Fraport AG Acronyms
<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><B><TBODY>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD align=left width=94 bgColor=#5064aa height=35>
<DIV style="COLOR: #ffffff">
<P style="COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)" align=left>Acronyms</P></DIV></TD>
<TD align=left width=93 bgColor=#5064aa height=35>
<DIV style="COLOR: #ffffff">
<P style="COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)" align=left>Definition</P></DIV></TD>
<TD align=left width=93 bgColor=#5064aa height=35>
<DIV style="COLOR: #ffffff">
<P style="COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)" align=left>Explanation</P></DIV></TD></TR></B>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>AA</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>¡°ATC Activated¡±, Actual Airborne</TD>
<TD>FUM status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>AAI</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport Authority Interface</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>a/c</TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ACARS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ACC</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Area Control Centre</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ACGT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Commence of Ground Handling Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when ground handling on an aircraft starts, can be equal to AIBT (to be determined locally)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ACISP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Airport CDM Information Sharing Platform</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>A-CDM</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport Collaborative Decision Making</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ACIS</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport CDM Information Sharing</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ACISP</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport CDM Information Sharing Platform</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ACH</TD>
<TD width=190>ATC flight plan Change Message</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ACK</TD>
<TD width=190>Acknowledgement message</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ACZT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Commencement of De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft starts</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ADB</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Deicing Begin</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ADE</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Deicing End</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ADEP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aerodrome of Departure</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ADES</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aerodrome of Destination</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ADEXP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>ATS Data Exchange Presentation</P></TD>
<P align=left>ADEXP provides a format for use primarily in on-line, computer to computer message exchange. ADEXP is a format, not a protocol.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ADIT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric AEZT ¨C ACZT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>A-DPI</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>ATC-Departure Planning Information message</P></TD>
<P align=left>DPI message sent by the CDM Airport to the CFMU (ETFMS) notifying the TTOT between ATC time of pre-departure sequencing and ATOT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AEGT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual End of Ground handling Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when ground handling on an aircraft ends, can be equal to ARDT (TBD locally)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AEZT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual End of De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when de-icing operations on an aircraft end</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AFTN</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AGHT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Ground Handling Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The total duration of the ground handling of the aircraft. Metric ACGT - AEGT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AIBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual In-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA ¨CActual Time of Arrival, ACARS = IN).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>AIP</TD>
<TD width=190>Aeronautical Information Puplication</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ALDT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Landing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an aircraft lands on a runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATA ¨CActual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ALU</TD>
<TD width=190>Lining Up</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ALUT</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Line Up Time</TD>
<TD>The time that an aircraft receives its line up clearance.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AMAN</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Arrival Manager</P></TD>
<P align=left>An arrival flow management tool that optimises the traffic flow nto a TMA and/or runway(s) by calculating TLDT (Target LanDing Time) taking various constraints and preferences into account</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ANSP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Navigation Service Provider</P></TD>
<P align=left>An organisation responsible for management of flight traffic on behalf of a company, region or country.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AO</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aircraft Operator</P></TD>
<P align=left>A person, organisation or enterprise en aged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation. (ICAO Doc 4444, Chapter 1)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AOBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Off-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Time the aircraft pushes back / vacates the parking position. (Equivalent to Airline / Handlers ATD ¨C Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AOC</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Airport Operator Committee</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>AODB</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport Operational Data Base</TD>
<TD>System INFOplus</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>AORT</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Off-Block Request Time</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>AOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Automatically generated TOBT</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>APP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Approach Control Unit</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>APR</TD>
