**** Hidden Message ***** AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 1/33<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>A/THR 2/33<BR>We will now look at how the Flight Guidance achieves<BR>its automatic thrust control function: the Auto THRust<BR>system, or A/THR.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>A/THR 3/33<BR>e.g. MAX CLB &<BR>IDLE<BR>e.g. Cruise &<BR>Approach<BR>Thrust adjusted to<BR>maintain target<BR>speed/Mach<BR>The A/THR can work in two different modes:<BR>- SPEED mode: The A/THR continuously adjusts the<BR>thrust in order to maintain a target speed or Mach, e.g.<BR>during cruise or approach.<BR>- THRust mode: The A/THR sets a given thrust e.g.<BR>MAX CLB or IDLE.<BR>Autothrust<BR>SPEED mode<BR>Steady Thrust<BR>THR mode<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 4/33<BR>The A/THR modes are automatically linked to AP/FD<BR>vertical modes:<BR>- When AP/FD vertical mode controls a trajectory, e.g.<BR>altitude hold, V/S ,G\S…, the ATHR is in SPEED mode.<BR>- When AP/FD vertical mode adjusts the A/C pitch in<BR>order to keep a target speed or Mach, e.g. climb,<BR>descent…, the A/THR is in THR mode.<BR>Autothrust<BR>SPEED mode THR mode<BR>TRAJECTORY SPD/MACH TARGET<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 5/33<BR>The main pilot controls to the A/THR are the THRUST LEVERS.<BR>On the A320, the A/THR does not backdrive the thrust levers<BR>while it adjusts the thrust.<BR>Let’s have a closer look at them.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 6/33<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 7/33<BR>IIDDLLEE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 8/33<BR>CCLLIIMMBB<BR>IIDDLLEE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 9/33<BR>CCLLIIMMBB<BR>FFLLEEXX//MMCCTT<BR>IIDDLLEE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 10/33<BR>CCLLIIMMBB<BR>FFLLEEXX//MMCCTT<BR>TTOO//GGAA<BR>When the A/THR is OFF, the crew controls the thrust, as usual,<BR>by moving the thrust levers over a quadrant.<BR>For forward thrust this quadrant carries four physical detents<BR>or stops which are:<BR>- IDLE<BR>- CL for Max Climb Thrust,<BR>- FLEX/MCT for FLEX thrust at TO or Max Continuous Thrust,<BR>- TO GA for Max Take Off or Go Around thrust<BR>MENU<BR>IIDDLLEE<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 11/33<BR>The A/THR can only work when the thrust levers are set<BR>forward of the IDLE detent.<BR>If the thrust levers are set by the pilot in the reverser segment,<BR>the A/THR can not operate.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 12/33<BR>When A/THR is ON, the thrust lever position determines the<BR>maximum thrust which can be commanded by the autothrust. For<BR>example, to accelerate in SPEED mode.<BR>On the “thrust” gage, that we will talk about in the engine<BR>chapter, the thrust lever position is shown, indicating the thrust<BR>available to the A/THR for normal operation.<BR>““TThhrruusstt”” ggaaggee<BR>TThhrruusstt lleevveerr ppoossiittiioonn<BR>A/THR<BR>Available thrust<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 13/33<BR>The A/THR has three states. It can be either:<BR>- Disconnected, or OFF,<BR>- Armed, ready to be set to ON by a specific pilot<BR>action on the thrust levers, or,<BR>- Active, or ON.<BR>Let’s see these states in more detail.<BR>ARMED<BR>ACTIVE<BR>DISCONNECTED<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 14/33<BR>Wee aarree ttaaxxiiiinngg ttoo tthhee rruunnwaayy......<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 15/33<BR>Because we are on the ground the A/THR is necessarily disconnected.<BR>This is confirmed by the absence of any A/THR related indications on the FMA<BR>and by the extinguished A/THR pb on the FCU. Thrust is manually adjusted<BR>by the crew as required to taxy the aircraft.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 16/33<BR>You are cleared for takeoff.<BR>The Pilot Flying must manually set the thrust levers to<BR>FLEX or TOGA to initiate the take off roll.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo iinniittiiaattee tthhee TTO rroollll..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 17/33<BR>You are cleared for takeoff.<BR>The Pilot Flying must manually set the thrust levers to<BR>FLEX or TOGA to initiate the takeoff roll.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo iinniittiiaattee tthhee TTO rroollll..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 18/33<BR>You are cleared for takeoff.<BR>The Pilot Flying must manually set the thrust levers to<BR>FLEX or TOGA to initiate the takeoff roll.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo iinniittiiaattee tthhee TTO rroollll..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 19/33<BR>As soon as the thrust levers are set in the TOGA detent the FMA<BR>shows:<BR> A/THR blue - indicating that A/THR is armed,<BR> MAN TOGA white - indicating that the pilot manually controls the<BR>thrust via the thrust levers set in TOGA.<BR>Note: TOGA is the maximum thrust available for TO.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 20/33<BR>At the same time, on the FCU, the A/THR pb light illuminates in green.<BR>The fact that the A/THR is armed means that it is ready to be turned ON<BR>by a pilot action on the thrust levers.<BR>Note that when the A/THR is armed the pilot has manual control on the<BR>thrust with the thrust levers<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 21/33<BR>Crossing the Thrust Reduction Altitude (THR RED<BR>ALT) the pilot must manually set the thrust levers to<BR>CL detent. On the FMA a flashing “LVR CLB” prompts<BR>the pilot to set the thrust levers back into CL detent.