航空 发表于 2011-3-27 09:06:33


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航空 发表于 2011-3-27 09:07:26

AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 1/40<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 2/40<BR>We will now review another type of descent and approach mode into Cairo.<BR>We assume that you have programmed the FMS for descent and approach.<BR>PARIS<BR>(ORLY)<BR>CCAAIIRROO<BR>YOU ARE<BR>HERE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 3/40<BR>The aircraft is in cruise. The expected approach in Cairo is<BR>VOR DME 23L. The FMS has computed a descent profile taking<BR>into consideration all F-PLN data (successive WPT, ALT CSTR,<BR>SPD CSTR and SPD limits) assuming that the aircraft will<BR>descent initially with idle thrust and ECON DES speed/Mach and<BR>then will follow the descent profile in order to reach 1000 ft AGL<BR>at Vapp.<BR>This determines a Top of Descent materialized by the<BR>symbol on ND and (T/D) point on MCDU.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 4/40<BR>The aircraft has just overflown the Top of Descent, but is still<BR>in level flight :<BR>- The FMA displays the message DECELERATE ; this<BR>suggests the pilot to select a lower speed since the aircraft will<BR>be above the descent profile,<BR>- The aircraft vertical position versus the descent path is<BR>indicated by the Vertical DEViation (VDEV) symbol along the<BR>altitude scale. Here you can read that the aircraft is<BR>approximately 300 ft above path.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 5/40<BR>ATC clears you to descend to FL110.<BR>Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the<BR>best is to engage managed DES mode which<BR>guides the aircraft along the descent path.<BR>Push the ALT selector to<BR>initiate the descent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 6/40<BR>ATC clears you to descend to FL110.<BR>Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the<BR>best is to engage managed DES mode which<BR>guides the aircraft along the descent path.<BR>No. Push the ALT selector to<BR>initiate the descent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 7/40<BR>ATC clears you to descend to FL110.<BR>Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the<BR>best is to engage managed DES mode which<BR>guides the aircraft along the descent path.<BR>No. Push the ALT selector to<BR>initiate the descent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 8/40<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 9/40<BR>By pressing the ALT selector, you have engaged managed DES mode<BR>- A/THR automatically went into THR IDLE mode,<BR>- A/P vertical mode is DES ; this mode guides the aircraft along the descent path so<BR>as to fly with VDEV = 0.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 10/40<BR>During managed descent, with managed speed, note on speed scale that you are<BR>provided with a target speed range around ECON DES speed : this gives a certain<BR>flexibility for the AP to fly on descent path with idle thrust by varying the speed while<BR>outside conditions are not as expected (e.g. different winds, aircraft kept high by<BR>ATC…).<BR>Here you can notice that the aircraft is high above path (VDEV positive) ; thus, the<BR>AP pitches the aircraft down to fly the upper margin of the speed range.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 11/40<BR>Exxtteenndd tthhee ssppeeeeddbbrraakkeess..<BR>In some cases, when the aircraft is above path, it cannot intercept<BR>properly the descent path even flying with upper speed (here, ALT<BR>CSTR might be missed : the ND intercept symbol gets too close to<BR>constrained WPT).<BR>In such a case, the FMA displays MORE DRAG message. This<BR>suggests that you extend speedbrakes to increase your rate of descent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 12/40<BR>Once the aircraft is back on the descent path (VDEV close to 0), the<BR>MORE DRAG message is removed from FMA. This suggests that you<BR>retract the speedbrakes.<BR>Suppose you keep the speedbrakes extended.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 13/40<BR>Since the aircraft is on descent path, DES mode will keep the aircraft<BR>on it. The speed will drop below target speed within the target speed<BR>range, since the speedbrakes are out.<BR>A/THR reverts from idle to SPEED, in order to maintain the speed<BR>target. This is obviously not efficient.<BR>Note : do not use speedbrakes in order to increase the rate of descent if<BR>AP/FD are in V/S (FPA) modes, or in DES mode when the aircraft is on<BR>descent path.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 14/40<BR>This is the reason why, if the speedbrakes are extended and thrust<BR>is above idle, the SPEEDBRAKE memo turns amber and flashes on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>Reettrraacctt tthhee ssppeeeeddbbrraakkeess..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 15/40<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 16/40<BR>ATC now clears you to HDG 255. The PF set<BR>255 in the heading window and pulls the<BR>heading selector.<BR>Note that the ND display changes : the green<BR>solid line indicates the track line and the FMS<BR>F-PLN is in green dotted line.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 17/40<BR>DES mode is available only if NAV mode is engaged. Thus, when you<BR>engage HDG mode, DES mode automatically reverts to the current rate of<BR>descent (which was here -1000 ft) to avoid rate of descent change. As you<BR>leave the lateral F-PLN, there is no more reason to fly the descent path.<BR>In V/S mode, altitude constraints are disregarded.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 18/40<BR>Suppose that the aircraft is now at 2000 ft on the VOR DME approach<BR>path and the approach phase has been activated.<BR>The PF chooses to fly a “selected VOR/DME” approach : this means that<BR>you have selected FPV or the bird on and that you will fly the approach in<BR>TRK/FPA mode. The FMA indicates here ALT/TRACK to indicate that the<BR>aircraft will now maintain 2000ft on the selected track (255&ordm;).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 19/40<BR>When you have determined that the aircraft is<BR>actually on the VOR DME approach track (here<BR>227&ordm;), select 227 TRK on FCU and pull the selector.<BR>Even if the wind varies during final approach,<BR>you will fly constant track during the approach.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 20/40<BR>On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have<BR>determined that the final approach path is - 3&ordm;<BR>and starts at FAF (4.4 DME).<BR>You will engage FPA mode when overflying<BR>properly identified FAF.