**** Hidden Message ***** VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 1/10<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 2/10<BR>In this module we will look at some other abnormal<BR>indications associated with the Ventilation system.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 3/10<BR>The FAULT lights on either the BLOWER or the EXTRACT<BR>switches illuminate for;<BR>• low pressure,<BR>• computer problems<BR>• or as a smoke warning.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 4/10<BR>In addition, the BLOWER FAULT light illuminates as a<BR>warning of a duct overheat.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 5/10<BR>These abnormal cases will also be reflected on the ECAM<BR>CAB PRESS page depending on the circumstances.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 6/10<BR>In the example shown both the INLET and EXTRACT<BR>indications have changed to amber. Since this is a fault<BR>with the ventilation system the VENT indication also<BR>changes to amber.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 7/10<BR>The OVERRIDE mode is used during ECAM abnormal<BR>procedures.<BR>When the BLOWER sw is in OVERIDE mode, the BLOWER<BR>fan is turned off.<BR>The system goes into closed configuration with air from the<BR>Air Conditioning system added to the ventilation air.<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>AIR CONDITIONING<BR>AIR<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 8/10<BR>When the EXTRACT sw is in the OVERRIDE Mode, a<BR>reconfiguration of the ventilation system occurs to ensure<BR>adequate avionics equipment cooling.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 9/10<BR>There is an ECAM procedure that requires both switches to<BR>be set to OVRD. This further reconfigures the system, but<BR>on this occasion, there is a change on the CAB PRESS<BR>system display.<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 10/10<BR>The EXTRACT valve indication shows partly open. This is<BR>telling you that a small internal flap has opened allowing air<BR>from the ventilation system to be discharged overboard.<BR>This configuration is used in the AVIONICS SMOKE<BR>procedure.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>VENTILATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 11/10<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>FFAAUULLTTLLIIGGHHTTSS<BR>AABBNNOORRMMAALLEECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS<BR>OOVVEERRRRIIDDEESSEELLEECCTTIIOONNSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN 非正常操作 谢谢分享 好东西拿去学习了 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。