**** Hidden Message ***** AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 1/59<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 2/59<BR>Both FMGC exchange data through a<BR>cross-talk bus and are synchronized.<BR>The FMGC which drives the<BR>synchronization is called MASTER.<BR>The master FMGC is automatically<BR>determined by the engagement status of<BR>the AP/FD:<BR>- if AP1 is ON, FMGC1 is master,<BR>- if AP2 is ON, FMGC2 is master,<BR>- if AP1+2 and/or FD1+2 are ON,<BR>FMGC1 is master.<BR>The A/THR is driven by the master<BR>FMGC.<BR>When both FMGCs crosstalk, they<BR>are in DUAL mode of operation.<BR>Note: when FD1+2 are ON, each FMGC<BR>drives its FD and FMA on its onside PFD.<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 3/59<BR>If the cross talk is lost<BR>between both FMGCs, each<BR>FMGC operates independently.<BR>This mode of operation is<BR>called “INDEPENDENT mode”.<BR>The crew is advised by a<BR>message in the scratchpad<BR>“INDEPENDENT OPERATION”.<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 4/59<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>In INDEPENDENT mode, each<BR>FMGC drives its own FG<BR>(AP/FD), its own EFIS (PFD/ND),<BR>and its own MCDU.<BR>The crew must make the<BR>same entries on each MCDU in<BR>order to have the same guidance<BR>orders for both AP/FDs and the<BR>same informations displayed on<BR>EFIS, and on MCDU.<BR>When the crosstalk is<BR>recovered, the FMGCs revert<BR>automatically to “DUAL Mode”.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 5/59<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>Let’ review the failure of<BR>one FMGC, FMGC1 for<BR>example.<BR>If AP1 was engaged,<BR>AUTO FLT AP OFF warning<BR>is triggered on ECAM, and<BR>AP1 is actually OFF.<BR>AP2/FD2 and A/THR are<BR>available since FMGC2 is<BR>working.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 6/59<BR>The MCDU1 is now a copy of the<BR>other MCDU2 with the scratchpad<BR>message:<BR>OPP FMGC IN PROCESS<BR>This mode of operation is called<BR>“SINGLE mode”.<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 7/59<BR>Both FMAs display 2FD2, indicating that FD bars on both PFDs are driven by FMGC2.<BR>Additionally, only FMGC2 position is computed and FMGC2 tunes the offside<BR>navaids.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 8/59<BR>As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET<BR>OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1<BR>range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones.<BR>Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range as the First<BR>Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map.<BR>Seelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 9/59<BR>As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET<BR>OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1<BR>range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones.<BR>Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range of the First<BR>Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map.<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 10/59<BR>As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET<BR>OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1<BR>range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones.<BR>Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range of the First<BR>Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map.<BR>Noo,, sseelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 11/59<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 12/59<BR>Let’s review a similar failure called FMGC RESET,<BR>which is a temporary failure of one FMGC caused by a<BR>software interruption.<BR>During the time of the reset, the mode of operation<BR>is ‘SINGLE mode” with slightly different effects.<BR>You are in cruise, AP1 is ON, FD1+2 are ON in<BR>managed mode.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 13/59<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 14/59<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 15/59<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 16/59<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 17/59<BR>AP1 turns OFF.<BR>On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed<BR>on the E/WD.<BR>AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 18/59<BR>AP1 turns OFF.<BR>On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed<BR>on the E/WD.<BR>AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 19/59<BR>AP1 turns OFF.<BR>On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed<BR>on the E/WD.<BR>AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 20/59<BR>Observe that the FD has reverted to HDG-V/S<BR>modes, and that AP1 is no more displayed on FMA.<BR>Note: Depending on the AP modes initially engaged<BR>and on the type of reset, AP loss and FD reversion may<BR>or may not occur.<BR>In this example, we are facing one of the most serious<BR>case.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 21/59<BR>During the time of the reset:<BR>- ND1 displays “MAP NOT AVAIL” red message,<BR>- both MCDUs display the A/C STATUS page with<BR>“PLEASE WAIT” in the scratchpad,<BR>- Auto tuning of Navaids may be lost on side 1.<BR>Note: do not use the MCDU while “PLEASE WAIT”<BR>message is displayed in order not to increase the reset<BR>time.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 22/59<BR>The reset is usually over after few seconds; all<BR>functions are recovered.<BR>This is indicated by the disappearance of the<BR>“PLEASE WAIT” and the “MAP NOT AVAIL”<BR>messages.<BR>- Check your F-PLN and the tuned navaids.<BR>- Reengage the AP1 and managed modes.<BR>- Reselect the most convenient MCDU page.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 23/59<BR>We have studied an FMGC 1 reset .<BR>We will now review a FCU fault. Suppose the a/c is in<BR>descent. You are the PNF, AP 1 and A/THR are engaged...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 24/59<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>Note that FCU 1 failure has no consequence<BR>on the FCU indications, since FCU 2 has<BR>automatically taken over.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 25/59<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>Here, only the barometer reference has to be crosschecked<BR>between both PFDs, both EFIS CTL panels and the standby<BR>altimeter; indeed the baro reference on both PFDs is driven by the<BR>only FCU2.<BR>Note that the FCU2 drives the two PFDs.