**** Hidden Message ***** AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 1/50<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 2/50<BR>Let’s look specifically at the functions and<BR>controls of the Flight Control Unit (FCU) which is<BR>the subject of this module.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 3/50<BR>SPEED/MACH<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 4/50<BR>SPEED/MACH LATERAL<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 5/50<BR>SPEED/MACH LATERAL VERTICAL<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 6/50<BR>The FCU can be used for:<BR>- Speed/Mach control,<BR>- Lateral control,<BR>- Vertical control and,<BR>- Auto-pilot and/or auto-thrust selection.<BR>Let’s take a closer look at these controls.<BR>SPEED/MACH LATERAL AP-A/THR VERTICAL<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 7/50<BR>We are at the gate and electrical power has<BR>been connected to the aircraft.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 8/50<BR>This is the FCU as you will see it after<BR>electrical power has been connected to the<BR>aircraft.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 9/50<BR>We have programmed the flight on the MCDU for you.<BR>Notice the dashes in the windows. They indicate the system<BR>has enough information to follow the preplanned profile. This<BR>will be further explained in the next modules.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 10/50<BR>On the other hand, the altitude window is<BR>never dashed. The altitude in this window is<BR>always set by the pilots.<BR>Here, we are on the ground and the initial<BR>cleared altitude of 6000 ft should be set. Have a<BR>look while we set this altitude for you.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 11/50<BR>The selection of an altitude is done by rotating<BR>the altitude selector knob. By turning the altitude<BR>selector knob, the setting in the window changes.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 12/50<BR>This knob is actually two different selectors.<BR>An inner ring used to set the altitude in the<BR>window and an outer ring to change the altitude<BR>increments.<BR>The increment/decrement of the altitude can<BR>have two settings: 100 ft or 1000 ft.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 13/50<BR>Ready for takeoff…<BR>Click on the forward arrow to begin the takeoff roll.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 14/50<BR>As soon as takeoff power is applied, the auto<BR>thrust system is armed. This is indicated by the<BR>appearance of green bars on the auto thrust pb.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 15/50<BR>We are now established in the climb.<BR>Let’s look at the functions of the FCU. For training<BR>purposes, we have engaged auto pilot 1 and selected a<BR>speed of 250 kt, a heading of 220 degrees and an altitude<BR>of 31000 ft.<BR>We will modify the speed.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 16/50<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 17/50<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 18/50<BR>Let ’s start with the speed/Mach, or<BR>SPD/MACH, control area. It comprises:<BR>- A window,<BR>- A SPD/MACH pb and,<BR>- A SPD/MACH selector knob.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 19/50<BR>The SPD/MACH selector controls several<BR>functions. This is common to all selectors found<BR>on the FCU.<BR>Let ’s have a closer look at that.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 20/50<BR>TURN: to change the speed<BR>You can set a speed in the window by rotating<BR>the selector knob. The selected speed is<BR>displayed in the window.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 21/50<BR>PUSH: return to profile speed<BR>If you push the knob, the dashes you see in<BR>the window mean that the speed is following the<BR>preplanned performance profile.<BR>TURN: to change the speed<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 22/50<BR>PULL: crew selected speed<BR>PUSH: return to profile speed<BR>TURN: to change the speed<BR>When you pull the speed knob, the speed<BR>shown in the window is the current aircraft<BR>speed.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 23/50<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 24/50<BR>The current aircraft speed can be indicated in either “speed” or<BR>“Mach” by pushing the SPD/MACH pb.<BR>The current selection is clearly indicated by a SPD or MACH legend<BR>on the display.<BR>That is all for the speed/Mach area.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 25/50<BR>TURN: Change Heading or Track<BR>PUSH: Return to flight plan<BR>The HDG/TRK selector knob also has several<BR>functions. It can be turned, pushed or pulled:<BR>• If you pull it, you will get the aircraft present heading<BR>shown in the window,<BR>• By turning it, you can change the heading/track,<BR>• If you push it, it will allow the aircraft to return to the<BR>flight plan route.<BR>PULL: Crew selected Heading or Track<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 26/50<BR>The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle<BR>(HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference<BR>from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa.<BR>The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or<BR>TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display.<BR>Chhaannggee HDG V//S ttoo TTRK--FFPA....<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 27/50<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb..<BR>The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle<BR>(HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference<BR>from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa.<BR>The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or<BR>TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 28/50<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb..<BR>The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle<BR>(HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference<BR>from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa.