航空 发表于 2011-3-19 09:32:11


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航空 发表于 2011-3-19 09:32:50

COMMUNICATIONS MEENNUU System Presentation 1/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 2/41<BR>The communications system enables the crew to talk to other<BR>stations through VHF and HF radios.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 3/41<BR>IItt aallssoo eennaabblleess ccoommuunniiccaattiioonn wiitthh aa ggrroouunnddmeecchhaanniicc..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 4/41<BR>There are two systems of communication from the cockpit to the cabin :<BR>- the Passenger Address (PA) system for passenger announcements,<BR>- and the cabin interphone system to talk to a cabin attendant.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 5/41<BR>In addition, there is a calls system which enables :<BR>- the cockpit to call the ground mechanic and the cabin crew,<BR>- the ground mechanic or the cabin crew to call the cockpit.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 6/41<BR>TThhee Coocckkppiitt Vooiiccee Reeccoorrddeerr ((CVR)) iiss aallssoo iinncclluuddeedd iinn tthhee ccoommuunniiccaattiioonnss ssyysstteem..<BR>Note : The evacuation command system, which is also<BR>part of the communication system, will be discussed in the<BR>cabin presentation.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 7/41<BR>Control of all radio communications is achieved through Radio Management<BR>Panels (RMP) and Audio Control Panels (ACP).<BR>Let’s start with the RMP.<BR>RMP ACP<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 8/41<BR>The RMPs provide tuning of all radios.<BR>There are two RMPs located on the<BR>center pedestal and an optional third one<BR>on the overhead panel.<BR>RRMMPP11<BR>RMP 1 RRMMPP33<BR>RRMMPP22<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 9/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 10/41<BR>We will now look at the different controls and indications of the RMP :<BR>- The ON/OFF switch controls its power supply,<BR>- the radio selection keys enable the pilot to select a radio to<BR>modify a frequency,<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 11/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 12/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 13/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 14/41<BR>- the ACTIVE window displays the active frequency,<BR>- the standby (STBY) window displays the standby frequency,<BR>- the dual rotary knob enables the pilot to change the STBY frequency,<BR>the outer knob for the megahertz, and the inner knob for the decimals,<BR>- and the transfer key exchanges the STBY and ACTIVE frequencies.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 15/41<BR>The standby navigation (STBY NAV) keys provide backup navigation<BR>tuning in the event of dual FMGS failure.<BR>These keys will be discussed in the navigation chapter.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 16/41<BR>On the A320, any RMP can tune any communication radio but each<BR>one is normally dedicated to a particular radio :<BR>- RMP 1 to VHF 1,<BR>- RMP 2 to VHF 2,<BR>- RMP 3 to VHF 3 or HF 1.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 17/41<BR>The SEL light illuminates white when a pilot selects a radio on<BR>an RMP which is not dedicated to that RMP. This will be explained<BR>in more detail in the normal operation module.<BR>RMP 1<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 18/41<BR>As we have seen, the RMPs tune the<BR>desired radio frequencies.<BR>Let’s now look at the ACPs which<BR>provide control of radio transmission and<BR>reception.<BR>ACP<BR>RMP<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 19/41<BR>There are three ACPs, each located next to an RMP :<BR>- two on the center pedestal,<BR>- an optional third one on the overhead panel.<BR>AACCPP11<BR>ACP 1 AACCPP33<BR>AACCPP22<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 20/41<BR>Let’s look at the different controls of the ACP.<BR>The transmission keys enable you to select any radio or interphone system.<BR>A green light illuminates on the selected key.<BR>Only one transmission key can be selected at a time.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 21/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 22/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 23/41<BR>The CALL light flashes amber with a buzzer when a SELCAL is received on the<BR>applicable radio (VHF or HF).<BR>The MECH light flashes amber with a buzzer when a call is initiated by the<BR>ground mechanic.<BR>The ATT light flashes amber with a buzzer when a call is initiated from any<BR>flight attendant station through the cabin interphone system.<BR>The RESET key silences any buzzer and extinguishes the flashing amber light<BR>associated with any of these calls.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 24/41<BR>The reception knobs enable the pilot to select and adjust the volume of<BR>the following systems :<BR>- communication radios,<BR>- navigation aids,<BR>- the interphone,<BR>- the PA.