**** Hidden Message ***** AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 1/25<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 2/25<BR>The AUTOFLIGHT system on the A320 family is designed to reduce pilot workload, enhance<BR>safety, and optimize performance.<BR>You should have a good understanding of the AUTOFLIGHT system and how to use it so that<BR>you can operate the aircraft safely and efficiently.<BR>This module is an introduction only. You will see the principles covered in more detail, and look<BR>at individual components of the system in later modules. Then you will study the use of the system<BR>during a normal flight.<BR>Let ’s begin by building up a basic conceptual idea of the Autoflight system.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 3/25<BR>INFORMATION<BR>SOURCES<BR>OUTPUT DEVICES<BR>The Autoflight system can be<BR>thought of as consisting of four<BR>main sections.<BR>At the heart of the system is a<BR>computation and processing<BR>section, the brain!<BR>The central processing section<BR>has access to several information<BR>sources.<BR>The pilots have access to the<BR>central processing section via<BR>input devices.<BR>Finally, after computation and<BR>processing commands are<BR>provided to output devices.<BR>COMPUTATION<BR>&<BR>PROCESSING<BR>INPUT DEVICES<BR>AUTOFLIGHT SYSTEM<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 4/25<BR>COMPUTATION<BR>&<BR>PROCESSING<BR>FMGC1 FMGCs FMGC2<BR>For the Autoflight system on the A320 family,<BR>computation and processing is done by two<BR>Flight Management Guidance Computers (FMGC).<BR>The two FMGCs are identical and normally<BR>work together so for training purposes we will<BR>group them as the FMGCs.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 5/25<BR>INFORMATION<BR>ClocSkOURCES<BR>ADIRS & GPS<BR>Performance information<BR>Navigation information<BR>The FMGCs receive :<BR>• Navigation Information - which contains details<BR>of airfields, navaids, airways, routes, waypoints,<BR>procedures (SIDs, STARs, approachs, missed<BR>approachs), etc.<BR>• Aircraft Performance information,<BR>• The Air Data and Inertial Reference system<BR>(ADIRS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS)<BR>for position and dynamic information, (You will<BR>learn about them in the Navigation Chapter)<BR>• the Clock,<BR>• Radio Navigation information.<BR>Navigation radios<BR>FMGCs<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 6/25<BR>INPUT DEVICES<BR>FMGCs<BR>The pilots provide inputs to the FMGCs<BR>using:<BR>• two Multipurpose Control and Display<BR>Units (MCDU),<BR>• a single Flight Control Unit (FCU).<BR>You will see more information on these<BR>units in later modules<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>MCDU 1 MCDU 2<BR>Clock<BR>ADIRS & GPS<BR>Performance information<BR>Navigation information<BR>Navigation radios<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 7/25<BR>OUTPUT DEVICES<BR>Autopilot Autothrust<BR>The FMGCs provide outputs<BR>to:<BR>• the Autopilot system for pitch,<BR>roll and yaw control<BR>• the Autothrust system - for<BR>thrust control<BR>• the EFIS system - for the<BR>display of information<BR>• the Navigation Radios - for the<BR>automatic tuning of radio aids.<BR>Clock<BR>ADIRS & GPS<BR>Performance information<BR>Navigation information<BR>Navigation radios<BR>FMGCs<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>MCDU 1 MCDU 2<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 8/25<BR>The FMGCs are divided into three<BR>main parts;<BR>• Flight Management,<BR>• Flight Guidance,<BR>• Flight Augmentation.<BR>Flight<BR>Augmentation<BR>Flight<BR>Guidance<BR>Flight<BR>Management<BR>FFMGCss<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 9/25<BR>Navigation<BR>The Flight Management part of the FMGCs controls the following functions:<BR>• Navigation - The accurate position of the aircraft and the capability to automatically<BR>follow the programmed flight plan,<BR>• Flight Planning - The flight plan computation,<BR>• Performance optimization - costs, speeds and altitude optimization,<BR>• Predictions - the accurate estimates for waypoints, altitudes, speeds, fuel,<BR>destinations and alternates<BR>• Display management - the control of information to the EFIS system to display<BR>autoflight modes and navigation information.