<TD width=190>Apron Responsibility</TD>
<TD>Aircraft in the responsibility of Frankfurt Apron.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ARCID</TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft Identification</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ARCTYP</TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft Type</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ARDT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Ready Time (for Movement)</P></TD>
<P align=left>When the aircraft is ready for start up/push back or taxi immediately after clearance delivery, meeting the requirements set by the TOBT definition.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ARR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Arrival</P></TD>
<P align=left>Inbound flight</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ARZT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Ready for De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when the aircraft is ready to be de-iced</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ASAT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Start Up Approval Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Time that an aircraft receives its start up approval.<BR>Note: the moment the start up approval is given can be in advance of the TSAT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ASBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Start Boarding Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Time passengers are entering the bridge or bus to the aircraft</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ASGT</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Start Gate Time</TD>
<TD>Begin of Gate handling</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>A-SMGCS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System</P></TD>
<P align=left>System at airports having a surveillance infrastructure consisting of a Non-Cooperative Surveillance (e.g. SMR, Microwave Sensors, Optical Sensors etc) and Cooperative Surveillance (e.g. Multi-lateration systems)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ASRT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Start Up Request Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Time the pilot requests start up clearance.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ATBT</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Taxi Begin Time</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATC</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Traffic Control</P></TD>
<P align=left>Service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the air. This to separate, organise and expedite the flow of air traffic.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ATDF</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Time over Departure Fix</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATFCM</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management</P></TD>
<P align=left>ATFM extended to the optimisation of traffic patterns and capacity management. Through managing the balance of capacity and demand the aim of ATFCM is to enable flight punctuality and efficiency according to the available resources with the emphasis on optimising the network capacity through Collaborative DecisionMaking process. (CFMU Handbook TFCM_Operating_Procedures_for_FMP_1.0) </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATFM</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Traffic Flow Management</P></TD>
<P align=left>A service established with the objective of contributing to a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic by ensuring that air traffic control capacity is utilised to the maximum extent possible, and that the traffic volume is compatible with the capacities declared by the appropriate Air Traffic Services authority (ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 1)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATM</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Traffic Management</P></TD>
<P align=left>Management of the demand for, and the use of airspace</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ATOF</TD>
<TD width=190>Actual Time over Departure Fix</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Take Off Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an aircraft takes off from the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ATD¨CActual Time of Departure, ACARS = OFF).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Air Traffic Services</P></TD>
<P align=left>The service provided by Air Traffic Controllers working at airports for the arrival and departure flight phases and in Air Traffic Control Centres for the en route flight phase</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ATSP</TD>
<TD width=190>Air Traffic Service Provider</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ATTT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Turn-round Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric AOBT ¨C AIBT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>AVDGS</TD>
<TD width=190>Automatic Visual Docking Guidance System</TD>
<TD>Ramp Display</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AXIT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Taxi-In Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric AIBT ¨C ALDT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>AXOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Actual Taxi-Out Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric ATOT ¨C AOBT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>BA</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Betriebsanweisung Fraport</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>BAFVK</TD>
<TD width=190>Betriebsanweisung Flugverkehrskontrolle</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>BAO</TD>
<TD width=190>Betriebsanordnung ATC</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>BES</TD>
<TD width=190>B-East-Sierra Verfahren</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>BEST</TD>
<TD width=190>BEtriebSTeuerung</TD>
<TD>Handling System of Lufthansa</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>BGB</TD>
<TD width=190>Begin of Boarding</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>BGT</TD>
<TD width=190>Begin of Gate Handling</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>CBA</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Cost-Benefit Analysis</P></TD>
<P align=left>A formal discipline used to help appraise, or assess, the case for a project or proposal. This is achieved by weighing the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>CDAC</TD>
<TD width=190>CDM in Adverse Conditions</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>CDB</TD>
<TD width=190>Central Data Base</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>CDM</TD>
<TD width=190>Collaborative Decision Making</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>CDM AIRPORT</TD>
<TD width=190>CDM Airport</TD>