<BR>The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or<BR>TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 29/50<BR>As you can see, HDG-V/S legends have now<BR>been replaced by TRK-FPA legends. Notice also<BR>that the current heading has changed to the<BR>current track.<BR>Let’s have a look now at the vertical area.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 30/50<BR>ALTITUDE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 31/50<BR>ALTITUDE V/S-FPA<BR>The vertical area is divided into two parts:<BR>- The first one relates to altitude,<BR>- The second one to V/S-FPA.<BR>LLeett’’ss hhaavvee aa llooookk aatt tthhee aallttiittuuddee ffiirrsstt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 32/50<BR>The altitude window always shows the altitude<BR>set by the crew.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 33/50<BR>By turning the altitude selector knob, the setting in<BR>the window changes. This knob is actually two different<BR>selectors:<BR>- An inner ring used to set the altitude in the window,<BR>- An outer ring to change the altitude increment.<BR>TURN : Change altitude<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 34/50<BR>As for the other knobs, this knob can also be<BR>pushed or pulled:<BR>• If you push it, the aircraft will return to the preplanned<BR>vertical profile,<BR>• If you pull it, the pre-planned vertical profile is<BR>disregarded.<BR>PUSH : return to vertical profile<BR>PULL : Disregard vertical profile<BR>TURN : Change altitude<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 35/50<BR>We have already seen the METRIC ALT pb in<BR>the EIS chapter. We will just remind you that this<BR>pb is used to display the selected altitude, written<BR>in meters, on the permanent data section of the<BR>ECAM System Display (SD).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 36/50<BR>TURN : Change V/S or FPA<BR>PUSH : Immediate level off<BR>PULL : To fly a selected V/S or FPA<BR>Let’s now have a look at the V/S-FPA part.<BR>Here, again, the V/S-FPA selector knob has<BR>three functions:<BR>• Turned, used to change the V/S or FPA,<BR>• Pushed, an immediate level off is ordered,<BR>• Pulled, to select a V/S or FPA,<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 37/50<BR>For training purposes, we will directly jump to<BR>the approach phase to demonstrate the use of<BR>V/S-FPA.<BR>We have selected TRK-FPA, speed 210 kt, 4000<BR>ft and the aircraft is on the flight plan route.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 38/50<BR>To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector<BR>knob.<BR>Puullll tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 39/50<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb..<BR>To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector<BR>knob.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 40/50<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb..<BR>To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector<BR>knob.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 41/50<BR>As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the<BR>V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA.<BR>In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed.<BR>Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the<BR>minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be<BR>indicated by a plus sign.<BR>For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed.<BR>Swiittcchh ttoo V//S..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 42/50<BR>As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the<BR>V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA.<BR>In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed.<BR>Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the<BR>minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be<BR>indicated by a plus sign.<BR>For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 43/50<BR>As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the<BR>V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA.<BR>In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed.<BR>Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the<BR>minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be<BR>indicated by a plus sign.<BR>For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 44/50<BR>The window is now showing a vertical speed. Notice<BR>how the -700 ft/min is indicated.<BR>Notice the change from FPA to V/S.<BR>There are several other pb located on the FCU. Let’s<BR>take a brief look at them.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 45/50<BR>The LOC pb is used to acquire and track a<BR>localizer. When this function is engaged, green<BR>lights are displayed on the pb.<BR>You will see this function in more detail during<BR>your free play and simulator sessions.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 46/50<BR>The APPR pb enables the acquisition and tracking of an ILS.<BR>When engaged, green lights are displayed on the pb.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 47/50<BR>The EXPED pb, if installed, allows you to<BR>expedite the climb or descent towards the selected<BR>altitude. When selected, green lights are displayed<BR>on the pb.<BR>As the previous pbs, you will see it in more detail<BR>during your free play and simulator sessions.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 48/50<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>FCU 49/50<BR>The last pbs on the FCU are the auto pilot and<BR>auto thrust.<BR>Auto pilot and auto thrust features will be<BR>discussed in more detail in specific modules.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 50/50<BR>You have now seen an overview of the FCU.<BR>The FCU is basically a selector panel with<BR>various functions. One of our “GOLDEN RULES”<BR>is “know your FMA at all times” which means that<BR>any new selection made on the FCU should be<BR>confirmed on the FMA located on the PFD.<BR>The presentation of the FCU is now completed.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 51/50<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN<BR>FFCCUU<BR>LLAATTEERRAALLAARREEAA<BR>SSPPEEEEDDAARREEAA<BR>AAPP--AA//TTHHRRAARREEAA<BR>VVEERRTTIICCAALLAARREEAA 辛苦了,谢谢 good................ 空客飞行员指南 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下