**** Hidden Message ***** ELECTRICAL MENU Summary 1/35<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 2/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 3/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>This is accompanied by the<BR>box title displayed in amber :<BR>•• A ppaarraameetteerr bbeeccoomeess aambbeerrwhheenn iittss vvaalluuee iiss oouutt ooff rraannggee::<BR>•• Whheenn aa ppaarraameetteerr iiss iinn iittss nnoorrmaall vvaalluuee rraannggee,, iitt iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd iinn ggrreeeenn::<BR>For the following components BAT, TR, GEN, APU GEN, STAT INV and EXT PWR, a general rule can be<BR>applied:<BR>whhiillee tthhee bbooxx<BR>122 V<BR>•• Allll tthhee uunniittss aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd iinn ccyyaann:: %<BR>400 HZ<BR>ttiittllee iiss iinn whhiittee:: EXT PWR<BR>TR 1<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 4/35<BR>The external power<BR>indications consist of:<BR>Not displayed<BR>when not<BR>available.<BR>Box displayed<BR>when available.<BR>For the parameters and<BR>the box title, see the<BR>general rule.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 5/35<BR>When switched<BR>OFF.<BR>When W<BR>hen switched<BR>ON.<BR>For the parameters and the<BR>box title, see the general rule.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 6/35<BR>Normally<BR>supplied.<BR>For the parameters and the<BR>box title, see the general rule.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 7/35<BR>GEN in amber when<BR>switched OFF.<BR>For the parameters and the<BR>“GEN” indication, see the<BR>general rule.<BR>“1” or “2” indication<BR>in amber when relative<BR>engine not running.<BR>Engine running and<BR>parameters in normal<BR>range.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>GENERAL RULE<BR>GEN 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>TR 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>EXT PWR INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 8/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>APU GEN INDICATION<BR>CONNECTION LINES<BR>BUS BAR INDICATION<BR>BATTERY CONNECTION LINES<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 9/35<BR>Ambbeerr ““APU GEN””aanndd whhiittee OFFSFFeelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>•• APUMASTTER ppbb ssw aatt OFFFF::<BR>White “APU GEN”<BR>indication whatever the APU<BR>GEN pb sw position.<BR>•• APUMASTTER ppbb ssw aatt ON::<BR>-- APU GEN ppbb ssw aatt OFFFF::<BR>-- APU GEN ppbb ssw aatt ON::<BR>Paarraameetteerrss iinn nnoorrmaall rraannggee..<BR>FFoorr tthhee ppaarraameetteerrss,, sseeee tthhee ggeenneerraall rruullee..<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>APU GEN INDICATION<BR>CONNECTION LINES<BR>BATTERY CONNECTION LINES<BR>BUS BAR INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 10/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>Green line when<BR>two components are<BR>connected.<BR>Otherwise, not<BR>displayed.<BR>CONNECTION LINES<BR>APU GEN INDICATION<BR>BATTERY CONNECTION LINES<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>BUS BAR INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 11/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>BUS BAR INDICATION<BR>APU GEN INDICATION<BR>CONNECTION LINES<BR>BATTERY CONNECTION LINES<BR>Noorrmaallllyy ddiissppllaayyeedd iinn ggrreeeenn..<BR>An amber “SHED”<BR>indication appears when AC<BR>or DC SHED ESS BUS is off.<BR>IInn aambbeerrwhheenn nnoott ssuupppplliieedd..<BR>Note: DC BAT in amber when<BR>voltage < 25 V.<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 12/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>In green when the<BR>battery is connected.<BR>Chhaarrggiinngg ccuurrrreenntt >> 11 A..<BR>Diisscchhaarrggee ccuurrrreenntt >> 11 A..<BR>Otthheerrwiissee,, nnoott ddiissppllaayyeedd..<BR>BATTERY CONNECTION LINES<BR>APU GEN INDICATION<BR>CONNECTION LINES<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>BUS BAR INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 13/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 14/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>In white if<BR>GALLEY pb sw at<BR>OFF or if galleys are<BR>shed.<BR>Not displayed in<BR>normal configuration.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 15/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>When in use,<BR>same logic as for<BR>the TR 1 and 2<BR>indications<BR>Parameters not<BR>displayed in normal<BR>configuration.<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 16/35<BR>Appear only<BR>during static<BR>inverter test<BR>Not displayed<BR>in normal<BR>configuration.<BR>For the parameters, see<BR>the general rule.<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 17/35<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>Whheenn iinn uussee..<BR>Parameters<BR>not displayed in<BR>normal<BR>configuration.<BR>For the parameters and<BR>the box title, see the<BR>general rule.<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 18/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>GALLEY SHED INDICATION<BR>ESS TR INDICATION<BR>Engine running and<BR>parameters in normal range.<BR>• “ 1” or “2” indication in<BR>amber when relative engine not<BR>running, otherwise white.<BR>• “IDG” in amber if<BR>- Oil outlet temp. > 185 ºC,<BR>- Oil low press,<BR>- IDG disconnected.<BR>Appears when IDG<BR>disconnected.<BR>Appears when IDG low<BR>pressure and relative engine<BR>running.<BR>Oil outlet temperature:<BR>- normally green,<BR>- Advisory between<BR>147 ºC and 185 ºC<BR>- Amber if > 184 ºC.<BR>IDG INDICATION<BR>STATIC INVERTER INDICATION<BR>EMER GEN INDICATION<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 19/35<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>BAT 1 and 2 pb sw<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 20/35<BR>BAT 1 and 2 pb sw<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>Each battery voltage<BR>is indicated in white.<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 21/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>BAT 1 and 2 INDICATION<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 11))<BR>Eaacchh BATT ppbb ssw ccoonnttrroollss iittss aassssoocciiaatteedd bbaatttteerryy..