<TD>An airport is considered as a CDM AIRPORT when the Airport CDM Information Sharing, Turn-round process (Milestones Approach) and Variable Taxi Time Calculation Elements are applied at the Airport</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>C-DPI</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Cancel ¨C Departure Planning Information message</P></TD>
<P align=left>This message informs the CFMU that previously sent DPI is no longer valid.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>CFMU</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Central Flow Management Unit</P></TD>
<P align=left>Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU), Brussels ¨C A Central Management Unit operated by EUROCONTROL. (ICAO Doc7754, Volume I, Part V.III, paragraph 3)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>CHG</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Modification message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standard message sent to CFMU to change flight plan data.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>CLR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flightplan in clearing process</P></TD>
<P align=left>A-CDM@FRA process status</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>CNL</TD>
<TD width=190>Flight Plan Cancellation</TD>
<TD>Standard message sent to CFMU to cancel flight plan.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>COFU</TD>
<TD width=190>Collaborative Management of Flight Updates</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>CPDS</TD>
<TD width=190>Collaborative Pre-Departure Sequence</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>CSA</TD>
<TD width=190>Common Situational Awareness</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>CTOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Calculated Take Off Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>A time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne. (ICAO Doc7030/4 ¨C EUR, Table 7)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>CTRP</TD>
<TD width=190>CDM Turn-Round Process</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>DAS-FRA</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Datenaustauschsystem</TD>
<TD>System of Lufthansa for internal and external (e.g. Fraport) data exchange</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>DCL</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Departure Clearance (Data link)</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>DCS</TD>
<TD width=190>Departure Control System</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>DEP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Departure</P></TD>
<P align=left>Outbound flight.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>DEPCOS</TD>
<TD width=190>Departure Coordination System</TD>
<TD>TWR FRA Flight Data Processing System (will be removed by TFDPS)</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>DES</TD>
<TD width=190>De-suspension message</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>DFS</TD>
<TD width=190>Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH</TD>
<TD>German ATC Provider</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>DGA</TD>
<TD width=190>Digitale Gateansage</TD>
<TD>Self explaining</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>DGS</TD>
<TD width=190>Docking Guidance System</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>DIR</TD>
<TD width=190>Deicing Requested</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>DIV</TD>
<TD width=190>Diverted</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>DLA</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Delay message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standard message sent to CFMU to delay flight plan OBT.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>DMAN</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Departure Manager</P></TD>
<P align=left>DMAN is a planning system to improve the departure flows at an airport by calculating the Target Take Off Time (TTOT) and Target Start up Approval Time (TSAT) for each flight, taking multiple constraints and preferences into account.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>DOP</TD>
<TD width=190>(Bridge-) Driver on Position</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>DPI</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Departure Planning Information message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Message from Airport to CFMU. See also A-DPI, C-DPI, E-DPI, T-DPI</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>ECZT</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to start.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>EDDF</TD>
<TD width=190>Airport Frankfurt Main</TD>
<TD>ICAO Location Indicator</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EDIT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric EEZT ¨C ECZT.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>EDP</TD>
<TD width=190>E-DPI sended to CFMU</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>E-DPI</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Early ¨C Departure Planning Information message</P></TD>
<P align=left>First DPI message is sent from -3 hrs and before the T-DPI message by the CDM AIRPORT to the CFMU (ETFMS) notifying the ETOT. Also first DPI sent after ATC flight plan Cancellation.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EET</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Elapsed Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time required to proceed from one significant point to another (ICAO).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EEZT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated End of De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time when de-icing operations on an aircraft are expected to end.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>EFD</TD>
<TD width=190>Eurocontrol Flight Data Message</TD>
<TD>Delivers the data for the FUM which is established in Stanly_CDM</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>EGT</TD>
<TD width=190>End of Gate Handling</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EIBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated In-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time that an aircraft will arrive in-blocks. (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ETA¨CEstimated Time of Arrival).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ELDT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Landing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time that an aircraft will touch down on the runway. (Equivalent to ATC ETA¨CEstimated Time of Arrival = landing).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ENB</TD>
<TD width=190>End of Boarding</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EOBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Off-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure(ICAO).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ERR</TD>
<TD width=190>Error Message</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ERZT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Ready for De-icing Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated time when the aircraft is ex pected to be ready for de-icing operations</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ETDF</TD>
