航空 发表于 2011-3-15 08:43:35


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航空 发表于 2011-3-15 08:43:44

AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>1/26<BR>This course is common for A319, A320,<BR>and A321 because all three of the aircraft<BR>have the same type rating. We will use the<BR>A320 as the generic term and occasionally<BR>refer to the other two when appropriate.<BR>In this presentation, you will see a basic<BR>description of the A320 family with all the<BR>controls in the cockpit.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>2/26<BR>The A320 family is the most advanced<BR>family of single-aisle aircraft in service<BR>today, with fly-by-wire flight controls.<BR>The A319, A320, A321 are twin engine<BR>subsonic medium range aircraft.<BR>The family offers a choice of two<BR>powerplants, International Aero Engines<BR>and CFM International.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 3/26<BR>With a Maximum Take-Off Weight of 73.5 T, the range of<BR>the A320 is 2900 NM, as shown above.<BR>- For the A319, with an MTOW of 64 T, it is 3000 NM.<BR>- For the A321, with an MTOW of 83 T, it is 2700 NM.<BR>RANGEEA332200<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>4/26<BR>The cabin is equipped with a maximum of :<BR>• 145 seats for the A319,<BR>• 180 seats for the A320, and<BR>• 220 seats for the A321.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>5/26<BR>3377..5577mm<BR>33..9955mm<BR>1111..7766mm<BR>1122..4455mm<BR>3344..11mm<BR>Let's look at the main dimensions for the<BR>A320.<BR>The A319 and A321 have exactly the same<BR>dimensions except that :<BR>• the A319 is approximately 4 m shorter,<BR>• the A321 is approximately 7 m longer.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 6/26<BR>MAIN GEAR<BR>BAY<BR>AIR COND.<BR>PACKS<BR>NOSE GEAR<BR>BAY<BR>RRAADDOOMMEE<BR>TTAAIILLCCOONNEE<BR>The following areas are unpressurized :<BR>• the tail cone,<BR>•• tthheemaaiinn ggeeaarr bbaayy,,<BR>•• tthhee aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinngg ppaacckkss,,<BR>•• aanndd tthhee rraaddoomee..<BR>•• tthhee nnoossee ggeeaarr bbaayy,,<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>7/26<BR>HHFF11//22<BR>VVHHFF22<BR>VVHHFF33<BR>VVHHFF11<BR>Let's briefly familiarize ourselves with the<BR>location of the communication antennas :<BR>• VHF 1,<BR>•• VHFF 22,,<BR>•• VHFF 33,,<BR>•• aanndd HFF 11 // 22..<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>8/26<BR>VVOORR11//22<BR>RRAADDAARR<BR>GLIDE<BR>SLOPE<BR>LLOOCCAALLIIZZEERR<BR>DDMMEE11<BR>AATTCC<BR>DDMMEE22<BR>MMAARRKKEERR<BR>TTCCAASS<BR>RADIO<BR>ALTIMETER<BR>TTCCAASS AADDFF22<BR>AADDFF11<BR>GGPPSS22<BR>GGPPSS11<BR>ATC<BR>MODE S<BR>Let's now have an overview of the location of the<BR>navigation antennas :<BR>-- Raaddaarr<BR>-- LLooccaalliizzeerr aanndd gglliiddee ssllooppee<BR>-- DME 11 aanndd 22<BR>-- ATTC<BR>-- GPS 11 aanndd 22<BR>--Maarrkkeerr<BR>-- TTCAS<BR>-- ADFF 11 aanndd 22<BR>-- Raaddiioo aallttiimeetteerr<BR>-- VOR 11 aanndd 22..<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 9/26<BR>A319<BR>2200..55mm<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 10/26<BR>A319 A320<BR>2200..55mm 2233mm<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 11/26<BR>A319 A320 A321<BR>The minimum pavement width for a 180&ordm; turn is :<BR>- 20.5 meters for the A319,<BR>- 23 meters for the A320,<BR>- and 27 meters for the A321.<BR>2200..55mm 2233mm<BR>2277mm<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 12/26<BR>For the A319 and A320, if the wing clears<BR>the obstacle, then the tail will also clear it as it<BR>is inside the radius of the wing.<BR>CC<BR>A319 - A320<BR>HANGAR<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 13/26<BR>FFoorr tthhee A332211,, tthhee ttaaiill iiss tthhee ccoonnssttrraaiinntt..<BR>A321<BR>CC<BR>HANGAR<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>14/26<BR>• and an aft cargo compartment.<BR>The size of the fuselage accommodates standard containers.<BR>There are two cargo compartments :<BR>• a forward cargo compartment,<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>15/26<BR>The cockpit is designed for a two member crew<BR>operation with one or two observer seats.