<BR>Seelleecctt --33..00 aanndd ppuullll tthhee FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 21/40<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee V//S //FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU..<BR>On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have<BR>determined that the final approach path is - 3&ordm;<BR>and starts at FAF (4.4 DME).<BR>You will engage FPA mode when overflying<BR>properly identified FAF.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 22/40<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee V//S //FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU..<BR>On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have<BR>determined that the final approach path is - 3&ordm;<BR>and starts at FAF (4.4 DME).<BR>You will engage FPA mode when overflying<BR>properly identified FAF.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 23/40<BR>FPA mode engages and the FMA displays<BR>FPA- 3.0&ordm; indicating that the AP guides the aircraft<BR>on a - 3 &ordm; descent path.<BR>Select Go around altitude when current altitude<BR>is lower and crosscheck the approach using raw<BR>data (VOR bearing, altitude versus DME).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 24/40<BR>At MDA, you have no visual contact with the<BR>runway. You have to level off until you reach the<BR>Missed Approach Point.<BR>Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 25/40<BR>At MDA, you have no visual contact with the<BR>runway. You have to level off until you reach the<BR>Missed Approach Point.<BR>Noo.. Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 26/40<BR>At MDA, you have no visual contact with the<BR>runway. You have to level off until you reach the<BR>Missed Approach Point.<BR>Noo.. Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 27/40<BR>On FMA, you read FPA 0.0&ordm; indicating that AP<BR>flies the aircraft level. Suppose that at MAP you<BR>still have no visual of the runway : Go Around.<BR>In order to engage Go Around, push thrust<BR>levers full forward to TOGA stop.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 28/40<BR>When thrust levers reach TOGA stop, the FMA<BR>indicates :<BR>MAN TOGA : you have full manual control of the<BR>thrust. You have manually set TOGA.<BR>A/THR (blue): It is armed<BR>SRS : AP/FD vertical mode (like for Take-Off).<BR>The reference speed depends on Vapp,<BR>speed at GA initiation and conditions<BR>such as engine failure...<BR>GA TRACK : AP/FD lateral mode. The AP/FD guides the<BR>aircraft on the track memorized at time of GA<BR>initiation.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 29/40<BR>Once the aircraft is properly established in the<BR>GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by<BR>pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading<BR>and pull, depending upon the clearance.<BR>Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN<BR>is the missed approach and the previously flown<BR>approach is strung back behind it.<BR>Ennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 30/40<BR>Once the aircraft is properly established in the<BR>GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by<BR>pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading<BR>and pull, depending upon the clearance.<BR>Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN<BR>is the missed approach and the previously flown<BR>approach is strung back behind it.<BR>Noo.. Puusshh tthhee HDG sseelleeccttoorr ttoo eennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 31/40<BR>Once the aircraft is properly established in the<BR>GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by<BR>pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading<BR>and pull, depending upon the clearance.<BR>Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN<BR>is the missed approach and the previously flown<BR>approach is strung back behind it.<BR>Noo.. Puusshh tthhee HDG sseelleeccttoorr ttoo eennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 32/40<BR>You now elect to fly another VOR DME<BR>approach on the same runway, but it will be this<BR>time a “managed VOR DME approach”.<BR>You will still select the bird on and you will fly<BR>the approach using the managed APP<BR>NAV/FINAL modes (once you have ensured that<BR>FMS navigation accuracy is good).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 33/40<BR>The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME<BR>approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to<BR>intercept.<BR>As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in<BR>the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press<BR>the APPR pb sw.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 34/40<BR>The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME<BR>approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to<BR>intercept.<BR>As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in<BR>the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press<BR>the APPR pb sw.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 35/40<BR>The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME<BR>approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to<BR>intercept.<BR>As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in<BR>the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press<BR>the APPR pb sw.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 36/40<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 37/40<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 38/40<BR>APP NAV mode arms or engages (similarly to<BR>what would have happened with NAV mode). This<BR>mode, once engaged, allows the AP/FD to track<BR>the VOR DME approach track.<BR>FINAL mode arms and VDEV scale appears<BR>along the altitude scale (1 dot = 100 ft).<BR>FINAL mode will engage when reaching the<BR>T/D point for the approach, materialized by the<BR>blue symbol on ND.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (B) 39/40<BR>When the final descent path is captured, the<BR>FMA displays FINAL APP. The AP/FD will then<BR>guide the aircraft laterally and vertically on the<BR>final approach trajectory down to MDA.<BR>During approach, monitor the raw data.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 40/40<BR>Once the aircraft reaches MDA :<BR>- If you have no visual contact with the runway, Go Around,<BR>- If you have visual contact, set AP/FD to off and land.<BR>If you do not set AP to off, it will turn off automatically at<BR>MDA - 50 ft.<BR>You are now in sight of the runway, welcome to Cairo.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 41/40<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>DDEESSCCEENNTT<BR>MMAANNUUAALLVVOORRAAPPPPRROOAACCHH<BR>MMAANNAAGGEEDDVVOORRAAPPPPRROOAACCHH<BR>GGOOAARROOUUNNDD

guanshyy 发表于 2011-3-30 11:37:26


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