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A-76 ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY<BR>ACRONYMS<BR>ACRONYM DEFINITION<BR>ATO Agency Tender Official<BR>CA Commercial Activities<BR>CO Contracting Officer<BR>CSO Competitive Sourcing Official<BR>FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform<BR>FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation<BR>FedBizOppS Federal Business Opportunities<BR>FTE Full Time Equivalent<BR>GAO General Accounting Office<BR>GFP Government Furnished Equipment<BR>HRA Human Resource Advisor<BR>IRS Internal Revenue Service<BR>MEO Most Efficient Organization<BR>OCS Office of Competitive Sourcing<BR>OMB Office Of Management and Budget<BR>POP Period of Performance<BR>PWS Performance Work Statement<BR>SCF Standard Competition Form<BR>SLCF Streamlined Competition Form<BR>SSA Source Selection Authority<BR>SSEB Source Selection Evaluation Board<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>Activity A specific task or grouping of tasks that provides a specialized<BR>capability, service or product based on a recurring government<BR>requirement. Depending on the grouping of tasks, an activity may be<BR>an entire function or may be a part of a function. An activity may be<BR>inherently governmental or commercial in nature.<BR>Adversely Affected<BR>Employees<BR>Federal civilian employees serving competitive or excepted service<BR>appointments in Tenure Groups I, II, or III, who are identified for<BR>release from their competitive level by an agency, in accordance with<BR>5 C.F.R. Part 351 and 5 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as a direct result of a<BR>performance decision resulting from a streamlined or standard<BR>competition<BR>Agency Cost Estimate The part of the agency tender in a standard competition that includes<BR>the agency’s cost proposal and represents the full cost of agency<BR>performance of the commercial activity, based on the requirements in<BR>the solicitation and the costing policy in Attachment C . The agency cost estimate for a streamlined competition is<BR>developed in accordance with Attachments B and C of Circular A-76].<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>Agency Performance Performance of a commercial or inherently governmental activity with<BR>government personnel. Often referred to as “in-house performance.”<BR>Agency Tender The agency management plan submitted in response to a solicitation<BR>for a standard competition. The agency tender includes an MEO,<BR>agency cost estimate, MEO quality control plan, MEO phase-in plan,<BR>and copies of any MEO subcontracts (with the private sector<BR>providers’ proprietary information redacted). The agency tender is<BR>prepared in accordance with Attachment B and the<BR>solicitation requirements.<BR>Agency Tender<BR>Official (ATO)<BR>An inherently governmental agency official with decision-making<BR>authority who is responsible for the agency tender and represents the<BR>agency tender during source selection.<BR>Annualize The calculation method to convert a cost to an annual basis. The<BR>calculation converts a cost for a performance period that is less than<BR>one full year into an annual cost to correctly reflect the cost in a<BR>government cost estimate.<BR>Basic Pay Basic pay for GS employees is a position’s annual salary plus any<BR>other applicable civilian employee pay entitlements. Basic pay for<BR>FWS employees is a position’s annual wages including shift<BR>differential pay and environmental pay, plus any other applicable<BR>civilian employee pay entitlements. Examples of other civilian<BR>employee pay entitlements include, but are not limited to, night<BR>differential pay for FWS employees, environmental differential pay,<BR>and premium pay (for civilian employee fire fighters and law<BR>enforcement officers).<BR>Capital Improvement An expenditure for a physical improvement to an existing capital<BR>asset such as additions and major alterations that are intended to<BR>improve performance or increase useful life.<BR>Civilian Employee An individual who works for a federal agency, in this case the IRS, on<BR>an appointment without time limitation who is paid from appropriated<BR>funds, which includes working capital funds. A foreign national<BR>employee, temporary employee, term employee, non-appropriated<BR>fund employee, or uniformed personnel is not included in this<BR>definition.<BR>Commercial Activity A recurring service that could be performed by the private sector.<BR>Commercial activities may be found within, or throughout,<BR>organizations that perform inherently governmental activities or<BR>classified work.<BR>Common Costs Specific costs identified in the solicitation that will be incurred by the<BR>government regardless of the provider (private sector, public<BR>reimbursable, or agency). Common costs are sometimes referred to as<BR>wash costs. Examples of common costs include government-furnished<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>property, security clearances, and joint inventories.