**** Hidden Message ***** VENTILATION MENU System Operation 1/17<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 2/17<BR>There are two ventilation systems on the A320, the<BR>lavatory and galley system , and the avionics ventilation<BR>system.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 3/17<BR>The lavatory and galley system is completely automatic.<BR>Cabin Air is passed through the lavatory and galleys areas,<BR>and is removed from these areas by an extraction fan. The<BR>fan pulls air into an extraction duct and then releases it<BR>overboard through the outflow valve.<BR>Note: The extraction fan runs continuously provided electrical<BR>power is available.<BR>OOuuttfflloowwVVaallvvee<BR>CABIN AIR<BR>MENU<BR>EExxttrraaccttiioonn FFaann<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 4/17<BR>There are no controls or indications associated with the<BR>lavatory and galley ventilation system.<BR>Now let’s look at the Avionics Ventilation System.<BR>MENU<BR>EExxttrraaccttiioonn FFaann<BR>OOuuttfflloowwVVaallvvee<BR>CABIN AIR<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 5/17<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>The Avionics ventilation system provides cooling air for the<BR>avionics equipment.<BR>This equipment includes the avionics compartment, the<BR>flight deck instruments, and the circuit breaker panels.<BR>Let’s now look at how the system works.<BR>Avionics<BR>Compartment<BR>Flight Deck<BR>Instruments<BR>Circuit Breaker<BR>Panels<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 6/17<BR>Air is circulated by two fans, a blower and an extractor.<BR>These fans operate continuously as long as the aircraft<BR>electrical system is supplied.<BR>BBlloowweerr FFaann EExxttrraacctt FFaann<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 7/17<BR>On the ground, provided the ambient air temperature is<BR>above a specified value, air is taken from outside the<BR>aircraft via a skin air inlet valve.<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>AAiirrccrraafftt SSkkiinn<BR>Skin Air<BR>Inlet Valve<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 8/17<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>The air is blown through the Avionics Equipment, extracted<BR>and then discharged overboard via an Extract Valve.<BR>This is known as OPEN CIRCUIT configuration.<BR>EExxttrraacctt VVaallvvee<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 9/17<BR>If ,on the ground, the ambient air temperature is below a<BR>specified value, the valves will be closed and air from within<BR>the aircraft is used. A skin heat exchanger is used to cool<BR>the circulated air.<BR>This is known as CLOSED CIRCUIT configuration.<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>CClloosseedd CClloosseedd<BR>MENU<BR>Skin Heat<BR>Exchanger<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 10/17<BR>The skin air inlet valve is located on the left side of the<BR>aircraft, and the extract valve is located on the right.<BR>Both of these valves are inspected during the pre-flight<BR>walk around for damage or obstruction.<BR>Skin Air<BR>Inlet Valve<BR>EExxttrraacctt VVaallvvee<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 11/17<BR>Normally, from the beginning of take off until landing, the<BR>system is in a CLOSED CIRCUIT configuration.<BR>In warm ambient conditions the system may go to an<BR>intermediate configuration when the aircraft is airborne. A<BR>small internal flap on the extract valve opens to exhaust<BR>some of the heated air overboard.<BR>Avionics<BR>Equipment<BR>SSmmaallll FFllaapp ooppeenn<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 12/17<BR>A section of the ECAM CAB PRESS page displays<BR>avionics ventilation system information.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 13/17<BR>The VENT, INLET, and EXTRACT indications provide<BR>information on the state of the inlet and extract systems.<BR>Normally they remain white.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 14/17<BR>The position of the Inlet and Extract valves can be seen.<BR>In the example shown the valves are open. The avionics<BR>ventilation system is in an OPEN configuration, and in most<BR>cases this is the indication that you will see when the<BR>aircraft is on the ground.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 15/17<BR>In this example, the valves are closed and the avionics<BR>ventilation system is in a CLOSED configuration.<BR>This is the normal in-flight configuration.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 16/17<BR>When the small internal flap on the extract valve is open the<BR>extract valve indication is in an intermediate position. This<BR>is the INTERMEDIATE configuration and this configuration<BR>can only occur in flight.<BR>MENU<BR>VENTILATION System Operation 17/17<BR>On the overhead panel there is a VENTILATION panel that<BR>contains two pbs associated with the ventilation system.<BR>During the pre-flight cockpit scan, you should confirm that<BR>these switches are in their lights out position. The avionics<BR>ventilation system will then operate automatically, and<BR>require no pilot input.<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>VENTILATION MENU System Operation 18/17<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>LAVATORY & GALLEY<BR>VENTILATION<BR>AAVVIIOONNIICCSSVVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONN<BR>EECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS<BR>VVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONNCCOONNTTRROOLLPPAANNEELL 非正常操作 谢谢分享 好东西拿去学习了 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。