**** Hidden Message ***** ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 1/41<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 2/41<BR>We are back in the cockpit and it is time to<BR>start the engines.<BR>Usually when we start the engines the ECAM<BR>ENG page is displayed. However, for training<BR>purposes only we will keep the ECAM ELEC<BR>page displayed throughout the flight.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 3/41<BR>The electrical system is designed so that each<BR>engine generator will automatically come on line<BR>and power its respective bus.<BR>We will start engine 2 first.<BR>Clliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 22..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 4/41<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 22..<BR>The electrical system is designed so that each<BR>engine generator will automatically come on line<BR>and power its respective bus.<BR>We will start engine 2 first.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 5/41<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 22..<BR>The electrical system is designed so that each<BR>engine generator will automatically come on line<BR>and power its respective bus.<BR>We will start engine 2 first.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 6/41<BR>The engine is running. Notice the generator<BR>automatically supplies the right side of the<BR>electrical system, leaving the APU to power the<BR>left side.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 7/41<BR>Notice also that the FAULT light on the GEN 2<BR>pb sw has disappeared.<BR>Once engine 1 has started ...<BR>Clliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 11..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 8/41<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 11..<BR>Notice also that the FAULT light on the GEN 2<BR>pb sw has disappeared.<BR>Once engine 1 has started ...<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 9/41<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eennggiinnee 11..<BR>Notice also that the FAULT light on the GEN 2<BR>pb sw has disappeared.<BR>Once engine 1 has started ...<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 10/41<BR>Engine 1 generator takes over from the APU<BR>to supply the left hand side of the system.<BR>The FAULT light on the GEN 1 pb sw has<BR>also disappeared.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 11/41<BR>The APU is no longer connected to the<BR>system and the APU generator is now showing<BR>0 percent load.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 12/41<BR>Once both engines are running the<BR>APU can be switched off.<BR>Swiittcchh ooffff tthhee APU..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 13/41<BR>Once both engines are running the<BR>APU can be switched off.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee APUMASTTER ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 14/41<BR>Once both engines are running the<BR>APU can be switched off.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee APUMASTTER ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 15/41<BR>The electrical system is now in the normal<BR>configuration for taxi, take-off and landing.<BR>In a normal flight no further change occurs to<BR>the electrical configuration until the APU start<BR>on taxiing in.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 16/41<BR>We have just landed and are taxiing<BR>to the gate.<BR>We will start the APU for you.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 17/41<BR>The APU is now available<BR>and is standing by to take over<BR>from the engine driven<BR>generators when the engines<BR>are shut down.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 18/41<BR>Bootthh eennggiinneess ccaann nnoow bbee sshhuuttddoownn..<BR>Click on<BR>either<BR>engine.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 19/41<BR>Bootthh eennggiinneess ccaann nnoow bbee sshhuuttddoownn..<BR>No, click<BR>on either<BR>engine.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 20/41<BR>Bootthh eennggiinneess ccaann nnoow bbee sshhuuttddoownn..<BR>No, click<BR>on either<BR>engine.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 21/41<BR>Both engines are stopped.<BR>The APU generator is back on line and has<BR>automatically taken over supplying the entire<BR>electrical system.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 22/41<BR>For training purposes, we will<BR>assume that the aircraft is to be<BR>completely shutdown.<BR>So you have to request an<BR>external power source.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 23/41<BR>For training purposes, we will<BR>assume that the aircraft is to be<BR>completely shutdown.<BR>So you have to request an<BR>external power source.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 24/41<BR>For training purposes, we will<BR>assume that the aircraft is to be<BR>completely shutdown.<BR>So you have to request an<BR>external power source.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthheemeecchhaanniicc..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 25/41<BR>The AVAIL light on the panel and the<BR>external power indications on the ECAM have<BR>appeared indicating that the external power<BR>source is plugged in and available.<BR>Seelleecctt EXTT PWR ON..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 26/41<BR>The AVAIL light on the panel and the<BR>external power indications on the ECAM have<BR>appeared indicating that the external power<BR>source is plugged in and available.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 27/41<BR>The AVAIL light on the panel and the<BR>external power indications on the ECAM have<BR>appeared indicating that the external power<BR>source is plugged in and available.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 28/41<BR>The ON light is illuminated in the<BR>EXT PWR pb sw and the green lines to<BR>AC bus 1 and 2 indicate that external<BR>power has taken over from the APU.<BR>We can now shut down the APU.<BR>Shhuutt ddoownn tthhee APU..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 29/41<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee APUMASTTER ppbb ssw..<BR>The ON light is illuminated in the<BR>EXT PWR pb sw and the green lines to<BR>AC bus 1 and 2 indicate that external<BR>power has taken over from the APU.<BR>We can now shut down the APU.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 30/41<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee APUMASTTER ppbb ssw..<BR>The ON light is illuminated in the<BR>EXT PWR pb sw and the green lines to<BR>AC bus 1 and 2 indicate that external<BR>power has taken over from the APU.<BR>We can now shut down the APU.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 31/41<BR>TThhee eexxtteerrnnaall ppooweerr ccaann nnoow bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..<BR>Swiittcchh tthhee EXTT PWR ooffff..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 32/41<BR>TThhee eexxtteerrnnaall ppooweerr ccaann nnoow bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 33/41<BR>TThhee eexxtteerrnnaall ppooweerr ccaann nnoow bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 34/41<BR>When all the main power sources are<BR>disconnected, the CRT screens become<BR>blank.<BR>To shut down the entire electrical<BR>system we must switch off the batteries.<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 11 ooffff..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 35/41<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>When all the main power sources are<BR>disconnected, the CRT screens become<BR>blank.<BR>To shut down the entire electrical<BR>system we must switch off the batteries.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 36/41<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 11 ppbb ssw..<BR>When all the main power sources are<BR>disconnected, the CRT screens become<BR>blank.<BR>To shut down the entire electrical<BR>system we must switch off the batteries.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 37/41<BR>Swiittcchh BATT 22 ooffff..<BR>Noow sswiittcchh ooffff BATT 22<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 38/41<BR>Noow sswiittcchh ooffff BATT 22<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 39/41<BR>Noow sswiittcchh ooffff BATT 22<BR>Noo,, pprreessss BATT 22 ppbb ssw..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 40/41<BR>All lights on the overhead panel have<BR>disappeared except the AVAIL light which is<BR>receiving power from the external cart.<BR>The battery voltage indications are LCDs and<BR>are wired directly to the batteries so that they<BR>are always displayed.<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 41/41<BR>The aircraft is now considered to be<BR>electrically shutdown.<BR>This completes the normal operation<BR>modules.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Normal operation (B) 42/41<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EENNGGIINNEESSTTAARRTT<BR>EELLEECCTTRRIICCAALLSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN 非正常操作 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。