<BR>COMPARE The windows-based A-76 costing software that incorporates the<BR>costing procedures of this circular. Agencies must use COMPARE to<BR>calculate and document the costs on the SLCF for a streamlined<BR>competition or the SCF for a standard competition. The software is<BR>available through the SHARE A-76! website at<BR>http://emissary.acq.osd.mil/inst/share.nsf.<BR>COMPARE Version<BR>Control Log<BR>The document that describes each of the changes made in a particular<BR>version of the COMPARE software. This document includes a brief<BR>description of the change, the area of the software program affected<BR>by the change, and the impact the change has on the SCF/SLCF<BR>and/or documentation.<BR>COMPARE User's<BR>Guide<BR>A detailed guidebook for actual users of COMPARE that includes an<BR>in-depth explanation of the use and features of the COMPARE<BR>software program.<BR>COMPARE Tables A specific set of master tables incorporated into the COMPARE costing<BR>software that includes all of the approved standard cost factors and<BR>rates used to calculate the SCF/SLCF costs.<BR>Competition A formal evaluation of sources to provide a commercial activity that<BR>uses pre-established rules (e.g., the FAR, this circular). Competitions<BR>between private sector sources are performed in accordance with the<BR>FAR. Competitions between agency, private sector, and public<BR>reimbursable sources are performed in accordance with the FAR and<BR>this circular. The term “competition,” as used in this circular includes<BR>streamlined and standard competitions performed in accordance with<BR>this circular, and FAR-based competitions for agency-performed<BR>activities, contracted services, new requirements, expansions of<BR>existing work, and activities performed under fee-for-service<BR>agreement. The term also includes cost comparisons, streamlined cost<BR>comparisons, and direct conversions performed under previous<BR>versions of OMB Circular A-76.<BR>Competition File The documents used in a standard competition in addition to the<BR>government contract files required by FAR Subpart 4.8. Agencies<BR>maintain this file regardless of the source selected to perform the<BR>activity.<BR>Competition Officials These are agency officials appointed before a standard competition<BR>is announced. These individuals perform key roles and have essential<BR>responsibilities for the successful completion of the standard<BR>competition. Competition officials are the agency tender official,<BR>contracting officer, source selection authority, human resource advisor,<BR>and PWS team leader.<BR>Competitive Sourcing An inherently governmental agency official responsible for the<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>Official (CSO) implementation of this circular within the agency.<BR>Component An organizational grouping within an agency, such as a bureau,<BR>center, military service, or field activity.<BR>Contracting Officer<BR>(CO)<BR>An inherently governmental agency official who participates on the<BR>PWS team, and is responsible for the issuance of the solicitation and<BR>the source selection evaluation methodology. The CO awards the<BR>contract and issues the MEO letter of obligation or fee-for-service<BR>agreement resulting from a streamlined or standard competition. The<BR>CO and the SSA may be the same individual.<BR>Conversion From<BR>Contract<BR>A change in the performance of a commercial activity from a private<BR>sector provider to agency performance.<BR>Conversion To<BR>Contract<BR>A change in the performance of a commercial activity from agency<BR>performance to a private sector provider.<BR>Depreciation The decline in the value of a capital asset. Depreciation represents a<BR>cost of ownership and the consumption of an asset’s useful life.<BR>Direct Labor Manpower resources dedicated to performing the requirements of the<BR>solicitation and labor for supervision and management related<BR>support to the tender (e.g., MEO) such as labor for quality control.<BR>Directly Affected<BR>Employees<BR>Civilian employees whose work is being competed in a streamlined or<BR>standard competition.<BR>Directly Affected<BR>Government<BR>Personnel<BR>Government personnel whose work is being competed in a<BR>streamlined or standard competition.<BR>Directly Interested<BR>Party<BR>The agency tender official who submitted the agency tender; a single<BR>individual appointed by a majority of directly affected employees as<BR>their agent; a private sector offeror; or the official who certifies the<BR>public reimbursable tender.<BR>Divestiture An agency’s decision to eliminate a government requirement for a<BR>commercial activity. No service contract or fee-for-service agreement<BR>exists between the agency and the private sector after a divestiture.