**** Hidden Message ***** ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 1/34<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 2/34<BR>In this module we will look at an AC BUS 1 fault.<BR>Assume we are in flight, with no previous faults. Autopilot 1<BR>and autothrust are engaged.<BR>Let抯 first review the ECAM ELEC page.<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMELLEC ppaaggee..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 3/34<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ELLEC kkeeyy..<BR>In this module we will look at an AC BUS 1 fault.<BR>Assume we are in flight, with no previous faults. Autopilot 1<BR>and autothrust are engaged.<BR>Let抯 first review the ECAM ELEC page.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 4/34<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ELLEC kkeeyy..<BR>In this module we will look at an AC BUS 1 fault.<BR>Assume we are in flight, with no previous faults. Autopilot 1<BR>and autothrust are engaged.<BR>Let抯 first review the ECAM ELEC page.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 5/34<BR>As you already know, AC bus 1 is<BR>normally supplying:<BR>?AC ESS bus and<BR>?DC bus 1 which in turn feeds DC ESS<BR>bus.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 6/34<BR>IIff yyoouu lloooossee AC bbuuss 11,, tthheessee ssaamee bbuusseesswiillll bbee lloosstt..<BR>The essential buses can be recovered using the AC ESS<BR>FEED pb sw.<BR>We will demonstrate this point.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 7/34<BR>As you notice, the first consequence is that the Captain抯<BR>PFD, ND and E/WD are blank.<BR>The SOP recommend, in such a case, that the First Officer<BR>should fly the aircraft while the Captain does the ECAM action.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 8/34<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 9/34<BR>You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights<BR>on.<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning<BR>light, push on the Master Warning pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 10/34<BR>You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights<BR>on.<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning<BR>light, push on the Master Warning pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 11/34<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 12/34<BR>TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd..<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push on the Master Caution pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 13/34<BR>TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd..<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push on the Master Caution pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 14/34<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 15/34<BR>The E/WD is now displayed on the lower ECAM.<BR>You can read that the autopilot has disengaged.<BR>Let抯 deal with this, first.<BR>To continue the procedure, you have to clear this<BR>line.<BR>Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 16/34<BR>The E/WD is now displayed on the lower ECAM.<BR>You can read that the autopilot has disengaged.<BR>Let抯 deal with this, first.<BR>To continue the procedure, you have to clear this<BR>line.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 17/34<BR>The E/WD is now displayed on the lower ECAM.<BR>You can read that the autopilot has disengaged.<BR>Let抯 deal with this, first.<BR>To continue the procedure, you have to clear this<BR>line.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 18/34<BR>The line concerning the autopilot has<BR>disappeared.<BR>We can also see that the AC bus 1 fault has led<BR>to AC and DC ESS bus failures.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 19/34<BR>The first line in the procedure shows us how to<BR>recover the essential buses. You will have to<BR>switch the 揻eed?of AC ESS bus from AC bus 1 to<BR>AC bus 2.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM<BR>actions.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 20/34<BR>Notice on the ELEC panel, the FAULT light on the<BR>AC ESS FEED pb sw.<BR>PeerrffoorrmECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 21/34<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee AC ESS FFEED ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice on the ELEC panel, the FAULT light on the<BR>AC ESS FEED pb sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 22/34<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee AC ESS FFEED ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice on the ELEC panel, the FAULT light on the<BR>AC ESS FEED pb sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 23/34<BR>The Captain抯 PFD and ND are recovered after a<BR>few seconds. The E/WD is back on the upper ECAM.<BR>The ECAM ELEC page is automatically displayed<BR>on the lower ECAM.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 24/34<BR>You can see on the ECAM ELEC page that both<BR>essential buses are now recovered.<BR>For that, AC bus 2 is now supplying the AC ESS<BR>bus which in turn, via the ESS TR, supplies the DC<BR>ESS bus.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 25/34<BR>Noottiiccee tthhee nneew bbooxx ESS TTRwiitthh iittss ppaarraameetteerrss..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 26/34<BR>On the ELEC panel, the FAULT light on the AC<BR>ESS FEED pb sw has been replaced by a white<BR>ALTN light.<BR>This means that the AC ESS bus is supplied by<BR>its alternate source, AC bus 2.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 27/34<BR>Notice that DC BAT and DC 1 buses are<BR>automatically supplied by DC bus 2 after a short<BR>delay.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 28/34<BR>The other steps of the procedure have<BR>disappeared with the recovery of the essential<BR>buses.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 29/34<BR>The only bus which remains unpowered is AC<BR>bus 1.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 30/34<BR>You can see, on the right side of the E/WD, the<BR>systems which are affected by the loss of AC bus 1.<BR>Clleeaarr ELLEC..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 31/34<BR>You can see, on the right side of the E/WD, the<BR>systems which are affected by the loss of AC bus 1.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 32/34<BR>You can see, on the right side of the E/WD, the<BR>systems which are affected by the loss of AC bus 1.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Abnormal operation (B) 33/34<BR>Normally, at this point, you will start to review<BR>the ECAM pages relative to the secondary failures.<BR>Here, ECAM CAB PRESS, HYD, FUEL and F/CTL<BR>pages.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 34/34<BR>As you will see complete procedures during your<BR>simulator sessions, let抯 stop here and go to the<BR>next abnormal operation module.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Abnormal operation (B) 35/34<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AACCBBUUSS11FFAAUULLTTPPRROOCCEEDDUURREE 非正常操作 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下