**** Hidden Message ***** <P> </P><P>Hi ! My name is Bobby.<BR>Welcome to the new AIRBUS<BR>A320 family Flight Crew<BR>course.<BR>I’m going to be your guide<BR>throughout this presentation.<BR>If you are ready to start, click<BR>on the green arrow.</P>
<P>Before entering the course, let's<BR>have a look at the CBT screen<BR>and all the available controls you<BR>will use.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to<BR>continue.</P>
<P>Let's start with the Graphic area :<BR>This is a very large area, almost the entire screen.<BR>All information and interactions take place in this<BR>area.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>The text, which is the same as the audio,<BR>is displayed in this box.<BR>It is displayed only at the end of the<BR>audio.<BR>This box can be anywhere on the screen,<BR>depending on the position of the graphics.<BR>Click on the ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee..<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 1/12<BR>Now let's look at the command<BR>bar.<BR>It is located at the bottom of the<BR>screen.<BR>So that you can see it more<BR>easily, I ‘m going to move it up<BR>for you.<BR>Click on the forward arrow.<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee..<BR>FORWARD<BR>ARROW<BR>When in green, you can click on it to<BR>continue the module.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>2/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>The back arrow has the same color code as<BR>the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go<BR>back to the previous screen.<BR>Note: when you click on the back arrow, you<BR>will return to the final state of the previous<BR>frame without animation or audio.<BR>To see how this works, click on the back<BR>arrow now.<BR>3/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee..<BR>FORWARD<BR>ARROW<BR>When in green, you can click on it to<BR>continue the module.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>2/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee..<BR>FORWARD<BR>ARROW<BR>When in green, you can click on it to<BR>continue the module.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>2/12<BR>As you can observe, you are<BR>back to the previous screen.<BR>Click now on the forward arrow<BR>to continue.<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 3/12<BR>The back arrow has the same color code as<BR>the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go<BR>back to the previous screen.<BR>Note: when you click on the back arrow, you<BR>will return to the final state of the previous<BR>frame without animation or audio.<BR>To see how this works, click on the back<BR>arrow now.<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 3/12<BR>As you have already seen this<BR>frame, click on the forward<BR>arrow to continue with the<BR>presentation.<BR>The back arrow has the same color code as<BR>the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go<BR>back to the previous screen.<BR>Note: when you click on the back arrow, you<BR>will return to the final state of the previous<BR>frame without animation or audio.<BR>To see how this works, click on the back<BR>arrow now.<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee..<BR>Other indications shown on the command bar are :<BR>• The system title<BR>• The module title<BR>• The current page number over the total page number.<BR>4/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn..<BR>The REPLAY button enables<BR>you to play the current page<BR>again and to repeat the<BR>associated sound.<BR>5/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn..<BR>The REPLAY button enables<BR>you to play again the current<BR>page, and to repeat the<BR>associated sound.<BR>5/12<BR>SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn..<BR>The REPLAY button enables<BR>you to play again the current<BR>page, and to repeat the<BR>associated sound.<BR>5/12<BR>As you can see, all the<BR>animations are played again.<BR>Now let’s see the MENU button.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>When the MENU button is selected, a list of<BR>the subjects covered in the module is<BR>presented.<BR>By clicking on the green button next to a<BR>learning objective, you can go directly to the<BR>selected subject.<BR>There are five silver buttons on the bottom<BR>of the menu to access course functions. Let’s<BR>look at them one by one.<BR>FFiirrsstt,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee AUDIIO bbuuttttoonn..<BR>6/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>The AUDIO button enables you to adjust the<BR>volume for the voice and/or the music<BR>independently.<BR>7/12<BR>Click on the small X to which I am pointing<BR>to close the volume control window.<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>Now click on the GLOSSARY<BR>button.<BR>8/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title 9/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>The GLOSSARY button provides you with a list<BR>of abbreviations that you can access throughout<BR>the course.<BR>Let's suppose you want to know what "ECAM"<BR>means. You can either scroll down to ECAM<BR>alphabetically, or type E-C-A-M in the blank area in<BR>the top of the window. I will do it for you.<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>Click on the small X to close the<BR>glossary window.<BR>9/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>The FCOM button enables you to have a<BR>look at the electronic documentation<BR>(FCOM) at any time during the course.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>10/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>RETURN<BR>FCOM<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>The RETURN button enables you to go<BR>back to the module at exactly the same<BR>place where you left it.