<BR>By divesting of a commercial activity, an agency elects not to control<BR>the activity and cedes ownership and control of the activity’s<BR>associated assets (e.g., equipment, facilities, property) and resources<BR>(agency manpower and budgeting for the activity). The agency has<BR>no role in the financial support, management, regulation, or oversight<BR>of a divested activity. Moving, transferring, or converting a<BR>commercial activity from government performance to private sector or<BR>public reimbursable performance is not a divestiture.<BR>Employee Transition A written plan developed by the HRA for the potential transition of<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>Plan the agency’s civilian employees to an MEO, or to private sector or<BR>public reimbursable performance. This plan is developed early in the<BR>streamlined or standard competition process, based on the incumbent<BR>government organization, to identify projected employee impacts and<BR>the time needed to accommodate such impacts, depending on the<BR>potential outcomes of the competition. The employee transition plan<BR>differs from a phase-in plan, which is developed by prospective<BR>providers responding to a solicitation.<BR>End Date The end date for a streamlined or standard competition is the date<BR>that all SCF certifications are completed, signifying an agency’s<BR>performance decision.<BR>Expansion An increase in the operating cost of an existing commercial activity<BR>based on modernization, replacement, upgrade, or increased<BR>workload. An expansion of an existing commercial activity is an<BR>increase of 30 percent or more in the activity’s operating costs<BR>(including the cost of FTEs) or total capital investment.<BR>FedBizOpps.gov The website where the government electronically advertises<BR>solicitations or requirements.<BR>Fee-for-Service<BR>Agreement<BR>A formal agreement between agencies, in which one agency provides<BR>a service (a commercial activity) for a fee paid by another agency.<BR>The agency providing the service is referred to in this circular as a<BR>public reimbursable source.<BR>First Period of Full<BR>Performance<BR>The performance period following the phase-in period when the<BR>service provider becomes fully responsible for performing the activity.<BR>The first performance period is used to implement the new service<BR>provider’s phase-in plan; therefore, full performance of the service<BR>provider does not occur until the second performance period, which<BR>may be referred to as the base period, full performance, or the first<BR>period of full performance. This first period of full performance may<BR>be less than or more than 12 months. The first period of full<BR>performance is the second performance period (the performance<BR>period immediately following phase-in period) regardless of the<BR>second performance period’s length.<BR>Foreign National<BR>Employee<BR>An employee that is not a United States citizen who is employed by<BR>the United States Government and works outside the United States, its<BR>territories or possessions, under a system in which an Executive Agency<BR>is the official employer of the foreign national employee and assumes<BR>responsibility for all administration and management functions<BR>associated with the employee’s employment.<BR>Full-Time Equivalent<BR>(FTE)<BR>The staffing of Federal civilian employee positions, expressed in terms<BR>of annual productive work hours (1,776) rather than annual available<BR>hours that includes non-productive hours (2,080 hours). FTEs may<BR>reflect civilian positions that are not necessarily staffed at the time of<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>public announcement and staffing of FTE positions may fluctuate<BR>during a streamlined or standard competition. The staffing and<BR>threshold FTE requirements stated in this circular reflect the workload<BR>performed by these FTE positions, not the workload performed by<BR>actual government personnel. FTEs do not include military personnel,<BR>uniformed services, or contract support.<BR>Function Code The numerical code used to categorize an agency’s commercial and<BR>inherently governmental activities for inventory reporting purposes.<BR>Government<BR>Furnished Property<BR>(GFP)<BR>Facilities, equipment, material, supplies, or other services provided by<BR>the government for use by all prospective providers in the solicitation.<BR>Costs for GFP included in a solicitation are considered common costs.<BR>Replacement costs, insurance, maintenance and repair costs for GFP<BR>may or may not be government-furnished, depending on the<BR>provisions in the solicitation.<BR>Government<BR>Personnel<BR>Civilian employees, foreign national employees, temporary<BR>employees, term employees, non-appropriated fund employees, and<BR>uniformed services personnel employed by an agency to perform<BR>activities.<BR>Human Resource<BR>Advisor (HRA)<BR>An inherently governmental agency official who is a human resource<BR>expert and is responsible for performing human resource-related<BR>actions to assist the ATO in developing the agency tender.