**** Hidden Message ***** VENTILATION MENU Summary 1/9<BR>In this module, you can review all<BR>the ventilation controls and<BR>indications.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Summary 2/9<BR>VENTILATION<BR>Panel<BR>BLOWER and EXTRACT pb sw<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Summary 3/9<BR>VENTILATION<BR>Panel<BR>BLOWER and EXTRACT pb sw<BR>The BLOWER and EXTRACT switches control the operation of the<BR>ventilation fans and doors.<BR>- On the ground and before take-off power, the doors are<BR>open and the fans run automatically if appropriate.<BR>- On the ground, after take-off power and in flight, the doors<BR>are closed and the fans are stopped.<BR>- When either pb sw is in the OVRD position, the blower fan stops (closed<BR>circuit configuration)<BR>- When both pb sw are in the OVRD position, air flows from the air<BR>conditioning system and then overboard, and the extract fan continues to run.<BR>- Blowing pressure is low,<BR>- duct overheat,<BR>- computer problem,<BR>- or if smoke warning is activated.<BR>- Extract pressure is low,<BR>- computer problem,<BR>- or if smoke warning is activated.<BR>VENTILATION MENU<BR>Summary 4/9<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS<BR>page<BR>VENT indication<BR>INLET valve position<BR>INLET and EXTRACT indications<BR>EXTRACT valve position<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 5/9<BR>Normal<BR>display.<BR>In case of :<BR>- Blower fault,<BR>- Extract fault,<BR>- or AVNCS SYS<BR>fault.<BR>VENT indication<BR>INLET valve position<BR>INLET and EXTRACT indications<BR>EXTRACT valve position<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS<BR>page<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 6/9<BR>VENT indication<BR>INLET valve position<BR>INLET and EXTRACT indications<BR>EXTRACT valve position<BR>The INLET valve admits outside air into<BR>the avionics compartment.<BR>Vaallvvee ffuullllyy cclloosseedd..<BR>Valve position<BR>disagree.<BR>Vaallvvee iinn ttrraannssiitt..<BR>Vaallvvee ffuullllyy ooppeenn..<BR>Valve position<BR>disagree.<BR>Valve failed in<BR>transit.<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS<BR>page<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 7/9<BR>VENT indication<BR>INLET valve position<BR>INLET and EXTRACT indications<BR>EXTRACT valve position<BR>Vaallvvee ffuullllyy cclloosseedd.. Vaallvvee ffuullllyy ooppeenn..<BR>Vaallvvee ffuullllyy cclloosseedd..<BR>Valve partially<BR>open.<BR>Valve failed in<BR>transit.<BR>Valve position<BR>disagree.<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS<BR>page<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 8/9<BR>Normally white.<BR>The corresponding<BR>indication turns amber<BR>in case of blower fault<BR>or extract fault.<BR>VENT indication<BR>INLET valve position<BR>INLET and EXTRACT indications<BR>EXTRACT valve position<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS<BR>page<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 9/9<BR>ECAM CAB<BR>PRESS Page<BR>VVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONNPPaanneell<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>You have reviewed all the<BR>VENTILATION controls and<BR>indications.<BR>Have some fun with the<BR>quiz !<BR>NEXT<BR>VENTILATION MENU Summary 10/9<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>VVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONNPPAANNEELL<BR>EECCAAMMCCAABBPPRREESSSSPPAAGGEE<BR>RREEVVIIEEWW<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN 非正常操作 谢谢分享 好东西拿去学习了 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。