<TD width=190>Estimated Time over Departure Fix</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ETFMS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System</P></TD>
<P align=left>ETFMS receives radar derived data provided by the Air Navigation Service Providers(ANSPs), position report data provided by the Aircraft Operators and meteorological data. ETFMS uses this data to update the existing data coming from flight plans and flow measures.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ETO</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Time Over</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ETOF</TD>
<TD width=190>Estimated Time over Fix</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ETOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Take Off Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated take off time taking into account the EOBT plus EXOT.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>ETTT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Turn-round Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time estimated by the AO/GH on the day of operation to turn-round a flight taking into account the operational constraints.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>Eurocat-C</TD>
<TD width=190>System zur Luftlagedarstellung</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EXIT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Taxi-In Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated taxi time between landing and in-block.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>EXOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Estimated Taxi-Out Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The estimated taxi time between off-block and take off. This estimate includes any delay buffer time at the holding point or remote de-icing prior to take off.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>FBO</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Flughafenbenutzungsordnung</TD>
<TD>Airport User Regulation</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>FDPS</TD>
<TD width=190>Flight Data Processing System</TD>
<TD>Fraport system used for Airside Operations</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>FFU</TD>
<TD width=190>Flugfunktion</TD>
<TD>Fraport Flugdatenattribut (Flight data attributes)</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>FG</TD>
<TD width=190>Functional Group</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FIDS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flight Information Display System</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FIR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flight Information Region</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FLS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flight Suspension message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standard message sent from CFMU to suspend flight plan OBT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>FLT</TD>
<TD width=190>Flight</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FMP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flow Management Position</P></TD>
<P align=left>Provides a vital flow of information from their operational ATC Unit to the CFMU about the current situation within their ACC and the operational situation at the airport.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FPL</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Filed Flight Plan</P></TD>
<P align=left>ICAO derived flight plan</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>FRA</TD>
<TD width=190>Frankfurt Airport</TD>
<TD>IATA 3 Letter Code</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FRD</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Functional Requirements Document</P></TD>
<P align=left>This document specifies the minimum set of requirements to implement Airport CDM</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FSA</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>First System Activation</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>FUM</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Flight Update Message</P></TD>
<P align=left>A message sent from the CFMU to a CDM Airport providing an ELDT, ETO and flight level at the last point of route.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>GAT</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>General Air Traffic</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>GAT</TD>
<TD width=190>General Aviation Terminal</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>GH</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Ground Handler</P></TD>
<P align=left>Company responsible for handling of aircraft during turn-round at the airport.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>GHD</TD>
<TD width=190>Ground Handler Responsibility</TD>
<TD>Aircraft in the responsibility of ground handler (between On-Block and Off-Block)</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>GHE</TD>
<TD width=190>Groundhandling End</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>HMI</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Human-Machine Interface</P></TD>
<P align=left>The aggregate of means by which people¡ª the users - interact with the system - a particular machine, device, computer program or other complex tools.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>HOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Handover to Tower</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>ICAO</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>International Civil Aviation Organisation</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ICP</TD>
<TD width=190>Deicing on Stand</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ICR</TD>
<TD width=190>Deicing on pad</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>IDF-List</TD>
<TD width=190>Inactiv departure flight-List</TD>
<TD>Internal list of FDPS system</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>IFPS</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System</P></TD>
<P align=left>A system of the CFMU designed to rationalize the reception, initial processing and distribution of IFR/GAT flight plan data related to IFR flight within the area covered by the participating States. (ICAO Doc 7030/4 ¨C EUR, paragraph 3.1.1 new)</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>IFR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Instrument Flight Rules</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>KPI</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Key Performance Indicator</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>LAN</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Landed</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>LoA</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Letter of Agreement</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>LVP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Low Visibility Procedures</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>MACS</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Multi Access Control System</TD>
