side of the link rod just ahead of the slots, leaving<BR>a 20 mm (3/4") gap for it to run up and down in.<BR>Page 19 - 8 Issue 1 Europa Build Man ual