<BR>Incumbent Service<BR>Provider<BR>The source (i.e., agency, private sector, or public reimbursable source)<BR>providing the service when a public announcement is made of the<BR>streamlined or standard competition.<BR>Information<BR>Technology<BR>Any equipment or interconnected system(s) or subsystem(s) of<BR>equipment used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation,<BR>management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange,<BR>transmission, or reception of data or information by the agency. For<BR>purposes of this definition, equipment is used by an agency if the<BR>equipment is used directly by the agency, or is used by a contractor<BR>under a contract with the agency that requires (1) its use or (2) to a<BR>significant extent, its use in the performance of a service or the<BR>furnishing of a product. The term "information technology" includes<BR>computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar<BR>procedures, services (including support services), and related<BR>resources, and does not include any equipment that is acquired by a<BR>contractor incidental to a contract; or contains imbedded information<BR>technology that is used as an integral part of the product, but the<BR>principal function of which is not the acquisition, storage, manipulation,<BR>management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange,<BR>transmission, or reception of data or information. For example,<BR>heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, such as<BR>thermostats or temperature control devices, and medical equipment<BR>where information technology is integral to its operation, are not<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>information technology.<BR>Inherently<BR>Governmental<BR>Activities<BR>An activity that is so intimately related to the public interest as to<BR>mandate performance by government personnel as provided by<BR>Attachment A .<BR>Interested Parties For purposes of challenging the contents of an agency’s commercial<BR>activities inventory pursuant to the Federal Activities Inventory Reform<BR>Act, an interested party is (1) a private sector source that is an actual<BR>or prospective offeror for a contract or other form of agreement to<BR>perform the activity and has a direct economic interest in performing<BR>the activity that would be adversely affected by a determination not<BR>to procure the performance of the activity from a private sector<BR>source; (2) a representative of any business or professional<BR>association that includes within its membership private sector sources<BR>referred to in (1) above; (3) an officer or employee of an<BR>organization within an executive agency that is an actual or<BR>prospective offeror to perform the activity; (4) the head of any labor<BR>organization referred to in section 7103(a)(4) of title 5, United States<BR>Code, that includes within its membership officers or employees of an<BR>organization referred to in paragraph (3).<BR>Inventory A list of government personnel, by location, function, and position,<BR>performing either commercial activities or inherently governmental<BR>activities.<BR>MEO Letter of<BR>Obligation<BR>A formal agreement that an agency implements when a standard or<BR>streamlined competition results in agency performance (e.g., MEO).<BR>MEO Subcontracts Contracts between an agency and the private sector that are included<BR>in the agency tender or fee-for service agreements with a public<BR>reimbursable source that are included in the agency tender. In<BR>addition to the cost of MEO subcontracts, agency or public<BR>reimbursable cost estimates must include support costs associated with<BR>MEO subcontracts such as government-furnished property, and<BR>contract administration, inspection, and surveillance.<BR>MEO Team A group of individuals, comprised of technical and functional experts,<BR>formed to assist the ATO in developing the agency tender.<BR>Military Personnel Officers and enlisted members<BR> of the military services (defined<BR>as the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps).<BR>Most Efficient<BR>Organization (MEO)<BR>The staffing plan of the agency tender, developed to represent the<BR>agency’s most efficient and cost-effective organization. An MEO is<BR>required for a standard competition and may include a mix of<BR>government personnel and MEO subcontracts.<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>New Requirement An agency’s newly established need for a commercial product or<BR>service that is not performed by (1) the agency with government<BR>personnel; (2) a fee-for-service agreement with a public reimbursable<BR>source; or (3) a contract with the private sector. An activity that is<BR>performed by the agency and is reengineered, reorganized,<BR>modernized, upgraded, expanded, or changed to become more<BR>efficient, but still essentially provides the same service, is not<BR>considered a new requirement. New ways of performing existing<BR>work are not new requirements.