<BR>When the charging current increases at an<BR>abnormal rate.<BR>The associated BCL automatically controls the<BR>connection/disconnection of the corresponding<BR>battery.<BR>TThhee bbaatttteerryy iiss OFFFF..<BR>BAT 1 and 2 pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 22/35<BR>GEN 1 and 2, APU pb sw<BR>EXT PWR pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 23/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>TThhee GEN ppbb ssw ccoonnttrroollss tthhee aassssoocciiaatteedd ggeenneerraattoorrss..<BR>TThhee aassssoocciiaatteedd ggeenneerraattoorr iiss ffaauullttyy..<BR>TThhee aassssoocciiaatteedd ggeenneerraattoorr iiss OFFFF..<BR>The associated generator is managed by the<BR>system.<BR>GEN 1 and 2, APU pb sw<BR>EXT PWR pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 24/35<BR>GEN 1 and 2, APU pb sw<BR>The EXT PWR pb sw controls the<BR>external power source.<BR>No external power is<BR>connected or the<BR>parameters are out of the<BR>normal range.<BR>External power is<BR>connected and available.<BR>The parameters are in<BR>the normal range.<BR>External power is<BR>supplying the electrical<BR>system.<BR>EXT PWR pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 22))<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 25/35<BR>IDG 1 and 2 guarded pb sw<BR>GALLEY pb sw<BR>BUS TIE pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 33)) AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 26/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>TThhee GALLLLEY ppbb ssw ccoonnttrroollss tthhee ggaalllleeyy ssuuppppllyy..<BR>The load of any generator is<BR>above 100% of rated output.<BR>TThhee ggaalllleeyy ssuuppppllyy iiss OFFFF..<BR>TThhee ggaalllleeyy ssuuppppllyy iissmaannaaggeedd bbyy tthhee ssyysstteem..<BR>GALLEY pb sw<BR>BUS TIE pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 33)) AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>IDG 1 and 2 guarded pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 27/35<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>The IDG guarded pb sw enable the crew to disconnect<BR>one IDG from its drive shaft.<BR>The FAULT light comes on in case of<BR>IDG oil overheat or IDG oil low pressure.<BR>The associated IDG is connected to its<BR>drive shaft.<BR>IDG 1 and 2 guarded pb sw<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>GALLEY pb sw<BR>BUS TIE pb sw AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 28/35<BR>The BUS TIE pb sw enable the<BR>crew to isolate one side of the<BR>system from the other.<BR>Bootthh ssiiddeess aarree iissoollaatteedd..<BR>The system automatically<BR>manages the different power<BR>sources.<BR>BUS TIE pb sw EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 33))<BR>GALLEY pb sw<BR>AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>IDG 1 and 2 guarded pb sw<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 29/35<BR>The AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>enables the crew to switch<BR>the supply of AC ESS BUS<BR>from AC BUS 1 to AC BUS 2.<BR>AC ESS BUS is<BR>supplied from AC<BR>BUS 2.<BR>AC ESS BUS is<BR>supplied from AC<BR>BUS 1.<BR>When AC ESS<BR>BUS is not supplied.<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell ((ppaarrtt 33)) AC ESS FEED pb sw<BR>GALLEY pb sw<BR>IDG 1 and 2 guarded pb sw<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>BUS TIE pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 30/35<BR>EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>RAT & EMER GEN light<BR>EMER GEN TEST guarded pb sw MAN ON guarded pb sw<BR>GEN 1 LINE pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 31/35<BR>In AUTO position, the RAT is<BR>automatically extended by the<BR>system in case of emergency<BR>electrical supply conditions.<BR>When pressed, the RAT<BR>extension is manually selected<BR>the emergency generator is<BR>coupled to the circuit if the gear<BR>is up.<BR>EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>MAN ON guarded pb sw<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>RAT & EMER GEN light<BR>EMER GEN TEST guarded pb sw<BR>GEN 1 LINE pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 32/35<BR>EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>Illuminates red<BR>in case of<BR>emergency<BR>generator<BR>malfunction.<BR>RAT & EMER GEN light<BR>EMER GEN TEST guarded pb sw MAN ON guarded pb sw<BR>GEN 1 LINE pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 33/35<BR>EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>The EMER GEN TEST<BR>guarded pushbutton is<BR>mainly operated by<BR>maintenance crew to test<BR>the emergency generator.<BR>RAT & EMER GEN light<BR>EMER GEN TEST guarded pb sw MAN ON guarded pb sw<BR>GEN 1 LINE pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU<BR>Summary 34/35<BR>The GEN 1 LINE<BR>pushbutton illuminates<BR>when smoke is detected<BR>in the avionics bay.<BR>OFF position:<BR>Enable the crew to<BR>isolate generator 1<BR>during smoke drill.<BR>GEN 1 LINE pb sw EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>RAT & EMER GEN light<BR>EMER GEN TEST guarded pb sw MAN ON guarded pb sw<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Summary 35/35<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>EECCAAMEELLEECCppaaggee<BR>NEXT<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell<BR>You have reviewed all the electrical<BR>indications and controls.<BR>Have some fun with the quiz !<BR>EEMEERREELLEECCPPWRRppaanneell<BR>ELECTRICAL MENU Summary 36/35<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EECCAAMMEELLEECCppaaggee((ppaarrtt11))<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell((ppaarrtt11))<BR>RREEVVIIEEWW<BR>EECCAAMMEELLEECCppaaggee((ppaarrtt22))<BR>EECCAAMMEELLEECCppaaggee((ppaarrtt33))<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell((ppaarrtt22))<BR>EELLEECCppaanneell((ppaarrtt33))<BR>EEMMEERREELLEECCPPWWRRppaanneell rfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfsd 非正常操作 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。