航空 发表于 2011-3-14 08:55:23


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航空 发表于 2011-3-14 08:55:49

ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 1/44<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 2/44<BR>Let’s assume that we are starting with a cold<BR>aircraft for the first flight of the day.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 3/44<BR>When we enter the cockpit, one of the first<BR>items that we check is the battery voltages.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 4/44<BR>To do this, you look at the battery voltage<BR>displays on the ELEC panel.<BR>As you can see, both are below the minimum<BR>required 25.5 V. So, you will have to recharge the<BR>batteries from external power.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 5/44<BR>To charge the batteries, you have to switch<BR>them on.<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 11 oonn..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 6/44<BR>To charge the batteries, you have to switch<BR>them on.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 7/44<BR>To charge the batteries, you have to switch<BR>them on.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 8/44<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 22 oonn..<BR>Notice the OFF light has illuminated on<BR>BAT 2 pb sw because now the aircraft has<BR>electrical power to provide that indication.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 9/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice the OFF light has illuminated on<BR>BAT 2 pb sw because now the aircraft has<BR>electrical power to provide that indication.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 10/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice the OFF light has illuminated on<BR>BAT 2 pb sw because now the aircraft has<BR>electrical power to provide that indication.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 11/44<BR>Because the green AVAIL light is<BR>not lighted, meaning that you have<BR>no ground power, you have to ask<BR>the ground personnel to connect a<BR>ground cart.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 12/44<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>Because the green AVAIL light is<BR>not lighted, meaning that you have<BR>no ground power, you have to ask<BR>the ground personnel to connect a<BR>ground cart.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 13/44<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>Because the green AVAIL light is<BR>not lighted, meaning that you have<BR>no ground power, you have to ask<BR>the ground personnel to connect a<BR>ground cart.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 14/44<BR>Swiittcchh tthhee EXTT PWR ON..<BR>The ground cart is now connected.<BR>The green AVAIL light has appeared which<BR>means:<BR>• external power is plugged in,<BR>• its voltage and frequency are normal,<BR>• it is ready for use.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 15/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss oonn tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>The ground cart is now connected.<BR>The green AVAIL light has appeared which<BR>means:<BR>• external power is plugged in,<BR>• its voltage and frequency are normal,<BR>• it is ready for use.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 16/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss oonn tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>The ground cart is now connected.<BR>The green AVAIL light has appeared which<BR>means:<BR>• external power is plugged in,<BR>• its voltage and frequency are normal,<BR>• it is ready for use.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 17/44<BR>When the cyan ON light is illuminated, the<BR>ground cart is supplying the aircraft.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 18/44<BR>The ECAM ELEC page has been called for you.<BR>We can confirm that the external power is<BR>supplying normal voltage and frequency because<BR>the parameters shown on ECAM are green.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 19/44<BR>By following the green lines on the ECAM<BR>page, you can see that the external power is<BR>supplying all the electrical system.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 20/44<BR>Notice that, because the engines are not<BR>running, the indications of the associated<BR>generators are in amber, and FAULT is<BR>illuminated in amber on the GEN pb sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 21/44<BR>On the ECAM page, the<BR>battery voltage and current<BR>are shown.<BR>Because the voltage is<BR>not yet normal, the value<BR>stays in amber.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 22/44<BR>You can also<BR>see the green<BR>arrow which<BR>indicates that<BR>the DC BAT bus<BR>is charging<BR>battery 1.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 23/44<BR>Both batteries are now charging from the DC<BR>BAT bus.<BR>During this time, you can continue with your<BR>cockpit preparation…<BR>The average charging cycle is approximately<BR>20 minutes.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 24/44<BR>As you can see, both batteries have now<BR>disconnected from the DC BAT bus, there are no<BR>green lines connecting the batteries to the DC<BR>BAT bus.<BR>The battery voltages are normally checked with<BR>the batteries switched off.<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 11 ooffff..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 25/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>As you can see, both batteries have now<BR>disconnected from the DC BAT bus, there are no<BR>green lines connecting the batteries to the DC<BR>BAT bus.<BR>The battery voltages are normally checked with<BR>the batteries switched off.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 26/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>As you can see, both batteries have now<BR>disconnected from the DC BAT bus, there are no<BR>green lines connecting the batteries to the DC<BR>BAT bus.<BR>The battery voltages are normally checked with<BR>the batteries switched off.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 27/44<BR>You can check on the panel that the voltage of<BR>battery 1 is normal.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 28/44<BR>Notice the white OFF indication on the ECAM<BR>page and the OFF light illuminated in BAT 1 pb<BR>sw.<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 22 ooffff..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 29/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice the white OFF indication on the ECAM<BR>page and the OFF light illuminated in BAT 1 pb<BR>sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 30/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>Notice the white OFF indication on the ECAM<BR>page and the OFF light illuminated in BAT 1 pb<BR>sw.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 31/44<BR>As you can see, both batteries now have<BR>voltages above 25.5 v.<BR>The battery charging cycle is complete.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 32/44<BR>We need to switch the batteries back on. We<BR>will do this for you.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 33/44<BR>Both batteries are now available.<BR>It is now time to start the APU and disconnect<BR>external power.<BR>We will start the APU for you.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 34/44<BR>You can see on the ECAM<BR>page that the APU GEN<BR>parameters are now displayed.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 35/44<BR>Notice that the APU<BR>generator has not<BR>automatically taken over<BR>supplying the electrical<BR>system from the external<BR>power.<BR>This is because external<BR>power has priority over the<BR>APU unless external power<BR>is deselected.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 36/44<BR>To select the APU generator, deselect EXT<BR>PWR.<BR>Swiittcchh tthhee EXTT PWR ooffff..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 37/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss oonn tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>To select the APU generator, deselect EXT<BR>PWR.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 38/44<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>To select the APU generator, deselect EXT<BR>PWR.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 39/44<BR>A green line has<BR>appeared connecting<BR>the APU box to the<BR>system.<BR>This means that the<BR>APU generator is now<BR>supplying the aircraft.<BR>You can see that the<BR>load is 36%.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 40/44<BR>We can see that the external<BR>power is still available, however<BR>we no longer need it so it can be<BR>unplugged by the ground<BR>personnel.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 41/44<BR>We can see that the external<BR>power is still available, however<BR>we no longer need it so it can be<BR>unplugged by the ground<BR>personnel.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 42/44<BR>We can see that the external<BR>power is still available, however<BR>we no longer need it so it can be<BR>unplugged by the ground<BR>personnel.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 43/44<BR>The AVAIL light is extinguished and the<BR>external power indications on the ECAM have<BR>disappeared.<BR>The external power source is disconnected.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 44/44<BR>Let’s look for a<BR>moment at the outside of<BR>the aircraft to see the<BR>only item associated with<BR>the electrical system on<BR>the Walk Around.<BR>You should check that<BR>the external power<BR>access door is closed.<BR>You have finished the<BR>normal operation A, we<BR>will continue with normal<BR>operation B.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (A) 45/44<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>BBAATTTTEERRYYCCHHEECCKK<BR>EEXXTTEERRNNAALLPPOOWWEERR<BR>BBAATTTTEERRYYCCHHAARRGGIINNGGCCYYCCLLEE<BR>AAPPUUSSTTAARRTT

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:17:37


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 18:58:33

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tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:38:47


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