<BR>Set climb thrust now.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett CLLB tthhrruusstt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 22/33<BR>Crossing the Thrust Reduction Altitude (THR RED<BR>ALT) the pilot must manually set the thrust levers to CL<BR>detent. On the FMA a flashing “LVR CLB” prompts the<BR>pilot to set the thrust levers back into CL detent. Set<BR>climb thrust now.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett CLLB tthhrruusstt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 23/33<BR>Crossing the Thrust Reduction Altitude (THR RED<BR>ALT) the pilot must manually set the thrust levers to<BR>CL detent. On the FMA a flashing “LVR CLB” prompts<BR>the pilot to set the thrust levers back into CL detent.<BR>Set climb thrust now.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett CLLB tthhrruusstt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 24/33<BR>Notice that on the FMA:<BR> A/THR white - indicates that the A/THR is ON.<BR> THR CLB green - indicates that the A/THR is in THRrust mode. Since the thrust levers are set in the<BR>CL detent, and the AP commands a climb mode, the A/THR commands THRUST CLIMB.<BR>The white boxes around the modes highlight the fact that a mode change has occurred on the FMA.<BR>NOTE: The AP1 vertical mode adjusts the pitch to maintain the target speed which is V2+10.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 25/33<BR>In normal operation when A/THR is ON, the levers are left in the CL detent throughout the flight until<BR>the flare. The A/THR adjusts the thrust, as required, between IDLE and MAX CLB; note that the thrust<BR>levers are not backdriven by the A/THR and stay in the CL detent.<BR>If, at any moment, the pilot needs some additional thrust, he will push the thrust levers forward from CL<BR>detent. He will then manually control the thrust.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 26/33<BR>When the aircraft reaches the target altitude, AP/FD gets in ALT mode; the<BR>A/THR switches to SPEED mode, as indicated on the FMA. In this mode the A/THR<BR>continuously adjusts the thrust to maintain the target speed.<BR>A/THR is also in SPEED mode when AP/FD vertical modes are V/S or FPA, G/S<BR>and generally during the approach.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 27/33<BR>We are now in approach, just before flare. You<BR>handfly the aircraft with the Autothrust engaged.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>A/THR 28/33<BR>Note that the A/THR is in SPEED mode. During a hand flown FLARE, the pilot<BR>has to reduce the thrust for landing. He will do so by bringing the thrust levers<BR>back to IDLE at about 20ft.<BR>Note: if he does not do so, the A/THR will increase thrust to maintain the speed. A<BR>“RETARD” auto call out comes up at about 20ft as a reminder to retard the thrust<BR>levers.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett tthheemttoo iiddllee..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 29/33<BR>Note that the A/THR is in SPEED mode. During a hand flown FLARE, the pilot<BR>has to reduce the thrust for landing. He will do so by bringing the thrust levers<BR>back to IDLE at about 20ft.<BR>Note: if he does not do so, the A/THR will increase thrust to maintain the speed. A<BR>“RETARD” auto call out comes up at about 20ft as a reminder to retard the thrust<BR>levers.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett tthheemttoo iiddllee..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 30/33<BR>Note that the A/THR is in SPEED mode. During a hand flown FLARE, the pilot<BR>has to reduce the thrust for landing. He will do so by bringing the thrust levers<BR>back to IDLE at about 20ft.<BR>Note: if he does not do so, the A/THR will increase thrust to maintain the speed. A<BR>“RETARD” auto call out comes up at about 20ft as a reminder to retard the thrust<BR>levers.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo sseett tthheemttoo iiddllee..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 31/33<BR>Thrust levers are now set to idle. This turns the A/THR OFF.<BR>Note that:<BR> On the FMA, A/THR white is not displayed any more.<BR> The FMA A/THR column is blank.<BR> On the FCU, the A/THR pb is now extinguished.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT A/THR 32/33<BR>We have just seen one way to turn the A/THR OFF, by<BR>setting the thrust levers back to IDLE. The other way to turn<BR>the A/THR OFF is to press either one of the two A/THR<BR>instinctive disconnect pbs located on the thrust levers.<BR>You will be shown the procedure to turn the A/THR ON and<BR>OFF in the simulator.<BR>NOTE: Pressing at least one pb for more than 15 seconds will<BR>inhibit the A/THR for the remainder of the flight.<BR>MENU<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 33/33<BR>When the A/THR is OFF during flight, in order to turn it<BR>ON again, press the A/THR pb on the FCU with the thrust<BR>levers in or below CL detent.<BR>NOTE: You can disconnect the A/THR by pressing the<BR>A/THR pb on the FCU. This is NOT the standard recommended<BR>procedure.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU A/THR 34/33<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>PPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIOONN<BR>TTHHRRUUSSTTLLEEVVEERRSS<BR>DDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTIIOONN//RREEAACCTTIIVVAATTIIOONN<BR>MMOODDEESSOOFFOOPPEERRAATTIIOONN 非正常操作 320系列机组课程自动飞行自动推力 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。 学习谢谢学习制作 好东西,好好学习一下。