航空 发表于 2011-3-20 08:36:50


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航空 发表于 2011-3-20 08:37:02

PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 1/17<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 2/17<BR>In this module we will look at some other abnormal situations<BR>of the Pressurization System.<BR>This is an example of an abnormal procedure.<BR>The aircraft is in cruise and all systems are working normally.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 3/17<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 4/17<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 5/17<BR>.<BR>The caution LANDING ELEV FAULT is telling you that the<BR>Pressurization System has, for some reason, lost the<BR>Landing Elevation Data normally supplied by the FMGS.<BR>Notice that the landing elevation details on the system<BR>page are blank.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 6/17<BR>Read and complete the actions on the E/WD.<BR>In this case, we have to set the landing field elevation<BR>manually.<BR>Select the Landing Elevation selector.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 7/17<BR>Read and complete the actions on the E/WD.<BR>In this case, the action is to set the Landing Elevation<BR>manually.<BR>No. Select the Landing Elevation selector.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 8/17<BR>Read and complete the actions on the E/WD.<BR>In this case, the action is to set the Landing Elevation<BR>manually.<BR>No. Click on the Landing Elevation selector.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 9/17<BR>MAN 5300<BR>As soon as the selector is moved from the AUTO position the<BR>action line on the E/WD clears and a MAN message appears<BR>on the CAB PRESS page. The Landing Elevation value will<BR>also indicate the selected value.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 10/17<BR>MAN 5300<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS.<BR>Clear CAB PRESS.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 11/17<BR>MAN 5300<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS.<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 12/17<BR>MAN 5300<BR>After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS.<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 13/17<BR>Notice that :<BR>• there is no call of the STATUS page because we have set<BR>the landing elevation manually and the system is operative.<BR>• There is a manual landing elevation indication on the<BR>CRUISE page.<BR>The ECAM actions are complete.<BR>MAN<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 14/17<BR>To complete this module let’s look at some other abnormal<BR>indications and what theymean.<BR>If there is an excessive positive or negative differential<BR>pressure one of the safety valves will operate.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 15/17<BR>An ECAM Caution CABIN PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE OPEN<BR>is generated and the safety valve indication on the CAB<BR>PRESS page changes to amber.<BR>SAFETY<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU<BR>Abnormal Operation (B) 16/17<BR>An ECAM caution CABIN PRESSURE OUTFLOW VALVE NOT<BR>OPEN will be displayed if the outflow valve has not fully<BR>opened on landing. This could mean that the aircraft is still<BR>pressurized and the doors will be difficult to open.<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 17/17<BR>Indications on the CAB PRESS page will change to amber for<BR>abnormal indications apart from the cabin altitude.<BR>If there is an excessive cabin altitude the indication turns red<BR>and a Master Warning is generated.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 18/17<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>LLDDGGEELLEEVVFFAAUULLTT<BR>SSAAFFEETTYYVVAALLVVEEOOPPEENN<BR>OOUUTTFFLLOOWWVVAALLVVEENNOOTTOOPPEENN<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:07:28


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:05:29


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 14:27:23

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