**** Hidden Message ***** PRESSURIZATION MENU System Presentation 1/32<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 2/32<BR>The pressurization system on the A320 normally operates<BR>automatically to adjust the cabin altitude and rate of<BR>change of altitude to ensure maximum passenger comfort<BR>and safety.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU System Presentation 3/32<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU System Presentation 4/32<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU System Presentation 5/32<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 6/32<BR>The pressurized areas are;<BR>• the cockpit<BR>• the avionics bay<BR>• the cabin<BR>• and the cargo compartments.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 7/32<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>The Pressurized Areas<BR>The concept of the system is simple.<BR>Air is supplied from the Air Conditioning Packs to the<BR>pressurized areas.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 8/32<BR>The Pressurized Areas<BR>Outflow<BR>Valve<BR>An Outflow valve is used to regulate the amount of air<BR>allowed to escape from the pressurized areas.<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 9/32<BR>CCaabbiinnPPrreessssuurreeCCoonnttrroolllleerrss<BR>Automatic control of the outflow valve is provided by two<BR>Cabin Pressure Controllers. Each controller has an<BR>electric motor to move the outflow valve.<BR>CPC 1 CPC 2<BR>Electric<BR>Motor<BR>Electric<BR>Motor<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 10/32<BR>SYS 1 SYS 2<BR>A controller/ motor combination is known as a system .<BR>Only one system will operate at any one time with the<BR>other system acting as backup.<BR>CPC 1 CPC 2<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 11/32<BR>A third motor is installed for use in the event of both<BR>automatic systems failing and requires a manual input to<BR>open or close the outflow valve.<BR>Manually Controlled<BR>Motor<BR>MAN<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 12/32<BR>SYS 1<BR>SSaaffeettyyVVaallvveess<BR>To avoid excessive cabin differential pressure safety<BR>valves are installed.<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 13/32<BR>Cabin<BR>Differential Pressure<BR>Let us look at the operation of the outflow valve for an aircraft in<BR>cruise and what happens to cabin differential pressure, cabin<BR>altitude, and Cabin Vertical speed. We will start with Cabin<BR>Differential Pressure.<BR>If the outflow valve is closed, or only allowing a small amount of<BR>air to escape, then the cabin differential pressure will increase.<BR>SYS 1<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 14/32<BR>Now let’s look at what happens to Cabin Altitude .<BR>If the outflow valve is closed, or only allowing a small<BR>amount of air to escape, then the Cabin Altitude will<BR>descend.<BR>SYS 1<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>Cabin Altitude<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 15/32<BR>Cabin Altitude<BR>We can also see what the cabin is doing by reference to<BR>vertical speed. When the outflow valve closes the cabin<BR>altitude will decrease with a Vertical Speed.<BR>SYS 1<BR>Cabin<BR>Vertical Speed<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 16/32<BR>SYS 1<BR>If the outflow valve is fully open, a lot of air is allowed to<BR>escape, the cabin pressure will decrease, the cabin<BR>altitude will climb with a Vertical Speed.<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>Cabin Altitude<BR>Cabin<BR>Vertical Speed<BR>Cabin<BR>Differential Pressure<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 17/32<BR>Pack 1 Pack 2<BR>SYS 1<BR>The crew can monitor all cabin pressure functions on the<BR>ECAM CAB PRESS Page.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 18/32<BR>Let’s look at the information, associated with the<BR>pressurization system, that is presented on the CAB<BR>PRESS page. The pack indication is displayed green<BR>when the associated pack is on.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 19/32<BR>The Outflow valve position can be monitored, and the<BR>system controller in use is shown.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 20/32<BR>There is a single indication for the safety valves.<BR>We will look at how this indication changes in the<BR>Abnormal operation module.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 21/32<BR>The Cabin Differential Pressure, or Delta P, shows the<BR>difference, in PSI, between the cabin pressure and<BR>external pressure.<BR>This differential pressure will be at zero on the ground<BR>and increase as the aircraft climbs.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 22/32<BR>The Cabin Vertical Speed shows the rate of change, in<BR>Ft/Min, of cabin altitude.<BR>For passenger comfort the pressurization system will aim<BR>to keep this rate of change as small as possible.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 23/32<BR>The Cabin Altitude is also shown.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 24/32<BR>The Vent, Inlet and Extract indications are associated with<BR>the Avionics Ventilation System and will be discussed in a<BR>separate module.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 25/32<BR>ECAM CRUISE Page<BR>On the ECAM Cruise Page there are indications of;<BR>• Cabin Differential pressure<BR>• Cabin vertical speed<BR>• Cabin altitude<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 26/32<BR>There is also an indication of cabin vertical speed on the<BR>ECAM Door page. Note that this indication is only<BR>displayed when the aircraft is airborne.<BR>ECAM DOOR/OXY Page<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 27/32<BR>On the overhead panel there is a CABIN PRESS panel<BR>containing controls to operate the Pressurization system.<BR>Under normal conditions no pilot action is required on this<BR>panel during flight.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 28/32<BR>The Pressurization MODE Select switch has two settings:<BR>Automatic and Manual.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 29/32<BR>The normal position for this switch is, lights out. In this<BR>position the pressurization system is in Automatic mode.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 30/32<BR>MAN<BR>The use of Manual Mode and the Manual Vertical Speed<BR>control will be discussed in the abnormal operation<BR>module.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 31/32<BR>The Landing Elevation selector normally remains in the<BR>Auto position. Landing elevation, which is required by the<BR>Pressurization system, is then provided by the FMGS<BR>based upon elevation of the destination airport. If the<BR>landing elevation is not available from the FMGS, then it<BR>can be set manually using this selector. You will use this<BR>selector in the abnormal operation modules.<BR>MENU<BR>PRESSURIZATION System Presentation 32/32<BR>The guarded Ditching switch is provided to close all<BR>valves below the waterline so that the aircraft can be<BR>sealed in the unlikely event of a ditching.<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>PRESSURIZATION MENU System Presentation 33/32<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>SSYYSSTTEEMMCCOONNCCEEPPTT<BR>EECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS<BR>PRESSURIZATION CONTROL<BR>PANEL 非正常操作 好资料,学习中。。。 好东西。好好学习一下