<BR>Click on the forward arrow.<BR>11/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEESSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>RETURN<BR>MENU<BR>SYSTEM TITLE Module title<BR>By clicking on the EXIT button, you can<BR>leave the module at any time, and return to<BR>the general course plan.<BR>Click on the EXIT button now.<BR>12/12<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA<BR>TTEEXXTTBBOOXX<BR>MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN<BR>CCOOUURRSSEESSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE<BR>CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR<BR>AUDIO<BR>EXIT<BR>MENU<BR>This is the general course plan.<BR>The chapters are listed from top to bottom.<BR>You must complete them in this order<BR>because information in the following chapters<BR>depends on information from the previous<BR>ones.<BR>You can return to any part of the course that<BR>you have already completed.<BR>Let’s look at one of the chapters, for example<BR>the APU.<BR>Click on the APU button to see how it is<BR>further broken down.<BR>Each system or chapter is usually split into five main<BR>modules. As you can see for the APU, you have :<BR>- System Presentation<BR>- Normal Operation<BR>- Abnormal Operation<BR>- Summary<BR>- Quiz.<BR>Click on the System Presentation button to continue.<BR>To enter this module, you can<BR>either click again on the same<BR>button, or on the ADVANCE<BR>button at the bottom right<BR>corner of the screen.<BR>Do it now.<BR>APU MENU System presentation 2/15<BR>You are now in the System Presentation<BR>module of the APU chapter.<BR>This module presents a conceptual overview<BR>of the system, a look at its major<BR>components and their controls location.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>The APU GEN pb switch is located on<BR>the ELEC panel,<BR>and is used to control the APU<BR>generator.<BR>You will get a chance to see all the ECAM<BR>indications in more detail in the normal and<BR>abnormal operation modules.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>APU MENU System presentation 15/15 NEXT<BR>Let's suppose you are at the end of the<BR>System Presentation module.<BR>Notice that the green forward arrow has<BR>been replaced by the word NEXT.<BR>Click on this button to see what happens.<BR>APU MENU Normal Operation<BR>You guessed it. You automatically advanced<BR>to the next module, Normal Operation.<BR>In this module, you will learn the functions<BR>and indications of the system by operating the<BR>controls in guided exercises during normal<BR>flight.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>1/22<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU ELEC<BR>POWER<BR>APU ELEC<BR>POWER<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>Module completed<BR>Electrical power from the APU can be used<BR>all the way to the max ceiling of the aircraft<BR>39 000 Ft.<BR>APU MENU Normal Operation 22/22 NEXT<BR>Let's suppose again you are at the end<BR>of this module.<BR>Click on the NEXT button to go to the<BR>next module, Abnormal Operation.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal Operation<BR>In Abnormal Operation, you continue to<BR>learn about the functions and indications of<BR>the APU, but this time by going through a set<BR>of malfunctions.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>1/20<BR>When starting the APU, the FUEL LO<BR>PR indication appears amber when an<BR>APU fuel low pressure is detected.<BR>Lets now finish this module by<BR>presenting some APU limitations.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>APU MENU Abnormal Operation NEXT<BR>After having completed this<BR>module, the NEXT button gives<BR>you access to the Summary.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>20/20<BR>MENU<BR>You have reached the Summary.<BR>This module is a brief review of the system,<BR>with the explanation of all the controls and<BR>indications on the panels and the ECAM<BR>system page.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue.<BR>APU Summary 1/16<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>You have reviewed all the APU controls and<BR>indications.<BR>Have some fun with the quiz !<BR>AAPPUUPPaanneell AAPPUUEECCAAMPPaaggee<BR>APU MENU Summary 16/16 NEXT<BR>After having completed this<BR>module, the NEXT button gives<BR>you access to the quiz.<BR>Click on it now.<BR>The quiz gives you the opportunity to verify<BR>your system knowledge in an operational<BR>environment.<BR>All questions are asked using cockpit<BR>indications so that you have the same<BR>information as you will have in the aircraft to<BR>solve problems and make decisions.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to go directly to<BR>the end of the quiz.<BR>Notice that EXIT has replaced<BR>NEXT.<BR>That means you have<BR>completed the APU chapter.<BR>Click on the EXIT button.<BR>You are back to the general course plan.<BR>The black check marks mean that all the<BR>APU modules have been completed.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to continue<BR>Suppose you have not<BR>completely seen one of<BR>the modules, for example<BR>the abnormal operation, a<BR>half-white check mark on<BR>the associated module<BR>and the chapter will<BR>indicate this situation.<BR>EXIT<BR>But as we have done them together, the check<BR>marks are all black.<BR>This now completes the CBT Introduction module.<BR>You are ready to enter the real course.<BR>Good luck, and have fun !!!<BR>Click on the EXIT button to leave the CBT<BR>introduction.</P>
顶楼主,支持楼主 英汉航空航天工程词典 好东东,有380的吗? 非正常操作 320系列机组课程CBT介绍 感谢无私分享 拿走学习 好资料,学习中。。。