<TD>System for the use of gate and boarding handling</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>MAP</TD>
<TD width=190>Missed Approach</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>MDI</TD>
<TD width=190>Minimum Departure Interval</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>MOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Manually entered TOBT</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>MoU</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Memorandum of Understanding</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>MST</TD>
<TD width=190>Milestone</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>MTTT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Minimum Turn-round Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The minimum turn-round time agreed with an AO/GH for a specified flight or aircraft type.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>MUC</TD>
<TD width=190>Munich Airport</TD>
<TD>IATA 3 Letter Code</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>MVT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Movement message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standardized IATA format message, sent via SITA to destination airport, AO and other recipients, containing departure data of a flight</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>NOI</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Deicing cancelled (no Deicing)</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>OAT</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Operational Air Traffic</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>OBCCOS</TD>
<TD width=190>Off-Block Coordination and Calculation System</TD>
<TD>Fraport system for the input of TOBT</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>OBR</TD>
<TD width=190>Off-Block Request</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>OCD</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Operational Concept Document</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>OFB</TD>
<TD width=190>Off-Block</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>OFR</TD>
<TD width=190>Off-Block for Remote Holding</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>ONB</TD>
<TD width=190>On Block</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ORGN</TD>
<TD width=190>Originator</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>PAX</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Passengers</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>PBG</TD>
<TD width=190>Push Back Given</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>PDR</TD>
<TD width=190>Push Back Requested</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>PIC</TD>
<TD width=190>Pilot In Command</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>PL</TD>
<TD width=190>Platzlotse</TD>
<TD>Air Traffic Controller on the Tower</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>PMP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Project Management Plan</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>POGMAS</TD>
<TD width=190>Positions- und Gate-Management-System</TD>
<TD>Fraport Ressource Management System</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>POS</TD>
<TD width=190>Parkingposition</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>RDY</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft Ready</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>REA</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Ready message</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>REG</TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft Registration</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>REJ</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Rejection message</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>RFO</TD>
<TD width=190>Remote Off Block</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>RFP</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Replacement Flight Plan</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>RIBT</TD>
<TD width=190>Remote In-Block Time</TD>
<TD>The time that an aircraft arrives at its parking position for remote holding.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>RMH</TD>
<TD width=190>Remote Holding</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>RNB</TD>
<TD width=190>Remote On Block</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>ROBT</TD>
<TD width=190>Remote Off-Block Time</TD>
<TD>The time that an aircraft leaves its parking position for remote holding.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>RPL</TD>
<TD width=190>Repetitive ATC flight plan</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>RTOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Requested Take Off Time</TD>
<TD>Time the AO wants to depart (TOBT + EXOT)</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>RWY</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Runway</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>SAM</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Slot Allocation Message</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>SBY</TD>
<TD width=190>Standby</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>SCZT</TD>
<TD width=190>Sequenced Commencement of Deicing Time</TD>
<TD>Time calculated by sequencer system</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>SEQ</TD>
<TD width=190>Sequenced</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>SGT</TD>
<TD width=190>Standard Ground Time</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SIBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Scheduled In-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its parking position.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SID</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Standard Instrument Departure</P></TD>
<P align=left>Published flight procedures followed by aircraft on an IFR flight plan immediately after take off from an airport.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SIT1</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>CFMU Slot Issue Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time when the CFMU issues the SAM(Slot Allocation Message). This is normally two hours before EOBT.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>SITA</TD>
<TD width=190>Soci¨¦t¨¦ Internationale de T¨¦l¨¦communication A¨¦ronautique</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SLA</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Service Level Agreement</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SLC</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Slot Cancellation message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standard message from CFMU sent when flight regulations are canceled</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>SMS</TD>
<TD width=190>Short Message Service</TD>
<TD>Via Cellphone</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SOBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Scheduled Off-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from its parking position.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>SRE</TD>
