**** Hidden Message ***** ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 1/41<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 2/41<BR>The A320 electrical system looks very much like<BR>electrical systems which you are familiar with. It is simply<BR>more automatic and easier to use.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 3/41<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>GEN 1<BR>TThheerree aarree ttwoo eennggiinnee ddrriivveenn ggeenneerraattoorrss..<BR>GEN 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 4/41<BR>GEN 1<BR>The generators maintain a constant speed by a drive<BR>mechanism known as an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG).<BR>GEN 2<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 5/41<BR>Each generator supplies Alternating Current (AC) to its<BR>own bus:<BR>• Generator 1 to AC bus 1,<BR>• Generator 2 to AC bus 2.<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>AC 1 AC 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 6/41<BR>AC 1 AC 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 7/41<BR>AC 1 AC 2<BR>Each AC bus supplies its own Transformer Rectifier<BR>(TR):<BR>• AC bus 1 to TR 1,<BR>• AC bus 2 to TR 2.<BR>The TR convert alternating current into direct current<BR>(DC) to supply their associated DC buses, DC 1 and DC 2.<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 8/41<BR>AC 1 AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 9/41<BR>AC 1 AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>DC bus 1 then, feeds the DC BAT bus (DC BAT).<BR>The DC battery bus can charge the batteries or receive<BR>power from the batteries, as required. This will be<BR>explained further in Normal operation.<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 10/41<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>DC ESS<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>The electrical system also includes two essential buses.<BR>The first one is the AC ESS bus fed by AC bus 1 and the<BR>second one is the DC ESS bus fed by DC bus 1.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 11/41<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>DC ESS<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>This is the basic electrical system.<BR>We will now introduce some other components which<BR>supply the basic system.<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 12/41<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>DC ESS<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>The electrical network can also be supplied by the APU<BR>generator.<BR>APU GEN<BR>APU GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 13/41<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>DC ESS<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>These three generators are all identical and any one of<BR>them can supply the entire aircraft electrical needs.<BR>APU GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 14/41<BR>DC ESS<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>On the ground, the aircraft can be supplied by an<BR>external power source.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 15/41<BR>As a backup, there is a hydraulically driven EMERgency<BR>electrical GENerator (EMER GEN).<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>DC 1 DC ESS DC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>EMER GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 16/41<BR>The hydraulic power to drive the EMER GEN is provided<BR>by a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) located in the belly fairing<BR>which extends in case of severe electrical or hydraulic<BR>failures.<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>DC 1 DC ESS DC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>EMER GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 17/41<BR>DC ESS<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>ESS TR<BR>EMER GEN<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>The electrical system is also fitted with an ESSential<BR>Transformer Rectifier (ESS TR).<BR>We will see the EMER GEN and the ESS TR in detail in<BR>the Abnormal operation module.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 18/41<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>DC ESS<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>ESS TR<BR>EMER GEN<BR>Now, let's see how this information is presented to the<BR>pilots in the cockpit.<BR>We will introduce the ECAM ELEC page.<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 19/41<BR>DC ESS<BR>AC 1 AC ESS AC 2<BR>GEN 1 GEN 2<BR>TR 1 TR 2<BR>APU GEN<BR>ESS TR<BR>EMER GEN<BR>You can see that all the components we have talked<BR>about are displayed on the ECAM page. Notice that each<BR>component has a title to aid identification.<BR>Let’s briefly review the basic system using the ECAM<BR>ELEC page.<BR>IDG 1 IDG 2<BR>DC 1 DC 2<BR>DC BAT<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 20/41<BR>GEN 11 aanndd GEN 22 ssuuppppllyyiinngg AC bbuuss 11 aanndd AC bbuuss 22..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 21/41<BR>TTR 11 aanndd TTR 22 ssuuppppllyyiinngg DC bbuuss 11 aanndd DC bbuuss 22..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 22/41<BR>TTwoo eesssseennttiiaall bbuusssseess ssuupppplliieedd bbyy tthhee lleefftt ssiiddee..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 23/41<BR>TThhee DC BATT bbuuss aanndd ttwoo bbaatttteerriieess..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 24/41<BR>For simplification the component indications have been<BR>removed, let’s now present them.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 25/41<BR>As shown, each component can be monitored via its<BR>indications.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 26/41<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 27/41<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 28/41<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 29/41<BR>•• IIDG tteemppeerraattuurree..<BR>•• ffrreeqquueennccyy ,,<BR>•• ccuurrrreenntt oorr llooaadd ffoorr tthhee ggeenneerraattoorrss,,<BR>These indications are:<BR>• voltage,<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 30/41<BR>You can also notice the different connections displayed<BR>via green lines.<BR>Let’s now locate the various controls available to the<BR>pilots and associate them with the components displayed<BR>on the ECAM.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 31/41<BR>The ELEC panel is located on<BR>the overhead panel .<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 32/41<BR>For emergency cases, there is an EMER ELEC<BR>PWR panel on the left side of the overhead panel.<BR>Now let’s look at the relationship between the<BR>ELEC panel and the ECAM ELEC page.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 33/41<BR>The battery voltage can be<BR>monitored either on the overhead<BR>panel or the ECAM page.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 34/41<BR>Eaacchh bbaatttteerryy iiss ccoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy aa ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 35/41<BR>Both main generators and the APU generator<BR>are controlled by their associated pb sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 36/41<BR>The external power is also controlled by a pb sw.<BR>We will learn how to use it in the Normal<BR>operation modules.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 37/41<BR>The AC ESS FEED pb sw enables the pilots to<BR>change the feed for the AC ESS bus from AC bus 1<BR>to AC bus 2.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 38/41<BR>The BUS TIE pb sw enables the<BR>pilots to isolate one side of the<BR>system from the other. You will<BR>see and do this in the abnormal<BR>operation modules.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>System presentation 39/41<BR>In case of failure, these pb sw enable you to<BR>disconnect an IDG from its drive shaft.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 40/41<BR>The controls and indications on the<BR>EMER ELEC PWR panel will be covered in<BR>the abnormal operation modules.<BR>There is one exception. The EMER GEN<BR>TEST sw is used by maintenance only to<BR>test the emergency generator.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 41/41<BR>In this module, you have seen the electrical<BR>configuration on ground, with both engines<BR>running and with APU generator and external<BR>power available.<BR>We will introduce you to the different possible<BR>configurations in the next modules.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU System presentation 42/41<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>SSYYSSTTEEMMIINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN<BR>EECCAAMMEELLEECCPPAAGGEE<BR>EEMMEERREELLEECCPPWWRRPPAANNEELL<BR>PPAANNEELLLLOOCCAATTIIOONNSS<BR>EELLEECCPPAANNEELL 非正常操作 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 1111111111111111111111111 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 6666666666666666666666666666 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。