<BR>Flight<BR>Planning<BR>Performance<BR>Optimization Predictions Display<BR>Management<BR>Flight<BR>Management<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 10/25<BR>Autothrust<BR>Commands<BR>Flight<BR>Director<BR>Commands<BR>Autopilot<BR>Commands<BR>The Flight Guidance part of the FMGCs provides;<BR>• Autopilot commands to automatically control pitch, roll and yaw,<BR>• Autothrust commands to automatically control thrust,<BR>• Flight Director commands to the pilot for for control of pitch, roll, and yaw.<BR>Flight<BR>Guidance<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 11/25<BR>Flight Augmentation part of the FMGCs provides:<BR>• Flight envelope computations (for example overspeed, underspeed<BR>warnings),<BR>• Automatic speed computation (for example the flaps limit speeds which are<BR>displayed on the PFD),<BR>• Windshear warning and guidance.<BR>Note: Most of the the flight augmentation is not computed by the FMGCs. It is<BR>computed by the flight controls computers.<BR>You will learn these computers in the flight controls chapter.<BR>Flight Envelope<BR>Computation<BR>Automatic Speed<BR>Computation<BR>Windshear<BR>Warning<BR>& Guidance<BR>Flight<BR>Augmentation<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 12/25<BR>FMGCs<BR>So far we have grouped the two FMGCs together for our basic system description. Now let’s<BR>look at the actual layout.<BR>As a general rule the two FMGCs have access to the same information sources and<BR>exchange information.<BR>FMGC1 FMGC2<BR>Information<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 13/25<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>FMGC1<BR>MCDU 1<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 14/25<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>FMGC1<BR>MCDU 1<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 15/25<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>FMGC1<BR>MCDU 1<BR>Each FMGC is linked to its own MCDU.<BR>For example, information from MCDU 1 will be received by both<BR>FMGCs, so that information is synchronized.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 16/25<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>FMGC1<BR>MCDU 1<BR>TThhee iinnppuuttss ffrroomtthhee FFCU aarree ffeedd ttoo bbootthh FFMGCss..<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 17/25<BR>FD1 AP1<BR>FMGC1<BR>AP2 FD2<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>MCDU 1<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 18/25<BR>FD1 AP1 AP2 FD2<BR>FMGC1<BR>MCDU 1<BR>FMGC2<BR>MCDU 2<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 19/25<BR>FD1 AP1 ChA1utothrusCth2 AP2 FD2<BR>FMGC1 FMGC2<BR>Both FMGCs send commands to the Autothrust system. The<BR>Autothrust system has two channels and depending on which FMGC<BR>is the master, the associated Autothrust channnel will be used.<BR>Now let ’s locate some of the most important components in the<BR>cockpit.<BR>Flight Control Unit<BR>MCDU 1 MCDU 2<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 20/25<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 21/25<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 22/25<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 23/25<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 24/25<BR>The Controls and indicators found in the cockpit are:<BR>- 1 Flight Control Unit or FCU,<BR>- 2 Flight Director pb located on the EFIS control panels<BR>and the associated EFIS displays,<BR>- 2 Multipurpose Control and Display Units (MCDU),<BR>- 2 thrust levers mainly interfaced to A/THR.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>System presentation 25/25<BR>You have now had a basic introduction to the<BR>Autoflight system. In the modules that follow we<BR>will look at the individual elements in greater<BR>detail.<BR>Moodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU System presentation 26/25<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGEENNEERRAALL<BR>FFMMGGCCss<BR>CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSSLLOOCCAATTIIOONN kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk good................ 空客飞行员指南 好资料,学习中。。。 好东西。好好学习一下 非常好的资源,谢谢分享