航空 发表于 2011-3-16 07:52:50


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航空 发表于 2011-3-16 07:53:03

AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 1/23<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 2/23<BR>This is an example of an abnormal procedure. We will<BR>use a Trim Air System Fault to illustrate these<BR>procedures. You are in cruise and all the systems are<BR>functioning normally. You are the PNF<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 3/23<BR>When the ECAM system detects a failure, the<BR>appropriate alerts are generated, and the system<BR>screen called up.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 4/23<BR>Because this is only a crew awareness, neither the<BR>Master Caution nor the Master Warning Lights<BR>illuminate.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 5/23<BR>You are the PNF and you have the task of performing<BR>the ECAM Actions.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 6/23<BR>The failure message is read “Conditioning. Trim Air<BR>System Fault”<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 7/23<BR>The ECAM procedures are now followed. In the case<BR>of a Trim Air System Fault, there is no action required<BR>by the crew.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 8/23<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>Clear ECAM.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 9/23<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 10/23<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 11/23<BR>Because this was just a crew awareness and no action<BR>was required by the crew, no STATUS page is displayed.<BR>The CRUISE page is now displayed and the CLEAR lights<BR>are out. The ECAM procedure for a trim air fault is<BR>complete.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 12/23<BR>Now, let’s look at some other Abnormal indications<BR>associated with the Air Conditioning system.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 13/23<BR>Should an ECAM or QRH procedure require the use of<BR>the RAM AIR switch it is operated by lifting the<BR>guarded flap and pushing the switch.<BR>Select the RAM AIR switch.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 14/23<BR>Should an ECAM or QRH procedure require the use of<BR>the RAM AIR switch it is operated by lifting the<BR>guarded flap and pushing the switch.<BR>No. Lift the guard and press the RAM AIR sw.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 15/23<BR>Should an ECAM or QRH procedure require the use of<BR>the RAM AIR switch it is operated by lifting the<BR>guarded flap and pushing the switch.<BR>No. Lift the guard and press the RAM AIR sw.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 16/23<BR>An ON light illuminates in the switch, the valve will<BR>open and the indication on the ECAM BLEED page will<BR>change to show this.<BR>Note that ECAM procedures normally call for the aircraft to<BR>be below FL100/Minimum En-route Altitude before<BR>operating the RAM Air valve, since the aircraft will<BR>depressurise.<BR>Let’s look at another abnormal indication.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 17/23<BR>The HOT AIR FAULT light illuminates amber when a<BR>duct overheat is detected. If this occurs the hot air<BR>pressure regulating valve and the trim air valves<BR>automatically close.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 18/23<BR>If a fault in a cabin re-circulation fan is detected the<BR>Cabin FAN indication is displayed in amber.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 19/23<BR>Zone Control<BR>Computer<BR>The Zone Control Computer, with two channels,<BR>normally operates without any indications to the pilots.<BR>However, should a fault occur there are back up modes<BR>of operation with associated indications.<BR>CHANNEL<BR>1<BR>CHANNEL<BR>2<BR>Zone Control<BR>Computer<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 20/23<BR>In the first case, should a primary channel failure<BR>occur the secondary channel takes over, and<BR>optimized temperature regulation is lost. An ALTN<BR>MODE message appears and the HOT AIR and TRIM<BR>AIR valves close.<BR>CHANNEL<BR>1<BR>CHANNEL<BR>2<BR>Zone Control<BR>Computer<BR>INOP<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 21/23<BR>On the STATUS page you are advised that the Cabin<BR>zone is at a fixed temperature.<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 22/23<BR>In the second case if a dual channel failure occurs<BR>there is no zone temperature regulation.<BR>The packs deliver a fixed temperature and the message<BR>PACK REG appears on the ECAM COND page.<BR>Notice also that there are no indications of zone or<BR>duct temperature.<BR>CHANNEL<BR>1<BR>CHANNEL<BR>2<BR>Zone Control<BR>Computer<BR>INOP<BR>INOP<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation(B) 23/23 NEXT<BR>On the STATUS page you are advised that the packs<BR>are delivering air at a fixed temperature.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AIR CONDITIONING MENU Abnormal Operation(B) 24/23<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>TTRRIIMMAAIIRRVVAALLVVEEFFAAUULLTT<BR>OOTTHHEERRFFAAIILLUURREEIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:14:27


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 19:01:05

谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主

songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 19:01:16

谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:40:08


diguo 发表于 2017-3-13 11:08:50

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