<TD width=190>Sammelraum</TD>
<TD>Fraport Data for Gate</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SRM</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Slot Revision Message</P></TD>
<P align=left>Standard message from CFMU sent when flight regulations are revised</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>SSR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Secondary Surveillance Radar</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>STAR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Standard Arrival Route</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>STD</TD>
<TD width=190>Scheduled Time of Departure</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>STOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Sequenced Take Off Time</TD>
<TD>Time calculated by sequencer system</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>STTT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Scheduled Turn-round Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Metric SOBT - SIBT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>STW</TD>
<TD width=190>Slot Tolerance Window</TD>
<TD>CTOT ¨C5 / +10 minutes</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>SUG</TD>
<TD width=190>Start Up Given</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>SUR</TD>
<TD width=190>Start Up Requested</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>TBD</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>To Be Defined</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TDP</TD>
<TD width=190>Target DPI sended to CFMU</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>T-DPI</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Target - Departure Planning Information message</P></TD>
<P align=left>This DPI message is sent from the CDM Airport to the CFMU (ETFMS) notifying the Target Take Off Time (TTOT).</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TE</TD>
<TD width=190>Terminated</TD>
<TD>FUM status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TFDPS</TD>
<TD width=190>Tower Flight Data Processing System</TD>
<TD>Replacement for DEPCOS</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TFO</TD>
<TD width=190>Take Off from outstation</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TIBT</TD>
<TD width=190>Target In-Block Time</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TLDT</TD>
<TD width=190>Target Landing Time</TD>
<TD>Targeted Time from the Arrival management process at the threshold, taking runway sequence and constraints into account. It is not a constraint but a progressively refined planning time used to coordinate between arrival and departure management processes. Each TLDT on one runway is separated from other TLDT or TTOT to represent vortex and/ or SID separation between aircraft.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TMA</TD>
<TD width=190>Terminal Manoeuvring Area</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TMI</TD>
<TD width=190>Thirty Minutes Inbound</TD>
<TD>The time at which the DFS-AMAN delivers ARCID, ARCTYP and ELDT to the Fraport-FDPS</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TMO</TD>
<TD width=190>Ten Minutes Out</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status (ELDT ¨C 10min)</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>TOBT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Target Off-Block Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time that an Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler estimates that an aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back vehicle available and ready to start up / push back immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TOP</TD>
<TD width=190>Tow on Position</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TowerTID</TD>
<TD width=190>Tower-Touch-Input-Device</TD>
<TD>Tower system for inbound flights</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>TSAT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Target Start Up Approval Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up / push back approval<BR>Note: The actual start up approval (ASAT) can be given in advance of TSAT</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>TTDF</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Target Time over Departure Fix</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TTOF</TD>
<TD width=190>Target Time over Fix</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>TTOT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Target Take Off Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>The Target Take Off Time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus the EXOT. Each TTOT on one runway is separated from other TTOT or TLDT to represent vortex and/or SID separation between aircraft.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>TWR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Aerodrome Control Tower</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TWY</TD>
<TD width=190>Taxiway</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TXG</TD>
<TD width=190>Taxi Given</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>TXR</TD>
<TD width=190>Taxi Requested</TD>
<TD>A-CDM@FRA process status</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>TYP</TD>
<TD width=190>Aircraft Type</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>UI</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>User Interface</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90><FONT color=#000000>VDZ</FONT> </TD>
<TD width=190>Verkehrsdatenzentrale</TD>
<TD>Fraport Airport Traffic Data Center</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>VFR</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Visual Flight Rules</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>VK</TD>
<TD width=190>Vorfeldkontrolle</TD>
<TD>Fraport Apron Control</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>vs.</TD>
<TD width=190>Versus</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>VTOT</TD>
<TD width=190>Virtuelle Take Off Time</TD>
<TD>Internal system time calculated by sequencer system for TSAT gereration</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left>VTT</P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Variable Taxi Time</P></TD>
<P align=left>Common name for inbound (EXIT) and outbound (EXOT) Taxi Times.</P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>VTTC</TD>
<TD width=190>Variable Taxi Time Calculation</TD>
<TD> </TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD width=90>VZ</TD>
<TD width=190>Verkehrszentrale</TD>
<TD>Fraport Airport Traffic Center</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#cccccc>
<TD width=90>
<P align=left><FONT color=#000000>WBS</FONT> </P></TD>
<TD width=190>
<P align=left>Work Breakdown Structure</P></TD>
<P align=left> </P></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
<TD vAlign=top width=90>
<P align=left>WP</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top width=190>
<P align=left>Work Package</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>