<BR>When released out, the respective radio or interphone is selected, the<BR>knob illuminates white and by rotating it, you can adjust the volume.<BR>Any number of selections can be made simultaneously.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 25/41<BR>Any selected radio and/or interphone can be heard through<BR>loudspeakers.<BR>Each loudspeaker has its own separate volume control.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 26/41<BR>The INTerphone/RADio (INT/RAD) switch is a three position<BR>switch. Two of the positions are latched, one is spring loaded :<BR>- INT (latched),<BR>- neutral (latched),<BR>- RAD (spring loaded).<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 27/41<BR>When in the INT position, the switch operates as a hot mike on either<BR>the boomsets or the oxygen masks. This position enables<BR>communication between cockpit crew members, or between cockpit and<BR>a ground mechanic.<BR>NOTTE :: IItt iiss uunnnneecceessssaarryy ttoo sseelleecctt tthhee IINTT ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 28/41<BR>When the switch is held in the RAD position, it<BR>operates as a Press To Talk (PTT) on the selected<BR>transmission channel using boomset or oxygen mask.<BR>The side stick PTT switch has the same function as<BR>the RAD position on the INT/RAD switch.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 29/41<BR>The VOICE key suppresses a navaid ident signal to<BR>enable clearer reception of the voice message.<BR>For example, ATIS transmission on a VOR<BR>frequency.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 30/41<BR>The Passenger Address (PA) transmission key, when<BR>pressed and held, enables cabin announcements to be<BR>made from the cockpit through boomset, oxygen mask<BR>or hand mike.<BR>Use of this key will be discussed in the normal<BR>operation.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 31/41<BR>PA announcements may also be made<BR>using the cockpit handset.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 32/41<BR>The CALLS panel enables the cockpit crew to call a<BR>ground mechanic or the cabin crew.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 33/41<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 34/41<BR>When the MECH pb is pressed, a light illuminates on the<BR>external power panel and a horn sounds to alert the ground<BR>mechanic.<BR>When either the FWD or AFT pb is pressed, a “CAPTAIN CALL”<BR>message appears at the appropriate cabin station and a high/low<BR>chime sounds in the cabin.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 35/41<BR>When the optional ALL pb is pressed, a “CAPTAIN CALL”<BR>message appears at all the cabin stations and a high/low chime<BR>sounds in the cabin.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 36/41<BR>When the emergency pb switch is selected on, the ON light<BR>flashes white and the CALL light flashes amber.<BR>An “emergency call” message appears at all the cabin stations<BR>and three high/low chimes sound through all cabin loudspeakers.<BR>If an emergency call is initiated from the cabin, the ON light<BR>flashes white, the CALL light flashes amber and three long buzzers<BR>sound in the cockpit.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 37/41<BR>The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) is used to record all the<BR>communications and aural warnings in the cockpit. Only the last<BR>two hours of the recording are retained.<BR>The CVR is controlled though the RCDR panel.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 38/41<BR>TThhee CVR ccaann bbee ccoonnttrroolllleedd uussiinngg tthhee GND CTTLL ppbb sswiittcchh..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 39/41<BR>The CVR ERASE pushbutton enables the complete erasure of the<BR>memory.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 40/41<BR>The CVR TEST pushbutton enables the CVR to be tested.<BR>You will get a chance to practice this test in the normal operation.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>System Presentation 41/41<BR>You have now seen the RMP, the ACP, the<BR>CALLS panel and the RCDR panel.<BR>You will be looking at them in more detail in the<BR>normal operation module.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU System Presentation 42/41<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGeenneerraall<BR>RRaaddiiooMMaannaaggeemmeennttPPaanneell<BR>RRCCDDRRPPaanneell<BR>CCaallllPPaanneell<BR>AAuuddiiooCCoonnttrroollPPaanneell

junbok 发表于 2011-5-13 19:22:53


airportcn 发表于 2011-5-17 10:44:13


zxlly 发表于 2011-6-4 21:04:34

回复 1# 航空 的帖子


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:01:30


liu5031 发表于 2012-3-10 10:02:21


0_0_0 发表于 2012-3-21 16:27:40


xghnuaa 发表于 2012-3-22 09:53:11


guanshyy 发表于 2012-4-9 17:46:24

Chapter 2
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