<BR>Non-Pay Categories<BR>of Costs<BR>Costs in a cost estimate that are not related to pay. Non-pay<BR>categories of costs include, but are not limited to, materials, supplies,<BR>equipment, facilities, capital assets, and minor items and the inflation<BR>for these costs.<BR>Offer A private sector source’s formal response to a request for proposals<BR>or invitation for bid. The term “offeror” refers to the specific source<BR>rather than the response.<BR>Overhead Overhead includes two major categories of cost, operations overhead<BR>and general and administrative overhead. Operations overhead<BR>includes costs that are not 100 percent attributable to the activity<BR>being competed but are generally associated with the recurring<BR>management or support of the activity. General and administrative<BR>overhead includes salaries, equipment, space, and other tasks related<BR>to headquarters management, accounting, personnel, legal support,<BR>data processing management, and similar common services performed<BR>external to the activity, but in support of the activity being competed.<BR>A standard twelve percent overhead factor is an estimated federal<BR>agency overhead factor that is calculated in agency and public<BR>reimbursable cost estimates for streamlined and standard<BR>competitions<BR>Past Performance An indicator that may be used in the source selection process to<BR>evaluate a prospective provider’s previous performance on work<BR>comparable to that being competed, for the purpose of predicting the<BR>quality of future performance relative to other offers or public<BR>reimbursable tenders. FAR 42.1501 describes the information used to<BR>evaluate past performance, and FAR 15.305(a)(2) provides guidance<BR>for the consideration of past performance in the source selection<BR>process.<BR>Pay Categories of<BR>Cost<BR>Costs in a cost estimate associated with the payroll for government<BR>personnel, including inflation.<BR>Performance Decision The outcome of a streamlined or standard competition, based on SLCF<BR>or SCF certifications.<BR>Performance Verifiable, measurable levels of service in terms of quantity, quality,<BR>timeliness, location, and work units. Performance standards are used in<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>Standards a performance-based PWS to (1) assess (i.e., inspect and accept) the<BR>work during a period of performance; (2) provide a common outputrelated<BR>basis for preparing private sector offers and public tenders;<BR>and (3) compare the offers and tenders to the PWS. The requiring<BR>activity’s acceptable levels of service are normally stated in the PWS.<BR>The solicitation includes performance standards.<BR>Performance Work<BR>Statement (PWS).<BR>A statement in the solicitation that identifies the technical, functional,<BR>and performance characteristics of the agency’s requirements. The<BR>PWS is performance-based and describes the agency’s needs (the<BR>“what”), not specific methods for meeting those needs (the “how”). The<BR>PWS identifies essential outcomes to be achieved, specifies the<BR>agency’s required performance standards, and specifies the location,<BR>units, quality and timeliness of the work.<BR>Phase-in Plan A prospective provider’s plan to replace the incumbent provider(s)<BR>that is submitted in response to the solicitation. The phase-in plan is<BR>implemented in the first performance period and includes details on<BR>minimizing disruption, adverse personnel impacts, and start-up<BR>requirements. The phase-in plan is different from the employee<BR>transition plan developed by the HRA.<BR>Privatization A federal agency decision to change a government-owned and<BR>government-operated commercial activity or enterprise to private<BR>sector control and ownership. When privatizing, the agency eliminates<BR>associated assets and resources (manpower for and funding of the<BR>requirement). Since there is no government ownership and control, no<BR>service contract or fee-for-service agreement exists between the<BR>agency and the private sector after an agency privatizes a<BR>commercial activity or enterprise. Moving work from agency<BR>performance with government personnel to private sector<BR>performance where the agency still funds the activity is not<BR>privatization.<BR>Prospective Providers Private sector, public reimbursable, and agency sources that may<BR>submit responses (offers or tenders) in response to an agency’s<BR>solicitation.<BR>Provider An agency, private sector, or public reimbursable source that is<BR>performing, or will perform, a commercial activity; sometimes referred<BR>to as a service provider.<BR>Public Announcement An agency’s formal declaration that the agency has made a (1)<BR>decision to perform a streamlined or standard competition, or (2)<BR>performance decision in a streamlined or standard competition. The<BR>CO makes these announcements via FedBizOpps.gov.<BR>Public Reimbursable<BR>Source<BR>A service provider from a federal agency that could perform a<BR>commercial activity for another federal agency on a fee-for-service<BR>or reimbursable basis by using either civilian employees or federal<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>contracts with the private sector.