航空 发表于 2011-3-19 09:33:44


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航空 发表于 2011-3-19 09:34:12

COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 1/50<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 2/50<BR>You are in the cockpit preparation phase.<BR>As soon as electrical power is supplied, the CVR runs<BR>automatically for five minutes, then shuts off until first engine start.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 3/50<BR>Part of the preflight check is to test the CVR.<BR>To make sure the CVR is powered, switch on the GND CTL<BR>pushbutton switch.<BR>Enneerrggiizzee tthhee CVR..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 4/50<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee GND CTTLL ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn....<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 5/50<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee GND CTTLL ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn....<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 6/50<BR>The blue ON light in the GND CTL pushbutton switch indicates that the CVR is<BR>powered.<BR>Once you have ensured that the parking brake is set to ON, the CVR can be tested<BR>by pressing and holding the CVR TEST pushbutton.<BR>TTeesstt tthhee CVR..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 7/50<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee CVR TTESTT ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 8/50<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee CVR TTESTT ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 9/50<BR>Once a tone is heard, the CVR TEST pushbutton can be released.<BR>The tone stops as soon as the CVR TEST pushbutton is released.<BR>Before starting the first engine, let’s welcome the passengers on board.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 10/50<BR>To welcome the passengers on board, you need to make a<BR>Passenger Address Announcement.<BR>Two methods are available to achieve this :<BR>- first, you can press and hold the PA transmission key while<BR>speaking into the boomset,<BR>Plleeaassee ddoo iitt..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 11/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee PA ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 12/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee PA ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 13/50<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 14/50<BR>- The second method is to use the cockpit PA handset.<BR>To use it, you press and hold its PTT switch while speaking<BR>into its integral microphone.<BR>Let’s now start one engine.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 15/50<BR>Now the first engine is running.<BR>Observe that the blue ON light is extinguished, indicating that the CVR has reverted to<BR>the AUTO mode.<BR>In this mode, it will operate continuously for the remainder of the flight and will stop five<BR>minutes after the last engine has been shutdown.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 16/50<BR>IInn tthhiiss eexxeerrcciissee,, yyoouu wiillll bbee tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr aanndd tthhee Piilloott Noonn FFllyyiinngg..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 17/50<BR>In order to communicate with ATC, you will tune the VHF 1 radio.<BR>You can easily do so by selecting VHF 1 on RMP 2.<BR>Seelleecctt VHFF 11 oonn RMP 22..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 18/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF 11 kkeeyy oonn RMP 22..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 19/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF 11 kkeeyy oonn RMP 22..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 20/50<BR>The SEL light illuminates on both RMPs. On RMP 1 to indicate that VHF 1 is<BR>selected on another RMP, and on RMP 2 because VHF 1 is not its dedicated<BR>radio.<BR>Now, you can tune the desired frequency in the standby window on RMP 2.<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee ssttaannddbbyy ffrreeqquueennccyy 112266..0000<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 21/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee ffrreeqquueennccyy rroottaarryy kknnoobb..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 22/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee ffrreeqquueennccyy rroottaarryy kknnoobb..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 23/50<BR>TTrraannssffeerr tthhee ssttaannddbbyy ffrreeqquueennccyy ttoo tthhee aaccttiivvee wiinnddoow..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 24/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee ggrreeeenn aarrrroow ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 25/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee ggrreeeenn aarrrroow ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 26/50<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 27/50<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 28/50<BR>Observe that the active frequency changed on both RMPs.<BR>However the standby frequency on RMP 1 is unchanged, but the previous active<BR>frequency is displayed in the standby window of RMP 2. This enables either pilot to<BR>change the active frequency on any radio and not change the standby frequency of<BR>the other pilot.<BR>Exxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee SELL lliigghhtt..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 29/50<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF22 kkeeyy oonn RMP 22..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 30/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF22 kkeeyy oonn RMP 22..<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 31/50<BR>VHF 1<BR>TRANSCEIVER<BR>Noow,, lleett’’ss uussee tthhee ACP ttoo eessttaabblliisshh tthhee ccoommuunniiccaattiioonn..<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee VHFF11 ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 32/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF 11 ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 33/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee VHFF 11 ttrraannssmiissssiioonn kkeeyy..<BR>CAPTAIN SIDE F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 34/50<BR>Select the VHF 1 reception pushbutton and<BR>adjust the volume.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 35/50<BR>No, select the VHF 1 reception pushbutton<BR>and adjust the volume.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 36/50<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>No, select the VHF 1 reception pushbutton<BR>and adjust the volume.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 37/50<BR>You are now ready for transmission and reception<BR>on VHF 1.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 38/50<BR>To transmit on VHF 1, you can use :<BR>- the INT/RAD switch held in RAD position,<BR>- the side-stick PTT switch,<BR>- or the hand mike PTT.<BR>You can now continue with the cockpit preparation.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 39/50<BR>So that the intercom is always available, the interphone<BR>reception knob should be released out and volume adjusted.<BR>We have done this for you.<BR>Let’s now look at a call indication from the ground crew<BR>mechanic.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 40/50<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>You hear a buzzer and notice the amber MECH light flashing<BR>on all the ACPs.<BR>Reesseett tthhee ccaallll iinnddiiccaattiioonnss..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 41/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RESETT bbuuttttoonn oonn tthhee ACP..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 42/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RESETT bbuuttttoonn oonn tthhee ACP..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 43/50<BR>The MECH light is automatically cancelled after 60<BR>seconds or when the RESET pushbutton is pressed, on any<BR>ACP.<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 44/50<BR>To talk with the ground mechanic, you have two possibilities :<BR>- normally you select the INT position on the INT/RAD switch,<BR>- but you can press the INT transmission key, then talk using a<BR>PTT switch,<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee IINTT ppoossiittiioonn oonn tthhee IINTT//RAD sswiittcchh..<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 45/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee IINTT//RAD sseelleeccttoorr sswiittcchh..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 46/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee IINTT//RAD sseelleeccttoorr sswiittcchh..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 47/50<BR>This position gives you a hot mike to talk to the other pilot and<BR>the ground mechanic, you can speak in the boomset without any<BR>other selection.<BR>After talking to the ground mechanic, you should reselect the<BR>INT/RAD switch to the neutral position.<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee nneeuuttrraall ppoossiittiioonn oonn tthhee IINTT//RAD sswiittcchh..<BR>F/O SIDE<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 48/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee IINTT//RAD sseelleeccttoorr sswiittcchh..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 49/50<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee IINTT//RAD sseelleeccttoorr sswiittcchh..<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU<BR>Normal Operation 50/50<BR>Moodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>Although we haven’t left the ground yet,<BR>the operations in the air are identical.<BR>You have completed the normal operation<BR>module.<BR>COMMUNICATIONS MENU Normal Operation 51/50<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>RRCCDDRRPPaanneellooppeerraattiioonn<BR>RRMMPPooppeerraattiioonn<BR>PPAAaannnnoouunncceemmeenntt<BR>GGrroouunnddccrreewwccaallll<BR>AACCPPooppeerraattiioonn

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:07:59


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:05:41


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 08:04:34

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

wsinglejoke 发表于 2016-1-23 11:27:14


diguo 发表于 2017-3-9 15:53:53

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