航空 发表于 2011-3-18 08:52:59


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航空 发表于 2011-3-18 08:53:13

COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 1/24<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 2/24<BR>This is a demonstration of continuous VHF<BR>transmission.<BR>You are the pilot non-flying. You are in cruise,<BR>everything is normal.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 3/24<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 4/24<BR>No, select MASTER CAUTION<BR>pushbutton switch.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 5/24<BR>No, select MASTER CAUTION<BR>pushbutton switch.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 6/24<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 7/24<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure. Observe<BR>that there are no ECAM actions and that no system<BR>page is displayed for this failure.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 8/24<BR>The VHF 1 radio is continuously transmitting, the<BR>most probable cause for this is a stuck PTT switch.<BR>Therefore, check all the PTTs.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 9/24<BR>You found one PTT stuck in the “transmit”<BR>position.<BR>After you release it, the ECAM message<BR>disappears.<BR>LLeett’’ss nnoow llooookk aatt aannootthheerr ccoommuunniiccaattiioonn ffaaiilluurree..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 10/24<BR>You are still in cruise and everything is back to<BR>normal.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 11/24<BR>ATC asks you to change frequency.<BR>When you look at your RMP, however, all<BR>the indications are blank. Notice the ON/OFF<BR>switch is ON.<BR>RMP 1<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 12/24<BR>There is no ECAM caution for this<BR>abnormal. The blank displays with no lights<BR>illuminated indicate an RMP failure.<BR>TTuurrnn ooffff RMP 11..<BR>RMP 1<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 13/24<BR>RMP 1 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RMP 11 oonn//ooffff sswiittcchh<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 14/24<BR>RMP 1 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RMP 11 oonn//ooffff sswiittcchh<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 15/24<BR>RMP 2<BR>RMP 3<BR>All the radio tuning must now be done<BR>using RMP 2 or RMP 3.<BR>Seelleecctt VHFF 11 oonn RMP 22..<BR>RMP 1<BR>INOP<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 16/24<BR>RMP 1<BR>INOP<BR>RMP 2<BR>Noo sseelleecctt VHFF 11 oonn RMP 22..<BR>RMP 3<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 17/24<BR>RMP 1<BR>INOP<BR>RMP 3<BR>Noo sseelleecctt VHFF 11 oonn RMP 22..<BR>RMP 2<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 18/24<BR>RMP 2<BR>Notice that the SEL light is illuminated<BR>because RMP2 is being used to tune VHF 1.<BR>Now let’s look at another failure.<BR>RMP 3<BR>RMP 1<BR>INOP<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 19/24<BR>You are in the left hand seat. While in<BR>cruise, you reach a reporting point on your<BR>route.<BR>You try to transmit to ATC using your side<BR>stick PTT, but you receive no reply.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 20/24<BR>When you check your ACP, you see that all<BR>the lights are extinguished.<BR>You try to select VHF 1 for transmission,<BR>but your selection has no effect.<BR>ACP 1<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 21/24<BR>As your were using ACP 1, you can<BR>recover audio control through ACP 3 by<BR>selecting the CAPT 3 position on the<BR>AUDIO SWITCHING selector located on the<BR>overhead panel.<BR>Swiittcchh ttoo CAPTT 33 ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>INOP<BR>ACP 1<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 22/24<BR>INOP<BR>ACP 1<BR>This selection de-energizes ACP 1.<BR>The Captain’s boomset, oxygen mask and<BR>hand-mike transmission and reception<BR>functions are now controlled through ACP 3.<BR>ACP 3<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation 23/24<BR>INOP<BR>ACP 1<BR>The AUDIO 3 XFRD message appears on the<BR>EWD to indicate that an audio switching<BR>selection has been made.<BR>ACP 3<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 24/24<BR>In this module, we have looked at the following failures :<BR>- a VHF emitting problem,<BR>- an RMP failure,<BR>- an ACP failure,<BR>and how to restore the system to enable continued communication.<BR>INOP<BR>INOP<BR>Moodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Abnormal Operation 25/24<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>VVHHFF11ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyyeemmiittttiinngg<BR>RRMMPPffaaiilluurree<BR>AACCPPffaaiilluurree

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:09:03


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-21 07:20:09

谢谢分享 好东西拿去学习了

huxian128 发表于 2012-2-21 22:41:07


liu5031 发表于 2012-3-12 22:10:40


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:42:27


diguo 发表于 2017-3-13 10:53:46

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