<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITT<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 16/26<BR>The cockpit of the A320, a two-man “glass”<BR>cockpit, is the most advanced cockpit of any<BR>civil airliner.<BR>It has an optimized layout of six CRT display<BR>units. The absence of control columns between<BR>the pilots and instruments ensures excellent<BR>visibility of all instruments.<BR>The system controls are located on an overhead<BR>panel in such a way that both crew members can<BR>monitor them.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 17/26<BR>The pilots seats are electrically or<BR>manually adjustable.<BR>All the seat adjustments will be<BR>presented during the simulator<BR>session.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU<BR>18/26<BR>Click on each area defined by the<BR>yellow border or click on the forward<BR>arrow to sequence the five elements.<BR>OOVVEERRHHEEAADDPPAANNEELL<BR>GGLLAARREESSHHIIEELLDD<BR>INSTRUMENTS<BR>PANEL<BR>PPEEDDEESSTTAALL<BR>SIDE<BR>STICK<BR>SIDE<BR>STICK<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 19/26<BR>The overhead panel is used :<BR>- during the preflight to<BR>check that all the lights are out<BR>(dark cockpit philosophy),<BR>- and in flight to carry out<BR>emergency or abnormal<BR>procedures.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 20/26<BR>The central part of the<BR>overhead panel is dedicated<BR>to aircraft systems such as :<BR>- AIR COND,<BR>- ELECTRICAL,<BR>- FUEL,<BR>- HYDRAULIC,<BR>- and FIRE.<BR>Note : the most frequently<BR>used controls are located on the<BR>bottom part.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 21/26<BR>For a closer look, let’s<BR>take the FUEL panel.<BR>On the left and right<BR>side is the system name.<BR>For each system there<BR>is a schematic diagram.<BR>Notice all pb sw are in<BR>lights out configuration.<BR>Click on the back<BR>arrow to return to the<BR>cockpit, or on the<BR>forward arrow to<BR>continue.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 22/26<BR>Click on the back arrow to return<BR>to the cockpit, or on the forward<BR>arrow to continue.<BR>The glareshield is used by the pilots<BR>for flight guidance and short term flight<BR>management.<BR>It is also used to control the electronic<BR>flight instruments.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 23/26<BR>Click on the back arrow to return to<BR>the cockpit, or on the forward arrow to<BR>continue.<BR>The instruments panel provides the following<BR>information to the pilots :<BR>- Flight information through the Electronic Flight<BR>Instrument System (EFIS) and standby instruments,<BR>- System information through Electronic<BR>Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM).<BR>STANDBY<BR>EEFFIISS INSTRUMENTS<BR>EEFFIISS<BR>EECCAAMM<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 24/26<BR>The pedestal includes the controls<BR>which are usually found in conventional<BR>aircraft :<BR>- Radio communication,<BR>- Flaps, speed brakes,<BR>- Engine controls,…<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 25/26<BR>Click on the back arrow to<BR>return to the cockpit, or on the<BR>forward arrow to continue.<BR>It also includes :<BR>- the ECAM Control Panel<BR>- the Multipurpose Control Display<BR>Units (MCDU) which are the long term<BR>interface with the Flight Management and<BR>Guidance System.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 26/26 EXIT<BR>Click on the back arrow to<BR>return to the cockpit, or on<BR>the EXIT button.<BR>The aircraft is flown manually<BR>using either side stick.<BR>They are located on the left and<BR>right sides of the cockpit.<BR>AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 27/26<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>DDIIMMEENNSSIIOONNSS<BR>UUNNPPRREESSSSUURRIIZZEEDDAARREEAASS<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITT<BR>AANNTTEENNNNAASS<BR>GGRROOUUNNDDMMAANNEEUUVVEERRCCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGEENNEERRAALL

show616 发表于 2011-3-15 12:26:18


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:15:26


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 19:00:30

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tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:39:42


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