**** Hidden Message ***** APU MENU Abnormal operation 1/32<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 2/32<BR>This is a demonstration of an APU auto<BR>shutdown as a result of high EGT.<BR>You have left the runway, and you want<BR>to start the APU.<BR>Select the APU MASTER switch to<BR>switch it ON.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 3/32<BR>This is a demonstration of an APU auto<BR>shutdown as a result of high EGT.<BR>You have left the runway, and you want<BR>to start the APU.<BR>No. Press the APU MASTER switch.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 4/32<BR>This is a demonstration of an APU auto<BR>shutdown as a result of high EGT.<BR>You have left the runway, and you want<BR>to start the APU.<BR>No. Press the APU MASTER switch.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 5/32<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 6/32<BR>Now select the APU START pb sw to switch<BR>it ON.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 7/32<BR>No. Press the APU START pb sw .<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 8/32<BR>No. Press the APU START pb sw .<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 9/32<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 10/32<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 11/32<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push the Master Caution pb sw.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 12/32<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push the Master Caution pb sw.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 13/32<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 14/32<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 15/32<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the<BR>failure. The ECAM APU page is<BR>automatically displayed.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 16/32<BR>The ECAM caution “APU AUTO<BR>SHUTDOWN” appears amber to indicate that<BR>the APU has initiated an automatic shutdown.<BR>This is because the EGT has exceeded the<BR>maximum limit.<BR>Notice the red EGT indication on the ECAM<BR>APU page.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 17/32<BR>On the APU control panel, the FAULT<BR>light is illuminated on the MASTER<BR>Switch :<BR>• this provides a cross check of the<BR>ECAM,<BR>• and locates the pushbutton to be<BR>activated in the procedure.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 18/32<BR>As you can see, the APU has shutdown<BR>by itself.<BR>An automatic shutdown can also occur<BR>for other reasons, for example over speed,<BR>slow start, low oil pressure,etc.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the<BR>ECAM actions.<BR>Perform ECAM action.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 19/32<BR>As you can see, the APU has shutdown<BR>by itself.<BR>An automatic shutdown can also occur<BR>for other reasons, for example over speed,<BR>slow start, low oil pressure,etc.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the<BR>ECAM actions.<BR>No. Press the APU MASTER switch.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 20/32<BR>As you can see, the APU has shutdown<BR>by itself.<BR>An automatic shutdown can also occur<BR>for other reasons, for example over speed,<BR>slow start, low oil pressure,etc.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the<BR>ECAM actions.<BR>No. Press the APU MASTER switch.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 21/32<BR>Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER<BR>SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the<BR>ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU<BR>flap is fully closed.<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU<BR>system is analyzed.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clear APU.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 22/32<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER<BR>SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the<BR>ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU<BR>flap is fully closed.<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU<BR>system is analyzed.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 23/32<BR>Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER<BR>SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the<BR>ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU<BR>flap is fully closed.<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU<BR>system is analyzed.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>No. Press either CLR key.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 24/32<BR>The STATUS page is displayed.<BR>The inoperative system is the APU.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clear STATUS.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 25/32<BR>No. Press the STS key or either CLR key.<BR>The STATUS page is displayed.<BR>The inoperative system is the APU.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 26/32<BR>No. Press the STS key or either CLR key.<BR>The STATUS page is displayed.<BR>The inoperative system is the APU.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 27/32<BR>ECAM action completed.<BR>The STS reminder is displayed on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>Note : automatic shutdown protection is<BR>available throughout the flight.<BR>Lets now look at a situation which is<BR>similar to an APU AUTO SHUTDOWN but<BR>more critical, the APU EMERGENCY<BR>SHUTDOWN.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 28/32<BR>If, in a same situation, an APU fire is<BR>detected on the ground, an APU EMER<BR>SHUTDOWN occurs and the APU fire<BR>extinguisher bottle is automatically discharged<BR>(both without crew action).<BR>This will not happen in flight.<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 29/32<BR>An APU emergency shutdown also occurs :<BR>• when the APU SHUT OFF pb on the external<BR>power panel is pressed,<BR>• or when the APU FIRE pb on the FIRE panel<BR>is pressed.<BR>In both cases, the fire extinguisher bottle is<BR>not automatically discharged.<BR>EEXXTTEERRNNAALLPPOOWWEERRPPAANNEELL<BR>FFIIRREEPPAANNEELL<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 30/32<BR>On the ground :<BR>• an APU AUTO SHUT DOWN<BR>occurs for a reason other than a fire<BR>or when APU parameters are<BR>exceeded.<BR>• if a fire is detected, an APU<BR>EMER SHUT DOWN occurs with<BR>automatic extinguishing.<BR>In flight :<BR>• an APU AUTO SHUT DOWN occurs for<BR>the same reasons.<BR>• If there is a fire, the APU EMER SHUT<BR>DOWN procedure is displayed at the end<BR>of the APU FIRE procedure. There is no<BR>automatic extinguishing.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 31/32<BR>Now let’s look at the remaining<BR>indications that you could see on the<BR>ECAM page.<BR>The LOW OIL LEVEL advisory pulses<BR>in green if the APU oil quantity<BR>approaches its minimum value.<BR>Note : minimum quantity allows normal<BR>APU operation for an additional 60 hours.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Abnormal operation 32/32<BR>When starting the APU, the FUEL LO<BR>PR indication appears amber when an<BR>APU fuel low pressure is detected.<BR>Note : Even though this message is in<BR>amber, it is an advisory.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>APU MENU Abnormal operation 33/32<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AAPPUUAAUUTTOOSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN<BR>AAPPUUEEMMEERRGGEENNCCYYSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN<BR>OOTTHHEERREECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 非正常操作 好人一生平安 谢谢分享,回去学习下 恩。好东西。好好学习一下吧。