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 26/59<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 27/59<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 28/59<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 29/59<BR>The STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>No system capability degradation is shown.<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1<BR>is now inoperative.<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 30/59<BR>The STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>No system capability degradation is shown.<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1<BR>is now inoperative.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 31/59<BR>The STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>No system capability degradation is shown.<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1<BR>is now inoperative.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 32/59<BR>ECAM action completed.<BR>We will now review the unlikely double FCU<BR>failure. AP 1 and A/THR are ON, you are the PNF.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 33/59<BR>You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights<BR>on.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 34/59<BR>You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights<BR>on.<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning<BR>light, push on the Master Warning pb sw<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 35/59<BR>You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights<BR>on.<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning<BR>light, push on the Master Warning pb sw<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 36/59<BR>TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 37/59<BR>TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd..<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push on the Master Caution pb sw<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 38/59<BR>TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd..<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push on the Master Caution pb sw<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 39/59<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 40/59<BR>On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>The consequences of the FCU 1+2 failure are:<BR>- both APs are lost,<BR>- A/THR is lost and thrust is locked ( THR LK message on FMA ),<BR>- all FCU controls and indications are lost, including the EFIS<BR>control panel.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT Abnormal operation 41/59<BR>On the E/WD, an additional amber caution comes up:<BR>AUTO FLT THRUST LOCKED is triggered every 5 seconds. The<BR>procedure asks to move the thrust levers out of the CLB detent so as to<BR>recover manual control of the thrust.<BR>We will do it for you in order to cancel this ECAM caution.<BR>The thrust is now manually adjusted by the PF.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 42/59<BR>Note on the PFD that :<BR>- all targets (SPD,HDG,ALT) are lost and red flags are displayed,<BR>- altitude alert is lost,<BR>- baro reference changes to 1013 QNH,<BR>- FPV is displayed,<BR>- FMA indications are lost,<BR>- ILS deviation scales are displayed,<BR>- Mach number indication is lost.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 43/59<BR>On ND :<BR>- Rose Nav mode 80 NM range is displayed, regardless of<BR>the position of the range selectors on EFIS control panels,<BR>- needle 1 VOR/ADF is related to VOR 1,<BR>- needle 2 VOR/ADF is related to ADF 2,<BR>- weather radar image is lost (red “WXR RNG” message).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 44/59<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF.<BR>Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 45/59<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 46/59<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 47/59<BR>Then you deal with the second failure :<BR>AUTO FLT FCU 1+2 FAULT.<BR>Check the PFD baro reference (automatically set to<BR>QNH 1013) with the standby altimeter.<BR>Once below the transition altitude, set the standby<BR>altimeter reference to the actual QNH.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 48/59<BR>Once the procedure is achieved and<BR>confirmed by the PF,...<BR>Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 49/59<BR>Once the procedure is achieved and<BR>confirmed by the PF,...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 50/59<BR>Once the procedure is achieved and<BR>confirmed by the PF,...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 51/59<BR>The STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>As baro reference is 1013, you have to determine<BR>the altitude correction to be applied to get the proper<BR>altitude reading, as a function of ( QNH-1013),<BR>The approach capability is degraded to CAT1.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 52/59<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both<BR>FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 53/59<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both<BR>FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 54/59<BR>You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both<BR>FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 55/59<BR>ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 56/59<BR>We will now review a possible MCDU<BR>malfunction.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 57/59<BR>In case you cannot neither insert any<BR>data into the scratchpad nor change any<BR>MCDU page, the MCDU is “locked“.<BR>Such a failure is not automatically<BR>detected.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 58/59<BR>In order to unlock the MCDU, you will<BR>have to reset a C/B.<BR>For more detail, please refer to your<BR>documentation, ( QRH ).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 59/59<BR>The same procedure would<BR>apply in case of an MCDU failure<BR>indicated by the amber<BR>annunciator “FAIL”on the MCDU<BR>itself.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 60/59<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>FFMMGGCCAAUUTTOORREESSEETT<BR>FFMMGGCC““IINNDDEEPPEENNDDEENNTTMMOODDEE””<BR>FFMMGGCC““SSIINNGGLLEEMMOODDEE””<BR>FFMMGGCC““DDUUAALLMMOODDEE””<BR>FFAAIILLEEDDMMCCDDUU<BR>““LLOOCCKKEEDD””MMCCDDUU<BR>FFCCUU11++22FFAAUULLTT<BR>FFCCUU11FFAAUULLTT kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk A320系列机组课程自动飞行非正常操作 好资料,学习了。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 66666666666666666666666 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。