<BR>Public Reimbursable<BR>Tender<BR>A federal agency’s formal response to another federal agency’s<BR>solicitation for offers or tenders. The public reimbursable tender is<BR>developed in accordance with this circular and includes a cost<BR>estimate, prepared in accordance with Attachment C .<BR>PWS Team A group of individuals, comprised of technical and functional experts,<BR>formed to develop the PWS and quality assurance surveillance plan,<BR>and to assist the CO in developing the solicitation.<BR>Quality Assurance<BR>Surveillance<BR>The government’s monitoring of a service provider’s performance in<BR>accordance with the quality assurance surveillance plan and the<BR>performance requirements identified in the solicitation.<BR>Quality Assurance<BR>Surveillance Plan<BR>The government’s inspection plan. The quality assurance surveillance<BR>plan documents methods used to measure performance of the service<BR>provider against the requirements in the PWS. The agency relies on<BR>the service provider to monitor daily performance using their own<BR>quality control plan, but retains the right to inspect all services. When<BR>the agency makes a performance decision, the agency re-evaluates<BR>and modifies the existing quality assurance surveillance plan, based<BR>upon the selected provider and the selected provider’s accepted<BR>quality control plan.<BR>Quality Control Plan A self-inspection plan that is included in all offers and tenders. The<BR>quality control plan describes the internal staffing and procedures<BR>that the prospective provider will use to meet the quality, quantity,<BR>timeliness, responsiveness, customer satisfaction, and other service<BR>delivery requirements in the PWS.<BR>Representatives of<BR>Directly Affected<BR>Employees<BR>In the case of directly affected employees represented by a labor<BR>organization accorded exclusive recognition under 5 U.S.C. § 7111, a<BR>representative is an individual designated by that labor organization<BR>to represent its interests. In the case of directly affected employees<BR>not represented by a labor organization under 5 U.S.C. § 7111, a<BR>representative is an individual appointed by directly affected<BR>employees as their representative.<BR>Residual Value The estimated value of a capital asset at the end of its useful life as<BR>determined by application of the Useful Life and Disposal Value Cost<BR>Factor.<BR>Resources Funding allocated for contracts, manpower, facilities, material, or<BR>equipment to perform agency requirements.<BR>Segregable Expansion An increase to an existing commercial activity that can be separately<BR>competed.<BR>GLOSSARY<BR>Term Definition<BR>SHARE A-76! The Department of Defense A-76 knowledge management system<BR>used to share knowledge, information, and experience about publicprivate<BR>competitions. This public site contains A-76-related guidance,<BR>sample documents, best practices, tools, and links to other A-76<BR>websites and sources for A-76-related information. Users may post<BR>best practices used in public-private competitions, research A-76<BR>through the use of search engines, and submit internet links to add to<BR>the available links in SHARE A-76! The website address is<BR>http://emissary.acq.osd.mil/inst/share.nsf/.<BR>Solicitation Closing<BR>Date<BR>The due date for delivery of private sector offers, public<BR>reimbursable tenders, and the agency tender, as stated in the<BR>solicitation.<BR>Source One of three specific categories of service providers (i.e., agency,<BR>private sector, or public reimbursable) that can perform a commercial<BR>activity for an agency.<BR>Source Selection<BR>Authority (SSA)<BR>A competition official with decision-making authority who is<BR>responsible for source selection as required by the FAR and this<BR>circular. The SSA and CO may be the same individual.<BR>Source Selection<BR>Evaluation Board<BR>(SSEB)<BR>The team or board appointed by the SSA to assist in a negotiated<BR>acquisition.<BR>Standard Competition<BR>Form (SCF)<BR>The agency form that documents and certifies all costs calculated in<BR>the standard competition.<BR>Start Date The start date for a streamlined or standard competition is the date<BR>that the agency makes a formal public announcement of the agency’s<BR>decision to perform a streamlined or standard competition.<BR>Streamlined<BR>Competition Form<BR>(SLCF)<BR>The agency form that documents and certifies all costs calculated in<BR>the streamlined competition, in accordance with Attachment C .<BR>Uniformed Services Members of the armed forces (i.e., Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine<BR>Corps, and Coast Guard) and other uniformed services (e.g., National<BR>Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Public Health Service).<BR>Useful Life The estimated period of economic usefulness of a capital asset.

guochun618 发表于 2011-5-14 20:38:31

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