**** Hidden Message ***** VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 1/17<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 2/17<BR>This is a demonstration of an EXTRACT valve fault.<BR>You are the PNF. You are currently flying at your cruise<BR>flight level, everything is normal.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 3/17<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 4/17<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 5/17<BR>Let’s look at the fault indications;<BR>• A fault message and associated checklist on the E/WD.<BR>• the ECAM CAB PRESS page has been automatically<BR>called to show amber indications<BR>• a FAULT light has illuminated on the VENTILATION panel<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 6/17<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>Before commencing the ECAM actions, let’s look at the<BR>CAB PRESS page indications first.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 7/17<BR>In this example VENT and EXTRACT messages are shown<BR>in amber telling you that there is a problem with the extract<BR>system.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>You, as PNF Read and Perform the ECAM Actions.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 8/17<BR>The ECAM procedure is now followed. In the case of a<BR>VENTILATION EXTRACT FAULT, the procedure is to push<BR>the EXTRACT switch, located on the VENTILATION panel,<BR>to select OVERRIDE.<BR>Select the EXTRACT sw to OVRD.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 9/17<BR>When you switch to OVERRIDE;<BR>• an OVRD light illuminates in the switch,<BR>• the FAULT light extinguishes,<BR>• the blue action line on ECAM disappears.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 10/17<BR>There are no changes to the indications on the system<BR>display but by pushing the EXTRACT switch to<BR>OVERRIDE the ventilation system has been<BR>reconfigured to ensure adequate ventilation of the<BR>avionics system.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 11/17<BR>Having first agreed with the other pilot that it is OK to do<BR>so, the next action is to push a Clear Key on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel.<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>Clear CAB PRESS.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 12/17<BR>Having first agreed with the other pilot that it is OK to do<BR>so, the next action is to push a Clear Key on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel.<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>No. Clear CAB PRESS.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 13/17<BR>Having first agreed with the other pilot that it is OK to do<BR>so, the next action is to push a Clear Key on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel.<BR>The next step in this example, after checking with the<BR>other pilot, is to clear ECAM.<BR>No. To clear CAB PRESS press either CLR key.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (A) 14/17<BR>The Status page is now displayed and the E/WD returns<BR>to a normal display.<BR>The inoperative system is ventilation extraction.<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear STATUS. Clear STATUS<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 15/17<BR>The Status page is now displayed and the E/WD returns<BR>to a normal display.<BR>The inoperative system is ventilation extraction.<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear STATUS.<BR>No. Press the STS key or either CLR key.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 16/17<BR>The Status page is now displayed and the E/WD returns<BR>to a normal display.<BR>The inoperative system is ventilation extraction.<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear STATUS.<BR>No. Press the STS key or either CLR key.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 17/17<BR>The STATUS page is replaced with the CRUISE page.<BR>Notice that there is a STS reminder at the bottom of the<BR>E/WD to remind you that there is something in the<BR>STATUS page.<BR>This completes the ECAM procedure for a VENT<BR>EXTRACT FAULT.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (A) 18/17<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EEXXTTRRAACCTTVVAALLVVEEFFAAUULLTT<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN 非正常操作 谢谢分享 好东西拿去学习了 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。