**** Hidden Message ***** AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 1/21<BR>Objectives : 379,385,376,378,223,28,386,377,383<BR>Version : 01<BR>Ref. : XXX<BR>A/C MSN :<BR>Creation : 13/01/97<BR>Developer : TW<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 2/21<BR>This is a demonstration of a pack one overheat in-flight.<BR>You are the PNF. You are currently flying at your cruise<BR>flight level, everything is normal.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 3/21<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 4/21<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 5/21<BR>Let’s look at the fault indications;<BR>• A fault message and associated checklist on the E/WD.<BR>• the ECAM BLEED page has been automatically called<BR>to show amber indications<BR>• a FAULT light has illuminated on the Air Conditioning<BR>Control Panel.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 6/21<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 7/21<BR>Before you begin, notice that the pack flow control valve<BR>has closed. This occurred automatically when the<BR>overheat was detected to protect the pack from damage.<BR>The valve color indication is amber because the valve<BR>position disagrees with the switch position.<BR>The compressor outlet temperature is also amber because<BR>the temperature limit has been exceeded.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 8/21<BR>Notice also that since the pack valve has closed the<BR>supply line from the pack to the mixer unit has turned<BR>amber. This happens because there is no air flow from<BR>the pack to the mixing unit.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 9/21<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>You, as PNF Read and Perform the ECAM Actions<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 10/21<BR>The first step on ECAM directs you to turn off PACK1.<BR>This is to match pack switch and pack valve position<BR>and prepare to reset the pack.<BR>Note that the fault light on the Pack pushbutton switch<BR>is illuminated to help you locate it and to indicate the<BR>overheat condition.<BR>Switch off PACK 1.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 11/21<BR>The first step on ECAM directs you to turn off PACK1.<BR>This is to match pack switch and pack valve position<BR>and prepare to reset the pack.<BR>Note that the fault light on the Pack pushbutton switch<BR>is illuminated to help you locate it and to indicate the<BR>overheat condition.<BR>No. Switch off PACK 1.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 12/21<BR>The first step on ECAM directs you to turn off PACK1.<BR>This is to match pack switch and pack valve position<BR>and prepare to reset the pack.<BR>Note that the fault light on the Pack pushbutton switch<BR>is illuminated to help you locate it and to indicate the<BR>overheat condition.<BR>No. To switch off Pack 1 press PACK 1 pb sw.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 13/21<BR>When pack one is turned off, an OFF light illuminates in<BR>the switch and the pack valve indication turns green<BR>showing valve /switch agreement.<BR>Notice that the FAULT light is still on.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 14/21<BR>The completed procedural step disappears from the E/WD.<BR>Let’s move on to the next step of the procedure, which has<BR>two parts.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 15/21<BR>The first part, a condition line, is not an action but<BR>analysis. We are to determine if the pack overheat is<BR>out.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 16/21<BR>The fault light in the switch is extinguished, and the<BR>compressor outlet temperature indication is green; so<BR>we can conclude that the overheat is out.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 17/21<BR>Therefore, accomplish the next ECAM action by turning<BR>Pack 1 back on.<BR>Switch ON PACK 1.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 18/21<BR>Therefore, accomplish the next ECAM action by turning<BR>Pack 1 back on.<BR>No. To switch on PACK 1 press on the PACK 1 pb sw.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 19/21<BR>Therefore, accomplish the next ECAM action by turning<BR>Pack 1 back on.<BR>No. To switch on PACK 1 press on the PACK 1 pb sw.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 20/21<BR>When the pack switch is turned back on;<BR>• the off light is extinguished,<BR>• normal memos replace the failure message on the<BR>E/WD, because the failure condition no longer exists,<BR>• and the CRUISE page returns to the System Display.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(A) 21/21<BR>You have now completed the ECAM actions.<BR>The pack overheat condition has gone and the pack is<BR>reset.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(A) 22/21<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>PPAACCKK11OOVVEERRHHEEAATT<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN 非正常操作 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。